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How to detoxify stored fluoride in the body for improved health and wellness including clearer thinking, improved pineal gland function, and a stronger skeletal system.

When people switch to drinking purified water from a comprehensive water filtration system instead of straight from the tap, they rarely consider that the toxic effects of fluoride are almost certainly still lurking within the body.
The form of fluoride added to tap water in health-altering quantities, as well as commercial products like toothpaste and your child’s fluoride treatment at conventional dentists, is a highly toxic inorganic form….a waste product of the phosphate industry. This type of fluoride also contains trace amounts of arsenic and lead. (1)
It is far different from the small amounts of naturally occurring organic fluoride in some soils from around the world.
Where Fluoride Is Stored in the Body
Once toxic fluoride is consumed via treated municipal water or gets into the bloodstream directly from the thin gum tissues via toothpaste/fluoride treatments, it gets stored in three primary areas: (2)
- Teeth & Bones
- Brain
- Pineal Gland
These effects are visible to the eye in some cases.
Tooth Spots
For example, when excessive fluoride exposure occurs, it can manifest as spots on the teeth that vary in color from white to yellowish/brown.
Dental cleaning or commercial whitening cannot remove these spots (although this will make them less noticeable).
Pineal Gland Dysfunction
Storage of fluoride in the pineal gland risks dysfunction and sleep disturbances. Over time, a malfunctioning pineal gland may contribute to the onset of Alzheimer’s Disease. (3)
The pineal gland is crucial to critical thinking abilities among other important brain functions. This may be related to the known effect of fluoride exposure lowering IQ in children according to Harvard researchers.
Thus, for those of us who have ever consumed tap water for any length of time, even if it was years ago, it is helpful and useful to health to consider a gentle yet effective fluoride detoxification regimen.
Fortunately, this is an easy and painless process as long as you go slow! In addition, this method is supported by scientific research.
All that needs to be done is add supplemental boron to the diet for a short period of time.
Bonus! Boron is important for removing heavy metals from the body as well and will likely improve your arthritis (both RA and osteo) if you suffer from this degenerative ailment.
Boron Deficiency Widespread
Despite its critical nature as a trace element in the human diet, many are boron deficient today. I call it a “stealth deficiency” much like low Vitamin D.
In other words, many people who have boron deficiency don’t even know it.
Worse, governments around the world fail to appreciate the importance of this trace mineral in the diet.
An example of this is that the USDA does not even have a recommended daily allowance (RDA) for boron!
It’s almost like it was purposely “forgotten” in the conventional health literature.
Dietary Sources
The USDA suggests that it is “easy” for people to get plenty of boron in a regular diet.
However, it simultaneously fails to recognize that the widespread use of commercial fertilizers significantly inhibits boron update in plants.
For example, apples are one of the best sources of boron. An organic apple from a tree grown in rich soil may have as much as 20 mg of boron.
This gives new meaning to the old saying “an apple a day keeps the doctor away”, doesn’t it?
By comparison, apples from trees grown with chemical fertilizers may have only 1 mg of boron.
It is shocking how authorities purposely ignore alternative studies that show boron to be very helpful in resolving ailments like arthritis that are at epidemic levels in modern society.
Why has boron been virtually ignored or even demonized as toxic by governmental nutrition circles?
It almost seems like the powers that be don’t want us to know about boron and how deficiency can profoundly affect our health in so many negative ways…perhaps to benefit their grip on power.
No matter what you believe as to why boron…the “ghost nutrient” is shockingly ignored in conventional nutrition and standard supplements, the fact of the matter is that boron does help to detox stored fluoride from the body…and in very short order!
How to Use Boron to Detox Fluoride
How does boron safely and quickly remove stored fluoride from the body?
This means removing the risk that this accumulated fluoride will continue to slowly cause bones to deteriorate, the pineal gland to calcify, and the thyroid to become underactive.
The process is simple. Boron binds with fluoride ions to form boron fluorides which are then easily excreted in the urine.
