If you’ve ever had a sinus infection, you know how miserable it can be. Sinus infections are a common problem, and they can become markedly worse during cold and flu season.
Sinus congestion usually occurs as a result of a respiratory ailment such as a cold, cough, or allergic reaction. When you feel a sinus problem coming on, a highly effective sinus infection remedy you can use is probiotics – directly into the sinus passages. The most effective way to deliver this is by putting it right into your porcelain neti pot.
Can’t use a neti-pot or have a child that hasn’t been able to master the use of this type of apparatus? Then, I would suggest a nasal saline spray from the drug store and use that instead. My sons use one with great results when they are congested.
Here’s how the simple protocol works. You will be delighted how easy and effective this sinus infection remedy is. It may very well save you a trip to the doctor and a prescription for antibiotics.
Natural Sinus Infection Remedy
1. Empty the contents of a probiotic capsule into your neti pot (I like this one) or empty nasal spray bottle. Alternatively, a bulb syringe can be used, but the ingredients will have to be mixed separately and then sucked into the bulb once fully blended and ready to use.
2. Add warm filtered water.
3. Add a bit of sea salt and baking soda if desired – you won’t need very much (I always just guess – but no more than about 1/8 teaspoon)
4. Mix ingredients together carefully with a spoon or shake bottle after screwing on the lid (nasal spray bottle).
How to Use
5. If using a neti-pot: while standing over a sink, insert the nozzle of the neti-pot into one nostril, and make sure there is a good seal between the nozzle and your nostril. Lean forward, close the back of your throat and breathe through your mouth. Then, allow the contents of the neti pot to enter one nasal opening and rinse through to exit out the other nasal opening. This may take up to two or three minutes if your nasal passages are congested. Repeat on the other side.
Try to avoid swallowing the water that goes into the nostrils, and blow your nose when finished. If using a spray bottle: insert the nozzle of the spray bottle into one nostril while covering the other. While compressing the pump on the nasal spray bottle, inhale deeply. Repeat several times on both sides. Be prepared to spit out anything left after inhaling the mist into the sink.
6. When finished, wash out your neti-pot or spray bottle with warm water and soap and allow it to dry before using it again.
7. Oral probiotics can be used not just like a natural sinus infection remedy. They can also be used to prevent sinus infections in the first place.
How to Use this Sinus Infection Remedy
A friend of mine had a sinus infection that had been going on for 5 – 6 weeks. She had tried everything that was natural – aromatherapy (breathing steam with essential oils), apple cider vinegar in water, grapefruit seed extract in water, colloidal silver nasal spray, taking the best probiotics orally, oil of oregano in water (which she had used in the past with great success for sinus problems), and various homeopathic and other natural preparations.
Nothing was doing the trick and she was getting desperate!
What finally worked!
As a final attempt to resolve the problem naturally before resorting to meds, she went to see a naturopath who did some head massage, chiropractic manipulations and used essential oil swabs up into her sinus passages.
While these did offer some improvement, she was concerned that the next day the infection would come roaring back again.
At the suggestion of her next-door neighbor who is a nutritional therapist, she tried adding probiotics to her neti-pot. The naturopath also suggested alternating hot and cold packs on the forehead to encourage sinus drainage.
Immediately after using the probiotics in my neti-pot, she felt a terrible burning sensation that went on for a good ten minutes.
It was quite painful, but as it subsided, she went to bed and had a good night’s sleep. The next morning, she was surprised to find that she experienced no pain. This continued throughout the day. The horrible “ice pick” sinus pressure which was normally in full-swing by 10 a.m. was completely gone.
She repeated the neti pot protocol a few more times over the next five days along with some grapefruit seed extract (about 5 drops in 6 ounces of water twice a day). The entrenched sinus infection resolved and did not return.
Natural Prevention of Sinus Problems
Sinus issues are often a symptom of something else going on, such as yeast overgrowth or a candida problem. Making changes to your diet can help to reduce the incidence and severity of sinus problems. The need for even a natural sinus infection remedy is reduced as well. Here are some recommendations to avoid the overgrowth of yeast in the body:
Dietary Recommendations
- Avoid refined grains – these foods are common in our food supply and eaten frequently. They are high in carbohydrates and are converted to sugar in the body.
- Avoid meat, poultry, eggs, and dairy products from commercially-raised animals fed grains, soy, and corn from factory-farmed environments. These animals and birds are given antibiotics, hormones, antibiotics, and are not allowed outside to wander, graze, and obtain fresh air and sunshine. Eating those kinds of meat, meat products, eggs, and dairy can contribute to yeast overgrowth in the body. Eat meats, dairy products, poultry, and eggs from animals raised naturally and without chemicals, hormones, or antibiotics.
- Eliminate processed and refined foods from the diet including excessive sugar and refined carbohydrates.
