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Reasons to reconsider preparing and running a marathon due to the long-term health risks that scientific research is beginning to uncover and medical professionals are increasingly warning their patients about. The dangers to cancer patients or those in remission is especially worrisome!
Have you ever noticed that marathon runners in the Olympics look overly thin and in some cases, even weak?
Have you ever wondered why marathons are considered beneficial in our society yet the first person that ever ran one collapsed and died immediately after?
Yeah, and Pheidippides was fit too, likely selected for his job as a herald due to his speed and distance running ability. He was not some ancient Greek version of the modern couch potato.
While life may be a marathon your training program should not be. Running a half or whole marathon or competing in a triathlon are all admirable goals. But there are many dangers associated with excessive endurance training.
Dating as far back as the 1970s, the misconception of mainstream training philosophies that 45 minutes to an hour or more a day of intense aerobic activity has led to an overtrained, unfit, immune-compromised exercising population.
Humans were not designed for movement at a chronically sustained high-intensity aerobic pace.
We’ve all seen it in the local gym–day in and day out, week after week Jane and John plod away on the treadmills and ellipticals or pedal themselves into exhaustion in spin classes. It has done nothing to shed the extra fat on their butts and guts let alone tone them. I have never been impressed by any of these results.
13 Health Risks from Marathon Running
What exactly are the problems caused by training for long periods of time at high intensities such as what occurs when preparing/running a marathon?
Even if you take care to eat plenty of clean grassfed collagen and regularly take natural sources of Vitamins A/D and K2 to keep the bones and joints strong, many things can, in fact, start to break down from the continued punishment. This is particularly the case if you are over 30 . . . (1-5)
- Debilitating osteoarthritis . . . at a young age
- Permanent scarring of the heart muscle
- A weakening of the thyroid and adrenal glands
- Tendonitis and other repetitive strain injuries
- Recurrent upper respiratory infections
- Permanently damaged feet (my chiropractor says long-distance runners have some of the worst feet he’s ever seen)
- Increased oxidative damage (free radical production)
- Decreased fat metabolism
- Susceptibility to injury
- Loss of bone density
- Depletion of lean muscle tissue
- Hormone imbalances that are difficult to rectify (women)
- High refined carbohydrate intake promotes a dangerous level of continuous systemic inflammation.
Heart Surgeon Stops Doing Marathons
Dr. Peter McCullough, chief of cardiovascular research at Baylor Heart and Vascular Institute in Dallas, has completed 54 marathons, one in every state. But he stopped running marathons after examining research showing the potential dangers. He said:
I thought there was enough evidence that I wasn’t willing to pay the ultimate price.
I’m convinced that to go grind it out for hours on end at a steady pace is the wrong thing. Some experts are divided about this, and the concern is that it could dissuade some people from exercising, but we just can’t bury our heads about it. (2)
If you still are doubtful about the health risks from marathon running, consider how frequently one or more people die running them during competition. Even the very young are not immune. In 2019, a fit, healthy 22-year-old woman who played soccer for a nearby university died near the finish line of the Cleveland marathon. (6)
Excessive Cardio and Chronic Inflammation
The sad part of stories like this is that the intentions are good. They are doing this all in the name of “health”. They are certainly not out to destroy it.
Aside from the dangers mentioned above, why is high-intensity aerobic pursuit such a dead end?
One reason is the high level of carbohydrates consumed needed to sustain this activity leads to chronic inflammation.
You’ve probably seen it. Sally and Johnny are running a 5K so they load up on a big bowl of pasta the night before the big race. Then, they chow down on bagels and juice immediately after their 36 min run. A cascade of systemic inflammation follows.
More Running is NOT Better
Research presented at the American College of Cardiology Scientific Sessions in Washington showed a shocking finding that should give every marathoner pause.
Runners who average more than 20 miles a week don’t live as long as those who run less than 20 miles a week.
On average, those running more than 20 miles a week live about the same as people who don’t run much at all. (7)
Cancer Patients Particularly at Risk
Even worse are people in cancer remission logging mile after mile thinking it is going to keep cancer from returning. More often than not, it returns with a vengeance with a more dire prognosis than before.
