Are you struggling with a chronic illness? Does someone in your family have an awful disease and medical science seems to have no answers? The Weston A. Price Foundation is a life raft for people like you. As the leading nutrition education non-profit in the world, WAPF is educating the consumer about the health benefits of farm fresh foods, whole foods and home cooking.
Too often in this hectic, fast paced modern world, we are running on fumes. Skipping meals, substituting junk food for the real thing, doping up on energy drinks and other beverages laden with caffeine (a stimulant). Of course, then there’s the binge drinking of alcohol (a depressant), smoking and crazy partying.
As we overindulge in these processed foods and unhealthy crutches, our body starts to break down.
Our physical and even our mental health is compromised by our lack of proper nutrients, vitamins, and minerals vital to human health.
The human body is a powerful machine, but it needs to be appropriately fueled.
Our epidemic of chronic disease is leading many to return to proper nutrition. More than ever before, minds are open to alternative medicine and its approach to achieving optimal health.
Curious health seekers will have a chance to learn more about nutrition and holistic wellness at the Wise Traditions Regional Conference, March 29-30 in Houston, Texas. The conference is open to the public and attracts health-conscious consumers as well as health professionals, farmers, chefs, and journalists.
The Spring 2014 regional conference will take place at the Marriott South at Houston’s Hobby Airport.
The Weston A. Price Foundation, is known for its international conference, and now is offering, smaller Regional conferences to feed the growing hunger for healthy dietary wisdom. The non-profit promotes a revival of traditional foods rich in essential nutrients, including meat, eggs, butter and full-fat dairy products.
Julie, a recent attendee to a regional conference had this to say, “It was easy to network at the regional conference. For those living in the area, you can find a nearby source for nutritional foods. The presentations helped me understand the interconnectedness of environment, food, how it’s grown and prepared, and our health. ”
Over the course of the weekend, attendees will have a chance to attend life-changing lectures and cooking demonstrations and visit exhibits showcasing local foods, interesting products and services and local practitioners. Topics of talks include “Myths and Truths about Vegetarian Diets,” “The Vital Fat-Soluble Vitamins” and “Having a Healthy Pregnancy.”
For those who want an in-depth look at the nutrition research of Dr. Weston A. Price, the weekend kicks off with a morning presentation by the foundation’s president, Sally Fallon Morell, titled “Nourishing Traditional Diets: The Key to Vibrant Health.”
The rest of the weekend is packed with presentations led by fascinating speakers including Dr. Dawn Ewing, a Houston naturopathic practitioner and author of Let the Tooth Be Known, which examines the links between oral and systemic health; and Kaayla Daniel, PhD who is also known as the “The Naughty Nutritionist” because of her ability to outrageously and humorously debunk nutritional myths ; and Chris Masterjohn, PhD, who demonstrates that cholesterol is not harmful but rather critical to cognitive learning and memory.
Blogger Kelly the Kitchen Kop was a featured speaker at a regional conference last year. She says, “As much as I love the Wise Traditions international conference and all that goes with it, this quaint event felt less rushed. There was no plane hopping or extra travel expenses to get there. Sally and other ‘big hitters’ were able to answer questions or chat after their talks. Many who came were excited to have this option nearby, especially for those for whom the travel expenses OR the time commitment isn’t possible. It is a great idea to offer these smaller conferences, and I hope they continue to do so in the coming years. “
Houston Regional Wise Traditions full or one-day registrations are available; the registration fee includes admission to the lectures and exhibit hall and a delicious, nutritious lunch each day. In addition, Saturday evening’s events are open to the public. All are welcome to purchase tickets to Saturday evening’s dinner and attend a free film screening, with free-will donations benefitting the Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund, a non-profit organization committed to protecting family farms and artisan food producers from unlawful government interference in the sale of raw milk and other artisan farm foods.
For a complete schedule and registration information, please visit:
Or, contact the conference registrar: 304-724-3006.
About the Author
Kimberly Hartke is the publicist for The Weston A. Price Foundation, a 501(c)(3) nutrition education foundation with the mission of disseminating accurate, science-based information on diet and health. Named after nutrition pioneer Weston A. Price, DDS, author of Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, the Washington, DC-based Foundation publishes a quarterly journal for its 15,000 members, supports 572 local chapters worldwide and hosts a yearly international conference.
The Foundation phone number is (202) 363-4394,
Thank you!!
Kelly Domulot
Eh well not for $300.
Awesome I’m thinking I will be there