I first saw Jeffrey Smith speak in a small, cramped Holiday Inn ballroom in Clearwater Florida back in 2003. His brand new book Seeds of Deception (now a best seller) had recently been released and Jeffrey’s talk that night primarily revolved around describing to a wide eyed and horrified audience the insidious proliferation of genetically modified foods that had just begun to invade our food supply.
My friend Brenda was with me (we were early raw milk warriors together) and I remember so clearly sitting completely dumbfounded as Jeffrey thoroughly and precisely described the process by which genetically modified organisms are created in the lab and the internal damage they can wreak on humans and animals alike.
Jeffrey’s crusade to alert the world to the dangers of genetically modified foods has continued unabated since that evening and he has been instrumental in spearheading Proposition 37 to require the labeling of genetically modified foods that is on the ballot in California this November.
I was absolutely thrilled and honored to be a guest along with Jeffrey on Sean Croxton’s Underground Wellness radio show a couple of months ago as part of the Real Food Summit. I was even more excited to learn that Jeffrey will give the closing address at the Wise Traditions Conference November 9-11, 2012 in Santa Clara, California. Wild horses couldn’t keep me away. I hope to see some of you there too. Jeffrey is a compelling and eloquent speaker. You will not be disappointed if you make the effort to attend. The results of the Proposition 37 vote will be known at the time of Jeffrey’s talk that day, so hopefully it will turn out to be a raucous celebration of victory!
Jeffrey has recently released another stellar work, the documentary Genetic Roulette – The Gamble of Our Lives.
“The evidence presented in the film makes the best case yet for why genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are linked to disorders such as allergies, inflammatory bowel disease, infertility, autism, and cancer, to name a few. One health practitioner, Mary Tobin, L.Ac., said the film “provides abundant evidence that eating a GMO-free diet is the single most important change Americans can make for their health.”
** You can view this important film for free for this week only: September 15-22, 2012. So, clear away 1 hour and 24 minutes from your busy schedule this week and sit down and watch it, preferably with your spouse and kids if you can. Our children need to know about this too as our actions today will most impact their generation.
Help Pass Proposition 37 to Require the Labeling of GM Foods With a Donation
Please, if you have the means, consider donating to the campaign to require the labeling of GM foods that is currently on the ballot for the November election in California. If California requires GM labeling by approving Proposition 37, the rest of the country will most likely follow suit so this California initiative has implications for us all!
It is shocking to me that in less than 10 years since the night I first heard Jeffrey speak about the dangers of GM foods, these frankenfoods have made their way into almost every processed food on the shelf. We must stop this NOW. Please watch the documentary and donate to this important cause for our children’s sake.
Sarah, The Healthy Home Economist
And what of the cows that are injected with RBGH and labeled natural? Yes its already like that, but people are going to believe that because it doesnt have a GMO label on it that it is safe and has no GMO’s in it. Not cool.
So Kashi Go Lean will then only put 5% GM in their cereal and keep their label that says Natural on it. And everyone will believe it doesn’t have ANY GMO’s in it. This is progress?
Right now, Kashi GoLean cereal is 100% GMO soy (fact see my post on this) and it is labeled “all natural”. It doesn’t say a thing anywhere on the label about the GMO soy and that it is in fact 100% of the product. Post Prop 37, this type of shenanigans would not be able to slide by. This is indeed progress.
How about progress is taking the 90% of people who are pro prop.37 and get them to stop buying GM foods!That’s real change that can not be co-opted like this piece of legislation. But this just gives the government more power to think for you, lie to you, and ultimately deceive you into buying things you don;t want and should be labeled. We need a revolution of individual responsibility and individual thought. No more relying on authorities or those with credentials to think for you. The info is out there people. On your blog of all places! Lets focus on teaching people self reliance.
Ciao, Pavil
Bravo!! Osvaldo Vino
How could a measure that gives consumers a false belief that they are avoiding GMO’s possibly be construed as progress? At least right now, people know they have to do the research to know what is GM, but since everyone figures now that this passes everything will be labeled, so they’ll just go out to restaurants and eat GM food, eat eggs, and eat GM food, drink milk, and drink GM growth hormones and soy feed, etc…. That is progress? Progress is up to 5% GMO’s or TEN GM ingredients in any product and it won’t require a label? Progress is having the industry regulate itself? I don’t think giving people false hope, anda false sense of security is progress. I think it is rather regressive. Plus it just encourages people to rely on the government to tell them what is safe, and what is dangerous. Its the same mindset that keeps feeding transfats into otherwise health conscious people, because the label on their package says transfat free. Yet surely that partially hydrogenated oil that is listed in the ingredients is just what the government claims not to be in it! You know this game all too well.
Kind of like the person who is so overwhelmed by a messy house that they do nothing because they can’t get it all done in one shot. better to clean one corner of a single room than to continue to leave it completely untidy.
I don’t agree .. Prop 37 will make progress and we are getting mowed down by the freight train of GM foods at the moment. Expecting perfection out of the gate is unrealistic.
But its a start at least…
Sarah, I love your blog, but please read the actual text of Prop.37. It has many exemptions and expects industry to regulate itself. Like trans-fats, as you surely know, the industry can have a small percentage of GMO’s in the actual product and still be exempt from labeling. All meat and animal products are exempt, unless the actual animal itself is genetically modified. That means, GMO corn, soy that is fed to these animals and RBGH that is pumped into them don’t require disclosure. Not to mention GMO enzymes, processing aids, medical food, and even RESTAURANT FOOD are exempt!! This bill, if passed, will give the consumer a false sense of security and will allow those who otherwise would do the research themselves to understand what they are putting in their bodies to rely on this faulty system to tell them what is safe to eat.Please check into this and let me know what you find. This is very concerning for me and my wife as she is a nutritional therapist practitioner, and published nutritional writer, and I am a small scale sustainable farmer who has managed heirloom seed crops, not to mention we have both been very outspoken about the dangers of GMO’s in our community. We want to see the end of GMO’s in our food system as much as anyone else, but this is just going to create mass confusion and chaos. We believe it is as deceptive as Trans-fat labeling, and is a step backwards for food freedom, not forwards. Please consider these words. Thank you.