My friend Stanley Fishman, author of the acclaimed cookbooks Tender Grassfed Meat and Tender Grassfed Barbecue, lives in California and, like many folks around the United States, has been dealing with the physical stress of having a smart meter installed at his home against his will.
The option to use an analog meter and have this health sucking device removed from one’s home has only recently become available in some localities. Unfortunately, the pace of getting them removed has been painfully slow in some cases.
Whether you are waiting your turn to get your smart meter removed or still fighting for the right to opt out in the first place, here are some steps you can take based on what Stanley discovered to proactively protect yourself from a smart meter’s harmful effects.
1. Q-Links. A Q-Link is a pendent that has been designed to strengthen the electromagnetic field of the body. The electromagnetic field generated by our bodies does protect against emissions. It was designed by a Stanford academic who specializes in the study of fine energies.
The Q-Link contains certain metals and a computer chip, and is powered by being worn. This sounds strange, and some may consider it to be hokum. But it really did help Stanley, who ended up wearing it almost 24/7.
There are a variety of Q-Links available. Some can be quite expensive, as they are made for decorative purposes as well, though the basic no frills model is much cheaper. All models work the same, except there is the classic version and a more modern version that is supposed to work better.
In Stanley’s opinion based on his research, the difference between the two is hard to find. In summary, the cheapest model is very helpful, and there is no need to buy the expensive decorative models. The link comes with a cord that works fine, and there is no need to get a gold or silver chain. Stanley feels the Q-Link was the most effective protection he and his wife found against the smart meter installed at their home.
2. Metal. Find out where the meter is and place a lot of metal between it and your home. This is difficult to do, as the meter is usually attached to one of your walls. The idea is to place some metal shielding between yourself and the meter. The meter emits dangerous EMFs in a fan shaped curve, so it is best to have metal for a number of feet to the sides of your wall directly opposite the meter.
Stanley’s meter was opposite the kitchen, directly opposite some kitchen cupboards. He tried foil, that did no good. Eventually, he placed a number of old aluminum pans in the cupboards opposite the meter, propping them up so they formed a shield. This did help, but not as much as the Q-Link.
3. Distance. The closer you are to the meter, the more emissions you get. Every foot makes a significant difference. Be sure that everyone sleeps as far from the meter as possible, and spend as little time in close proximity to the meter as possible. This can be quite difficult, depending on the layout of your home. It is also best to stay away from the meter when you are outdoors. Stanley ended up spending most of his time in the end of his house that was furthest from the meter. The further away you are from the meter, the better.
Ultimately, Stanley tried many other things as well, but the above three strategies were the only ones that made a difference.
None of them solved the problem completely, but using all three of them did help a great deal. There are a lot of expensive devices that are supposed to protect against smart meters and dirty electricity. After evaluating them, Stanley was not confident that they would help, so he did not try them. Other people may have found other ways that help, but this is what he found.
The best protection is, of course, to get the smart meter removed or never have it installed in the first place – to opt out. The more of your neighbors that opt out, the better for everyone, as smart meters bounce signals from house to house. At least getting the smart meter out ends the dirty electricity problems, and will usually put you a lot further from a smart meter, and ends the transmission of your power usage.
This is not true for everybody, as people who live in apartment buildings can be near too many smart meters, as often the meters for every apartment in the building are placed together, often concentrated near one or two apartments.
Thank you Stanley, for providing your wisdom to all of us. There are many people out there struggling with health issues related to their smart meter, and hopefully these strategies can help them until they are able to move or opt out of those unhealthy devices once and for all!
Note: If the health dangers of smart meters is new to you, click here for information on smart meters from a Harvard MD who has worked in the area of electromagnetic fields (EMFs) and public health for over 18 years.
Sarah, The Healthy Home Economist
More Information
Are AMR Devices Safer than Smart Meters?
Reducing Exposure to Dirty Electricity
The Health Hazards of Wireless Baby Monitors
Harvard MD Speaks Out about the Health Dangers of Smart Meters
In Australia people have been constructing locked boxes with a window for readings around their analogue meters to avoid them being replaced. Legally the box is part of the house so forcing it open would be breaking and entering. 🙂
When my neighbor complained and said she didn’t want hers and wished she’d have put a lock on her box they just said to her “lady we would’ve just broke the lock!” We were able to have ours switched back but they charged us $75 to switch out a meter we didn’t want in the first place and now we’re being charged an extra $10 a month to keep it! Can’t say for sure if this was due to the meter but they installed our smart meter right on the other side of our bedroom where we sleep. My 7 year old daiughter has always had sleep issues but during the time the Smart meter was on our home she woke every night with night terrors and about a month after it was removed she has started sleeping through the night again. Also can’t say for sure if the Smart meter is to blame but I also miscarried during the time we had ours. There is a device called an Orgonite which you can make yourself that harnesses Orgone energy and is supposed to protect against radioactive energies. You can do a search for Orgonite and read about it.
Me scientist…..this silly!
Google MU metal, it is very effective for EMFs
Thanks for this article. I had no idea! We already have this, I think. The picture looks just like what we have right outside the kitchen. 🙁
site maintenance, can’t read the article…
They installed one on my home and it’s right outside my son’s bedroom. They won’t remove it. I’m so pissed!
Please remove your son from the bedroom immediately. Distance is the only protection from smart meters. You can buy shielding paint for the room and make it safer, but how safe can only be determined with an RF meter. Many smart meters are installed in a neighborhood-level network, and, contrary to electric company claims, emit signals up to two times per second 24-7! Also, if you are the unlucky home that has the “collector smart meter,” then the exposures will be even higher. I have written two pieces on smart meters on my blog that may be of interest to you–they explain what exactly smart meters can do to harm our bodies. Please do not let your son back in the room until the risk is mitigated.