Why? All the free radicals flooding their already weakened system from overexercising on a usually low-fat diet.
Folks with cancer courageously yet misguidedly doing half marathons and marathons are literally running themselves right into the grave.
Simply put, humans are not designed to exercise like this! We have 2 primary energy systems to power our muscles. The first relies on the slow-burning of fats keeping us fueled while at rest yet allowing for a continuous low-level aerobic activity such as walking, gardening, and day-to-day physical tasks. Fat is a very efficient fuel, stored and burned easily and cleanly when lots of oxygen is present.
Our second primary energy system that evolved is an ATP-fueled system that allows us to do intense loads of work in shorts bursts. It is our high octane fuel. Think of the woman that lifts a car off her child trapped beneath it. Or the person that sprints after a mugger to get their wallet back. In other words all-out effort for fewer than 20 seconds; flight or fight and life or death tasks and situations.
Our energy systems are far more complex than that but it boils to the fact that we were evolved to either move slowly and steadily or briefly and fast. We become both healthier and stronger by exercising and living in this manner.
Are Half-Marathons or Triathlons Dangerous?
All things being said, there are still people out there that want to run a half marathon or triathlon. Even at these shorter distances, they still need to be careful. (3)
The good news is that there is a better and smarter way to train for an endurance event while avoiding the negative risks mentioned above.
The days of logging mileage in excess of 20+ a week have become outdated and misinformed.
And so is the weak and skinny appearance of the stereotypical endurance athlete!
Combine Strength and Conditioning with Interval-based Training
Many are finding that by incorporating strength and conditioning workouts into their training routine along with shorter more interval-based training they are improving speed, power, and overall performance. This approach also reduces injury potential. Not to mention having a lot more free time, less pain and, quicker recovery, and no long-term scarring/damage to the heart.
This has been hotly debated but well documented in the past several years. Leading the pack in the defense is CrossFit Endurance’s, Brian MacKenzie. His training has many top-level endurance athletes setting personal records far beyond past efforts with a dramatic reduction in training time and mileage.
Fitness can and should be achieved without the need for pounding the pavement for miles on end, a huge daily time commitment, and a long list of extreme risks to health both short and long term.
(1) Potential Adverse Cardiovascular Effects from Excessive Cardiovascular Endurance Exercise
(2) Is Long-Distance Running Good for the Heart?
(3) Triathletes May Be Putting Their Heart at Risk
(4) Marathon Running Can Scar the Heart
(5) Exercise and Your Health (Myths about Exercise)
(6) 22-Year-Old Woman Dies During Cleveland Marathon
(7) More Running May Not Help You Live Any Longer
Horses have been bred for hundreds of years to do one thing, RUN, want to tell me the longest race a horse runs? If you an a horse in a 27 mile race it would kill him.
I am a spin instructor and also do 2 half marathons a year. I’ll do kettle bells and tension bands, planks and ropes 2x a weeks. Give me massive cardio any day my resting HR is 46 so that’s just fine for me. My joints are fine I am 5’11 200lbs and I look and feel fine. I think this article is overdone
Good luck with that!
I agree with the article and therefore also do crossfit. I discussed similar topics in this blog post: All the best Pascal
At age 52 and 6’5″ 190 lbs. I have since discovered that “moderation” is indeed the secret to fitness. Having completed 17 marathons between 2:58 – 3:36 in my late 30’s/ early 40’s along with an 11 hour Ironman Triathlon, and in a prior life mid 20’s to mid 30’s engaged in a cross-fit lifestyle with a 500 lb dead lift & 245 lb power clean. While I commiserate with a Runner’s “passion” … I must say the Long-Term effects of LONG distance running definitely IMPACT the joints. Now, I find myself living a life a “hybrid” fitness, casual running (under 5 miles) mountain biking (hills), swimming, and moderate kettlebell work (40 – 70 lbs) to attain short bursts of intensity- 10 minutes snatches. I guess everyone wants to “push the envelope” and get that endorphin rush…. BUT really the goal of fitness is to be FIT for the LONG-TERM …. strength, flexibility, stamina into our 70’s, 80’s and hopefully beyond. Every time I see my 93 year old neighbor walking all over town that’s my GOAL (Mobility)- NOT to be in my 60’s in a wheel chair or hobbling along with a cane due to excessive running or weight lifting. Be REALISTIC understanding our bodies are indeed FINITE …. Carpe Diem!