Scientific studies in Germany (in pigs) and China (in humans) reveal the level of effectiveness of using boron to detox fluoride in extreme cases of skeletal fluorosis. (4, 5)
In the human study (nearly wiped from the internet), the amount of supplemental boron was gradually increased from 3-9 mg/day (as 300-1100 mg borax) over a three-month period, with one week off each month.
The control group received yeast instead of borax powder.
Notably, throughout the 3-month treatment, no neuritis occurred and liver and kidney function remained normal. (5)
The treatment was so effective that the study participants experienced 50-80% improvement.
Types of Boron for Fluoride Detoxification
There are two ways to use boron as a supplement for removing fluoride from the body.
Please note that I am not a doctor and I am not suggesting that you do what I describe below. I am only relaying the results of my research and what many people have done for decades to improve boron status naturally.
Concentrated DIY Solution
The easiest way to get more boron into the diet is to make a concentrated solution with sodium borate.
This substance, comprised of boron, oxygen, hydrogen, and sodium, has other common names such as sodium tetraborate decahydrate, disodium tetraborate decahydrate, or simply….borax.
To make the solution, dissolve one teaspoon borax in one quart of filtered water. The 20 mule team brand from the supermarket is fine as all borax is food grade.
Strangely, I’ve noticed borax disappearing from supermarkets in my area where it used to be everywhere a couple of years ago. To save you the cost of gas driving around, you may need to order online.
Take one teaspoon per day of this concentrated solution diluted in a glass of water. This provides 3 mg of supplemental boron. This is a very safe amount, fully in line with the study of boron in humans. (6-8)
Continue this for a minimum of three weeks or up to three months if you have severe fluorosis (with one week off a month in line with the scientific study).
At a Wise Traditions Conference some years ago, Weston Price Foundation President Sally Fallon Morell described how she used the borax concentrated solution to resolve issues with one of her knees within two weeks.
Note that Australia, UK, and many countries in the EU have inexplicably banned borax.
Odd, don’t you think?
If you live in these areas of the world, you will need to go the supplement route below that is sadly more expensive.
Store Supplements
If dissolving a small amount of borax in water and using it as a supplement freaks you out because of the “borax is toxic” narratives pushed in conventional circles (by design?) or borax isn’t available where you live, then you will need to use commercial boron supplements instead.
Boron supplements are few and far between at the health food store, but there are still some brands available for those that are desperate for more boron in their diet.
Note: I did not find any boron supplements at large chain health food stores like Whole Foods, Sprouts, and Trader Joe’s.
I only found them at small, independently owned health food stores.
Note that ionic solutions of boron are preferable to boron pills. This is the brand I suggest. It is also available from Azure Standard.
Unfortunately, some countries have even banned ionic boron solutions in addition to prohibiting the sale of borax! It seems only a matter of time before the boron pills are gone too.
It all seems very fishy if you ask me!
Will Detoxing Fluoride Remove Spots from Teeth?
One of the first questions people ask when considering a fluoride detox is whether the process will heal spots on their teeth from fluorosis.
The answer to that is …. possibly.
There are some anecdotal reports from people who have increased boron in their diets that the appearance of the teeth improve.
However, I could not find any studies that corroborate these claims.
The good news is that removing the stored fluoride from the body will have much more important health effects than from a strictly cosmetic perspective.
A decalcified pineal gland and less brittle bones among other critical improvements are much more important to long-term health.

(1) Four Places Fluoride is Stored in the Body
(2) Toxic Treatment: Fluoride’s Transformation from Industrial Waste to Public Health Miracle
(3) Pineal gland dysfunction in Alzheimer’s disease
(4) Skeletal Fluorosis Studies in the Journal Fluoride
(5) Borax Effect on Skeletal Fluorosis
(6, 7) The Borax Conspiracy
(8) Health Benefits of Boron
Thank you very much for this, <Sarah! Curious if you don't have symptoms to do the detox anyway? We've been drinking reverse osmosis for the past 20 years.
