Coconut Oil Capsules or Off The Spoon?
Comparison of taking coconut oil capsules for weight loss versus off the spoon chased with water before meals. Coconut oil capsules are a very popular …
Comparison of taking coconut oil capsules for weight loss versus off the spoon chased with water before meals. Coconut oil capsules are a very popular …
Writing prescriptions is arguably one of the most common tasks that a medical doctor performs on any given day. Scriptwriting is also quite profitable …
Demonstration of how raw milk vending machines work in Europe, where there are over a thousand of these across Italy alone and many more across the …
Yerba mate is suddenly everywhere. From the check-out aisle at Whole Foods to the tea selection at your favorite café, “mate” is …
If you’ve been interested in alternative health for any length of time, you have probably realized that a black and white approach to wellness …
When I was in elementary school several decades ago, there might have been 1 or 2 children in the entire school of several hundred who had an allergy, …
Bowing to strong public pressure about the right to buy and drink raw milk, the New Zealand government has unveiled new rules which permit farmers to …
One of the most common questions I receive by email relates to the lack of acceptance of friends and family, even a spouse, regarding the decision to …
I am so grateful my Mom (who is 86) is still with us for me to say these words to her this weekend: Happy Mother’s Day! I believe it is …
Never before in history has humanity been so in need of those who challenge conventional thinking, tear down barriers and take a sledgehammer to …
Why some people have issues with nightshade vegetables and how they can contribute to problems with GERD, chronic pain, and other autoimmune diseases. …
Nut butter crackers are a favorite snack food for many children. For my family, peanut butter crackers are the fave with sunbutter crackers the …