If you’ve been reading this blog for any length of time, you know that I’ve been a Chapter Leader for the Weston A. Price Foundation (WAPF) since 2002. I have also been a member of the WAPF Board of Directors since 2011, serving as Secretary for five years.
One of the big projects for the Foundation since its inception has been the featuring of the Weston A. Price Foundation and its core nutritional principles on the television show Healing Quest aired on PBS.
Seven segments are being filmed right now headed up by fellow board member and WAPF Vice President Kaayla Daniel and will be aired sometime this spring!
It is important that as many PBS stations air these segments featuring the WAPF as possible so that a maximum number of people are exposed to these critical nutritional principles.
Healing Quest is currently carried by 65% of PBS stations across America. Boosting this coverage significantly would be hugely beneficial to this project. And, with the benefit of re-runs and TV on demand, the ripple effect could carry for years to come!
You can help by contacting your local PBS station and requesting that Healing Quest be carried in your local area if it isn’t already.
Healing Quest TV Features Traditional Diet
Below is a video snippet that explains the topics to be covered in these Healing Quest episodes and how you can be an advocate for the WAPF and the Traditional Foods Movement by ensuring these segments are available to your community when they air!
Thanks for helping!
Can you please tell me “where” on the PBS site we go to contact them (to carry it in our area)
Got to http://www.pbs.org/
Then go to Contact Us at the very bottom, then select Contact Your Local PBS Station, about halfway down the list of options.
I contacted our local PBS station and requested the show. Looking forward to seeing it.
Just a helpful note: when you click on the link above (also below), go to Contact Us at the very bottom, then select Contact Your Local PBS Station, about halfway down the list of options.
Healing Quest TV Show On PBS http://t.co/ROXNF26e
Healing Quest TV Show On PBS – featuring WAPF-friendly health topics! http://t.co/dZ8K95Kc
That is fantastic news!! You have been such a blessing to our family and the news I share from you to friends is being well-received also! Thank you so much for all that you do!
Just contacted the MN PBS station!
Contacted for both my PBS stations. A health show I’ll actually watch, how exciting.
This is a great way to get the WAPF message out to more people, and it is well worth taking the time to contact the local PBS station.
Just a few requests is all it should take for a particular PBS affiliate to decide to carry the show if it doesn’t already have it on the roster. It doesn’t take hundreds of calls per station. Even just one person’s call could make all the difference in a particular community.
I have contacted my local PBS station and requested the show. I am so excited that the message is finally getting out there. Thank you Sarah!