If you ask most people whether or not you can heal a cavity, the answer you would get 99.9% of the time is that it is impossible.
Even conventional dentists would agree with this assessment. Ask a typical dentist at a routine cleaning whether you can heal a cavity on your own and he/she is likely to look at you like you’re crazy (I know this from experience).
In stark contrast to this current conventional “wisdom”, Dr. Weston A. Price DDS wrote of numerous situations in his dental practice back in the 1920s and 1930s where cavities healed with no need for drilling and filling. Dr. Price discovered through research that cavities are caused by nutritional deficiency and when this nutritional deficiency is corrected, the cavity heals.
Biological dentists also understand and teach their patients that teeth can remineralize naturally when the diet and microbial conditions in the mouth are conducive to the healing process.
If you think about this in an open-minded manner leaving all preconceived ideas about cavities behind, doesn’t this make sense? Shouldn’t the body be able to heal a cavity just like it heals a broken bone or a cut on your arm? Why would teeth be any different from a broken wrist after all?
Having read Dr. Price’s epic work Nutrition and Physical Degeneration some years ago, I’ve been of the school of thought that cavities can indeed be healed with proper nutrition for some time. But believing something intellectually and knowing it works from experience are two very different things, are they not?
For this reason, I am very excited to relay to you a recent story regarding one of my children. You see, my oldest child (12 years old at the time) developed a cavity in his top right lateral incisor. It was behind the tooth right on the gumline. My husband noticed it one night as he was checking his teeth to see if he was doing a good job brushing and flossing (he’s way too old for nightly brushing by Mom or Dad).
There was a definite hole in the tooth and not a small one either. My husband called me over to take a look and I was alarmed to see the hole and I used a rubber-tipped tooth probe that we have on hand to check how deep it was. The tip of the probe went way into the hole. There was no doubt that this was a cavity, and we both agreed that we needed to get it filled pronto.
Our reasoning was that the incisors are very prominent teeth and taking a chance that the nutritional approach would not work quickly enough to save the tooth was a big concern for us especially given that our soon to be teenager’s diet could likely not be controlled closely enough to ensure rapid success.
I called the dentist right away and made an appointment. In the meantime, I began insisting that my son take 3 butter oil capsules every morning along with his normal, daily teaspoon of fermented cod liver oil. I’ve always been pretty strict about the daily cod liver oil dose before school, but a bit slack about the butter oil along with it to be perfectly honest.
Not anymore. With this big hole in the back of his incisor, I knew that he needed to take both together. Dr. Price discovered that cavities healed faster when these two therapeutic and nourishing oils were taken together.
The dental appointment was a few weeks out, so I continued with the butter oil capsules every single day. I also told my son that he really needed to go back to his breakfast of two slices of toast each morning with raw butter and honey. This instead of tahini and honey which is what he had been having in recent months.
He was fine with that as he loves raw butter and had just gotten out of the routine of having it every morning. Did this simple change of breakfast have an impact on the development of his cavity?
I didn’t change anything else. He didn’t go off grains and he still ate the occasional sugar junk that he gets at school (ugh). It was Easter time too so this type of stuff was rampant. He is almost a teenager, after all. Try to take all grains and sugars out of their diet and you are going to get a rebellion. Kids need to learn some things on their own.
I’ve found you can’t protect your kids from this stuff and raise them in a bubble. You can only teach them to be wise and they will learn moderation on their own over time.
On a side note, I was pleased to see that at a party following his class’s Poetry Day that he bypassed the big bottles of soda and Hershey bars. Amazingly, this junk was being handed out by the parents afterward (no, I’m not kidding).
I was very very proud of him. He knew that eating that stuff would give him a couple of zits for sure and make him feel lousy all afternoon and probably the next day too. We Moms have to celebrate little victories along the way, don’t we?!
Anyway, back to the cavity story.
As it turned out, the day before his dental appointment, the receptionist calls to say that the appointment needed to be rescheduled as the dentist had to unexpectedly go out of town for family reasons. This pushed out the appointment for another couple of weeks, but all the while, we continued with the 3 capsules of butter oil with a teaspoon of fermented cod liver oil after a breakfast of 2 slices of raw butter and honey toast.
Last weekend, I decided to take a peek at the cavity to see if it was getting any worse. It had been about a month since my husband discovered it and I was a bit concerned given that it was one of his top front teeth. I took a flashlight and he tipped his head back and I looked, and looked, and LOOKED!
That’s right. There was no hole at all. It had completely filled in and was as smooth as the tooth next to it. I told my husband and he took a look too. He was delighted to see that the hole was gone.
I took the probe and pressed around just to be sure and confirmed what my eyes were telling me – the cavity had indeed healed over.
I will still be taking him to the dentist to have a check-up but there is no doubt that there is nothing wrong with that tooth any longer.
The best news of all is that I changed very little to get this tooth to heal. He didn’t use coconut oil pulling or any special remedy. He simply continued on his normal, nourishing traditional diet at home with the lapses that typically occur at school and playdate events. We added the butter oil with his daily dose of cod liver oil, and he substituted raw butter for tahini on his toast every morning. The butter oil added critical Vitamin K2 to his diet which supercharges the absorption of the Vitamins A/D in cod liver oil.
That’s it!
I hope you find this story encouraging! Dr. Price’s research really does work in practice!
Dentist’s Conclusion After Examining My Son’s Cavity
This brief update has been added since the original posting date of this blog. I did indeed take my son to the dentist to have a full examination and there was no cavity to be found anywhere in my son’s mouth. A hole was there, the hole is gone. Nutrition can indeed heal cavities!
Diet not only heals early cavities, but it can also heal severe ones where a root canal is recommended. This article on avoiding root canals details that scenario.
Please note that a cavity in a tooth that has already been drilled and filled in the past cannot be healed. Please see a dentist right away to have that cavity filled with non-toxic materials (not mercury amalgams).
Also, a tooth that is cracked or has had part of it broken off cannot be healed with diet. Again, consult with a dentist to have that situation properly handled.
Best Cod Liver Oil and Butter Oil to Heal a Cavity
Please click here for where to buy cod liver oil and butter oil. Note that any old store brand of cod liver oil is not going to work for healing cavities. These brands contain synthetic Vitamin A and D and are heavily processed. Only use these vetted and tested brands to ensure quality results.
Click here to watch my video blog on how to make ghee if you are not able to order butter oil where you live.
Also, this article which provides photographic proof cavities heal can help you see the visual results.
Child Needs to Be on Traditional Diet
Please note that if your child is not on a healthy diet already, the addition of cod liver oil and butter oil (for Vitamin K2) alone will not be sufficient to heal a cavity. A diet consisting primarily of convenience foods that resulted in a cavity problem cannot be rectified with a couple of superfood supplements. It will definitely help and may prevent future cavities, but won’t fix existing ones.
