Breaking News: Senator Rand Paul MD, United States Senator from Kentucky, has introduced an amendment to the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetics Act.
The most exciting provisions of this amendment concern the claims about the effects of foods and dietary supplements on health-related conditions and a prohibition of employees of the Food and Drug Administration from carrying firearms and making arrests without warrants.
I got a heads up from a fellow Weston A. Price Foundation Chapter Leader from Kentucky at the St. Louis Regional Conference last week that this amendment was in the works, and only just learned that it had hit the floor of Congress late last night.
Please contact both your US Senators TODAY and urge them to vote “YES” to Senator Paul’s amendment to S. 3187.
Also, ask your Senators to vote “NO” on Senator Durbin’s amendment to S. 3187 which would greatly restrict access to dietary supplements and was submitted to water down Senator Paul’s amendment.
The vote on this amendment may happen as early as Thursday, May 24, 2012, so please do not delay.
Below is a short video clip of a true American hero, Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky, introducing this legislation for the benefit of all Americans, particularly those small farmers who have suffered so unjustly at the hands of the FDA which has adopted the habit in recent years of raiding small farms without a warrant and arresting farmers with no due process.
This gross abuse of power can stop if this amendment passes, so please make that phone call or send that email (both would be better) right away!
You can find out how to contact your United States Senators by clicking here.
Crystal, I selected Agriculture.
I just called my senators and got very confusing responses. It appears Sen. Paul’s amendment is almost in contradiction to the original bill. Amazing how these pols have it worked out so that no matter how they vote they can appear to be supporting what their constituents want – even if the bill actually expands power to Big Business at the expense of the populace.
Here’s what I wrote:
Please vote in favor of vote “YES” to the amendment to S. 3187 introduced by Senator Paul of Kentucky which would stop the FDA from carrying guns and making arrests without a warrant. The FDA is out of control in its abuse of power and needs to be reined in by our elected representatives. However, please OPPOSE the Durbin and Blumenthal amendment (Amendment No. 2127) to S.3187, the Food and Drug Administration Safety and Innovation Act (FDASIA), This amendment creates duplicative, unnecessary, and unexpected new regulations while upending current law and the regulatory process.
Again, please vote yes to S. 3187 but oppose the amendments by Senators Durbin and Blumenthal.
Incidentally, this is the kind of stuff that drives me crazy. You put things that are good in with things that are bad and then I have to try and figure out what you’re voting for or against. Good plan for you, gives you deniability if you need it, but bills need to be limited to one thing at a time and not a conglomerate of ideas!
I agree Mary! The next thing we need to work on is preventing our elected officials from taking lucrative jobs with the companies that influenced their votes after they leave the House/Senate/!
I swear this country is going to go the way of ancient Rome! We’ll crumble from the inside out! All this corruption is completely dismantling our land and the food and energy it can provide.
DONE!! I just hope that our senators listen to us!!
Done! Thanks Sarah!
Please also note that there is a last minute amendment to this bill that we DO NOT want.
Go to the following link for more information:
This should also be noted in your letters when you contact your Senator.
Right. There is one more point to make when you call/email your senators:
When you ask them to vote “YES” to Senator Paul’s amendment to S. 3187 to prohibit FDA employees carrying firearms and making warrant-less arrests and allowing for supplement manufacturers to make health claims about their products, please ALSO ASK THEM to vote “NO” on Senator Durbin’s amendment which greatly restricts access to dietary supplements.
Thanks Beth. I will send another couple of emails with this important additional information!!!
I will modify the post to include this as I was unaware at the time of publishing.
Awesome! Love the teamwork going on here 🙂
Done. I hope our senators get swamped! It is such a shame that we have to fight for basic freedoms. Scary, huh? Thanks, Sara, for the heads-up!
done and shared
Of course the FDA is out of control. They are nothing but money grubbing, greedy elitists who think that they can do whatever they want for whomever offers the most money. Everytime I hear something about the FDA I just have to roll my eyes. I’m sorry to be so blunt, but this is how I feel.