It doesn’t seem like it has been ten years since I was diagnosed with an “incurable” chronic pain disorder, fibromyalgia.
As a physician, like so many of my colleagues, I was stressed, but I didn’t think for a moment that I would succumb to such a debilitating disorder. It was a humbling experience, mostly because I knew that the drugs and treatments available for chronic pain were inadequate and that most of my patients with this disorder became fully or partially disabled.
Being stubborn (and desperate), I quickly stopped the chronic pain medication and anti-depressants I was taking to “treat” my condition. They were giving me side effects including insomnia and brain fog. Few of the drug based choices did anything for my chronic pain symptoms, which made me feel like a 90 year old arthritic woman.
Having been trained as a physician acupuncturist, I knew I had to rely on non-traditional healing methods to relieve my constant chronic pain. Since acupuncturing myself was impractical if not impossible, I drove two hours a week to see the nearest acupuncturist. From that point forward, I was introduced into the world of Energy Medicine beyond acupuncture.
Fast forward ten years. Through tons of personal and professional experience, I put most of what I know about healing chronic pain into a book, Guide to Healing Chronic Pain – A Holistic Approach. People must really be looking for alternatives to surgery, pills, and drugs because it became an Amazon Kindle bestseller in less than a week.
One of the most important concepts I share in the book is the importance of Brain Balance in the healing process.That’s the concept I want to share with you today.
Simply put, there are two modes that your nervous system can be in: “stress” mode or “healing” mode. The healing mode is what I call Brain Balance. That occurs when the left and right sides of your brain are communicating well with each other and when your nervous system can be relaxed most of the time. Unfortunately, for many of us, our nervous systems are stuck in “stress” mode and we don’t even know it. When you’re stuck in “stress” mode, your body can’t self-heal very efficiently. You can be eating 100% organic and doing yoga all day long, but if your brain is stuck in this mode, you’ll be spinning your wheels.
In the “old days” (about 30 years ago), acupuncture was very effective at returning our brains back to a balanced state. Not so in today’s modern world! Why? Because we have environmental toxins that disturb the delicate balance of our nervous systems. Whether these toxins are food additives, GMO foods, chemically laden household cleaners, toxic beauty products, paint or electromagnetic fields, it is near-impossible to avoid them.
There is a simple muscle (also called applied kinesiology) test that you can learn to test someone else’s brain balance. You can learn this from my YouTube video below. You can also test yourself but it is a little trickier because it takes a lot of practice to get good at it.
Symptoms of an out of whack brain balance include:
- trouble sleeping through the night and inability to dream
- irritability, mood swings, short temper, anxiety, depression
- brain fog or memory issues
- frequent headaches
- clumsiness
- chronic pain
- chronic fatigue
- slow healing
There are many ways to get your brain back into balance if you discover you have some or all of these symptoms or you fail the brain balance test in the video. I’ve mentioned several in my book, including Dr. John Diamond’s positive affirmations, yogic breathing, subtle energy products and Dr. Jeffrey Thompson’s brain balancing music, but my favorite has to be the clinically tested Y-Age Aeon acupuncture patches.
I pioneered the use of these infrared phototherapy patches over specific acupuncture points on the head or neck to help quickly re-balance the nervous system. The results tend to be lightning fast – as quick as a few seconds for some folks and up to two weeks in others with daily use. For a free download of my brain balancing protocol, go to
In addition to relieving stress through brain balancing, the Y-Age Aeon patches also are a fantastic way to decrease inflammation and relieve chronic pain. As you can see in the images below, this phototherapy patch quickly decreases inflammation as shown in the thermographic photo (red and purple denote “hot” areas of inflammation) within just a few minutes of application (notice the color change indicating a cooling effect).
In the next article, I’ll be teaching you “acupuncture without needles” a drug-free, pill-free method for relieving chronic pain naturally.
I’m with Carmen. I’d like to get more information re the Aeon brain balancing patches too.
Hi Diana, you can either contact me at or go to for more information on the Aeon (my # is 596082 in case you talk to customer service for any reason). Blessings, Dr. K.
I’d like to know more information about the brain balancing patches you recommend. Internet information is quite vague and reviewers indicate the packaging doesn’t provide more info or instructions. Who makes it, what are the ingredients, what are the physiological processes occurring during application? Thanks so much! Carmen
Hi Carmen, The best thing to do is to read the info in Chapter 6 in my free excerpt you can get at when you sign up for the free classes. Otherwise, there is a webinar recording I can share with you where I explain how the infra-red phototherapy patches actually work.