For more information on the diet necessary to heal cavities including high vitamin cod liver oil and butter oil, read the book Cure Tooth Decay.
A Second Cavity Healed!
In May 2017, the same child mentioned in the story above healed yet another cavity. This time he did it all by himself (he is 18 years old now). He noticed a small hole in one of his front teeth. Like the last time, the early cavity was right along the gumline. It was also on the front of the tooth and easy to see in the mirror. I am kicking myself now that we didn’t take before and after pictures!
He asked me what to do about it, and I referred him to what we did 6 years earlier to heal a hole in one of his lateral incisors. He hadn’t been taking much cod liver oil for awhile. So he immediately went back on 1 tsp raw, extra virgin cod liver oil per day (which we are now using instead of fermented liver oil). To supercharge the absorption of the Vitamin A/D in cod liver oil, he also doubled his Vitamin K2 intake (180 mcg/day). Finally, he cut out the few sweets he was eating. Within 2 weeks, the hole was gone!
Please note that instead of butter oil to add K2 to the diet, this time he used a potent natto extract supplement. Both butter oil and natto extract contain the critical Vitamin K2 necessary to heal cavities. It is best used synergistically with cod liver oil for optimal and fast results. Butter oil contains MK-4 and natto extract contains MK-7. This article contains more discussion on MK-4 vs MK-7 forms of Vitamin K2.
Diet is Always First to Heal a Cavity Followed by Cod Liver Oil/K2
My son felt very empowered by the experience. Please note that other than lagging on his cod liver oil/K2 supplement regimen, he was eating an excellent Traditional Diet. Certainly no fast food (ever), candy or soda. Junk to him is a piece of pizza at a party and sweets are a couple of organic cookies after a quality whole foods dinner.
As a Mother, there is nothing better than knowing your children have learned from your efforts raising them and are able to successfully put traditional health into practice for themselves as young adults.
Where to Find a Biological Dentist
I get many requests about who I recommend as a truly holistic dentist. If you are looking for one, I recommend Dr. Carlo Litano of Natural-Smiles.com – (727) 300-0044. Be sure to tell Dr. Litano that the Healthy Home Economist sent you and get 10% off your first visit!
He sees children and does phone consults too!
More Information
Child’s Severe Tooth Decay Healed with Diet
Whiten Your Teeth Without Dangerous Chemicals (that will eventually destroy the enamel)
Healing Periodontal Problems with Bone Broth
Natural Alternative to Baby Teething Gels
Coconut Oil Stops Oral Strep Bacteria from Damaging Tooth Enamel
Cause of Crooked Teeth
10 Signs Your Dentist is Truly Holistic
Could the Cause of Your Illness Be Right Under Your Nose?
Wisdom Tooth Extractions
That is SO cool, Sarah! And to see such healing with such a simple intervention is awesome. I’m going to have to share this post with my FB fans!
Amazing, just amazing!
Do you think the butter oil in the FCLO is not high enough for general dental maintenance in our modern society? My oldest has some cavities in her front teeth that need filling. I’m not sure yet about the other dc. I give them the FCLO w/butter oil but maybe I should give them extra BO? Is this something that is just recommended short term or can be done long term?
Sarah, cavities have always been a challenge for us. By changing our diet, moving away from SAD, it seems none of the cavities we already have, have progressed. But none have healed completely. I will get the family on this protocol soonest. Can you tell me if the children are okay with the butter clo gel blend as they cannot do capsules yet, and at what dosage? (looks like i will try the chocolate) and just to clarify, 3 capsules of butter and 1tsp fclo for adults? if adults do the blend, what dosage? Thanks so much Sarah, I am pinning my hopes on this to finally heal the cavities after a few horror stories at the dentist, that i sort of gave up going 🙂
Sarah is lying to you. She is not a dental or medical professional. She claims she has cured the most common disease known to mankind, caries. Please don’t risk the health or yourself or your family based on her outrageous claims. The longer you wait to fix that ‘tooth hole’, as she calls it, the more expensive and painful it is to fix. There are a lot of good dentists out there, go find one you like. Good luck.
I am not lying, Adam. HOW DARE YOU. Have you ever even read Nutrition and Physical Degeneration by Dr. Weston A. Price DDS and attempted to put it into practice with your patients? Of course not. Your idea of a “good dentist” is one that believes cavities need to be drilled and filled with money going into your pocket.
Wait, according to your own disclaimer:
The information on this website is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended to substitute for the advice provided by your doctor or other health care professional. You should not rely upon or follow the programs or techniques or use any of the products and services made available by or through the use of this website for decision making without obtaining the advice of a physician or other health care professional. The nutritional and other information on this website are not intended to be and do not constitute health care or medical advice.
Hm, interesting….
not as interesting as your name…I jest.
the disclaimer is standard legal protection against litigious web-surfers;
the common sense disclaimer would read..’think for yourself’..
My question is what credentials do you have to actually diagnose caries in a tooth? Unless you have a dental degree, I highly doubt your child had a cavity. I have seen many parents that thought their child had carious lesions, but it turned out to be staining on the teeth. Yes, nutrition is extremely important in your overall health, but a carious lesion can not be cured. A carious lesion is a baterial infection. Now, there are ways (through diet) to reduce the amount of bacteria in one’s mouth such as cutting down on sugar and Xylitol products have been RESEARCHED and SHOWN through RESEARCH to reduce the amount of plaque in one’s mouth.
DO YOUR RESEARCH PEOPLE…. Carious lesions can not miraculously be cured…. if they could the dental profession would cease to exist.
Hmmmm, cease to exist…. What a good reason to state that there is no cure, miracle or otherwise. All the money and prestige gone for all the dentists. Out of a job. Because stating otherwise means you no longer need them because you can fix it at home without them. So of course dentists will state that this cure will not work. Duh!
For the amount of money you dump into your “home remedy,” it is about the same amount to have a filling done. Tooth enamel and dentin can NOT regenerate. It is possible for the caries to be removed without drilling, but the “hole” that is left behind will stay open, in turn the hole will continue to collect food and bacteria, causing more caries to form. I also find it funny that you had your son eating something that is very well known to cause caries, “honey toast.” Grain in any form is carious.
