On December 31, 2011, the last over the counter epinephrine asthma inhalers containing chloroflourocarbons (CFCs) will be removed from the market and consumers who rely on them will be forced to switch to more expensive CFC free alternatives.
CFCs are an aerosol type substance that depletes the ozone layer and this move by the FDA is in accordance with the 1987 Montreal Protocol where 26 nations pledged to eliminate these chemicals.
Here’s the kicker.
These CFC free “green” inhalers are available by prescription only. Not only will consumers have to pay for a doctor visit to obtain them, but they will also have to fork out anywhere from $10-$50 more per inhaler, in some cases triple the current price!
Wait, there’s more.
Will this elimination of CFC inhalers actually help the environment?
Dean Baker from the Center for Economic and Policy Research says:
“It’s just absurd to think that this is anything that could have a measurable impact. You’d be hard-pressed to find a law that raised costs so much for such a nonexistent benefit to the environment.”
Edward Parson from the University of Michigan, an expert on ozone regulation, wholeheartedly concurs.  He says the beneficial environmental impact of removing the cheaper inhalers from the market will be “tiny”.
As it turns out, the new “green” inhalers aren’t even really green! The propellants used are hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) which are considered powerful greenhouse gases.
Score another one for Big Pharma. By spending only $520,000 lobbying the FDA between 2005 and 2010 to eliminate the cheaper inhalers, off brand competition has been completely eliminated simply by hiding behind a pseudo-green facade.
No worries though. The patents for the new CFC free inhalers will expire in only about 6 years. Prices should go back down then when generic brands hit the market once again.
In the meantime, Big Pharma will rake in about $8 billion in additional revenue from a captive and dependent consumer along with insurance companies and the US government.
$520,000 spent on lobbying plus $1 billion to develop the “green” inhalers compared to $8 billion in additional revenue gained. An insanely good return on investment in only 6 years.
Ah, helping the environment can be such a profitable endeavor.
Sarah, The Healthy Home Economist
Sources: CFC Inhalers Being Phased Out by FDA Due to Environmental Effects
Got Asthma? Get Ready to Open Your Wallet – The Healthy Home Economist http://t.co/H7C6Nsto
I’m SO glad to see an article mentioning asthma since my 20 month old daughter was recently diagnosed with it. I put her on GAPS about 6 weeks ago. I guess I was overly optimistic because I had read some testimonies saying that within days of starting GAPS their asthma went away. I thought we’d see results with her breathing by now. My daughter has been having raw milk since her first sip of milk at 1 year and a WAP diet since starting solids–still, she’s had these lung issues. She also still nurses 5-6 times/day.
I’m glad to read about some of the tips other readers have for treating asthma naturally. We’re working with a doctor of Chinese medicine too, but I’d like to try giving her garlic and cayenne. Will check with her doctor about this since she’s so young.
Buteyko Breathing Education is inexpensive and can give patients lifelong control over their asthma. One double blind trial resulted in a 90% reduction of reliever medication use in the Buteyko group. Go to http://www.buteykoclinic.com to find an educator in your area.
I agree, buteyko method for shallow breathing works fantastic. I actually learned how to do the method on my own from a book. I still use it for headaches and colds.
I suffer from asthma and do use the over-the counter inhalers when I need to. Raw dairy has not helped, but I am trying some other things. I have been looking everywhere for these inhalers, so I can stock up a little. I found a few out of state. Interestingly, I did not really have too muc h trouble with my asthma until I was pregnant with my last child. Prior to that, I just avoided the things I was allergic to(mainly animals) Maybe it was hormonal, I do not know, but it is seven years later and still struggling. I usually only have trouble in the winter, but this year so far it is so much better. I do not know if it is the magnesium, garic, D3, or vitamin E.
I found lots of garlic to greatly help my asthma. I was on asthma meds for about 30 years and had asthma for about a total of 39 years. I started taking 2-3 capsules of garlic with cayenne pepper 3 times a day at the beginning of summer and it helped greatly. Some types of asthma may be bacterial related which I think mine was and I believe some are due to toxic overload as well as adrenal impairment. I do believe at some point it all starts in the gut regardless of the present cause. Either way I figured the garlic would help boost my immune system and help rid me of any viral, fungal or bacterial infections I may have had. I then started some fasting and noticed my asthma would completley dissappear with fasting which made me really consider the connection between my gut and asthma. All the cures I had worked on before this were aimed at healing my lungs. Besides garlic Bee venom therpay also began to replace my inhaler (which nothing else seemed to and I treid eveything!) but that’s not a therapy too many people would consider. I had been doing raw goat milk as well as eating a Nourshing Traditions style diet for over 7 years but my asthma wasn’t getting better. Started on GAPS 6 weeks ago and I am now free and clear of asthma!
Hi Tracie,
Could you tell me more about the garlic and cayenne pepper you took. How much of each, what brand, how many times a day, how did you swallow it–mixed with food? My 3-year-old has asthma and I am struggling to find things that will help him. Just ordered the GAPS book and hope something will help him.
I live in California where raw milk is legal! Right now my dairy is under attack and milk supply has been recalled. Evidently every time they comply a new rule comes up! This is so scary and you know they do not have my best interest or my freedom of choice in their sights!