If you’ve been reading this blog for any length of time, you know that I’ve been a Chapter Leader for the Weston A. Price Foundation (WAPF) since 2002. I have also been a member of the WAPF Board of Directors since 2011, serving as Secretary for five years.
One of the big projects for the Foundation since its inception has been the featuring of the Weston A. Price Foundation and its core nutritional principles on the television show Healing Quest aired on PBS.
Seven segments are being filmed right now headed up by fellow board member and WAPF Vice President Kaayla Daniel and will be aired sometime this spring!
It is important that as many PBS stations air these segments featuring the WAPF as possible so that a maximum number of people are exposed to these critical nutritional principles.
Healing Quest is currently carried by 65% of PBS stations across America. Boosting this coverage significantly would be hugely beneficial to this project. And, with the benefit of re-runs and TV on demand, the ripple effect could carry for years to come!
You can help by contacting your local PBS station and requesting that Healing Quest be carried in your local area if it isn’t already.
Healing Quest TV Features Traditional Diet
Below is a video snippet that explains the topics to be covered in these Healing Quest episodes and how you can be an advocate for the WAPF and the Traditional Foods Movement by ensuring these segments are available to your community when they air!
Thanks for helping!
I made request for my local stations (mpt and weta). Fingers crossed.
WAPF to be profiled on Healing Quest TV Show On PBS http://t.co/SXf8WAhM –Request that your local PBS station carry it!
Just emailed our two PBS stations in the Atlanta, GA area – fingers crossed!!!
Sounds interesting! i just hope they don’t screw it up by making it heavily bias as another posted said above. Afterall, its a mainstream media outlet.
Hello! I am searching for insight. My daughter has intestinal issues (gas, bloating, and more) when she goes without sourdough bread. Grains do not seem to bother her but the lack of sourdough for a week cause these problems. Do you think she needs the probiotics provided from the sourdough or is there a possible gluten issue? Thank you for any input from anyone!!
I emailed my local channel & requested they air this. Thanks for the info.
I wouldn’t get too excited about PBS carrying through on the agreement. Check out what they did to Dr. Jay Gordon regarding the documentary on Vaccinations. It’s all about money. Someone from WAPF had better ask to see a review before the actual airing of the show.
(I’d supply a link, but it’s better for you to find your own; that way, no one can say “well she’s just biased”. Well yeah, I am now.)
I no longer watch or support PBS and I was a donor and fan for years. I know that sounds very unforgiving, but that’s how I am about things for which I have a great passion – like the subject of “no vaccination is a safe vaccination” (vaccination is not immunization). But PBS (admittedly) screwed that show up so badly and it was so biased towards the modern medical industrial complex that it was hard NOT to see it. Then when I read the stuff about Dr. Gordon I just flipped the channel and never looked back. I used to love the British comedy specials, but I’ve learned to live without them.
NPR, too, has become a mouthpiece for the establisment. They didn’t feature anything
about Occupy Wall Street until EIGHT days later!
When Bill Moyers left his PBS interview show, what was that insightful and investigative show replaced with? There’s your answer.