I am commenting as a licensed dentist and also a huge fan of Weston A. Price. I have read Nutrition and Physical Degeneration and I would simply point you to some the dental x rays that that were taken by Dr Price himself. If you look in the 8th edition at Figure 137 on pg 395 the dental radiographs clearly show that dental caries have been arrested but there is none the less a dental restorative material (amalgam in this case) that has been placed into the cavitated area. I am a believer that with proper diet and nutrition a carious lesion can be ARRESTED. But an actual CAVITATION or HOLE in the tooth cannot be repaired or filled in naturally, if you will, simply by altering the diet and providing the body with the proper nutrition. The tooth is unlike bone in this respect. It is made up of a crystalline structure, that once gone, cannot be repaired.
I assure you most dentists are not bad. I’m sure there are a few bad apples in dentistry as I’m sure there are bad police officers, firefighters, pastors, bankers, car salesmen, politicians, etc… Most dentists are trying to help their patients get out of pain, function well, and look good. Knowing what I know about dentistry and nutrition I have no problem at all drilling out a carious lesion and putting a restorative material in there. Once there is a cavitation present in the tooth, even if the caries is arrested, it will sometimes become an uncleanable food trap and a place that harbors bacterial colonization and thus puts the tooth at greater risk for further decay. This is especially true of carious lesions between teeth. I definitely stress diet to my patients as a way to control dental caries but it is simple fact that most are not interested in giving up all aspects of the SAD diet (that includes the occasional cheats). To not ‘drill and fill’ would be irresponsible and negligent on my part.
Hi Jeff, I appreciate your opinion on this topic. I’m wondering what you would recommend in the case of a cavity in a 7yr-old who will NOT do well having any kind of a procedure done at the dentist’s office. I’m not a fan of having her put under at all. The cavity is in a baby tooth, but a molar which will be there for awhile. My hope would be that it could be arrested and left alone until it falls out but I also don’t want to be negligent. This is her first cavity and her diet is very healthy.
Thanks so much for any input.
@ Caitlin,
I will say that all cavities are not created equally and I treat every situation differently. There are many factors that go into treatment planning for a patient including the size of the carious lesion, patients age, caries risk, family history, etc… So without a proper examination and x rays I would not be able to properly diagnose your child. I will say that In the case of children it is especially important that we preserve these teeth as they hold space and stimulate the jaw to grow while the adult teeth are developing and erupting. Even in adults, if teeth are lost, the underlying bone in the area where the tooth used to be will begin to resorb due to a lack of the bone being stimulated. Speaking to your situation, If these baby teeth are prematurely lost, the child’s jaw may not develop properly which can leave insufficient space for the adult tooth to erupt. This is a problem that we want to avoid and one which can lead to a whole host of problems that can negatively affect your child for the rest of her life.
Even though you say her diet is very healthy, my first thought is that there is something in your child’s diet that has caused the cavity. Dental caries is a bacterial disease. If these bacteria don’t have the proper medium and environment to grow and colonize they will not and cannot cause cavities. Simple as that. In my experience, most incipient lesions in a child should be removed and filled as most parents are not able to ensure 100% compliance to proper diet and oral hygiene and most times this will turn into something much bigger and more serious. Do I think that caries can be treated with diet and hygiene? Absolutely and I’m very open and accepting to the ideas of Dr Price. Is this the best solution for every situation? In my opinion it is not.
Hmm.. Well thanks for your input gives me somethings to think about. As much as I like our dentist there is no option other than sending my daughter to a pediatric dentist, having her put under and having the cavity filled. I was hoping to try a very strict diet and the butter oil/CLO mix and see if it miraculously cures as did Sarah’s son’s cavity. I would say the issue in the past with her diet would have been too much grains and carbs but we changes that significantly awhile back. We have never used sugar as a sweetener, eat mostly homemade, whole foods, etc, etc. One more question, if you don’t mind — Is it possible that I could continue what I am doing and if no signs of the cavity getting WORSE show up I can try to hold out until the tooth falls out on it’s own? Or could it be too late if it does start to get worse? When I took her into the dentist originally she was having tooth pain, but since starting with Sarah’s protocol and switching to xylitol toothpaste the tooth pain has gone away.
Thank you again for your help!
Will you please post a link with the data that shows the research done by Dr. Price? I need to see the evidence. Simply stating that a dentist published this information does not make it true. But if there is evidence then I would be more inclined to look into this further.
Adam, cavities can be cured. Read Nutrition and Physical Degeneration by Dr. Weston Price. According to my dentist, she says that dentistry school has no classes in nutrition, the most important element in the health of teeth, so intelligent lay people who do lots of research can be as knowledgeable as the professionals in this area. The people who I know that have cured cavities don’t go to ignorant dentists – they either don’t go at all or go to an informed dentist who prescribes butter! Please get informed!
Just so you are aware, I’m currently in dental school & we do have classes in nutrition.
I am also in dental school. Almost every class we take has a section pertaining to nutrition and how it relates to dental health and overall health.
Adam, Mr Misinformation
Sarah has made a claim and has proof. You made no argument because you have no argument. You have no proof. You have nothing to back you up.
Come back when you have something substantial.
Honest question here, Eve – where is this so called “proof?”
I have three BMW’s, a 12-bedroom house and 3 swimming pools. Oh, and a sweet jacuzzi tub!
Just because I type that, it doesn’t mean it’s real. There are no photos, videos or dental records put up as “proof,” so I’d like to know how exactly your substantial hearsay “backs you up.”
I’m sure that maybe this could help remineralize a small cavity, but a large one or a hole (which can cause severe infections, by the way!) NO WAY.
J – same go’s for you – as for Adam – we do not need skeptics on this site – go hang with your medical buds and leave us in peace – and stop wasting precious space.
Sarah – thanks so much for being You ! Don’t change !
I have healed a cavity and I have proof: two xrays taken a year and a half apart. I had an exam and xrays taken, with decay found. I scheduled a filling. But then I learned I was pregnant and didn’t get I filled. I went back when my lo was young. I got another set of xrays. No decay in the spot! The dentist reallybelieve me until he compared them side by side… It is very possible!
Adam – you appear to be very ignorant of all the intricate details of natural health so you have no place to judge Sarah – Sarah is brilliant beyond her years and she is very far advanced beyond allopathic – Way beyond – you are on the wrong page bud – you should go hang with the medical crowd whom you believe in – we do not need you here.
Yes, we can’t tolerate dissenting opinions on this site, because we know we don’t have the data to back up what we say… the plural of anecdote is not data.
col grif;
is this a cult blog where only like-minded converts can venture an opinion?
all views are worthy of airing,even yours…free speech anyone?
