The frustration of Canadians with their stuck-in-the-last-century government for its persistent refusal to legalize raw milk reached a fever pitch recently.
The reason is the surprise legalization of raw milk in West Virginia, the state previously known for the most draconian, anti-raw milk laws in the entire United States!
My email inbox was overflowing with Canadians seeking raw milk when this news broke. Clearly there is a significant demand for raw milk in Canada!
Until now, I didn’t have a good answer for Canadians seeking this simplest and most nutritious of traditional foods for themselves and their families.
Now I do. Here’s the lowdown on how to get raw milk in Canada easily and legally.
Canada Borders a Country Very Friendly to Raw Milk
According to National Geographic, 75% of Canadians live within 100 miles of the border with the United States.
There are 13 states along the USA/Canadian border: Washington, Idaho, Montana, North Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine.
Raw milk is completely legal in 12 of these 13 states (and in 42 of 50 states total). The only state bordering Canada that outlaws the sale of raw milk is Montana (um, what are you waiting for Montana?).
What’s more, in 9 of these border states (Washington, Idaho, Wisconsin, Minnesota, New York, Pennsylvania, Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine), raw milk can be purchased very easily either in a retail establishment or at the farm.
See the frequently updated, extremely helpful “Raw Milk Nation” map available on the website of the Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund for more information.
Raw Milk in Canada – Legally!
According to the Canadian Food Inspection Agency, a Canadian citizen can legally cross into the United States and purchase the raw dairy of his/her choosing and return across the border without harassment or duties (1).
Here are the exact words for dairy products allowed into Canada from the United States:
Dairy products (e.g.: cheese, milk, yogurt, butter):
up to 20 kilograms per person.
Please note that quantities in excess of $20.00 may be subject to high rates of duty. The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) is responsible for determining customs and duties for items coming into Canada.
Notice that in these guidelines, the dairy does not need to be pasteurized. “Dairy products” is defined generally, which includes dairy products that are raw.
To confirm this interpretation to ensure I’m not passing on incorrect information, I’ve been conversing online with a dairy farmer and raw milk activist from British Columbia. She told me the following and gave me her permission to pass it along via this blog:
Sarah I have crossed the border into Washington, bought raw milk in the grocery store and came back into Canada with no problems at all. I even showed my receipt to the Canadian Customs Border guard and he said “thank you ladies, have a nice day.” I have to stop milking my cow for two months of the year so she can build up colostrum from her next calf so whenever I’m down in the Abbotsford area [near Vancouver, British Columbia] I will zip across the border to buy raw milk.
We are allowed $20 worth of dairy if we only go down for the day. It doesn’t matter what that dairy is, butter, raw milk, cheese, etc.
What’s all this mean? It means that if you live in Canada, you can legally cross into the United States, purchase raw dairy from the store or farm of your choosing, and cross back into Canada without incident so long as the raw dairy is for your personal consumption only. According to the language used by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency above, purchases over $20 are also allowed (up to a maximum of 20 kg/44 lbs per person), but may be subject to high rates of duty. If you wish to avoid fees, take only $20 or less back home to be on the safe side.
Here’s a strategy to consider: Load up your car with peeps (the regs don’t specify that the “person” has to be an adult either) and drive across the border to load up as much raw milk and dairy as you are allowed legally. Raw dairy freezes very well so you can buy more than you will use right away to limit your trips. This article gives you freezing tips for milk and other raw dairy.
For privacy reasons, I won’t be posting the stores or farms that serve Canadians on a regular basis. The website Real Milk has a state-by-state list of farms, buying clubs, and other establishments that carry raw dairy to get you started on your search. If you live in Canada and are using this strategy already, feel free to post your sources in the comments section for others to benefit from.
Hopefully one day soon, the Canadian government will realize that citizens spending money regularly across the border to buy products proven to be safe that should already be legal in Canada is a drain on local economies. Keeping that money in Canada is a better approach for a smart politician who really gets the big picture.
I got excited about the raw camel milk option but I would have to sell my home and choose to live on the street to drink it on a regular basis. I can’t believe the outrageous price!!!! It sucks that I have to literally buy a cow to drink raw milk in Canada ????
I found Backyard Dairy BC, they are on facebook.
@Stephanie – looked up Backyard BC Dairy and couldn’t find anything….
Check out Backyard Dairy BC raw milk enthusiasts!
In Blaine I get it from Cost Cutter, although it’s cheaper in Bellingham at the Community Food Co-Op. I’ve been going down to get it for almost two years now. You can also get it straight from the farm at Jackie’s Jersey Milk.
I find it difficult to locate any raw milk while visiting Washington. I was just in Blaine and couldn’t find anything. A friend visited some farmers and they were very tight lipped about where they could go to buy some. It seems they are only allowed to sell a certain amount of raw milk, any more and they have to start pasteurizing it. That sounds so strange.
Hi Sarah. I moderate our local GAPS group in Ottawa ON. I shared this post and a member expressed concern that Lyme disease is being passed trough raw milk of all kings, including breast milk. Is there any truth to this and where is this idea coming from?
Thanks, Marnie
Have not seen any credible research to this effect.
ontario is all of canada now? there are provinces that sell raw milk…
I would be interested to know the provinces? It is a federal regulation and they do penalize with hefty fines..
you miss a political point the large dairy manufacturers hold the lock in Canada and they will never let go. The lock is called milk marketing boards. The only hey that will work in in American hands, It is in trade agreements with large tariffs on other farm products.
That’s what people thought in the USA too just 10-15 years ago … and now look at all the states (42) where you can get access to raw milk. Don’t give up … if you just go home with your tail between your legs the tyranny will never end!
Humans drank raw milk for thousands of years and flourished. Many millions of Canadians grew up drinking raw milk. Its Big business and corresponding government agencies that want control and job security for themselves. Farmers that sell raw milk have put a “Pet Food” label on the bottle/ container and you do what you want with it. 🙂
Brilliant! I am glad to hear that the pet label is catching on in Canada!
Thank you Sarah for your post! Yes, where there is a will there is a way, however I don’t plan on making any three hour trips to the States to get raw milk. To be honest, I have never even been to the US!
Canada will not have raw milk for many years, quite sadly. Supply management and the power of the dairy lobby ensures change will never happen. The government imposed quotas are benefiting large-scale operations instead of family farms, as larger operations buy out smaller operations. Government intervention in consumer choice prevents raw milk from having any chance. We are a very socialist country, despite many opinions that counter such a claim.