That is totally up to you … I did it because I had fluoride treatments at the dentist as a kid even though I was raised on well water and haven’t consumed tap water for the past 30 years either.
Glad to have this information! Thank you!
Two things: first, the link for the liquid – that product is sold out as of tonight and no way to ask to be notified when in stock (which sucks bc I was hoping to try it) and secondly, are there any potential side effects of taking the borax concentrate recipe you provided? How will it make me feel? I am really sensitive just about everything so I just want to know what to expect before using this.
Thank you in advance!
I just looked it up and you can also get the ionic boron here:
Regarding the concentrated solution … it is totally up to you … since you know your medical history, to decide what to do with this information. I am not a doctor, and so cannot advise you in any way.
When I take a boron liquid supplement, I feel absolutely nothing different. It’s like taking any whole supplement. But, I am not sensitive either. You will have to make that call for yourself.
Hi Sarah,
What do you think of the potassium benzoate in the supplement? Research gives mixed answers. Thanks!
This additive is definitely NOT ideal, but not such a huge issue that you shouldn’t use it as boron deficiency is far worse. This is why I suggest to consider making the concentrated solution yourself as the best method IMO as there are zero additives this way. There are no perfect boron supplements on the market, hence the info I provided to consider making it yourself if you are comfortable with that (some are not) OR you live in an area of the world where buying pure sodium borate is inexplicably banned.
Hi Sarah,I was always concerned about the accumulated fluoride in the body,we got recently reverse osmosis filter. I do have RA,so this article is a blessing to me! By the way I live in Australia and could buy borax in Aldi not too long ago.
Hi Sarah,
Thank you so much for this information. I live in the UK – can you advise if the below supplement would be suitable!
Metabolics Ionic Boron Liquid | Extra Strong | 100ml Bottle | Trace Mineral Liquid
Thank you for this helpful article and instructions on how to make our own boron solution. It seems like a good remedy for a toxicity many of us need to address.
Thank you for this information. All of my kitchen faucets have fairly good filters. Unfortunately, most water filters do not filter out Fluoride. I think it requires a reverse osmosis filtration system, which can be more complicated and expensive.
There are filters that are not reverse osmosis that take fluoride out. This is one of them and is quite affordable too.
Thankyou for this
I don’t have a water filtration system here in the UK (only a jug with a filter).
Took me to a cleaner which I suspect is the wrong one
I’d be extremely grateful if you would please please please tell me how to get these ingredients to easily make this solution?
Hi Mike, unfortunately borax is illegal in the UK from what I have read. I would recommend doing your own research on that as to local areas where perhaps it is allowed?
Are you able to find ionic boron drops in the health food store as an alternative?
As a side note, there are no water pitcher filters that remove fluoride. Not sure if the water is even fluoridated where you live, though. US municipal water is heavily fluoridated, but less so in other parts of the world.
Very cool topic. I clicked on the first reference “4 places fluoride is stored in the body” from the truth about fluoride blog and found a link to “10 ways I detoxed my body from fluoride” in that article. He doesn’t recommend the borax, and has a course in which he goes through the why amongst other things. Do you have a guess as to why he would strongly not recommend borax as a way to detox?
Perhaps because the official narrative that borax is toxic is so strong would be my guess. If you are also unsure, just stick with the ionic boron supplement I suggest in the article. That will also work fine …. it is just so much more expensive an approach.
I’m wondering if there are any detox symptoms that can occur when detoxing from fluoride.
Yes you can get a “healing crisis” which is why doing small amounts is a good idea.
Thank you for your research on this topic, Sarah! Question: Is bone broth from pastured animals a good source of boron as well? It would seem to be since the bones from these animals are healthy. I’ve built bone density from consuming it. TIA for your reply
Doubtful that broth would have enough boron for a detox or therapeutic effect. Probably fine for maintenance. The reason I say this is because Sally Fallon Morell used the concentrated borax solution (made by dissolving 1 tsp of borax in a quart of water…then take 1 tsp of the solution per day in a glass of water) to fix issues with her knee….she consumes plenty of homemade broth.