I look forward to the root canals, extractions, and crowns that will come my way after the blatant disregard for a well understood disease process known as caries (correctly described as the most common disease known to mankind by one commenter) that is put forth by this article. No, I have not read a case report from the 1920s, but have read through a few of the thousands of studies regarding cariology in the following 90 years that explain the caries process thoroughly. Sarah, comparing cavities to broken bones is completely flawed because broken bones do not involve a disease process. Bones are constantly resorbing and forming bone (remodeling), whether broken or not. The enamel surface of the tooth is composed almost entirely of inorganic mineral components. It does have the capability to remineralize to a certain extent, but not to the extent to fill a “hole.” To even use the term “heal” is ridiculous. Arresting the process of a cavity is more accurate, but once those minerals and tooth structure are lost, they cannot be replaced. I certainly applaud your efforts to promote nutritional diets, as these may indeed help prevent cavity formation, but your claims of “healing” existing cavities are biologically flawed and damaging to your readers. I think your Nobel prize will be withheld for the time being.
@ Lenny
I was really hoping to specifically reply to Lenny, but there is no reply button available below his comment.
Lenny you start out very condescending, but as you go along at least you soften it up a bit with the facts as you have been taught (if indeed you are a dentist). Sarah wasn’t talking about any case report form the 1920’s, she was specifically talking about Dr. Price’s writings. Have you ever been able to take your blinders off and try to evolve as a professional above and beyond what you have been taught? Your comment of broken bones not involving a disease process is either your misunderstanding of her writing or deliberately misleading and very dishonest. She simply implied the possibility of a healing process similar to a broken bone or cut on the arm. Besides have you ever heard of osteoporosis and rickets? Certainly at least rickets has been accepted as a nutritional deficiency. Over the years many new “miracle cures” have been brought to us by the modern medical system, only to find out many years later that these drugs don’t actually work, have many side effects or are just plain dangerous. Is proper nutrition not promoted because its not relevant to all aspects of health, or simply because there is no money to be made on healthy people. I personally take offence to the term health care, it should be called sick care. There is no attempt in actually making people healthy, we are only making them dependent. At least in Germany they identified the terminology correctly, by calling it “Krankenkasse”, which translates by google to “health insurance”, but that is just the meaning as we understand it in English. “Kranken” is actually “sick” and “Kasse” is “fund”. I believe we should make the change for conventional medicine to “Sick Care” and reserve the term “health care” to alternative medicine.
In closing I would like to interest you in the writings of the foremost epidemiologist, Dr. John P. A. Ioannidis, he writes at length about case studies.
@Lenny and all the Dentists and wanna be dentists.
SO here is the question/s for you all…
If not through nutrition provided by the body taken in by the food and liquids you ingest how are the teeth then formed?
Last I recall we are not born with a whole set of teeth… *unless we are Jethro Bodine and are born with a set just like a beaver… older folks may understand that lol) teeth develop as we grow, true?
Ok if teeth develop from that which we call nourishment then why can it not be possible that nutrition has a way to help in the regeneration process for our teeth?
Yes, Gee Whiz,
Isn’t that the definition of nourishment? Really. Eating is good for enjoyment but it should be mainly for our body’s health. Otherwise we could swallow pills and be done with it. The more I help others with nutrition, the more I see the huge benefits. Like the remineralization of my daughter’s tooth.
@ Gee Whiz – by that logic, we should be able to regrow arms and feet as well. We all start out as single cells without any organs, why shouldn’t we be able to regrow anything we want? Some tissues just have different re/generation windows than others. Teeth are, unfortunately, not among those tissues that get remodeled much after they’ve initially developed. Diet certainly does play a huge role in oral health and preventing tooth decay, but once significant damage is done to the tooth structure the body has only a limited ability to repair it.
Can we all agree that 1) this lesion was never documented to even BE a cavity by radiographic evidence or professional exam and 2)I haven’t met an office who would allow potential production to be scheduled out a couple weeks nor a GOOD parent who would allow for that.
Let’s not allow people to misled by claims with no substance.
Wouldn’t documentation by the person who had their cavity healed be enough? Why would a person lie about something like that? If a persons tooth is ok now: when it was bad before why fight with them and try to change their experience and history to suit yourself. Remember Doctors are not God Almighty. Why would you brag about and glorify them. Thank God for any healing. Remember Jesus Christ is LORD. Christ died for our sins He was buried and on the third day He was raised from the dead in the flesh and seen of over 500 eyewitnesses at once……500 eyewitnesses at once. Is that enough documentation and evidence for you.
ACtually I am here reading bc of my daughters visit yesterday with two small pin holes identified as caries. They are in no hurry to fill them and my appointment is pending for sometime next month. In the meantime I will do all I can nutritionally and see what happens. If it works, I am happy to get her dental records and come back with the evidence from the office. If it doesn’t, well then so be it. But I will always try my hardest to heal ailments naturally before going to a procedure involving further damage, chemicals (the N.O.) and then adding in a man made material. Always.
Please don’t fill a pinhole unless it has been shown to penetrate the dentin. If it is a front tooth it will take away more tooth structure than necessary just to get a filling in and then it will have to be done again and again making it larger each time. give it more time. the may be some remineralization by now. I hope you saw the xray that shows decay beyond the enamel.
Really?! My son had a cavity show up during a cleaning and the dentist was unconcerned as she scheduled us for two weeks out. On top of that a dental office has no authority to “allow” or not allow anything!
I heave on the butter oil too, so I have a full bottle not being used even though it should be as I’m expecting. Sarah–are the butter oil capsules large too? Is the recommended dose for butter oil only a tsp? If so, *maybe* I could swallow it, maybe my serving sizes have been too large. I take a full dropper’s worth of the FCLO nightly.
Hi Megan, you only need 1/4 – 1/2 tsp of the butter oil each day. The capsules are pretty big but my six year old takes them.
Thanks for this post. I take the blue ice fermented cod liver oil/butter oil blend capsules, two a day. Is this sufficient or do they need to be taken separately? I’m afraid cod liver oil makes me heave…unfortunately I’d rather have a vitamin deficiency than taste that every morning!
Take care!
Hi Jacqueline, this is not nearly enough. Two capsules of the fermented cod liver oil/butter oil blend each day is only a little more than 1/6 tsp of FCLO and less than 1/8 of a tsp of butter oil. You would need to take 8 capsules a day to get a decent adult dose.
Hi Sarah,
What’s a good child’s dose of the FCL/butter oil blend capsules? I was doing 2 for my 6 year old but maybe that’s not enough? and she does have a very small cavity brewing…
Hi Sarah,
In your opinion – I am a pregnant/nursing mother and I take 10 fermented cod liver oil tablets a day is that enough? They use to put the amount in each capsule on the bottle and since they don’t I have been second guessing myself. Thanks so much for your advice, it means a lot to me 🙂
My kids each take about 1/2 tsp. or so of the FCLO/BO blend daily. They beg for more. But, that is sufficient to provide them over 1000 IU of vit D and now that it is summer they are outside a lot too.
