My friend Stanley Fishman, author of the acclaimed cookbooks Tender Grassfed Meat and Tender Grassfed Barbecue, lives in California and, like many folks around the United States, has been dealing with the physical stress of having a smart meter installed at his home against his will.
The option to use an analog meter and have this health sucking device removed from one’s home has only recently become available in some localities. Unfortunately, the pace of getting them removed has been painfully slow in some cases.
Whether you are waiting your turn to get your smart meter removed or still fighting for the right to opt out in the first place, here are some steps you can take based on what Stanley discovered to proactively protect yourself from a smart meter’s harmful effects.
1. Q-Links. A Q-Link is a pendent that has been designed to strengthen the electromagnetic field of the body. The electromagnetic field generated by our bodies does protect against emissions. It was designed by a Stanford academic who specializes in the study of fine energies.
The Q-Link contains certain metals and a computer chip, and is powered by being worn. This sounds strange, and some may consider it to be hokum. But it really did help Stanley, who ended up wearing it almost 24/7.
There are a variety of Q-Links available. Some can be quite expensive, as they are made for decorative purposes as well, though the basic no frills model is much cheaper. All models work the same, except there is the classic version and a more modern version that is supposed to work better.
In Stanley’s opinion based on his research, the difference between the two is hard to find. In summary, the cheapest model is very helpful, and there is no need to buy the expensive decorative models. The link comes with a cord that works fine, and there is no need to get a gold or silver chain. Stanley feels the Q-Link was the most effective protection he and his wife found against the smart meter installed at their home.
2. Metal. Find out where the meter is and place a lot of metal between it and your home. This is difficult to do, as the meter is usually attached to one of your walls. The idea is to place some metal shielding between yourself and the meter. The meter emits dangerous EMFs in a fan shaped curve, so it is best to have metal for a number of feet to the sides of your wall directly opposite the meter.
Stanley’s meter was opposite the kitchen, directly opposite some kitchen cupboards. He tried foil, that did no good. Eventually, he placed a number of old aluminum pans in the cupboards opposite the meter, propping them up so they formed a shield. This did help, but not as much as the Q-Link.
3. Distance. The closer you are to the meter, the more emissions you get. Every foot makes a significant difference. Be sure that everyone sleeps as far from the meter as possible, and spend as little time in close proximity to the meter as possible. This can be quite difficult, depending on the layout of your home. It is also best to stay away from the meter when you are outdoors. Stanley ended up spending most of his time in the end of his house that was furthest from the meter. The further away you are from the meter, the better.
Ultimately, Stanley tried many other things as well, but the above three strategies were the only ones that made a difference.
None of them solved the problem completely, but using all three of them did help a great deal. There are a lot of expensive devices that are supposed to protect against smart meters and dirty electricity. After evaluating them, Stanley was not confident that they would help, so he did not try them. Other people may have found other ways that help, but this is what he found.
The best protection is, of course, to get the smart meter removed or never have it installed in the first place – to opt out. The more of your neighbors that opt out, the better for everyone, as smart meters bounce signals from house to house. At least getting the smart meter out ends the dirty electricity problems, and will usually put you a lot further from a smart meter, and ends the transmission of your power usage.
This is not true for everybody, as people who live in apartment buildings can be near too many smart meters, as often the meters for every apartment in the building are placed together, often concentrated near one or two apartments.
Thank you Stanley, for providing your wisdom to all of us. There are many people out there struggling with health issues related to their smart meter, and hopefully these strategies can help them until they are able to move or opt out of those unhealthy devices once and for all!
Note: If the health dangers of smart meters is new to you, click here for information on smart meters from a Harvard MD who has worked in the area of electromagnetic fields (EMFs) and public health for over 18 years.
Sarah, The Healthy Home Economist
More Information
Are AMR Devices Safer than Smart Meters?
Reducing Exposure to Dirty Electricity
The Health Hazards of Wireless Baby Monitors
Harvard MD Speaks Out about the Health Dangers of Smart Meters
Stanley or Sarah, I would be curious to know the health issues and symptoms caused by smart meters. I’ve noticed that I wake up for several hours in the night for the last several years and, in retrospect, it coincides with the installation of a smart meter in our basement. I would imagine sleep disturbances are a common symptom, along with ringing in the ears, headaches, etc. Could you elaborate? Also, Stanley, how did you know which of the methods you tried were most effective? Was it based on your observations of the symptoms? Is there an EMF measuring device?
