The book Gut and Psychology Syndrome (or GAPS, for short), by Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride MD, is divided into three major sections.
The book’s first section, titled What is Going On?, contains an in depth discussion about how children with all manner of learning and behavioral problems including autism, ADHD/ADD, dyslexia, dyspraxia (extreme clumsiness), schizophrenia, and depression have fallen into the GAP of modern medical knowledge.
Their conditions overlap and most of the time, children with one of the above conditions also suffer from one or more of the others. For example, Dr. Campbell-McBride discusses that there is an approximate 50% overlap between dyslexia and dyspraxia and a 30-50% overlap between ADHD and dyslexia.
In addition, GAPS children frequently suffer from autoimmune disorders such as eczema, allergies, and asthma. Children who suffer from severe eczema in infancy often develop autistic characteristics later in childhood.
It is important to note that while Dr. Campbell-McBride’s book focuses on childhood psychological and auto immune issues, the very same principles can be applied to adults, where the most common GAPS disorders would be depression, anxiety, and obsessive compulsive behavior. Like in children, GAPS adults tend to suffer from one or more autoimmune disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, crohn’s disease, IBS, fibromyalgia among many others.
It seems, then, that GAPS conditions and the autoimmune disorders go hand in hand – in both children and adults.
When Does GAPS Begin?
GAPS children and adults all have digestive problems. Colic, bloating, flatulence, reflux, constipation, feeding issues usually begin to manifest themselves when weaning from breastmilk takes place because Mother’s milk contains antibodies to the toxins produced by the pathogens in the baby’s gut. When weaning occurs, the full blown effects of GAPS start to become most apparent.
It is during the second year that most GAPS children develop fussy eating habits and usually self limit their diet to sweet and starchy foods as this is the food preferred by the pathogens in their gut (i.e., the predominating microbial strains in your gut affect what you want to eat to a large degree). In the case of autistic children, the accepted foods can be limited to only 2 or 3. This pickiness is indicative of an extremely imbalanced gut environment, usually characterized by fecal compaction and abnormal bathroom habits. The fecal compaction results in a rotting gut environment providing the perfect breeding ground for all sorts of parasites, bacteria, fungi, and viruses.
What Causes GAPS?
Why do GAPS children and adults have such abnormal digestive environments to begin with? In the case of children, messed up digestive systems are inherited from the parents at birth! In nearly all cases of GAPS children, the mother suffers from digestive disorders, asthma, eczema, skin disorders, or migraines herself which is indicative of an imbalanced gut environment. And even in the rare case where a GAPS child’s mother does not have these issues, the father invariably does. The father is, of course, a contributor to the Mother’s vaginal flora hence the flora of both parents is passed on to the child at birth.
Antibiotics, the birth control pill and other medications all serve to damage the beneficial flora of our guts. Stress, a diet of processed foods, and some diseases and viral infections can alter the unique mixture of microbes in a person’s gut in an unpredictable way, predisposing that person to a different set of gut related health problems that are autoimmune in nature.
When a child is born, the gut flora of the parents is inherited as the baby passes through the birth canal. In the case of a C-section birth, the microbes floating around the hospital environment are what seeds the baby’s gut which is why C-section babies are more prone to GAPS.
How is the Gut Damaged in GAPS Children and Adults?
When the gut flora becomes abnormal as discussed above and all manner of pathogens dominate its environment, the digestive wall becomes damaged and leaky. A leaky gut spews a constant stream of pathogenic invaders, toxins and undigested food particles out of the gut into the body causing a heightened immune response.
No wonder GAPS children and adults suffer from autoimmune disease given that their immune systems are so severely compromised as well as unbalanced and overworked from a lack of beneficial flora to keep opportunistic microbes in check.
Digestive Disorders Progress to GAPS
In a child or adult with digestive disorder, the pathogenic microbes dominating their guts each produce a toxin with a different neurological response in the body. Candida albicans, for example, a pathogenic yeast, hijacks glucose from the digestion of carbohydrates. In healthy people with no candida overgrowth in their guts, glucose is converted into lactic acid, water and energy. In GAPS children and adults, candida digests the glucose in a different way – converting it into alcohol and its byproduct acetaldehyde.
Alcohol easily crosses the placenta, so a woman with candida overgrowth who consumes a lot of grain and sugar based carbohydrates during pregnancy is unknowingly exposing her fetus to the developmentally damaging effects of alcohol.
After the child is born and inherits the candida overgrowth from his Mother, the child’s gut starts producing alcohol and the protein damaging acetaldehyde. Proteins damaged by acetaldehyde are thought to be a primary contributor to many autoimmune reactions where the body begins to attack its own tissues.