I take 1.5 tsp. of FCLO/BO daily, though reducing to 1 tsp. now (I am 34 weeks pregnant and taking a lot in the final weeks of pregnancy can, apparently, increase the risk of hemorrhage so I will stop temporarily in a couple weeks then go back to it immediately after birth). I am also nursing. I am not sure what the equivalent is in capsules. The gels are a MUCH better deal for your money, and I actually like the cinnamon.
what flavor of fclo/bo are you giving to your kids, may I ask?? I have the non flavored version, which just opening the jar makes me want to heave! I have to load applesauce, cinnamon, cloves, and honey on top of the spoonful of oil for my kids (and myself, for the matter!) to take it! Thanks!
Do they make a FCLO/BO in liquid form?? I can only find it in capsules.
Hi Sarah!
Great post… I purchase Ghee from Pure Indian Foods. I’m assuming this is equivalent to butter oil? Am I right?
Ghee is fine but it has been heated. The butter oil from Green Pastures is raw which does improve its nutrient value. But .. ghee is wonderful – don’t get me wrong. I have a jar in my pantry too for cooking!
Sarah, can you confirm that Green Pastures actually is raw? I have looked and looked and haven’t been able to confirm this.
Also, Pure Indian Foods themselves dispute the claim that being raw improves the nutrient value. I agree with you that normal ghee must lack lots of nutrients, but Pure Indian Foods’ ghee is no normal ghee. (See their website for details.) I wrote the company a letter asking about this very issue. Here was their response:
On Fri, Oct 28, 2011 at 11:01 AM, Sandeep Agarwal wrote:
Hello Gene,
We recently had our ghee and this “raw” high vitamin butter oil (HVBO)
supplement tested in a lab. The results show that our ghee has more Vitamin
A than this HVBO, even though this HVBO costs over 7 times our ghee. The
test also shows that our ghee has more Vitamin K2 (X-Factor) than HVBO
Please check out this link about impact of pasteurization on fat:
I quote from the above article:
“Q: What does pasteurization do to the fat in cream?
A: Pasteurization is much more damaging to the proteins than the fats. The
only thing ruined in the fats will be the Wulzen Factor, which protects
against arthritis. If only pasteurized cream is available, you can get the
Wulzen Factor by taking high-vitamin butter oil.”
Comments: When you purchase a high-vitamin butter oil, it does not get
shipped to you in a container that is temperature controlled. As you know,
the temperature in a delivery truck reaches 20 degrees higher than outside
temperature. If the outside temperature is 100 degrees F (which is the case
in many areas in summer) then you have to wonder if the supplement is still
“raw” once you receive it. There are no tests available to measure the
Wulzen Factor in a product before it is shipped or to measure the impact of
heat during the transit.
As such, we suggest that one should consume some form of raw dairy from a
reliable local source to get Wulzen Factor. You don’t have to rely on a
supplement to get it.
Please check this link about impact of heat on fat-soluble vitamins:
Please look under “Pasteurized Milk” column and scroll to “D. Nutritional
Values”, and then see “3. Vitamins”. You will notice that except Vitamin A,
other fat-soluble vitamins are not altered by heat.
Your concern for raw or pasteurized is valid. The process of making our ghee
starts with raw milk. However, this milk goes through other processes which
are separating cream from milk, churning cream into butter and then heating
butter to make ghee. This processing involves pasteurization and heating
before ghee is finally made. Please note that the ghee making process
involves less temperature than what is used in UHT pasteurization. We are
well aware of the immense health benefits of raw dairy products. Does it
mean ghee is not healthy for you?
Well, we first need to understand what ghee contains and then see if those
constituents are impacted by heat.
Ghee is 100% dairy fat plus fat-soluble vitamins (Vitamins A, D, E & K). The
fat and fat soluble vitamins are heat stable
(http://www.beyondveg.com/tu-j-l/raw-cooked/raw-cooked-2e.shtml). The reason
for consuming ghee is that it is the “most” concentrated source of milk fat
and fat-soluble vitamins. It takes 25 lb. of milk to produce 1 lb. of ghee.
When cows are grazing on green grass, these fat-vitamins in their milk
increase many folds. Grass-fed cows’ milk has 500% more CLA (Conjugated
Linoleic Acid) than cows that are not on pasture. In fact, heating increases
CLA in the milk. Now, to get the benefits of the enzymes, proteins and other
heat sensitive constituents of the milk, regular consumption of safely
produced raw milk, raw cream, raw kefir, raw butter and raw buttermilk is a
great idea. It should be noted that 8 oz. of whole raw milk will provide you
only 10 gm. of milk fat whereas 8 oz. of ghee is 240 gm. of milk fat
Heating destroys lactase which help in the digestion of milk sugar lactose.
However, there is no lactose in ghee. Heating also impacts the structure of
milk protein, and ghee does not contain that either. On the other hand, it
is the process of homogenization which impacts the fat molecules, and we use
non-homogenized milk.
So, the most important factor to consider while selecting a ghee is not
about raw or pasteurized, as there is no such thing as raw ghee. The most
important factor is the source of milk used in making the ghee. Our ghee is
produced from only those cows that are on pasture and eating rapidly growing
fresh green grass in spring and fall only. Our product is USDA 100%
Certified Organic, and we make it ourselves in New Jersey.
I hope this helps. Please don’t hesitate to contact me for any additional
I am on a Casein free diet, do you know if this company’s Ghee is casein free? Would it still contain all the necessary nutrients to heal tooth decay?
Oh one other suggestion. If you find that you don’t do well on the fermented cod liver oil, try the fermented skate liver oil. Some folks do better on one versus the other.
I think this is fantastic stuff you are sharing with all of us here. About a hear ago I visited a homeopathist, and she now has me on Mercuious 10 Drops every night, and really helped knock out my allergies. But recently I had my last two wisdom teeth taken out; and in the X-ray of panerex it showed a blak mark on my lower last tooth that was next to the wisdom tooth. I went to a dentist and he verrified it is dental decay, they tried to take a picture and I kept gagging. So, I called my Friend and she told is giving me cold laser treatments of about 3 mins per day for 5 days on that tooth.
I also just bought raw butter and the codeliver tablets. My cavity in the X-ray is about the size of a small eraser, and the top of my tooth is slightly sticky.
So, I am doing the color laser Q1000 with dentral attachment and now going take 3 tablets per day and have a piece of toast with raw butter and I even bought raw milk.
I am also chewing with Xylitol B-Gum everyday about 2-3 times, let me know your thoughts.
I can tell you that after I have the laser treatment I feel something in the tooth, like breaking up, its weird….
