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Green smoothies are all the rage these days. Many people are drinking them every day or at least several times a week in an attempt to get healthy and “alkalize” the body.
Whenever I visit the cafe of my local healthfood store, there are usually several people in gym clothes lined up to order a green smoothie to sip after their workout.
Green smoothies are made by blending large amounts of raw leafy green vegetables with fruit to soften and sweeten the taste. Typical vegetables included in green smoothies are cruciferous vegetables like kale, broccoli, collard greens, maca (usually as a supplemental powder) as well as others like spinach, swiss chard, celery, and parsley.
Is the green smoothie fad a truly healthy habit over the long term? Or, could regular consumption of these seemingly healthy drinks contribute to serious health problems over time?
Raw Leafy Greens Contain High Oxalate Levels
Frequent consumption of large quantities of raw, leafy green vegetables blended up as green smoothies can be deceiving at first. This is because green drinks facilitate an initial detoxification process that makes a person feel great. This is especially true when coming off a highly processed, nutrient poor diet.
While very nutritious, the vegetables used in green smoothies are almost without exception high oxalate foods. Over time, a high oxalate diet can contribute to some very serious health problems particularly if you are one of the 20% of people (1 in 5) that have a genetic tendency to produce oxalates or if you suffer from candida or other fungal challenge. In those cases, a high oxalate diet can deal a devastating blow to health.
Oxalate Toxicity Not a New Problem
The effects of oxalate toxicity have plagued humankind since ancient times. For example, scientists discovered an oxalate kidney stone about the size of a golf ball in a 2000 year old mummy from Chile using x-ray analysis.
Build-up of shards of oxalate crystals can occur almost anywhere in the body. Whatever tissue contains them, pain or worse is the result.
75-90% of kidney stones are oxalate related with 10-15% of Americans afflicted at some point during their lives. As the star shaped crystalline stones pass from the kidney, they cause pressure and pain in the bladder and urethra and can actually tear up the walls of the urinary tract.
Oxalate Stones from Excessive Green Smoothies
Oxalate stones can show up in any body tissue including the brain and even the heart.
Crystals comprised of oxalates resemble shards of glass. They can become lodged in the heart causing tiny tears and damage to this vital muscle. With every single contraction, more damage is caused as the heart pumps life giving blood to the rest of the body.
Oxalate crystals which end up in the thyroid can cause thyroid disease by damaging thyroid tissue.
A frequent location for oxalates to end up is skeletal muscle which will cause pain with even normal movement and make exercise nearly impossible. Dr. William Shaw, Director of The Great Plains Laboratory for Health, Nutrition and Metabolism who has studied oxalates extensively, is convinced that oxalate toxicity is a factor in fibromyalgia the pain of which can absolutely devastate a person’s life (1).
Vulvodynia – Painful Sex
Cases of women experiencing painful sex are on the rise with oxalates a possible culprit.
Vulvodynia is a condition causing pain in and around the vagina. It is linked to oxalates deposited in this delicate reproductive tissue. Oxalate crystals are very acidic and they cause irritation, burning, and stinging sensations for affected women. An accompanying feeling of rawness is typically experienced during sexual relations.
Oxalates Are Fungal in Origin
A surprising finding is that oxalates are produced in large amounts by fungus. Large stones have been found in the sinuses and lungs of people suffering from systemic fungal infections such as candida or Aspergillus.
Therefore, anyone who suffers from any sort of candida overgrowth or other fungal challenge like fungus nails or dandruff would be wise to be very concerned about oxalate intake via the diet.
Consumption of green smoothies would not in any way contribute to improvement of health in these situations. The majority of people today suffer from gut imbalance and candida (yeast) issues caused by antibiotic and prescription drug use including the Pill. This renders a high oxalate diet which includes frequent green smoothies an unwise practice for virtually everyone.
Does Cooking Destroy Oxalates?
What about cooking the greens first? Would this reduce the risk of oxalate overload and make consuming greens safer?
Not really, because oxalates are extremely stable. While cooking high oxalate foods and discarding the cooking water does reduce the level of anti-nutrients, it remains quite high.
