As a mother of three boys, I learned from necessity how to handle injuries. After grasping the importance of knowing the fever remedies, I found myself memorizing injury remedies because of the very nature of my family.
Bangs, burns, bruises, bumps, concussions, cuts, contusions, cracks, fractures, splits, stabs, stings, swats, smacks, slams, slaps, punctures, punches, pricks. That was my usual day.
My boys were magnets for catastrophes. One day, I actually kept a diary of what a typical day encompassed. It’s as though they scheduled their injuries for the day from the moment they rose from bed.  Â
7:00 a.m. – Giuseppe falls out of bunk bed and whacks head on the floor.
7:32 a.m. – Giuseppe burns hand on a hot toaster.
7:34 a.m. – Peter splatters hot bacon grease on face.
9:25 a.m. – Perry gets attacked by the rooster with the long, sharp talons.
10:30 a.m. – Perry drives a shovel into foot while digging in the garden.
11:05 a.m. – Giuseppe gets a tick embedded in right ear.
12:00 p.m. – Lunch.
1:30 p.m. – Bee flying at warp speed implants itself in Peter’s right cheek.
2:15 p.m. – Perry gets an electric shock on the goat pen.
3:45 p.m. – Peter inhales a mosquito up right nostril.
5:00 p.m. – An argument over Legos results in a fistfight. Perry gets his nose punched off his face. (Or so it seemed that way.)
6:00 p.m. – Dad comes home.
6:30 p.m. – Dinner.
7:30 p.m. – Perry inhales bathwater in the tub.
8:30 p.m. — Bed.
8:35 pm- Whew!
This Is What Homeopathy Did For Me
I learned that it relieved the physical and emotional shock of accidents and injuries in short order. Whether for a mild injury or one that might have required medical treatment, homeopathy gave me the confidence that it would absorb the shock, could minimize and often eliminate bleeding; reduce fear, anxiety, and pain; and put my boy in a better state.
Many a mom has reported to me that they set off to the emergency room and on the way administered the proper remedy. What a comfort to know what to do, even in calamitous circumstances.
Combination Remedy for Basic Homeopathic First Aid
The best preparation for an emergency is to own a homeopathy kit with as many remedies as you can afford. It is not unusual to see kits with 30 – 100 remedies in them. If you have small children, it is a good idea to tuck a few key remedies in your purse.
Remedies can be purchased individually at a cost range of $8.00-$22.00. By purchasing a kit, the cost is usually reduced to less than $2.00 per remedy. Because these medicines will last for decades, there’s no need to replace unused remedies with new stock.
But, having said this, I urge folks to start small; try one little remedy at a time. Once you get hooked on homeopathy, as I’m sure you will, then ponder the idea of making a greater commitment with the purchase of a household kit. By the way, I’m not the only one who sells kits. They can be found online and in certain health food stores.
If you pride yourself in being frugal, tenacious and autonomous, if you love being in control of taking care of your family’s well being, if you get a thrill out of learning a skill that will serve you and your family for generations, then this medicine called homeopathy is likely the method of care for you.
Join me in the adventure of being able to cure your family yourself. My boys are grown now, but homeopathy still serves me well. Learning and applying it, is one of the most intellectually and emotionally satisfying endeavors I know.
The World’s Fastest-Growing Medicine
Homeopathy is the world’s fastest-growing medicine. According to the Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India, the Indian market is likely to grow 30% per year. Globally, with France being the largest contributor, this same organization estimates the growth at 25% annually.
So you have to ask yourself, why is that? In my professional and motherly opinion, there is only one reason…it works!
Joette is not a physician, and the information offered here is not to be construed as medical advice but rather educational information. Medical advice should be sought from a licensed medical professional.
Also, is there a good guide for safety? ie, remedies that should be avoided when pregnant, breastfeeding, under a certain age etc?
there are indeed remedies to avoid in high potency during pregnancy, as well as those that are inimical to each other, but as long as the potencies are low and taken only during the time of the emergency, you can have a good measure of comfort. however, its a grand idea to take a course in homeopathy so that you can learn these and other aspects of this medicine. if you’re interested, consider taking a webinar course with me! or of course books on the subject. homeopathy is a fascinating and vast subject, that will thrill the inquiring mind….like yours! Also, consider the book “Drug Relationship ” by Calvin B. Knerr that is v inexpensive expounds on aspect of homeopathy.
Are the doses in the first aid chart for a certain age?
there’s no difference in dosage for ages, from infancy to old age and during pregnancy….. all the same.
Thank you, Joette. Last night, in the middle of the night, my 7yo daughter was crying out in pain. For fifteen minutes I tried massage and positive imagery and comforting her, to no avail. I searched your cell salts pdf (that I had downloaded previously from your earlier generous offer) and found the cell salt that might be of benefit. Within two minutes of receiving the cell salt, she literally went from crying out in pain to sleeping soundly. She woke up feeling great, too.
I am eager to read through this new download on first aid. Homeopathy works and I feel awesome being able to help my family!
i’m delighted to hear that you had this experience! It’s not uncommon. i get emails, and comments in my blog every day reporting these kinds of results. keep learning! the benefits to your family are vast.
Or I get the same results with therapeutic essential oils from reputable sources that can provide me with proof of purity and thus assure me I am using only the purest oils. There are a number of excellent books on how to use and get the benefits of essential oils available which I reference often, and which have allowed me to take care of myself and my family quickly and inexpensively. Just offering one more alternative to pharmaceuticals.
if less is more then why give hald the pills to young kids. that doesnt make sense????? should it be the whole dose for young and half for adults. I also have read to take 1 tablet not the 3 to 6 most tubes say becuase less is more????????
I beleive you are confusing two different aspects of the way homeopathy works. less is more only in relation to how the remedies are manufactured, and their mathimatical dilution process, not in how many pills are considered a dose.
One pill will likely work as a dose, but to be certain that it is indeed enough, it’s usually best to follow the directions on the label to determine what consitutes one dose.