Hello! Have you seen a marathon lately? Kara Goucher? Shalane Flanagan? These women are beautiful and not a bit scrawny. They have ab muscles and thigh muscles and lord, watching them run is like watching beauty in action.
As a woman in her 50s who runs marathons and is training for a 50-mile race, I have to say that my body hasn’t fallen apart, I don’t look like a concentration camp victim and my diet doesn’t consist of huge plates of pasta, either. (And please–your reference about carbo loading for a 5K? Who does that? You body doesn’t need extra glycogen for such a short distance.)
I’m think that the real reason why most CrossFit instructors probably dislike running is that it costs almost nothing! You can do it almost anywhere! All you need is a good pair of shoes!
Yeah, not a lot of CrossFit instructors making money off of running, eh?
P.S. There is a HUGE difference between running an 11.5 mile race and a marathon, honey.
Kara and Shalane are scrawny and very unhealthy looking to me.
Wow, I just Googled on those two women’s names because I was unfamiliar with them. Wow, just…wow. They really do look like concentration camp victims. My God.
You are either obese or used to the stereotypical American so-called healthy lifestyle, where they incorporate all the animal junk and fast foods. Look at the Asian and African athletes and people in general for a moment. When compared to the them, it is a far fetched claim to say that Americans are even close to healthy. I wonder why they are much more fit and perform way better than what you refer to as healthy. Do your own research, man was not designed for animal products.
I’d have to agree. They have beautiful faces but it is apparent from their arms and bodies that they are underweight.
I also agree there is a HUGE difference between a 11.5 mile race and a marathon: A 11.5 mile race is fairly damaging to your joints, whereas a marathon (and the detrimental training required to get to that level) is EXTREMELY DAMAGING.
That’s a bunch of bull. Sure, women have big fat hips and thighs no matter what but they do start to look almost more linemen after running a lot. Their cheek bones and body start to look weird and bony with thick thighs. The truth of the matter is ALL long distance running damages your internal organs without a doubt and they were never meant to strain so long to begin with. Go on now and act like you are in shape by running then try some kettle bells and cross fit and you will see how your heart can truly pump and endure. It’s funny listening to people who run, sure it doesn’t cost anything but the fact that all runners like it when cars drive by and watch them “run” and be “in shape” in front of the world. It’s a super narcissistic excercise that says “look at me everyone! I’m running, therefore I’m in shape”.
Perhaps they are just running outside because they like the outdoors and need a place to run. That is not at all narcissistic… and when you are in your zone, frankly, you don’t give a darn about who is or isn’t driving by as long as they are no on their cell phones swerving at you because they’re distracted. And, no, most woman runners do not want the honks or waves. thank you. Finally, it is cheap… no $ other than shoes… so running outside might be because some of us don’t have the $ for a gym membership and monthly fees. I call it that I belong to the “gym of the great outdoors.” It’s be nice if folks could hold off on the judgments.
Interesting. This article seems to differ from what you are say.
Not yours’ Larry, Paula’s.
Articles like this always need to have balancing facts. And the photo shown is one of a 60 year old vs. a 25 year old. Not a good comparison. Besides, how many people look like the 25 year old other than college or professional football (American) players. How high are his testosterone levels?
Just too much to try and say here. It’s not running a marathon that is dangerous. It’s wrong training methods and wrong eating habits.
And all this talk about how we chased animals 100 million years ago; no one here knows that.
