It doesn’t seem like it has been ten years since I was diagnosed with an “incurable” chronic pain disorder, fibromyalgia.
As a physician, like so many of my colleagues, I was stressed, but I didn’t think for a moment that I would succumb to such a debilitating disorder. It was a humbling experience, mostly because I knew that the drugs and treatments available for chronic pain were inadequate and that most of my patients with this disorder became fully or partially disabled.
Being stubborn (and desperate), I quickly stopped the chronic pain medication and anti-depressants I was taking to “treat” my condition. They were giving me side effects including insomnia and brain fog. Few of the drug based choices did anything for my chronic pain symptoms, which made me feel like a 90 year old arthritic woman.
Having been trained as a physician acupuncturist, I knew I had to rely on non-traditional healing methods to relieve my constant chronic pain. Since acupuncturing myself was impractical if not impossible, I drove two hours a week to see the nearest acupuncturist. From that point forward, I was introduced into the world of Energy Medicine beyond acupuncture.
Fast forward ten years. Through tons of personal and professional experience, I put most of what I know about healing chronic pain into a book, Guide to Healing Chronic Pain – A Holistic Approach. People must really be looking for alternatives to surgery, pills, and drugs because it became an Amazon Kindle bestseller in less than a week.
One of the most important concepts I share in the book is the importance of Brain Balance in the healing process.That’s the concept I want to share with you today.
Simply put, there are two modes that your nervous system can be in: “stress” mode or “healing” mode. The healing mode is what I call Brain Balance. That occurs when the left and right sides of your brain are communicating well with each other and when your nervous system can be relaxed most of the time. Unfortunately, for many of us, our nervous systems are stuck in “stress” mode and we don’t even know it. When you’re stuck in “stress” mode, your body can’t self-heal very efficiently. You can be eating 100% organic and doing yoga all day long, but if your brain is stuck in this mode, you’ll be spinning your wheels.
In the “old days” (about 30 years ago), acupuncture was very effective at returning our brains back to a balanced state. Not so in today’s modern world! Why? Because we have environmental toxins that disturb the delicate balance of our nervous systems. Whether these toxins are food additives, GMO foods, chemically laden household cleaners, toxic beauty products, paint or electromagnetic fields, it is near-impossible to avoid them.
There is a simple muscle (also called applied kinesiology) test that you can learn to test someone else’s brain balance. You can learn this from my YouTube video below. You can also test yourself but it is a little trickier because it takes a lot of practice to get good at it.
Symptoms of an out of whack brain balance include:
- trouble sleeping through the night and inability to dream
- irritability, mood swings, short temper, anxiety, depression
- brain fog or memory issues
- frequent headaches
- clumsiness
- chronic pain
- chronic fatigue
- slow healing
There are many ways to get your brain back into balance if you discover you have some or all of these symptoms or you fail the brain balance test in the video. I’ve mentioned several in my book, including Dr. John Diamond’s positive affirmations, yogic breathing, subtle energy products and Dr. Jeffrey Thompson’s brain balancing music, but my favorite has to be the clinically tested Y-Age Aeon acupuncture patches.
I pioneered the use of these infrared phototherapy patches over specific acupuncture points on the head or neck to help quickly re-balance the nervous system. The results tend to be lightning fast – as quick as a few seconds for some folks and up to two weeks in others with daily use. For a free download of my brain balancing protocol, go to
In addition to relieving stress through brain balancing, the Y-Age Aeon patches also are a fantastic way to decrease inflammation and relieve chronic pain. As you can see in the images below, this phototherapy patch quickly decreases inflammation as shown in the thermographic photo (red and purple denote “hot” areas of inflammation) within just a few minutes of application (notice the color change indicating a cooling effect).
In the next article, I’ll be teaching you “acupuncture without needles” a drug-free, pill-free method for relieving chronic pain naturally.
I think I’ve had fibromyalgia for many years but was diagnosed approximately 10 years ago. I was working at Walmart and was just exhausted. Not the tiredness that sleep helps. I mean totally exhausted, with muscle pain. My primary doctor diagnosed fibromyalgia. I couldn’t move my right arm with out getting a lot of pain. I was taking Lyrica, it helps but I still have to be careful not to over do things. I was trying to have a child-don’t know if I’ll be able to do it! I lost touch with reality.I started on Health Herbal Clinic Fibromyalgia Disease Herbal formula treatment in September 2016, i read alot of positive reviews on their success rate treating Fibromyalgia disease through their Fibromyalgia Herbal formula and i immediately started on the treatment. Just 7 weeks into the Herbal formula treatment I had great improvements, my right hand pain seized and the stiffed, rigid muscle had succumbed. I am unbelievably back on my feet, this is a breakthrough for all Fibromyalgia sufferers, visit Health Herbal Clinic official website
‘Apparently fibromyalgia can be cured with “guaifenesin”
(scroll halfway down to read the 2nd authors article)
I have extensive nerve damage and my mother has pain due to degenerative disk disorder. I’m going to do some independent research but thank you for this helpful article
Curtis, thanks for commenting. Sorry to hear about your nerve damage. I believe the body can heal itself when it is given the right support. Not always, but most of the time. Here are some places for additional research and info:,, and Blessings,
Dr. Karen
this was a very helpful article for me. i was DX with this many years ago. its hard to explain to someone how this effects your whole life. i am sending this to many of my family members
Teri, I’m so glad it was helpful! I’ll be writing and posting the second half of this sometime this week. The Brain balance issue is HUGE. Blessings to you and thanks for commenting 🙂
Dr. Karen
My adult son has/had Fibro, Epsteinbar (sp?), and IBS..
He went to a wholelistic Dr.Since all the other Drs. said there is nothing we can do for you , cause we do not know what you have!
He then went to viral decease hospital when he was 17 yrs old , took tests, and they knew, but they could not help.
Years later he went to a wholelistic Dr., She did her type of testing.
After her tests came back, she told him, basically do Not eat, Wheat, Dairy, bad fats and Sugar..
Eat Organic. If you eat pasta, only eat, 100% Organic Einkorn whole wheat..dairy from the market is acid food, and bad..
Eat Organic pastured dairy..Organic meat , Organic veggies etc.
“NO Processed Food”
He takes allot of vitamins off and on..
That said, if he sticks to this diet he is almost Pain Free, and sometimes is pain free. Also his IBS subsides.He still try’s to take a afternoon nap..
Want to mention. My son came down with these types of viruses, after a bad car accident at 16 teen..
Also he has raised his 3 kids by himself (with our help) since the children where 2 1/2, 3/12, and 5yrs..Now there 23, 24, & 26 – 4 days ago…It was not always easy, but there grown, very close to there father, and are great adults.
So we cannot lay around in bed, and be non productive..
Everyday when taking his kids to school, he would have to stop and throw up, and also during the day..Bummer..
I know a couple of women that had Fibro, and it had not lasted longer then 2 yrs.!!
They had pain, and where VERY Tired all the time.
Also losing weight can help if your over weight!
Be Well…
Annie, your son is a real trouper! Makes sense that his bad car accident probably set him up for his brain imbalance which then affected his immune system etc. Great radio show to listen to about this Bless you and your son!
Dr. K
I cured my disabling fibromyalgia (head to toe pain, couldn’t be touched, couldn’t sleep, could barely hold down a part time job and about to go on disability) by following the health recovery diet in Sally Fallon’s book Eat Fat Lose Fat and taking 1800 mg of magnesium malate before bed. It was gradual, more and more good days and less bad. I really don’t have any pain anymore. I work full time now and volunteer. I participate in life again instead of being stuck curled up at home.
LOVE Sally! had her on my radio show too! Dr. K