Is the United States a free nation? Most would agree that yes indeed, America is Land of the Free and Home of the Brave.
I myself am not confident this is really true anymore and I know many of you reading this would agree.
We have a Federal bureaucracy that has become so large and so powerful that it is literally running amok, trampling people’s rights each and every day in our communities and folks just go about their business like this is normal and ok.
In many states, people can’t even choose to drink milk straight from the cow and yet they can ride motorcycles without a helmet (yes, there is actually a law protecting this “right” in my home state of Florida) or go down to the corner liquor store and buy a case of cigarettes or a bottle of whiskey and drink themselves into oblivion possibly even killing someone with their vehicle on the way home.
Parents are increasingly losing control of healthcare decisions for their children with bureaucrats and social workers deciding what is best instead of the caregivers. Just a few weeks ago I was told by a so-called “holistic dentist” in my area that he required x-rays for every single dental cleaning visit for the children in his practice because if he didn’t, the state would consider it “supervised neglect”.
Does this make sense to you?
It is becoming increasingly apparent that a key skill for folks who wish to remain healthy in today’s environment is knowing how to use the word NO effectively.
NO is truly a beautiful word. It is many times one of the very first words a baby learns to say much to the chagrin of the parents.
Despite its negative connotations, the NO word can be very positive. It sets a boundary. It enforces limits.
NO draws a line in the sand.
If you’ve had trouble with the word NO in the past, you’d better start learning to get good with it.
Here are situations where using the word NO is necessary to health:
1) A state official comes to a privately owned residence or place of business without a warrant and tells you that the people are not allowed to take home the locally produced raw dairy which they have paid for and is rightfully theirs.
Answer: NO, as it appears that you do not have a warrant, please go away and let us go about our business. If and when you come back with a warrant, we would be happy to talk with you.
2) A TSA agent at the airport says you are required to go through the airport scanners which douse your body in health robbing radiation.
Answer: NO, I am innocent until proven guilty in America. I do not have to subject myself to radiation to prove it to you or anyone else. I opt-out.
3) A doctor tells you after a routine blood test that your cholesterol which is 220 is too high and that you need to take cholesterol-lowering meds to bring it down.
Answer: NO, my research tells me that women with the highest cholesterol live the longest. My Grandfather ate 2 eggs fried in butter every morning for breakfast and never had a heart attack and lived to be 97. I am going that route thank you.
4) The pediatrician tells you your baby has jaundice and that he needs to be blindfolded and put under lights for several hours a day even though he is only 2 days old and his liver hasn’t even started working yet to break down the bilirubin.
Answer: NO, I have confidence that this healthy baby will be able to handle the bilirubin on his own when his liver starts to actually work in a couple of days. I will take him outside in his diaper for brief jaunts in the sun which is what my mother did when I was jaundiced. I will skip the baby torture treatment thank you.
Have you gotten really good with the NO word? If not, you’d better start practicing. Your health may one day depend on it.
Below is one of the best demonstrations I have ever seen on how to effectively say NO to an overzealous bureaucrat intent on trampling your rights in violation of the Constitution of the United States.
You will not believe this video when you watch it. Welcome to America, Police State. My jaw was on the ground. The guy in the video is absolutely brilliant handling immigration officials that have no jurisdiction whatsoever over American citizens when they are not crossing the border and are freely traveling within the United States. He expertly demonstrates how to handle these people and get positive results with no physical confrontation.
Watch and learn my friends. What other situations have you experienced that require the proficient use of the NO word?
Most say….we the sheeple of the United State of America….
Steve Anderson is my hero.
If you’ve taken a basic Physics class you know that sunlight is the complete spectrum of visible light (which is a small portion of the complete electomagnetic spectrum). ANY special bilirubin lights would be a subset of the sunlight spectrum. The bilirubin lights would represent a subset of the spectrum of sunlight, so of course sunlight would work just fine. Simple logic.
One more thing… Even says sunlight will not lower bilirubin levels. So how do we know what is true and what’s not? I think there are many many great doctors out there that really do want to help people & do their best. I don’t believe the majority of them are criminally lying and deceiving. I believe that most of this is caused by the big agencies, corporations, industries, etc… But I’m finding it hard to believe almost anything a doctor says anymore. We have NOT been to a doctor in almost 2 years now. It’s a miracle, considering we were averaging at least once a month prior to my “getting smart”!! I really truly hate the fear factor. I don’t want to discredit doctors completely, because there are some very good ones. But dang, this is frustrating. I don’t ever want to go to one again! And that is just sad. We should be able to trust & have confidence instead of being scared, even in case of trauma & emergency 🙁
Well it does. My dad (an MD) even recommended it for me when my babies were jaundiced as opposed to those tortuous lights. WebMD is not a great place for unbiased medical info by the way.
THIS IS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you for posting this!!! Just wow! And thanks for the info on cholesterol & jaundice. I’d DEFINITELY like to know more on that. What do you mean, women with the highest cholesterol live longer? I want to know. Because my mom keeps being told she has high cholesterol & worries all the time. All 4 of my kids had jaundice, & my first baby was under the lights with a cover over her face in the hard briefcase for almost a WEEK. It broke my heart, but I didn’t know any different. How do we know what is ok and what is not????? We have babies and don’t even know how to take care of them anymore, because we’ve been trained to just trust what the doctors and authorities tell us without questioning. I’ve spent this past 2 years researching and moving to natural healing, whole foods nutrition, & what my rights really are – yet I still feel like I’m just hitting the tip of the iceberg. Man! I need more references. WHY don’t people know about more of this? Sarah, where do you get all your information, because I need it too. ((sigh))
I was very blessed to be born into a family where my father was a doctor who took me around the hospital with him on his rounds all the time for years so I learned very EARLY how to handle doctors and say NO when necessary. Most of them have egos that won’t quit. They need to get humble as they make mistakes all the time and act like they don’t or they blame the nurses for their screw ups. NEVER go into a doctor’s office unarmed .. know your information and be well researched. If they say something that bowls you over and you don’t know what to do just say no anyway, buy yourself some time, go home and get educated and come back another day to discuss the issue with them toe to toe. Don’t ever make a medical decision without understanding both sides of the issue. Most doctors present only one side … once you find out the other side the correct decision becomes outrageously obvious.
Here’s more about the guy in the video (Steven Anderson):
Dunno – I found the guy in the video had a lot of luck with goodnatured agents. I was waiting to re-enter into the US from Vancouver, and the US border patrol agents were coming around the cars ready to board the ferry back to the USA. He leans over to my friend (the driver) and says what he has to say. As he was walking away, I opened my door and asked could he please repeat it. To that, he aggressively replied, “Just WHAT part of what I said didn’t you understand?”
“I DIDN’T HEAR”, I said.
The video is great! It makes me realize how important it is to know your rights as a citizen, wherever you live.
I have had to readjust my thinking about my beloved country. No I don’t believe we are the land of the free anymore. I agree wholeheartedly with your article. How sad for us if America continues down this road!
Around 3:40 in the video, the guy has just said that “he would like to go free on his way” and the officer responds “uhh, why are you fre….?” Oops! Almost slipped up there! LOL