If I may add. The 25 year old is a 100 – 200 meter sprinter max. Compare him to a 400 meter specialist, and then a 800 meter, 1500 meter, etc. and you will find that he is doing what he is best suited for. 99% of people could train all they want to and never, never look anywhere close to his physique.
The long distance runner is Janne Holmen and that picture was taken in 2006 when he was 28.
You’d THINK he was 60 years old, but the truth is you just MADE THAT UP to prove your point, which means on top of being a LIAR, you are WRONG. The picture is of Janne Holmen who even NOW isn’t even 40!
So much for your “balancing facts”. Lies can be an effective way of pretending like you’re right, but only if other people don’t have access to the truth. So be careful in your future bullshitting and good luck!
Have you ever trained for or ran a marathon? Just curious. I agree with you saying that logging loads and loads of mileage on in a training program may lead to injury, most of those injuries being doing too much too soon, but running and training properly for marathons is not bad for you. I’d love to see an article about all the debilitating injuries that have happened doing Crossfit… I’ve known young people that have permanently ruined their backs from lifting WAY too much weight too soon, and further screwing up their backs from kipping on pull ups because they were trying to finish the workout faster during an AMRAP workout… You can spout out all day long how running is bad, Crossfit is bad, etc… Any type of physical activity has injuries associated with them. It’s all about being smart with training and yes nutrition. But please don’t give running, or training for marathons a bad rep. I’d love to see a Crossfit person run a 2:08 marathon like Meb did at Boston on Monday… Yea not gonna happen. You know what his pre race meal is? Pasta. And lots of it. Just because not everyone eats Paleo, doesn’t mean they are carb loading on doughnuts or pastries either… a marathon runner I’m very cautious about what I’m putting into my body for fuel and recovery, and if you knew more about marathon training, you’d find that the majority of runners are conscientious about what they are putting into their bodies… I think you should do some more research in the area of marathon training and maybe run a few yourself before you write an article like this clearly based off of your opinion, making assumptions and generalizing running and marathon training. Maybe doing that can be your “WOD” (Crossfit lingo for workout of the day)
Have you ever trained for or ran a marathon? Just curious. I agree with you saying that logging loads and loads of mileage on in a training program may lead to injury, most of those injuries being doing too much too soon, but running and training properly for marathons is not bad for you. I’d love to see an article about all the debilitating injuries that have happened doing Crossfit… I’ve known young people that have permanently ruined their backs from lifting WAY too much weight too soon, and further screwing up their backs from kipping on pull ups because they were trying to finish the workout faster during an AMRAP workout… You can spout out all day long how running is bad, Crossfit is bad, etc… Any type of physical activity has injuries associated with them. It’s all about being smart with training and yes nutrition. But please don’t give running, or training for marathons a bad rep. I’d love to see a Crossfit person run a 2:08 marathon like Meb did at Boston on Monday… Yea not gonna happen. You know what his pre race meal is? Pasta. And lots of it. Just because not everyone eats Paleo, doesn’t mean they are carb loading up on doughnuts or pastries either….. I think you should just do some more research in the area of marathon training and maybe run a few yourself before you write an article like this making assumptions and generalizing running and marathon training. Maybe doing that can be your “WOD” (workout of the day Crossfit lingo)
Actually I’ve run a Tough Mudder (11.5 miles); using a CF Endruance training template which worked well. I personally do not enjoy long distance running. I didn’t say “running and training properly” is bad for you should one desire to run a marathon. It’s the people that log excessively and do too many miles that end up with the negative effects and injuries.
Any exercise program–CF and weightlifting included when done improperly or too much too soon can certainly result in injuries. Kipping pull ups should never be done before one has the strength and shoulder stability to do strict pull ups.
You get good at what you train for. Mainstream CF is not intended for marathon runners but for general physical preparedness. A combination of the 2 can greatly benefit the distance runner saving time and minimizing injuries.
I don’t put a “Paleo” or “Primal” label on my nutrition; I eat traditional healthy real food. And if you think a bowl of genetically modified processed wheat is healthy perhaps you should do some nutritional research.