Is the United States a free nation? Â Most would agree that yes indeed, America is Land of the Free and Home of the Brave.
I myself am not confident this is really true anymore and I know many of you reading this would agree.
We have a Federal bureaucracy that has become so large and so powerful that it is literally running amok, trampling people’s rights each and every day in our communities and folks just go about their business like this is normal and ok.
In many states, people can’t even choose to drink milk straight from the cow and yet they can ride motorcycles without a helmet (yes, there is actually a law protecting this “right” in my home state of Florida) or go down to the corner liquor store and buy a case of cigarettes or a bottle of whiskey and drink themselves into oblivion possibly even killing someone with their vehicle on the way home.
Parents are increasingly losing control of healthcare decisions for their children with bureaucrats and social workers deciding what is best instead of the caregivers. Â Just a few weeks ago I was told by a so-called “holistic dentist” in my area that he required x-rays for every single dental cleaning visit for the children in his practice because if he didn’t, the state would consider it “supervised neglect”.
Does this make sense to you?
It is becoming increasingly apparent that a key skill for folks who wish to remain healthy in today’s environment is knowing how to use the word NO effectively.
NO is truly a beautiful word. Â It is many times one of the very first words a baby learns to say much to the chagrin of the parents.
Despite its negative connotations, the NO word can be very positive. Â It sets a boundary. Â It enforces limits.
NO draws a line in the sand.
If you’ve had trouble with the word NO in the past, you’d better start learning to get good with it.
Here are situations where using the word NO is necessary to health:
1) A state official comes to a privately owned residence or place of business without a warrant and tells you that the people are not allowed to take home the locally produced raw dairy which they have paid for and is rightfully theirs.
Answer: NO, as it appears that you do not have a warrant, please go away and let us go about our business. Â If and when you come back with a warrant, we would be happy to talk with you.
2) A TSA agent at the airport says you are required to go through the airport scanners which douse your body in health robbing radiation.
Answer: Â NO, I am innocent until proven guilty in America. Â I do not have to subject myself to radiation to prove it to you or anyone else. Â I opt-out.
3) A doctor tells you after a routine blood test that your cholesterol which is 220 is too high and that you need to take cholesterol-lowering meds to bring it down.
Answer: Â NO, my research tells me that women with the highest cholesterol live the longest. Â My Grandfather ate 2 eggs fried in butter every morning for breakfast and never had a heart attack and lived to be 97. Â I am going that route thank you.
4) The pediatrician tells you your baby has jaundice and that he needs to be blindfolded and put under lights for several hours a day even though he is only 2 days old and his liver hasn’t even started working yet to break down the bilirubin.
Answer: Â NO, I have confidence that this healthy baby will be able to handle the bilirubin on his own when his liver starts to actually work in a couple of days. Â I will take him outside in his diaper for brief jaunts in the sun which is what my mother did when I was jaundiced. Â I will skip the baby torture treatment thank you.
Have you gotten really good with the NO word? Â If not, you’d better start practicing. Â Your health may one day depend on it.
Below is one of the best demonstrations I have ever seen on how to effectively say NO to an overzealous bureaucrat intent on trampling your rights in violation of the Constitution of the United States.
You will not believe this video when you watch it.  Welcome to America, Police State.  My jaw was on the ground.  The guy in the video is absolutely brilliant handling immigration officials that have no jurisdiction whatsoever over American citizens when they are not crossing the border and are freely traveling within the United States.  He expertly demonstrates how to handle these people and get positive results with no physical confrontation.
Watch and learn my friends. Â What other situations have you experienced that require the proficient use of the NO word?
I know who this is in the video. His wife posted it on her blog rescently which is where I viewed it. I guess it is making its way around, good! It takes place either in Arizona where they live or in California where he works at times. Him and his wife are great examples of saying ‘no’ to a lot of the things you bring up in this post and then some. The also drink raw milk too!
This is in southern California. He had gone through 3 check points that morning. These were internal checkpoints along I-8, which is an East-West highway that NEVER intersects the international border.
Great article and great video……too bad that some sheeple just don’t get it. We have our inherent rights and these INS agents are way within our borders with their Gestapo stops. They belong AT the damned borders but they aren’t there. Why not? That’s where you stop illegals from crossing over. It’s all a scam designed to further erode our inalienable rights to travel–unmolested, as the gentleman stated.
The TSA morons are in place to cow the sheeple and keep them in fear and submission. The naked body scanners deliver radiation to unprotected bodies; the TSA morons are not health care experts trained in the use of x-ray machines. They are irradiating millions of people unlawfully and it’s immoral and unethical. Those who go along with this deserve the DNA damage that they receive. The TSA gropings are entirely unlawful and unconstitutional. No crimes have been committed by those wishing to board the planes; they have NO warrants to search or fondle anyone. If you or I groped ANYONE as these goons do we would be arrested and charged with sexual abuse among many other things–and rightly so.
Let’s wake the hell up, shall we people?
These weren’t police officers hunting for a criminal on the loose, they were INS agents asking people about their citizenship which is ILLEGAL. They have no authority to do this unless you are at the border. Reminiscent of Nazi Germany and the SS randomly stopping people in the street to ask for their “papers”. You can’t submit to this type of harrassment … if you allow people to trample your rights, it will only get worse. They will be hauling us off in the middle of the night if we let them. Sound far fetched? It’s not. That’s what always happens when gov’t gets too much power.