What is the difference between a smart meter and a “collector smart meter”?
Thanks for this article, Sarah. I don’t think theres any smart meters in my area yet but I’ve been interested in ways to protect yourself from dirty electricity.
My article on dirty electricity and what to do about it to minimize it in your home is linked in this post above if you want to get some ideas 🙂
As I read this, I sit 3 feet from the 7 smart meters on my outer apartment wall. I will look up the article and consider sitting in the far corner in future. Fortunately I can sleep in bedroom but had thought how nice a bed would be against this wall….no more!
I have never heard about this. Not even sure if my home has one. Thanks for the information. I like to be educated on what is going on around me… whether or not I can change it. I will be looking into this ASAP. Thanks again Sarah for the tip!
I’ve been reading your blog for a little over a year now, and I think you’ve got a lot of interesting information here.
I do think it’s interesting, however, that you seem to document titles, particularly MD, when it suits your purpose. For example, in your response to amf, you say that there’s a video from a Harvard MD, but most of the time, you seem to believe that allopathic medical doctors are part of a great conspiracy about this or that. This is just one example, admittedly not the best given so many posts since I started reading. Simply an observation…
As the daughter of an MD, I have seen the medical profession go from one that is esteemed and professional such as the medicine my Father practiced to one where most MDs today are little more than drug pushers for Big Pharma, arrogant and closed minded to anything except the pharmaceutical industry approved agenda that they learned in medical school. It is refreshing and truly wonderful to come across an MD that has stayed true to the Hippocratic oath and is open minded about alternative methods to staying well and healing that are not drug or surgery related.
Thank God for people who research, observe and learn with their own brains instead of the herd mentality our society has morphed into… I am so grateful for the information on this blog, a lot is out of my capacity because of my financial situation, but it opens the mind to alternatives and truth. Some people need to walk away from the TV and start doing their own research. The herd mentality is the death of our society full of apathetic and complacent people just getting through life instead of truly making the best of it. Thank you Sarah!! I truly appreciate the information you offer.
Well said, Sarah.
I am the daughter of a retired doctor also, and unfortunately I see the detrimental effects of my father for his own health who believed in and never questioned the conventional medical system, not realizing what it has become.
great point, sister.
your crazy lady. you get everyone all worked up with bad info.
You must work for the power companies. Have you seen this video from a Harvard MD who talks about the dangers of smart meters?
If you think smart meters are nothing to get “worked up” about, then you need to familiarize yourself with this report written by a panel of experts (renowned PhD physicists and electrical engineers among them): . You might also consider that the World Health Organization has classified radiofrequency radiation as a “Class 2 carcinogen,” along with the likes of lead and DDT. As a healthcare professional, who has written about the scientifically established health risks of radiofrequency radiation, I think you need to educate yourself regarding the dangers it presents . . . rather than dismissing, as “crazy,” those who have chosen to educate themselves and spread the word.
crazy is, as crazy does. sarah also believes vaccinations are evil. how do your nursing bones like that? sarah is a devil that feeds on peoples fears.
Yes, Sarah is crazy for thinking outside the box and refusing to swallow conventional medical dogma. Too bad the same can’t be said for you, amf.
Well, I just checked and I don’t seem to have any horns hidden in my hair! LOL
“First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.”
Keep asking questions, Sarah. Someone needs to do it.
If you think she is crazy- why bother reading anything she rights? Going against the stream and refusing to be a blind sheep is not the definition of crazy.
ugh! writes- not rights. Wish there was a way to delete a post and start over.
You obviously need to educate yourself and not put down those that are. Your guinea pig mentality is the perfect fit for the medical system. I’m sure they love people like you who do not question anything. Hopefully, your family will not bear the consequences of your stupidity. Thank you Sarah for not being “normal”, my family and I appreciate it.
amf.. how old are you?? no other details.. just age??
-jason and lisa-
What does amf stand for, asinine mofo? Could your trolling be more obvious? Geez, what a pathetic shill you are.
Vaccines contain mercury and aluminium in the adjuvant used. How is it that you have internet access yet are apparently unable to do basic research? Most vaccines are highly ineffective and a money scam. What else is new regarding modern medicine? Educate yourself, rather than make a fool of. Devil, indeed.
your so right the us is hurting us with all their hupla
How pitiful you are thinking there is no harm with these smart meters!
As a matter of fact they in long term can kill and have! I might suggest instead of your self absorbed arrogance you educate your self before making a complete idiot of yourself publicly!
thank you Sarah and Nicole for moe info.
I myself have been researching and studying this for years and sad but true the effects and even deaths are alarming!
It’s just easier for some people to criticize something they are not intelligent enough to understandthemselves!
Keep it up ladies together we can educate the ones in search of the real truth!
You hold yourself out to be a nurse. Are you an RN or an LPN? What state are you licensed in?
You do realize that in most states, identifying yourself as a licensed nurse when you are not is a crime, right?
amf, it would probably make your point if you spoke clearly, politely and intelligently. I just have to conclude that you are ignorant of this subject, which is not a problem unless you do what you just did. Study this carefully and THEN make an educated, informed statement. You will find that it will be respected, even if it does not agree with other bloggers.
I really trust the opinion of someone who cannot even properly spell ”you’re”, as in ‘You are crazy lady.’ Please educate yourself. Or hold your ignorant tongue. And if you want people to take your opinion seriously, learn English.