TY so much
Warmest, regards
The capsules are fine .. you really need to work up to a full tsp though per day which is I think 6 capsules. Try to slowly work up to it and take it with food.
As someone who’s cavity-prone and has a mouth filled with fillings, I read this with great interest. I’m going to have to start employing this method for myself! Also, I recently discovered that if I stop buying all commercial bread, even the “healthy” kind (like Arnold’s no high fructose) and make my own, my plaque is greatly reduced.
I came to your site specifically to inquire about your interest in healthier options for tooth paste and was surprised to see that you were taking the fermented cod oil and butter oil instead of (prenatal) vitamins. So the question is how are your teeth? I do have a small cavity so I need to choose a dental visit or the oils. Financially I cant do both. Any input would be appreciated. Thank 🙂
Good questions. Without seeing your original cavity I can only base my thoughts on what is logical and possible based on my knowledge of the process. First of all, “cavity” is a very generic term for a complex process but it is an inadequate term in my opinion to represent that process. A cavity suggests a hole. Not all tooth cavities form holes. The very beginning stage results in mineral loss of the enamel that can show up on some x-rays if advanced enough, at this stage there is no hole that is formed. Just imagine placing acid on a piece of glass and watching it frost over, it frosts over because the acid eats away microscopic components of the glass and it loses its translucency but there is no hole. With teeth, these minerals can be replaced if the acid challenge is removed (change in diet, brushing and flossing regularly, fluoride, etc.) So a “cavity” can be healed before it cavitates (forms a hole). Once a hole (cavitation) is formed, the process can be still be stopped in some instances but the hole will always be there. The dentin will not form over the hole but it can increase in width inside the tooth, the nerve or pulp of the tooth has this capability. And if there was a hole it should show up on an x-ray but there are various exceptions that would be difficult to explain without a visual aid. The only risk of developing another cavity in the same spot is if you regressed to the dietary habits you had prior to your lifestyle change. I am very happy for you that you were able to make a change the resulted in benefits you hoped for as well unexpected benefits, that is wonderful.
But the way the author of this article described the “hole/cavity” a protective layer of dentin would not be able to form where the enamel once was.
Hope this helps
Wow I am impressed; I just ordered some cod liver oil from green pastures. Guess I should have also ordered butter oil since I’m afraid I have some cavities forming myself.
I actually have a question about the fermented cod liver oil. I have only been taking it a few days and have had some really bad bloating and gas. And I only took one capsule, the dosage is 2. A faq on the site said people with a low-fat diet may have issues but I have a very high fat diet. Should I keep taking it and it will get better, and how long would it take to adjust? It is quite uncomfortable. Also, are the capsules still beneficial or is the liquid really that much better.
Summer, you may well have gall bladder issues. Are you seeing an alternative practitioner? Do you have issues with other fats?
Even with “an alternative practitioner”, people need to realize, you are your own doctor and dentist, whether you want to be or not. If you decide to trust someone, it is still you making that choice. Great story Sarah. I have read similar accounts, of fillings being pushed out as new enamel formed, even, when a tooth healed. It is truly scary reading some of the posts here, from dentists and others, so clueless as to how corrupt the establishment is. While the dentist may be sincere, he has no idea of how journals and education are controlled, behind the scenes. Fortunately, some of the dentists positng here are familiar with the xrays in Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, that the dentist Weston Price took, showing before and after images, cavities being healed with nutrition. Sadly, most dentists and academia types are clueless re this research. Such is the power of the establishment propaganda machine. While Price might not have documented new enamal filling in, as some claim, it is certainly possible. This leads into the whole area of “miraculous healing”, another thing the establishment denies and slanders.Good luck everyone in your research. Don’t let the arrogant, establishment brainwashed types fool you. Think for yourself.
Forgot to add, years back I asked a dentist if he’d ever had a case where a new adult tooth had grown in after someone had lost an adult tooth. Seems quite reasonable, the DNA for new teeth is still in your body. So the dentist said “no”, but then his assistant said, “Yeah, at the last dentist I worked for, we had that happen”. It was funny and scary watching the dentist, he just couldn’t accept this simple fact, and tried to concoct some alternate explanation… Which leads into, for people here saying new enamel can’t form, because it’s crystallin, not cells… well then how did the original enamel get there in the first place? It was built. Something that was built, can be rebuilt.
it would be great if the person who regrew a tooth, made it a public news, don’t you think?
I have a great personal story to share – I just fought a tooth infection without antibiotics. I posted it on my blog:
Your comment is ignorant, from a scientific standpoint. With your logic, bones don’t “turn off”, meaning they close their epiphyseal plates, and can continue to grow if you simply just nourish them?? Please! Or better yet, nerve CELLS in the spine should be able to grow, since, they are just cells after all?? Ask Christopher Reeves if his spinal cord simply just grew back. While I am not closed to the idea that tooth regeneration isn’t possible, please don’t say make the dentist out to be a empty talker. Learn something about science and then make an educated post.
I’ll just say that science is based on facts, and I wish people who made these kind of claims would simply take pictures that could give some evidence, instead of making a claim and then ending an add with advertisements for cod oil, etc.
“Your comment is ignorant, from a scientific standpoint. With your logic, bones don’t “turn off”, meaning they close their epiphyseal plates, and can continue to grow if you simply just nourish them?? Please! Or better yet, nerve CELLS in the spine should be able to grow, since, they are just cells after all??..”
Actually, there’s nothing more ignorant than ignoring all science that doesn’t fit the propaganda taught in your establishment textbooks. See the research of the bone surgeon, Dr Robert O’becker, going back to the 1950s. See his books, Cross Currents, and The Body Electric. O’becker was fascinated with salamanders, because they are able to regenerate limbs, nerve cells, virtually any body part, even much of their brains, and the new growth is perfect. So much for your screwball theories on what’s possible.
O’becker was able to cause frogs to regenerate as well, even though normally they don’t. He used electricity to trigger the regeneration. His scientific findings are well documented but you won’t learn about it in the establishment school system. He showed regeneration also works with rats (which are mammals). He never could get funding to do this with humans. Regeneration would make obsolete most all of “modern medicine” and the enormous profits that go with it.
Then look into the research of Max Freedom Long, “The Secret Science Behind Miracles”, and compare the description of the healing done by the kahuna healers of Hawaii, using their hands, with O’becker’s explanation using electricity. Maybe the lightbulb will start going on for you, and you will begin to have an understanding of what the word “science” really means.
