Is Caffeine Causing Your Chronic Back Pain?
Back pain affects 9 out of 10 people at some point during their lives. It is one of the most common reasons for people to miss work or visit the …
Back pain affects 9 out of 10 people at some point during their lives. It is one of the most common reasons for people to miss work or visit the …
Another medical sacred cow bites the dust. Time to chuck that baby aspirin bottle in the trash if you haven’t already. My Mother, who is 88 …
Pectin is an almost universal additive to commercially made jams and jellies. Even when homemade, this ingredient is commonly used to ensure a …
With all the loads of scientific data available that soy (even edamame) is not a healthy part of anyone’s diet, it shocks me how many folks are …
Is there as much calcium in a cup of bone broth as in a cup of milk? Many people in the Real Food community seem to think so. The hard truth is that …
It’s no secret that the healthcare system in the United States is beyond broken. What’s worse, Congress does not seem capable of fixing it …
Wikipedia, the popular online free dictionary, defines itself as “a collaboratively edited, multilingual, free Internet encyclopedia that is …
How to order steak at a restaurant to ensure an enjoyable experience that won’t leave you with a headache, indigestion, or worse the next day. I …
How to identify healthy soup brands at the store that don’t come packaged in cans, cartons, or shelf-stable tetra paks. When the essential life …
One thing I contemplate regularly is how my children will fare in a world obsessed and overridden with calorie heavy, nutrient poor, industrialized …
Tuna has always been a staple Real Food in our home. I’ve always taken care to source low mercury, sustainably caught tuna in order to prepare …
Salt and pepper. Who could find fault with these most basic of traditional seasonings that have improved the flavor and palatability of food for …