Green smoothies are usually consumed frequently by those who swear by them. As such, a light steaming of the veggies first would not make a significant difference over the long term if they are consumed regularly. If you consume green smoothies only occasionally, however, a light steaming is a good idea. This practice adds a degree of safety to the process. Other tips for preparing safe smoothies are contained in this linked article.
Healthier Alternatives to Green Smoothies
The best course of action for health, then, is to opt out of the green smoothie diet fad. This is especially important if you have any sort of gut imbalance or candida issues.
If you enjoy green leafy vegetables, be smart about it. Don’t overdo like so many in the health community are doing with the best of intentions. Enjoy green drinks in moderation in salads. Or, cook them and carefully drain and discard leafy green cooking water. Never use it in soups and sauces!
Be sure to serve cooked leafy greens with a healthy fats like butter or coconut oil. Avoid margarine or any factory fats synthesized with rancid and/or GMO vegetable oils like Smart Balance. Using natural fats will facilitate maximum absorption of minerals.
Another option is to drink raw cultured vegetable juice or eat raw cultured vegetables. Not only will you get enhanced nutrition from the culturing process which adds enzymes and nutrients, but you will also get a beneficial and therapeutic dose of probiotics to help balance gut function and improve digestion. It also suppresses fungal overgrowth like candida.
Wheatgrass an Excellent Alternative!
Another option is to do shots of fresh, green wheatgrass juice.
Wheatgrass juice is very low in oxalic acid.
Here is a link to my favorite green juice recipe using wheatgrass and ginger. It is safe to drink regularly, daily if you like, instead of green smoothies. It is also an excellent drink for gently detoxing before pregnancy. The ginger assists with morning sickness issues too if you are already pregnant.
What to do if a Green Smoothie Diet Has Already Harmed Your Health
Are you already are suffering from some of the ailments described in this article? Do you suspect a high oxalate diet which includes green smoothies or a daily spinach salad may be the cause? If so, stop this practice immediately and consult with a holistic physician. You will likely need professional assistance to guide you on the road to recovery. Ridding your body of oxalate crystals that are potentially irritating one or more of your body tissues is no simple task! It is not advisable to attempt this protocol on your own.
Sarah, The Healthy Home Economist, author, Get Your FATS Straight
References and Additional Information
The Role of Oxalates in Autism and Chronic Disorders, William Shaw PhD
Top 4 Cleansing Myths to Watch Out For
So I found this Blog this morning while typing “Low carb Green smoothies” in google, then once I saw this post I got stuck reading the argument for hours (hehe very interesting). The passion that every one of you sparkle with, inspires me. It seems people have lost there passion for health so even though everyone is disagreeing it’s a beautiful disagreement! I think where the argument has went wrong is, while everyone is searching for the truth or at least understanding of our bodies, we all have our own interpretations of it sorta like the bible and religion. I notice the writer (sara) is very passionate about her beliefs, and loves to help people and feels very strongly about that which is amazing and wonderful, but not once has she taken a speck of advice from any of the posters, just keeps standing her ground with no acknowledgement that she just might not know everything and maybe we are all here to learn from each other??….. Yes Sara, you are probably a dictionary of amazing information and I respect that, but the core foundation of *Human communication* is listening, being heard, and understood, but while we are listening, hearing you, and understanding you not one of your readers who disagree with your post being heard and understood by you. Instead of acknowledging that everyone has value and that some of the things they are saying might be able to be added to your post, you just shun every critic instead of validate the fact that you might have made just a few small of errors in your post and fix them. Maybe even thank these people for helping your post be successful and helpful by adding in a couple of fixes such as sizes, substitutes, or how to’s. If it weren’t for these critics I was about to give up on all greens because your post scared the bajeezes out of me with this oxidation stuff, but now I understand it’s all a matter of perception and I thank those critics for that as well as you for taking the time to write the article. Also instead of telling your children everyone else is bad and that you won’t let them get under your skin, maybe show them how everyone’s voice matters and that you will learn and listen to them with the same respect that your followers give you. There are many people out there that live off of McDonalds and Burger King so if they add a green smoothie to there day, I’m pretty sure they might be taking a step in the right direction and maybe you can add some exceptions to your blog about that. Your correct that this is your blog and that we don’t have to read it, but don’t you want us to? Don’t you wanna help us and all of us come together to help each other live better? If you do, then those words just create a volatile defensive environment that is actually way more harmful to our health then any f the leafy greens we can eat. I bet more people had there blood pressure up by reading this article then McDonald’s could have done in 3 days. So maybe re-evaluate what your providing here and if you are here to help others, and if so, listen with your heard instead of your defensive side then things will make a lot more sense to you. Oh and Love your passion for health, I have a Autistic little girl that’s 10 and was just diagnosed and I’m on my own journey to helping her. Thanks Amanda
Amanda, I think this is a fantastic, insightful response. You are right on the money – Sarah is very knowledgeable about many things, but like anyone she is also often incomplete and sometimes flat-out wrong, but she NEVER accepts or acknowledges ANY criticism, even if it is offered in a constructive and helpful way. This is why I’ve stopped reading her blog as regularly as I used to. I hope she reads your comment (and mine) and takes your kind suggestions to heart!
Wow- she never accepts any criticism? I think the WAP people are so self righteous about their diet and just write off anything that has to do with veganism etc; and green smoothies are huge in raw vegan world. Seems like they just want to discount it and redirect people to a *traditional* diet.
Amanda, that is precicely what I was trying to say earlier. This is very typical of her character sadly. I can only guess that this character is going to be worsened in her children sad to say. I’m all for learning from her wisdom, but she has a mentality a lot like many doctors and religious people; she can’t see past her own perception and biasis. She really is her own God! You Amanda sound like many Agnostic and Atheist people who unlike her apparently, realize their humble place in this universe is to be a part of a community. We need eachother for accountability when we just can’t see things, and should welcome people’s well meaning advice. We never know who can teach us something. Unfortunately Sarah has made it clear that she knows who can teach or correct her. . . . No one!
Angela, Thank you for this. “You Amanda sound like many Agnostic and Atheist people who unlike her apparently, realize their humble place in this universe is to be a part of a community.” Non-believers have an undeserved bad reputation and it does my heart good to read things like this which are so true.
I love my grass-fed and pastured animal food and delicious butter, but I’m going to also keep eating all of my various greens in many forms which many years ago helped me heal chronic asthma.
Do you realize that you are talking about someone in very hateful tones as if she can’t hear you? WHY? Just leave quietly. I would ask that you take note of the viciousness of the attacks on Sarah, just for differing in opinion? That really makes no sense. If one has a position and allows others to comment, then whether or not this person chooses to accept someone’s criticism (debateable whether it is constructive) should be that person’s business, not anyone else’s. (This includes you) No one can read another person’s mind, so it would be wise for those who are self-appointed, to stop. Just enjoy the blog of your choosing. I am.
You are quite correct .. I am completely immoveable on things where the only argument folks have is based on a modern fad that is selling a lifestyle not health and using slanted “science” that has not had the benefit of decades or centuries (such as traditional diet has) to discern its insidious, health robbing effects such as a green smoothie habit. Many things science thought were true were proved over time to be completely and utterly wrong. Consuming large and obscene quantities of greens in green smoothies on a frequent basis for years on end is one of these. Be a statistic if you like .. I choose to go with the tried and true 🙂
If you want a wishy washy … here’s what I’m doing today based on the hype of the moment type of blog, there are plenty of those to go around.
I’m with you, Sarah. Common sense does not require a degree.
Quoting Sarah: “I am completely immoveable on things where the only argument folks have is based on a modern fad that is selling a lifestyle not health and using slanted “science” that has not had the benefit of decades or centuries (such as traditional diet has) to discern its insidious, health robbing effects such as a green smoothie habit.”
Sarah, firstly, there are more than enough common sensed and scientifically more informed and precise comments in your opponents’ answers than in your article to stop being “immovable”.
Your rhethorics in this case are defensive, childishly stubborn and won’t serve your position at all.
second, the diet “had the benefit of decades or centuries ” has proven to make civilisation sicker than humanity had been before that.