I know who he is. His wife’s blog says that he was working in southern California and had gone through 3 check points that morning. These were internal checkpoints along I-8, which is an East-West highway that NEVER intersects the international border.
amen! learn from history. don’t be naive and think these things can never happen again, when they have been repeating over and over again throughout the planet’s existence!
While I agree with the importance of knowing how and when to say NO, I don’t really like this video. Obviously the officers weren’t setting up these checkpoints for their health or for personal amusement. They were there to do a job. This guy unnecessarily makes himself into a martyr! While it’s unhealthy for us to walk through the TSA scanners, they do serve a purpose (ask for a personal inspection if you don’t want to walk through it). People do bring weapons onto planes and hijack them!! Hello!
Nobody is questioning whether there should be airport security. The debate centers around whether or not the full-body scanners are a) more effective at identifying concealed weapons than other, less invasive measures and b) worth their potential risks.
Evidence points to “no” for both. Here is a good overview of their questionable efficacy:
Furthermore, airport officials and politicians push very hard to implement the scanners DESPITE mounting evidence that they’re useless because they save a significant amount of money replacing paid employees with the machines.
The risk of being part of a terrorist plot on an airplane is so monumentally small as to be virtually insignificant. Saying that unethical, ineffective, invasive measures are necessary because “weapons!” and “hijaking!” is just fear pandering.
ARE YOU NUTS?? It’s sheeple like you who are a huge part of the problems we have with lost freedoms in this country. Just doing their job? And what would that be? Immigration checkpoints on a highway that isn’t at a border and doesn’t intersect with one? And when someone “goes to secondary,” they can tear your car apart, and when they don’t find anything, you’re left with a broken-down car and no apology! Baaaa! Baaaa!
Just so you all know, while I-8 doesn’t directly cross the border to Mexico, it does connect with at least one other interstate that does cross that border, the I-5. And the intersection of those two freeways is within approximately 30 miles of that border. He got stopped by Border Patrol who are working to stop drug trafficking into our country (and perhaps illegal immigration, though I doubt it.).
I am determined to saying no when I feel my rights are being trampled, but in this case, I believe the guy’s picking the wrong battle. Say “yes”, even show your ID if you must, and be on your way….
to prevent terrorism on planes, I think law abiding citizens should be allowed to exercise their second amendment rights and bring their firearms. what terrorist would attempt something when all the passengers are armed?
Great post and great video! As a homeschooler, I am dreading the day when someone knocks on my door and tells me I don’t have the “right” to educate my children at home. I guess I need to start practicing my “NO” now.
Do you know what state this happened in or why they were setting up the checkpoints to begin with?
I know who he is. It is either in Arizona where he lives with his wife and 7 kids or it is in California where he works at times. His wife posted it on her blog…. I will check for you.
Her blog says that he was working in southern California and had gone through 3 check points that morning. These were internal checkpoints along I-8, which is an East-West highway that NEVER intersects the international border.
California makes you stop at a check point entering the state and asks if you have any fruits and vegetables or plants. I didn’t believe it until I experienced it. Once they asked me to look in the trunk and I let them. Is this something I can opt out of without getting arrested and my kids in the car taken away or something horrible?
When the TSA agents tell you to go through the scanner, it is not an order. It is a request just like the guy in the video is told to “go secondary”. This is also not an order but only a request although the officials make you THINK it is an order and most sheeple obediently comply. Notice what happens when the guy in the video says no to going secondary.
Also, there are some line(s) where they are pulling everyone or every third person into the scanner, because it’s rare that an airport has enough scanners to process everyone taking flights. So I look for the lines where nobody is being sent to the scanner and hopefully I can get to that one.
I have a metal card in my wallet that sets off metal detectors with the 5th ammendment on it. “Ma’am, you have something in your wallet that we need to look at…..” Oh, look at that, it’s the good ‘ol 5th ammendment, no unlawful search and seziure. Now look accusingly at the TSA agent and get on your plane. Bahahaha!
Just say you opt out. That’s it. I do it all the time.
Only in America, sadly. In the UK and elsewhere you have no such rights.
Yep, I don’t think you have any such rights in Australia. I will definitely look into it though…
Great article!
Can you really bypass airport scanners? How?
Yes you can. My husband and I always opt out when we are in the States. Of course, we are subject to a pat-down. Just wondering right now, do we have to do the pat-down?
Sure! At one point I lean over to a TSA agent in the area and I ask, “when do I ask the opt out?”…..and he’ll either point to a place in the line or another TSA agent as the person to ask.
Last trip there were three of us waiting: the young man in his late twenties said that he had felt something in his head after the last scan, and the young woman in her twenties was pregnant. She said, “The agent said there was nothing to worry about, but I’ve lost two other babies and I don’t want to take a chance”.
Previously, you would expect to be taken aside and your handluggage rummaged through since you were the odd one opting out of the scan, but this hasn’t happened the last 2 or 3 times…..on my merry way.
Great article!