Lifestyle Recommendations
- Steer clear of prescription drug medications such as antibiotics, steroids, birth control pills, and even over-the-counter medications. These medications can greatly contribute to yeast overgrowth and unfriendly bacteria in the digestive tract. Once entrenched in the gut, these pathogens easily spread throughout the body.
- Eat plenty of healthy fats in your diet – butter, olive oil, palm oil, avocado oil, coconut oil, pastured lard, and grass-fed tallow. These traditional, healthy fats are nutrient-dense and help your body keep away illness and disease.
- Consume plenty of cultured and fermented foods and raw dairy products from healthy cows on pasture. These foods will naturally help promote diverse and friendly bacteria in your body and help keep illness and disease away.
Supplement Recommendations
- Take a therapeutic-grade probiotic daily to ensure friendly bacteria support in your gut. Read this post about choosing probiotics for more information on good brands to buy.
- If you still have trouble with yeast, consider doing regular detox baths or other protocols like a coffee enema. Better still, follow a temporary, healing dietary protocol like the GAPS diet, SCD, or autoimmune paleo (AIP).
More Information
How I Resolved My Raging Sinus Infection
How to Make and Use an Onion Poultice for Congestion
Doctor Prescribed Treatment for Healing Croup Naturally
SSKI: The Best Cough Expectorant You’ve Never Tried
Power Shot: Best Green Juice for Congestion
Hi, I am no expert,but I did the Gaps diet and felt terrible for months due to my body detoxing. If you haven’t read the Gaps diet you could probably borrow it from a library as she states it’s not good to be using the oregano oil etc until your gut heals. As they could be causing you to get sicker. I do recommend the Gaps diet but only for a month or two. A book my naturopath just recommended I buy is called How not to die by Michael Greger which could be borrowed from a library. I just started to read it and it seems good so far. I noticed that you haven’t had a response yet so I hope this will help. I pray that this lady will answer you or that you’ll get other help and start to heal. I strongly advise to stop the oregano oil etc and see if you feel better. Just eat healthy for now and then try a probiotic on its own first for a few weeks. Then follow what Natasha says in The Gaps diet. I was able to heal my husband through diet from Ulcerative colitis years ago. I just read a lot. I have a family of 11 that I try to keep healthy and try to educate on the importance of how all we eat, and put on our skin etc affects our health. All the best. Blessings to you. Nicole
I have had constant recurring sinus and lung infections for a few years now. Seems like I am sick all the time it has ruined my whole life I have a hard time doing even the simplest things anymore and I am only 31 years old. Have had to live in places where I was exposed to black mold and asbestos have been to hospital many times told them this they ignored what i said and they just kept giving me antibodies at least 7 different times in the last year destroying my immune system then had to take nystatin 2 different times for fungus infection cause by to many antibiotics. Last time I went to hospital was coughing up blood and the doctor wouldn’t even look me in my face they told me I had chronic shortness of breath cause unknown even after all this then told me I was showing anxiety then locked me in psycho ward for 2 weeks where I continued to be sick and cough constantly. Feel like I am being targeted. Am in pain all the time like someone is punching me in my ribs and my sinus is constantly congested running down my throat. This has been going on for years getting progressively worse. Since the last year I have been trying to research natural ways to heal myself I have been eating healthy eliminated everything but fruits and vegetables and healthy fats and plant proteins from my diet. Have been taking things to detox like lemon juice ginger turmeric cayenne pepper grapefruit dandelion oregano garlic echinacea probiotics acidophilus lactobacillus etc epsom salt baths magnesium and zinc have tried everything I can. I do not have much money to afford a lot of the things I have found through researching so I do what I can and still nothing seems to help I am sicker than ever and it all seems hopeless but I will never go to another hospital after the way I was treated. I wonder sometimes if it is too late to heal myself. Every time I m around people I seem to get colds and flu very easily. Many days I cannot sleep and when I do it’s very hard to get up feel like I am dying it is draining all my energy. I still get up every day and do what I have to do but it is taking its toll and getting worse. I dont know where to turn anymore. I know this is a long message but you seem like a genuine person from what I have read here and just want to know what you would reccomend considering all of this. Please help.
Probably a stupid question. But do I avoid sourdough and even properly prepared grains? Is it basically adopting a diet more closer to Paleo?
If you are eating Paleo, then yes, all grains are off limits even traditionally prepared ones.
Many thanks for this sinus information and those regarding how to heal the gut. Much appreciated. I wonder, do you know if glycerine in herbal tinctures feed pathogens?
Hi everyone, I used the probiotic mixed with filtered water 4 sinus infection. It burned, stung terribly for 10 minutes, but it worked almost instantaneously. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED! THANK YOU SO MUCH! Ps., i’d get sinus infections once/ year, every year, but haven’t had a repeat once!
It probably stung because you should be adding salt to the water. Research neti pots online. This author has some odd gaps in their knowledge…
Thanks for sharing..
I tried sovereign silver, and it worked. Just don’t use it too often, as silver can build up in your body.