One of the most common is an antibody the body produces against myelin – a protein that is an integral part of the brain and the entire nervous system. Multiple sclerosis in adults is an auto immune disease that is characterized by damaged myelin.
There are similarities between autistic and dyspraxic children and adults with MS which may be correlated with acetaldehyde production from candida albicans overgrowth in the gut!
Therefore, many children and adults with candida overgrowth in their guts are suffering from the effects of alcoholism even if they have never touched a drop of alcohol in their lives!
GAPS and Drug Addiction
In children and adults with digestive disorders, gluten, a hard to digest protein found in wheat, rye, and barley and casein, a milk protein are not fully digested. The undigested substances from gluten and casein have a similar chemical structure to opiates like heroin and morphine. These opiate like substances (gluteomorphine and casomorphine) pass through the leaky gut wall into the blood stream affecting neurology just like street drugs like heroin.
Cutting out gluten and casein containing foods can in some cases dramatically improve GAPS symptoms, especially autism, but in many cases, it does not.
The reason is that each person with gut dysbiosis has a unique mix of opportunistic flora which produce a constant river of toxins to the brain. Cutting out all gluten and casein may help somewhat by cutting out 2 types of toxins, but many other toxins are coming from other pathogenic microbes in the gut. Ultimately, then, fixing the gut balance by re-establishing the dominance of beneficial flora over opportunistic microbes is what works in addressing all symptoms.
Sarah, The Healthy Home Economist
Hi, I love your blog! Question: I have been struggling to start the GAPS diet for years now. You have also mentioned AIP and SCD in other posts. Do you think they work as well in healing leaky gut? Also, the AIP interests me because I have some autoimmune markers in my blood work, as well as Iritis. (Any thoughts on iritis you may have would be helpful too?) After looking into AIP it could work better for me than GAPS but wondered if you thought it heals the gut well too. Thank you so much for your thoughts! (I know I will need additional supplements, but just looking at the diets themselves :-))
I would recommend GAPS as it was developed by an MD with years of clinical experience dealing with patients with a variety of autoimmune disorders.
My husband has concerns about cutting out all carbohydrates. How is this different from the Atkin’s Diet? He says that carbs are the number one nutrient for the brain. Is that why this diet is only temporary? Sorry, I don’t have any sources to back this up, that’s just his concern.
Thank you,
Hi Caitlin, you aren’t cutting out all carbs. Veggies and fruit contain plenty of carbs. So does honey, which is permitted on GAPS.
Caitlin, the Atkins diet does not call for cutting out all carbs. I really wish people would just go check the book out of the library before making snap judgments like this. Even when Dr. Atkins was writing the book (the latest edition isn’t him anymore, for obvious reasons) he never called for cutting out all carbs. I have his 1970s edition book, found at Goodwill, and even that one calls for a salad a day in Induction.
By the way, glucose is not the only fuel for the brain. There are certain cells in the brain taht have few to no mitochondria and must have glucose but your fasting glucose is sufficient to feed them. (If it weren’t, you’d die of hypoglycemia overnight.) The rest of the brain gets by very well on fatty acids and ketones. It’d have to, because at certain times of the year in certain regions of the world, there wouldn’t be many carbohydrate foods available, and some humans lived through the Ice Age as well, when there *definitely* weren’t any.
Can you have maple syrup on this diet? I have looked all over and cannot find if you can or cannot have it! I live in Michigan and know about 20 people who make maple syrup. It is pure and very cheap out here. My husband and I buy it by the gallon for $35 and we use it for a sugar substitute in a lot of things. Gives things a unique flavor. I know you can use honey, but was wondering about the maple syrup. 🙂
Hi Amanda, no maple syrup allowed on GAPS as it is a disaccharide the same as cane sugar. Only raw honey, date sugar, and fruit are permitted as sweeteners.
I am looking forward to these posts. I have not read the book but would like to sometime soon. But, the info you gave is going to be so helpful. I want to learn more about GAPS. I think it will improve my health.
Hello Sarah! This is Sarah, too!! I am, also, known for health and wellness advice, "go-to", person. It is nice to read your blog, and to meet another like-minded advocate! Have a blessed day!
Excellent post! I am in the middle of reading the book. I have a client that took a lucrative position with a company and took the MMR vaccine at their demand. She jumped all over me when I voiced my opinion. I can't wait to forward the next post, hope it includes info on the detrimental effects on adults also.
Hi Erin! So glad you found the blog. I thought you would have found it already from the postings on the WAPF discussion forum. Hope all is well with you and fam! Here you have a new little guy running around too!
I love this! Thanks for making July GAPS month. I'm excited to read your posts. I think GAPS is fascinating.
Sarah! I'm so glad to have found you:) This is Erin Ray. I'm looking forward to reading up on your blog.