I first saw Jeffrey Smith speak in a small, cramped Holiday Inn ballroom in Clearwater Florida back in 2003. His brand new book Seeds of Deception (now a best seller) had recently been released and Jeffrey’s talk that night primarily revolved around describing to a wide eyed and horrified audience the insidious proliferation of genetically modified foods that had just begun to invade our food supply.
My friend Brenda was with me (we were early raw milk warriors together) and I remember so clearly sitting completely dumbfounded as Jeffrey thoroughly and precisely described the process by which genetically modified organisms are created in the lab and the internal damage they can wreak on humans and animals alike.
Jeffrey’s crusade to alert the world to the dangers of genetically modified foods has continued unabated since that evening and he has been instrumental in spearheading Proposition 37 to require the labeling of genetically modified foods that is on the ballot in California this November.
I was absolutely thrilled and honored to be a guest along with Jeffrey on Sean Croxton’s Underground Wellness radio show a couple of months ago as part of the Real Food Summit. I was even more excited to learn that Jeffrey will give the closing address at the Wise Traditions Conference November 9-11, 2012 in Santa Clara, California. Wild horses couldn’t keep me away. I hope to see some of you there too. Jeffrey is a compelling and eloquent speaker. You will not be disappointed if you make the effort to attend. The results of the Proposition 37 vote will be known at the time of Jeffrey’s talk that day, so hopefully it will turn out to be a raucous celebration of victory!
Jeffrey has recently released another stellar work, the documentary Genetic Roulette – The Gamble of Our Lives.
“The evidence presented in the film makes the best case yet for why genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are linked to disorders such as allergies, inflammatory bowel disease, infertility, autism, and cancer, to name a few. One health practitioner, Mary Tobin, L.Ac., said the film “provides abundant evidence that eating a GMO-free diet is the single most important change Americans can make for their health.”
** You can view this important film for free for this week only: September 15-22, 2012. So, clear away 1 hour and 24 minutes from your busy schedule this week and sit down and watch it, preferably with your spouse and kids if you can. Our children need to know about this too as our actions today will most impact their generation.
Help Pass Proposition 37 to Require the Labeling of GM Foods With a Donation
Please, if you have the means, consider donating to the campaign to require the labeling of GM foods that is currently on the ballot for the November election in California. If California requires GM labeling by approving Proposition 37, the rest of the country will most likely follow suit so this California initiative has implications for us all!
It is shocking to me that in less than 10 years since the night I first heard Jeffrey speak about the dangers of GM foods, these frankenfoods have made their way into almost every processed food on the shelf. We must stop this NOW. Please watch the documentary and donate to this important cause for our children’s sake.
Sarah, The Healthy Home Economist
If you tried to label all products with GMO’s, it wouldnt happen? Is that what your saying? Polls consistently show that 90% or more of consumers in general support labeling GMO’s. This is straight out of the text of Prop 37 for christ sake! “Compromise being necessary to get anything done” is in my opinion a very limiting BELIEF that is crippling any real progress from happening, and enabling confusion and deception.
It’s extreme because there is another side to the argument that believes GMOs are just fine. Even Organic standards allow for an organic product with the USDA Label to have only 95% organic in it. Same with processed foods labeled transfat free .. a small percentage of transfats are still allowed and a zero transfats be on the label. This is the way it works in a democracy. No one is saying Prop 37 will no longer require people to do their homework. Compromise is necessary to get anything done. If we tried to do what you say, GMOs would never get labeled.
How is wanting to label all GMO’s an extreme position? I doubt your readership would feel that way.
@Osvaldo I did not say you advocating for a dictatorship! You interpreted it that way and I was just trying to make a point that a perfectionist, extreme point of view is only possible in a dictatorship. I made a typo in that comment and I’m sorry you took offense. However, it was surely no reason for your obscenity laced tirade.
Btw who has gotten more likes on this thread? Me. Everyone I talk to disagrees with Sarahs POV. Once people find out the truth, cheerleaders like Sarah will be exposed for allowing deceptive governemental practices to infiltrate our movement. A movement that should be about education and full disclosure, not partial disclosure and false education, which is what prop. 37 is.
Kirsten, Sarah said that I am basically advocating for a dictatorship. I take extreme offense to that, and gave her some offensive comments to chew on herself. I don’t care if you think it is mature or spiritual, because that is only your opinion. In my humble opinion Sarah is being very disrespectful with those types of comments, saying that if I disagree with her POV that I should strive to be a dictator. Im sorry but that is offensive to me, that I had to tell her to fuck off.
Hi Sarah,
I’m a new reader of your blog and I absolutely love it! I’ve just read through this entire thread of comments and I am bummed about the fact that certain readers (ahem, Mr. Vino) are missing the point entirely and instead embracing low-blow ad hominem crap.
Thank you for your integrity, your practicality, and your tenacity. You’re a great writer and a great example to those of us seeking to live healthier lives via informed, careful choices about what we put into our bodies!
As they would say here in New Zealand, “good on ya!!”
Prop 37 is progress. The entire produce aisle will now have GMO labels on all GMO foods. How clear would that be to people that there is so much of this “food” on store shelves. So many people still have no idea of how toxic GMO food is and having a label saying “GM Corn” or “GM soybean oil” or “GM Soy” in processed food or whole foods will get people to research what GM food actually is and THEN they will/can start to avoid it. You cannot avoid GM products unless you know that they are GM!
This is so important! Most people have no ideas how GMOs are in almost everything, and what they can do to people.
Here in California, the Biotech industry is filling the airwaves with misinformation as they attack Prop 37. The claim it will only make trial lawyers rich and hurt small businesses and small farmers. The truth is it has noting to do with trial lawyers. It only requires the labeling of GMOs.
The only people who will be hurt are people who sell GMOs. They can sell something else.
Excellent blog of yours, Stanley! Your last entry about Test Tube Meat should be required reading. As if GMOs aren’t bad enough, they keep piling on the outrages…..
… and about Prop 37, it is HUGE progress, just the fact that it is bringing so much awareness to many people who don’t even know what GMO is and that so many companies will have to take GMO ingredients out of their products, even if it is reduced to 5%. I would rather eat 5% GMO than 100% GMO and still not know one way or the other. You have to be very well researched in this field to know exactly every ingredient that contains GMO. Even I who consider myself very well informed forget sometimes. I fed my baby a GMO papaya, forgetting that if it comes from Hawaii it is GMO. You can imagine the disgust I felt.