Dr. David Carpenter MD, a graduate of Harvard Medical School and a physician who has worked in the area of electromagnetic fields (EMFs) and public health for over 18 years, has a few choice words for power companies that are forcing smart meters down the throats of their customers all over the United States.
Dr. Carpenter adamantly insists that there is no evidence whatsoever that smart meters are in any way safe for human beings. He goes on to say that there is, in fact, ample evidence that demonstrates “convincingly and consistently” that exposure to radiofrequency radiation (RFR) at elevated levels for long periods of time increases the risk of cancer, damages the nervous system, and adversely affects the reproductive organs.
Dr. Carpenter says that an informed person should demand that they be allowed to keep their analog meter.
The two minute video interview with Dr. Carpenter below is well worth watching.
If you are having smart meters forced upon you where you live, know that California power customers have recently won the battle to keep their analog meters. There is both an annual and monthly charge for this “inconvenience” to the power utilities, but at least customers now have a choice to opt out where they did not before.
This precedent for opting out in California should make it easier for others with smart meters who don’t want them in other areas of the United States to be able to get their analog meters back as well.
While smart meters reduce workload and increase profitability for the power companies, they do so at the expense of the health of their customers. Opting out is the only “smart” way to deal with this corporate incursion.
Smart Meter Dangers – Video
Here is what one prominent industry expert who is also a medical doctor has to say about smart meters. Don’t wait until you have a health problem likely caused or exacerbated by these devices. Be proactive to protect your family!
Note that this does not necessarily include the very similar looking AMR devices.
Can’t Get Rid of Your Smart Meter Right Now?
If you live in a rental property or cannot afford to pay the extortion fee charged by utility companies to remove your smart meter and reinstall an analog, I would recommend getting a device called a Smart Meter Guard (check it out here).
It has been proven to cut 98% of the radiation from a smart meter! Better yet, the power company won’t balk if you use it as long as you don’t break the security seal (don’t EVER do this!). My friend Beth from Minnesota emailed me about it recently as she was informed about this new device by a building biologist who works for the company Intentional Environment.
There are now two other less expensive competitive products, the Smart Meter Cover (available here) and the Smart Meter Shield (available here).
Having one of these smart meter safety devices installed at your home is a must.
More Information
The Health Hazards of Wireless Baby Monitors
Nicor Gas is not letting us opt out, they installed the meter after I told them I did not consent and they will not switch it back, they say they don’t have opt out! I don’t want this thing on my house, what do I do? I pay a monthly opt out fee to comed.
Use one of these devices. https://www.thehealthyhomeeconomist.com/how-to-protect-yourself-from-a-smart-meter/
What about your cell phone? Are you giving that up too? Same radiation!! I can’t imagine many people giving up their cell phone when they are joined to it “at the hip” .
Preach! (And thank you for covering this frustrating topic)
In SC we can opt out, even after installation, without an increased monthly bill.
The State of DE will not allow us to opt out of having a Delmarva Power Smart Meter. It should be a choice! I am suffering from headaches, heart palpitations, tinnitus, and insomnia for many years since the utility company installed it’s no I am suffering from headaches, heart palpitations, tinnitus, and insomnia for many years since the utility company installed a smart meter here. I have been to over 20 doctors, but because I cannot provide any scientific evidence to show beyond a shadow of a doubt a link to my failing health and the installation of the smart meter I am hitting a brick wall. Do I have any legal recourse?
Proof positive that not everyone with a Harvard degree is intelligent, informed, speaking on a topic on which they have expertise, and correct. If consumers applied a similar criteria for the goodness of medical advice and procedures, the quality of healthcare in the United States might begin to approach that in other industrialized economies. Until then, the good doctor ought to stick to being paid too much for too little benefit and leave electrical engineering to those who understand it and its effects on living tissue.
What a self- aggrandizing idiot he is.
And your comment is proof positive that no matter whether a person has excellent credentials to speak on a particular topic or not … there are always trolls out there that will be critical of a position they disagree with.
Same problem here in Norway… But i said no, si i have analog . But they say they will kut the power or we must pay ekstra 2000 kr norwigian kr å year.. They are mafia and koruppt .. They think only many and prestisje..
Hello, I am French and we have the same problem in France with the “Linky”…I had translated your paper in franch, dou you can give me your blog ? I am also physiotherapist and i help people to heal and protect them in front of electromagnetic pollution. thanck you for your work
Sarah wrote: “If you are having smart meters forced upon you where you live, know that California power customers have recently won the battle to keep their analog meters.” To my knowledge this is very likely false. So maybe some activists got the right to opt out in one power system in the state. That does not mean everybody in the state can opt out.
I live in Los Angeles. When they had the test program running people were allowe to opt out. But I was told years ago by the LADWP that when the test program ended and they rolled smart meters out to the entire city there would be no opt out. And sure enough they installed a smart meter on my condo and I cannot opt out.
So here is a key statement that this author skips over and provides no details at all. Sarah, please show me I’m wrong. Id’ be happy if I am wrong.
That is terrible news! I didn’t know that Los Angeles was doing this. Southern California Edison allows opting out according to this report. https://www.sce.com/wps/portal/home/customer-service/my-account/smart-meters/opt-out/
It seems then that a smart meter guard is you best option at this point or to move to a neighborhood served by Southern California Edison.
These meter are 5G ready. See this article: