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Green smoothies are all the rage these days. Many people are drinking them every day or at least several times a week in an attempt to get healthy and “alkalize” the body.
Whenever I visit the cafe of my local healthfood store, there are usually several people in gym clothes lined up to order a green smoothie to sip after their workout.
Green smoothies are made by blending large amounts of raw leafy green vegetables with fruit to soften and sweeten the taste. Typical vegetables included in green smoothies are cruciferous vegetables like kale, broccoli, collard greens, maca (usually as a supplemental powder) as well as others like spinach, swiss chard, celery, and parsley.
Is the green smoothie fad a truly healthy habit over the long term? Or, could regular consumption of these seemingly healthy drinks contribute to serious health problems over time?
Raw Leafy Greens Contain High Oxalate Levels
Frequent consumption of large quantities of raw, leafy green vegetables blended up as green smoothies can be deceiving at first. This is because green drinks facilitate an initial detoxification process that makes a person feel great. This is especially true when coming off a highly processed, nutrient poor diet.
While very nutritious, the vegetables used in green smoothies are almost without exception high oxalate foods. Over time, a high oxalate diet can contribute to some very serious health problems particularly if you are one of the 20% of people (1 in 5) that have a genetic tendency to produce oxalates or if you suffer from candida or other fungal challenge. In those cases, a high oxalate diet can deal a devastating blow to health.
Oxalate Toxicity Not a New Problem
The effects of oxalate toxicity have plagued humankind since ancient times. For example, scientists discovered an oxalate kidney stone about the size of a golf ball in a 2000 year old mummy from Chile using x-ray analysis.
Build-up of shards of oxalate crystals can occur almost anywhere in the body. Whatever tissue contains them, pain or worse is the result.
75-90% of kidney stones are oxalate related with 10-15% of Americans afflicted at some point during their lives. As the star shaped crystalline stones pass from the kidney, they cause pressure and pain in the bladder and urethra and can actually tear up the walls of the urinary tract.
Oxalate Stones from Excessive Green Smoothies
Oxalate stones can show up in any body tissue including the brain and even the heart.
Crystals comprised of oxalates resemble shards of glass. They can become lodged in the heart causing tiny tears and damage to this vital muscle. With every single contraction, more damage is caused as the heart pumps life giving blood to the rest of the body.
Oxalate crystals which end up in the thyroid can cause thyroid disease by damaging thyroid tissue.
A frequent location for oxalates to end up is skeletal muscle which will cause pain with even normal movement and make exercise nearly impossible. Dr. William Shaw, Director of The Great Plains Laboratory for Health, Nutrition and Metabolism who has studied oxalates extensively, is convinced that oxalate toxicity is a factor in fibromyalgia the pain of which can absolutely devastate a person’s life (1).
Vulvodynia – Painful Sex
Cases of women experiencing painful sex are on the rise with oxalates a possible culprit.
Vulvodynia is a condition causing pain in and around the vagina. It is linked to oxalates deposited in this delicate reproductive tissue. Oxalate crystals are very acidic and they cause irritation, burning, and stinging sensations for affected women. An accompanying feeling of rawness is typically experienced during sexual relations.
Oxalates Are Fungal in Origin
A surprising finding is that oxalates are produced in large amounts by fungus. Large stones have been found in the sinuses and lungs of people suffering from systemic fungal infections such as candida or Aspergillus.
Therefore, anyone who suffers from any sort of candida overgrowth or other fungal challenge like fungus nails or dandruff would be wise to be very concerned about oxalate intake via the diet.
Consumption of green smoothies would not in any way contribute to improvement of health in these situations. The majority of people today suffer from gut imbalance and candida (yeast) issues caused by antibiotic and prescription drug use including the Pill. This renders a high oxalate diet which includes frequent green smoothies an unwise practice for virtually everyone.
Does Cooking Destroy Oxalates?
What about cooking the greens first? Would this reduce the risk of oxalate overload and make consuming greens safer?
Not really, because oxalates are extremely stable. While cooking high oxalate foods and discarding the cooking water does reduce the level of anti-nutrients, it remains quite high.
Green smoothies are usually consumed frequently by those who swear by them. As such, a light steaming of the veggies first would not make a significant difference over the long term if they are consumed regularly. If you consume green smoothies only occasionally, however, a light steaming is a good idea. This practice adds a degree of safety to the process. Other tips for preparing safe smoothies are contained in this linked article.
Healthier Alternatives to Green Smoothies
The best course of action for health, then, is to opt out of the green smoothie diet fad. This is especially important if you have any sort of gut imbalance or candida issues.
If you enjoy green leafy vegetables, be smart about it. Don’t overdo like so many in the health community are doing with the best of intentions. Enjoy green drinks in moderation in salads. Or, cook them and carefully drain and discard leafy green cooking water. Never use it in soups and sauces!
Be sure to serve cooked leafy greens with a healthy fats like butter or coconut oil. Avoid margarine or any factory fats synthesized with rancid and/or GMO vegetable oils like Smart Balance. Using natural fats will facilitate maximum absorption of minerals.
Another option is to drink raw cultured vegetable juice or eat raw cultured vegetables. Not only will you get enhanced nutrition from the culturing process which adds enzymes and nutrients, but you will also get a beneficial and therapeutic dose of probiotics to help balance gut function and improve digestion. It also suppresses fungal overgrowth like candida.
Wheatgrass an Excellent Alternative!
Another option is to do shots of fresh, green wheatgrass juice.
Wheatgrass juice is very low in oxalic acid.
Here is a link to my favorite green juice recipe using wheatgrass and ginger. It is safe to drink regularly, daily if you like, instead of green smoothies. It is also an excellent drink for gently detoxing before pregnancy. The ginger assists with morning sickness issues too if you are already pregnant.
What to do if a Green Smoothie Diet Has Already Harmed Your Health
Are you already are suffering from some of the ailments described in this article? Do you suspect a high oxalate diet which includes green smoothies or a daily spinach salad may be the cause? If so, stop this practice immediately and consult with a holistic physician. You will likely need professional assistance to guide you on the road to recovery. Ridding your body of oxalate crystals that are potentially irritating one or more of your body tissues is no simple task! It is not advisable to attempt this protocol on your own.
Sarah, The Healthy Home Economist, author, Get Your FATS Straight
References and Additional Information
The Role of Oxalates in Autism and Chronic Disorders, William Shaw PhD
Top 4 Cleansing Myths to Watch Out For
I think the use of One referance to support your information on not using green smoothies shows the little research that you have undertaken on the subject.
This essay outrages me! Green smoothies are not the problem. Anyone who enjoys them daily should know to rotate the greens, absolutely; to say to skip them entirely and instead enjoy greens overcooked and with butter is just- well it’s exactly what’s wrong with diet and nutrition in the US. It sickens me that you don’t reference any of your research so that your readers can see for themselves that they are an amazing addition to a healthy diet especially for those who don’t generally eat enough vegetables, fruits and greens!
Sigh. A little information can be dangerous. Sarah’s article bashing green drinks is entirely too alarmist to be taken seriously. Although oxalic acid in spinach and other greens may be dangerous if consumed in excess in an unbalanced diet, the piddling amount that may be present in a scoop of green powder will carry no danger in its own right. Even if added to a vegetarian diet loaded with green foods, the tiny amount contributed by a daily serving of a green food supplement would not prove to be the tipping point condemning one to fibromyalgia, kidney stones or shredded cardiac tissue.
I consider such reporting as self serving and manipulative. Rather than luring readers to your website with frightening and bogus expose’s, please build your reputation by offering sound education people can trust. Fact check you articles. For example, did you analyze a large number of green drink supplements on the market to determine the actual amounts of oxalic acid in them? Were some high, and some low? Did you compare those values against established safe levels of daily oxalic acid intake? Did you evaluate the oxalic acid contents of green supplements against other ingredients in the formulas that may be able to neutralize the oxalic acid? Did you have any hard data at all upon which to base your scathing remarks?
Had you conducted a thorough analysis of the topic of oxalates in green food supplements, you may have found instead a further reason to endorse them as healthful dietary supplements.
I was vegan for 2 years. I did green smoothies daily. I weighed the least I had ever weighed up to that point. I felt thin and “clear”. However I couldn’t work out hard without blacking out, I had chronic bladder and yeast infections. The thing that finally made me think I hadn’t found the perfect diet was I lost a baby. I had a partial molar pregnancy. It’s usually caused by a severe lack of vitamin a. Common among vegans. I started eating traditional foods like this blog encourages. I am happy to say I got pregnant again. Ate lots of meat, good fats like butter, raw milk and cooked veggies and gave birth to a perfect healthy 8lb 11oz baby boy. My opinion now is that veganism is not the way to a long healthy life!! Grassed beef! Bacon!!
I have to play devil’s advocate here. The article to me at least, is alarmist. As the writer suggests, the green smoothie is a fad. In light of that information, how could one relate this ‘fad’ to a golf ball sized kidney stone in a mummy?? If autism is linked to oxalate issues, then how does a toddler who has had little to no exposure to oxalates develop them. I can understand how conditions can be exacerbated by over consumption of certain foods for sure, but throwing green foods under the bus as possible causes of IBS, burning mouth syndrome, etc. is kind of nuts. I have IBS, and at the time I was diagnosed I had never eaten oxalate foods. My daughter has burning mouth syndrome, and when she developed it at a young age, had always avoided green vegetables and other be foods linked to high oxalates. Maybe the author should warn Dr. Oz, who also consumes green drinks. I have been in the health food field for 25 years, and I have long grown weary of unbalanced, alarmist articles that thrown any particular food group under the banner of all encompassing disease causing enemies or conversely, the opposite, calling one particular food group or eating regimen the saviour of mankind if one follows it. Come on, how about some balanced reasoning here! Just because someone can write a seemingly articulate passage doesn’t mean they should be published. Did you know, 100% of people exposed to water will die ….
Sorry but this is ridiculous. I’ve been eating raw leafy greens my whole life actually, and it’s common knowledge that veggies are good for you. The American diet has far too much meat and processed food and not enough veggies and raw, alive food. I’m a new follower to your blog and I think you have some interesting info on here – but I really think you are doing a dis-service with this article to your readers, and that you need to do more research. With the issues of obesity the North American ppl are having in the modern age, and considering that you do TV spots and have a moderate amount of spot-light, I really think you have a responsibility to do your due diligence when giving out advice. This article gives no scientific back-up, and only one source.
Here is a rebuttal to your article that all should read
GREAT rebuttal!! He has many many sources and I knew I liked what I was reading because he is about moderation of all things! This is a must read. This man is well researched and not only gives is opinions but supplies you with how to research what he says.
And as always people should never just read 1 person’s opinion. RESEARCH!! It will save you from blinding following an opinion. Anything extremely one sided is bogus. The truth usually lies in the middle of all those sides.
if i could add one more piece of constructive criticism. a lot of commenters are saying things like ”oh good i don’t have to eat greens anymore” and when i was finished with the article i took away from it that you don’t eat greens unless cooked with butter. what about romaine lettuce and so many other greens? i just think you need to be a little more specific and provide other alternatives for those that don’t follow a healthy lifestyle at all. i came across this blog from a friend on facebook. for all of the ”why are you even here?” comments
There is actually more quality information from many of the comments than there is from this article. God help us all! Someone needs to delete this garbage article. Greens=Life!
The Bible Book of Daniel Chapter 1 verses 11-17 Show clearly that a simple diet of water and vegetables were healthier than all the delicacies of the Babylonian King. For those that believe the Bible it says that men only ate fruit and vegetables up until Noah’s day. After that God specified some meats they could eat. When God took the Jews out of Egypt they lived off manna for 40 year which is described as a bland slightly sweet bread like mushroom that grew in the dew. Clearly a simple organic and balanced diet seems most reasonable. raising Alkaline PH levels slightly makes sense to me. I care for a fish tank and 2 pools the same way. I’ve had a red pealing rash or something on my face that two doctors prescribed cream for that did not work. In 3 to 4 days of doing fruits, vegetables and drinking my water with lemon ,orange and 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda it cleared up.That was not my purpose I was trying to lose weight and came across the internet info on alkaline. I have a feeling there is something remarkable to be discovered in alkaline rich diets whether daily or as a intermittent cleanse.
This article should be removed. You wont get sick from eating greens. that’s the silliest thing I’ve ever heard of.