Do you know Dr. Kan personally? Her book received lots of negative reviews on Amazon as being one big infomercial selling products from over 20 companies she is affiliated with and receives compensation from. The Aeon patches are sold by a Network Marketing Company and they don’t disclose how their patches work or the ingredients in them. Sounds kind of fishy to me…
I actually read the free excerpt from Dr.Kan’s book and found it to be very informative. I emailed her and she sent me a free video link that explains how the patches work. This is what she said in her email: “They are made of a mixture of nano-sized crystals, in a homeopathic base that resonate at the infra-red frequency range (they are basically phototherapy devices). Nothing enters the skin. You can tape them onto clothing and they still work via infra-red light.
Patches are turned out by your body’s energy field and thus have a life span of about 12 hours against your skin. Here is her email address: [email protected]
Yes Joyce, I interviewed Sarah on my radio show. Most of the reviews on Amazon are positive reviews actually and I disclose exactly which companies I am affiliated with (which aren’t that many) right in the first few pages of the book (there is a link). The Aeon patch is indeed sold by a network marketing company and for good reason. There needs to be person to person education and contact so folks know how to use them. No point in putting it on a shelf, so to speak. I have high regard for this company. And there is nothing wrong with selling something you believe in with your heart, just like Sarah does. I support her efforts and believe in her products as well. Unfortunately, there is a link to Amazon and the company does NOT support those sold there because there is no education or information or support. Sarah will be taking that link down soon. Sorry about the confusion. The research page is Unlike most network marketed products, LifeWave patches have over 60 clinical studies validating their effectiveness (and how it works on the human body) Just because energy technology is “new” and not known yet by the masses doesn’t mean it doesn’t work. I just tell people to try it for themselves and get some help from a distributor. If it works, great, if not, return the product for a refund. It works in about 80% of folks. Blessings, Karen
Oh my goodness, I feel like this was written for me. Just yesterday I was thinking that the reason I am not seeing any real healing comes from a block in my brain. I have suffered from adrenal/thyroid issues for a couple of years now and nothing has been bumping up to the next level of healing. I eat well, sleep well, work with a forward-thinking doctor and am on what I believe is the right protocol for healing. But everyday I feel no different or better.
My husband tested me according to the video and sure enough I am blocked. It doesn’t surprise me because the past 10 years of my life have been the dictionary description for stress. Death, cancer, job loss, several moves, financial woes. You name it and I’ve been through it either in my home or with my family. Sometimes I feel like it is still weighing me down even though things in my life are pretty darn calm at the moment.
Thanks Dr. Karen! The info you provided today feels like the light at the end of the tunnel I’ve been searching for for years!
Glad it resonated with you!! Now go out and get brain balanced 🙂
I can’t wait to check out your book. I gave up on the drugs prescribed by doctors years ago for the same reasons, the side affects just weren’t worth it! So I’m always looking for natural alternatives to relieve the pain.
AWESOME Petra!! You rock! Dr. K.
I am so pleased to read about your integrative approach and I look forward to exploring the resources you provided. You might also be interested to know that Sara Gottfried, MD, author of The Hormone Cure, believes that low cortisol (which can occur after sustained high cortisol) is a factor in fibromyalgia.
Hi Beth, I actually helped Dr. Sarah launch her book the Hormone Cure. She rocks! Thanks for writing in! Dr. Karen
Awesome awesome info – it is so exciting that holistic approaches are slowly making headway!!!
Jin shin jyustu is accupuncture with out needles and you can do it yourself! I highly reccomend it.
Thanks Kira, definitely! Love those Asian healing systems. Takes a bit of dedication and practice to learn but well worth it. The nice thing about the patches is that you get 12 whole hours of acupuncture meridian activation and you don’t have to “work” at it. Extremely effective, and even more so than acupressure and acupuncture (because it lasts so long) often. Thanks for commenting!
Dr. Karen
We have also found that use of Plexus Slim and the probiotic ProBio5 have shown good results in relieving individuals of pain from fibromyalgia. Slim works by balancing your blood sugar levels. I am not sure of what other biological mechanisms are taking place but I am sure that we have the testimonials of fibromyalgia pain suffers that now have little or no pain!
Excellent article! I’ve been doing quite a bit of research into holistic remedies. I’ve found that there are a growing number of physicians that are starting to think like you do in this regards.
I’m definitely bookmarking this page. I hope to become a doctor myself one day.
Awesome Al! More power to you!
Dr. Karen