Don’t waste your money. This will not cure cavities – it’s bad science. Cavities are not caused by nutritional deficiencies. Cavities are caused by bacteria that secrete acidic waste products onto the enamel. Also, teeth are different than bones in the fact that a tooth is not made up of living cells but are predominantly a crystalline structure. Dentists are not out for your money. They are out to help you save your teeth. If you listen to this woman and actually have a real cavity, the cavity will become so big in the time you are ignoring it that you will need a root canal or even need an extraction. Please don’t take this woman’s advice.
Drew you need to read When Healing Becomes A Crime – The story of Howard Hoxey I think you will find it quite interesting.
Yes, it happens all the time – big companies, or I should say, big criminal companies holding on to their power and money.
Would you believe, my pediatrician refused to be my son’s doctor, because of my holistic views? I should have saved her letter.
Meanwhile, my son used to be sick all the time in the past, when I could not find the right treatment for him.
since i’m drinking raw milk and having the royal blend butter-COD my two cavities at the dentine layer have stopped, and this is the situation since the last two years.
I can guarantee the stuff works, and frankly it also makes sense to me, why nutrition would not be able to heal something like this? to me it’s just common sense.
Feel free to think what you want, we can change the way we think, not other people minds.
Take care my friend, all the best.
You’re right – people are brainwashed. And some people will never open their minds, unfortunately.
You say that like it’s their fault. If they can’t open up their minds it’s only because they’re protecting themselves from those that do scam us. They rather just deal with what they know. Unfortunately, to trust information is to see FACTS. There are no facts, no statistics from reliable sources. Even people who say it worked for them, there’s not physical proof that it did. Who’s to say they’re not apart of what could be a scam? You have to say that you don’t trust everything you see on the internet or even on TV. If you didn’t trust everything then you can’t even say that you’re opening up your mind. We are just on different levels. Show the physical facts and people will believe. There’s nothing from the Dentists saying that they said the tooth has improved without him doing any work on it. Hearsay doesn’t win in court.
I have wasted thousands of dollars on dentists. It’s funny how one may tell you, “oh yeah we need to pull and root canal that one stat!”, while another dentist will say it looks fine but my gums need to be stretched back down over the teeth. It’s like going to bad used car salesmen. My mouth has never felt cleaner and cavity-free since I took charge of my own mouth – not surprising.
B, November 16, 2012 at 4:29pm
B. What have you done in taken charge?
I just saved my tooth, for the 2nd time – you can read about it on my blog:
cavities are caused by bacteria? Then if that were true, couldnt you use ANTI-bacterial mouthwashed, toothpaste to get rid of the cavity? false assumption Drew
Tara, there are thousands of journals that prove what Drew is saying. Think of cavities like you think of rust on a car. You can wax your car to remove any oxidation (rust) but rust will eventually return. Just like the flora of bacteria in our mouths, we can remove them but they will eventually return again. That is why we should brush every day.
But to better answer your question about antibacterial mouthrinses or toothpastes, the main reason is that the minerals in your teeth have already been removed by the acids produces. When you use a antibacterial mouthrinse you kill of the bacteria but soon new bacteria will colonize on the surfaces of your teeth.
I used to wax my car about every other month and my car looked so nice! But living in a climate with tons of salt made it virtually impossible to prevent rust from occuring. When I stopped caring about waxing (similar to brushing your teeth), the rust got worse. This is why cavities are more common in those who don’t brush or floss.
If you have any more questions on this I would be happy to answer them! Best of luck to you. I am glad to see people thinking about this… However, I personally feel the reasons are not founded upon correct principles. This doesn’t mean you can’t try it though.
I’m sorry but comparing a tooth to a car is just plain silly! The environment for teeth is so much more different than a car. Plus your car isn’t a living being…
How would that get rid of the cavity,if it has already formed? It will destroy the bacteria, but wont fill in your tooth…If you take care of your teeth both morning and evening, from the BEGINNING,using the toothpaste AND anti bacterial mouth wash, plus having a descent diet- that will prevent any cavities from forming. And yes, they cavities ARE formed by bacteria. Science.
Actually there are dozens and I mean dozens of papers from the 1930s that say otherwise:
Agnew, M. C.; Agnew, R. G.; Tisdall, F. F. (1933) The production and prevention of dental caries. Journal of the American Dental Association, JADA 20; 193-212.
Anderson, P. G.; Williams, C. H. M.; Halderson, H.; Summerfeldt, C.; Agnew, R. (1934) Influence of vitamin D in the prevention of dental caries. Journal of the American Dental Association 21; 1349-66.
Bennett, N. G.; et al. (1931) The influence of diet on caries in children’s teeth. Special Report Series – Medical Research Council, UK No. 159, 19.
Day, C. D.; Sedwick, H. J. (1934) Fat-soluble vitamins and dental caries in children. Journal of Nutrition 8; 309-28.
East, B. R. (1938) Nutrition and dental caries. American Journal of Public Health. 28; 72-6.
His Majesty’s Stationery Office, London. (1936) “The influence of diet on caries in children’s teeth. Report of the Committee for the Investigation of Dental Disease”.
McBeath, E.C. (1938) Nutrition and diet in relation to preventive dentistry. New York Journal of Dentistry Dentistry 8; 17-21.
McBeath, E.C.; Zucker, T.F. (1938) Role of vitamin D in the control of dental caries in children. Journal of Nutrition 15; 547-64.
McBeath, F.C. (1934) Vitamin D studies, 1933-1934. American Journal of Public Health , 24 1028-30.
Mellanby, Edward (1930) The relation of Diet to Death and Disease; Some new investigations BMJ Apr 12, 1930 pg 354 (Edward Mellanby was the discover of Vitamin D)
Mellanby, May C. Lee Pattison and C. W. Proud, (1924) “The Effect of Diet on the Development and extension of caries in the the teeth of children” BMJ Aug 1924 pg 254
Mellanby, M. (1937) The role of nutrition as a factor in resistance to dental caries. British Dental Journal, 62; 241-52.
Tisdall, F.F. (1937) The effect of nutrition on the primary teeth. Child Development 8(1), 102-4.
“The findings of the Agnews, Boyd and Drain, Eddy, Percy Howe, Hanke, Martha Jones, Marshall, McBeath, Klein and McCollum, May Mellanby, Price, and others show that dental disorders may be greatly reduced by a proper adjustment of the diet. Some of these investigators maintain that a lack of vitamin C is principally responsible for the activity of dental caries (Howe, Hanke). Weston Price regards vitamin B and mineral salts as the important elements in a caries free diet. Some believe that the lack of vitamin D is the offending factor (Mellanby). Finally, a disturbance in the calcium-phosphorus balance (which includes vitamin D) is the factor to which most recent investigators point as being responsible for the high activity of dental caries”(“Metabolic Disturbance in Relation to the Teeth” by Charles F. Bodecker, D.D.S. from the laboratory of Histo-pathology, Columbia University School of Dental and Oral Surgery, New York Delivered November 3. 1933)
Note that EVERY ONE of these are scholarly papers. The question one is left with is if these people held nutrition was the key then what happened?