If you had informed yourself of Boutenko’s theory and reasons behind the blending of leafs, namely the incapacity of our degenerated teeth to actually extract the nutritional elements out of the cellulose, the subsequent change and increase in healthy chloric acid in the stomach leading to a far healthier and more thorough digestion and less bacterial content going to the intestins, he benefits of the highly concentrated energy content of cloropyll, the benefits of raw food in general…you wouldn’t call the green smoothies “a fad”. Insidious, health robbing?? Excuse me, but your statements are misinformed, highly polemic and unreasonable, disguised as no-bullshit hard facts but not backed up at all!
Why don’t you just try green smoothies for yourself, read Boutenko’s book and stop treating us experienced and healthy smoothie afficionados like some sort of moronic and mislead hype followers?
Amen Carolann Kummins.
@Marnie I got my candida under control a number of years ago and so yes, I do avoid high oxalate veggies (and of course soy which is high as well) as you can never be sure exactly how much oxalates your body is producing. It’s better to be safe than sorry and bone broth offers minerals in a very easy to digest way and drinking lots of bone broth in the diet is a much better alternative to green smoothies. Many traditional cultures ate no leafy greens whatsoever and were perfectly healthy. But all traditional cultures made bone broths for minerals and easy digestion. I am missing nothing by forgoing the leafy greens. I don’t agree that we all need more greens in our diet. That is USDA dietary pyramid propaganda.
First off, thanks to Sarah for writing this article. It’s important that all sides of any issue are represented. There’s no reason why we can’t all discuss this like level-headed adults instead of taking these statements personally.
Everyone commenting here is a different person, from different backgrounds and ethnicities, and will therefore have different physical needs. Personally, I tried the green smoothie fad with zeal but always felt horrible afterwards. I tried them for my young son and he always became hyper, with a gut ache and blood sugar crash afterwards. But I also have a close friend who has regained her health by drinking a small smoothie each day. Our bodies are different! Even good, helpful diets like GAPS are NOT meant to be eaten our whole lives. Some diets should be followed for a time to heal from disease and regulate our bodies, but if stuck with for too long they can be harmful. The mindset that everything is good or bad for everyone, with no variations, is silly. It’s good to have articles like this one so that we can all make educated, well-rounded decisions on what foods we personally should and should not eat.
That all being said, I would suggest trying ANY new food or supplement slowly and learn to pay attention to how your body reacts to them. Maybe you’re in a place where green smoothies or juices would be helpful for a time, or maybe they would be detrimental to your health. Or try the “cook, drain, add lots of butter” approach and see what that does. At the very least, don’t attack someone because they made a generalized statement about health that you took personally.
sorry but tis is one seriously misinformed and opinionated article. Please do your research about the green smoothies, and why the greens actually are being blended “into a drink”, consult the thousands of people whom it has benefited to become healthier, and stop telling people that “veggies traditionally cooked in butter” are actually good for you.
Who knew “green smoothies” we’re in the same controversial category as Obama and Jesus?!
Brings out the “beast” in some people.
Read the post. Do your own research. Decide if green smoothies will or will not be a part of your life. Then worship green smoothies or do not. Simple.
Green smoothies are how SOME people identify themselves. For some its like a holier then thou complex. “I drink green smoothies everyday!” “My toddler drinks green smoothies!” “I spent 500 dollars on a blender that can blend a cell phone and avocado seeds!” So I can see why some people are SO offended, this offends them to the core of who they have identified themselves as. “With out green smoothies, who am I, who will I empress?” I don’t think this hits a nerve because of the science behind it, but rather, you are calling out someones identity.
If you are going to start bashing nutrient powerhouses, you best be careful what you start replacing them with. Nature abhors a vacuum.
Of course someone with a PHD has to come out and say something negative like this about Green Smoothies. LOL.
Since myself and everyone I have known have been doing these smoothies for just over 2 years, I have had the most significant boost in health in all areas of my life. I used to have all the symptoms of someone who was suffering from oxalic problems from other types of foods I was eating NOT GREENS. From drinking green shakes everyday I have upgraded my health in every possible way you can imagine. I cannot name one area it has not been extremely positive for me besides the fact you make a gross one here and there.
For the love of god do not stop your green smoothie routine because of this article, it is singlehandedly the smartest thing you can do for your health, a salad here and there just does not cut it in our day and age i’m sorry. This is the future.
Here are a few articles to clear up your misconceptions about this topic.
Have A Great Day!
Totally agree TC.