Morgan, Drew: As with many things in this world the truth lies somewhere in the middle. I believe nutrition plays an incredibly important role in dental health but I and every author you listed would not believe that a cavity (a hole in the tooth) would “fill in” to its original form from dietary adjustments. Even Dr. Weston Price said this did NOT happen: “Note that this mineralized dentine is not vital, nor does it increase in volume and fill the cavity.”
A groundbreaking investigation by Kakehashi, Stanley and Fitzgerald in the 60’s showed that sterile mice (ie no bacteria anywhere in their body or mouths) did not form cavities. In fact, the investigators made cavities to the point where the nerve was exposed then fed them a diet of sterile food. The sterile food would get packed right on top of the nerve and the nerve/pulp stayed vital, in fact the nerve/pulp formed a protective layer of dentin between the pulp and the food. This did not fill in the cavity, it just formed a thin layer of dentin. They repeated this experiment with non-sterile mice and non-sterile food and the pulps died and abscessed. Price showed something similar by placing a temporary filling in very large cavities then he changed the conditions in the mouth by making dietary adjustments. This changed the conditions to be more favorable to the body than the bacteria and the progression of the cavities halted and that thin layer of dentin formed, but THE CAVITIES DID NOT FILL IN.
So the truth is in the middle. While bacteria are a necessary component to causing cavities and tooth decay the conditions must be favorable for them to thrive and release their acids, thus forming a cavity. These dietary changes cause the conditions to change, more unfavorable to the bacteria. They can change the composition of the saliva, creating a more effective buffer and immune response against these bacteria. There are different types of bacteria in the mouth (over 700 species, billions in numbers), some more prone to forming cavities than others. The dietary changes can shift the balance of bad bacteria to good bacteria, decreasing the chance of cavities.
So bottom line, dietary changes can help halt the progression of cavities (holes) and most definitely prevent the formation of new ones, but it cannot fill in a hole in the tooth.
Dentist… so, what you’re saying is, this lady is bs-ing us all here with her story? She wrote what she observed, which is that the hole DID fill in and you’re saying it’s not possible. So, in effect, you are passively accusing her of lying to us all. If she’s lying… well, hopefully the truth will come out that she is. But why don’t you be honest on the front end and tell her she is lying.
Let me ask you a question doc… have you ever prescribed this to any patient and recorded the results? I’ll answer that… hell no you haven’t. You just set them up with another appointment for a filling.
Quent, The dentist is not passively calling this lady a liar. He is laying out scientific proof as evidence that she is indeed a liar. He is absolutely correct. Further more, why hasn’t she gained FDA approval for her remedy and sold it to the masses so that everyone can be caries (decay) free?
What about dentists who still propose mercury fillings and fluoride. What do you call them?
Susan, I would call them Dr. __________ (whatever their name is). As of yet, no matter what Dr. Oz says, there is no clinical evidence that amalgam fillings are harmful. They have been in use in dentistry for over 150 years and to date, there have been 0 confirmed deaths or diseases caused by its use. I do not typically use amalgam in my office, but it is not because I think they are harmful (I have 6 of them in my own mouth). I just feel that there are better, more esthetic materials available now. As for fluoride, I prescribe that to many of my patients. In fact, it is naturally occuring in the water supply in many areas of the country. That is actually how we discovered the wonderful benefits that fluoride has on reducing dental caries.
Great post quent…
I don’t think she is a liar so I didn’t call her a liar. I think she was mistaken about what she saw, simple as that. I have evidence to back it up, you, her and everyone else who claim it works do not. This story has been out there for 2+ years and no one has yet to post a picture to prove it works, weird. I have a license and ethical standards that prevent me from prescribing a treatment with no scientific backing/research to prove its safety and effectiveness. Whats everybody elses excuse, just post your miracle results and be done with it.
I have a video I like to share with everyone:
I am sorry but did Dr. Taylor say that what he prescribes and uses on his patients is calcium fluoride (natural fluoride)? I dont know if you are misled and dont know what your giving your patients because what you give them is hydrofluorosilicic acid or you are spreading misinformation. But it is not naturally occurring fluoride, its actually a toxic waste byproduct of the fertilizer industry.
You say that mercury fillings have been used for 150 years like that is some accomplishment to be proud of. In reality its caveman stupidity. Logically mercury is a poison that destroys the brain so how is it a good idea to put it in someones mouth permanently? No scientific data huh? You read off like an ADA propaganda pamphlet, that just conveniently ignores all the science!
This report shows plenty of studies of the dangers, which is way more then none as you claim. Where do you get your ridiculous information?
After this article theres no doubt of the toxicity of mercury fillings. Also explains the fallacy in the argument “well I have six mercury fillings and I am fine”
“To this day there are still dentists who believe mercury amalgam is stable despite hundreds of observations and studies proving the opposite. As early as 1883 amalgam was proven to give off mercury vapor sufficient to shorten the life of the hardy cockroach (Talbot E. S., “Injurious Effects of Mercury as Used in Dentistry”, MISSOURI DENT J, 15:124-30, March, 1883).”
SINCE 1883 ITS BEEN KNOWN THAT MERCURY FILLINGS GIVE OFF VAPORS. Smh Dentists STILL try and say they dont leak vapors…….how are these the people we are suppose to trust with our teeth??????
Dentist, is it possible that the “protective layer of dentin” that was formed could appear to be that the tooth “filled-in”. Is it possible that the layer of dentin formed over the hole and it’s hollow behind it? If so, is there any risk for further decay behind the layer of dentin? Is this a false sense of security? I have also “healed” a cavity. I did not intend to, and I don’t know exactly what I did to do so and subsequently, have no proof. According to my dentist of 35 years, I had a small cavity develop. I was unable to take care of the filling for an entire year at which time I thought “OMG, it must be huge now”, instead, went I went in to fill the cavity, it was no longer there. I had also during that time, been on Dr. Johanna Budwig’s Oil protein diet to try and “cure” my breast cancer. I assumed that my body just went into healing mode and healed everything, but if your body can’t fill the hole, that means that there is a hole in there behind the layer of dentin. And, if there is a hole, will that show in an X-ray? I never had any “proof” of the cavity in the first place, only my trusted dentist’s word. It was to be my first cavity at age 36, so I don’t think he was being “filling-happy”. He was as astonished as I was that there was no sign of decay anywhere in my mouth. Thanks for your valuable time! It’s most helpful and appreciated.