I’m also eager to read your answer to Stephanie’s question above.
Thanks for another helpful and eye-opening post!
Thanks for posting. I am worried about them coming to my house, eventhoughI have sent a letter that I received from another yahoo group to our power company. I had called first and they said someone needed to call me and “educate” me about the meters. I told them no and that I already had enough information. They called, I didn’t answer, but called back to leave a message not to call me. After they received my letter, they called and said that we would be “on hold” until 2013. I don’t know what that means, but it obviously isn’t good. I have a friend who is lucky enough to have a privacy fence around her land and wouldn’t let them in. The post office made a comment about keeping power on when I dropped on this letter. I told them it wasn’t about keeping power on, just keeping these off and he said he had posted several letters about this.
Here is a copy of the letter…
Send By Certified Mail
Dear [President, Vice-President, agents, officers, employees, contractors and interested parties]:
Be advised, you and all other parties are hereby denied consent for installation and use of any and all “Smart Meters” or any other surveillance and activity monitoring device, or devices, at the above property. Installation and use of any surveillance and activity-monitoring device that sends and receives communications technology is hereby refused and prohibited. Informed consent is legally required for installation of any surveillance device and any device that will collect and transmit private and personal data to undisclosed and unauthorized parties for undisclosed and unauthorized purposes. Authorization for sharing of personal and private information may only be given by the originator and subject of that information. That authorization is hereby denied and refused with regard to the above property and all its occupants. “Smart Meters” violate the law and cause endangerment to residents by the following factors:
1. They individually identify electrical devices inside the home and record when they are operated causing invasion of privacy.
2. They monitor household activity and occupancy in violation of rights and domestic security.
3. They transmit wireless signals, which may be intercepted by unauthorized and unknown parties. Those signals can be used to monitor behavior and occupancy and they can be used by criminals to aid criminal activity against the occupants.
4. Data about occupant’s daily habits and activities are collected, recorded and stored in permanent databases which are accessed by parties not authorized or invited to know and share that private data by those whose activities were recorded.
5. Those with access to the smart meter databases can review a permanent history of household activities complete with calendar and time-of-day metrics to gain a highly invasive and detailed view of the lives of the occupants.
6. Those databases may be shared with, or fall into the hands of criminals, blackmailers, corrupt law enforcement, private hackers of wireless transmissions, power company employees, and other unidentified parties who may act against the interests of the occupants under metered surveillance.
7. “Smart Meters” are, by definition, surveillance devices which violate Federal and State wiretapping laws by recording and storing databases of private and personal activities and behaviors without the consent or knowledge of those people who are monitored.
8. It is possible for example, with analysis of certain “Smart Meter” data, for unauthorized and distant parties to determine medical conditions, sexual activities, physical locations of persons within the home, vacancy patterns and personal information and habits of the occupants.
9. Your company has not adequately disclosed the particular recording and transmission capabilities of the smart meter, or the extent of the data that will be recorded, stored and shared, or the purposes to which the data will and will not be put.
10. Electromagnetic and Radio Frequency energy contamination from smart meters exceeds allowable safe and healthful limits for domestic environments as determined by the EPA and other scientific programs.
I forbid, refuse and deny consent of any installation and use of any monitoring, eavesdropping, and surveillance devices on my property, my place of residence and my place of occupancy. That applies to and includes “Smart Meters” and surveillance and activity monitoring devices of any and all kinds. Any attempt to install any such device directed at me, other occupants, my property or residence will constitute trespass, stalking, wiretapping and unlawful surveillance and endangerment of health and safety, all prohibited and punishable by law through criminal and civil complaints. All persons, government agencies and private organizations responsible for installing or operating monitoring devices directed at or recording my activities, which I have not specifically authorized in writing, will be fully liable for any violations, intrusions, harm or negative consequences caused or made possible by those devices whether those negative consequences are justified by “law” or not..
This is legal notice. After this delivery the liabilities listed above may not be denied or avoided by parties named and implied in this notice. Civil Servant immunities and protections do not apply to the installation of smart meters due to the criminal violations they represent.
Notice to principal is notice to agent and notice to agent is notice to principal. All rights reserved.
//your signature//
I don’t know if this petition will make any difference or not, but the purpose is to make analog meter conversion a no-cost event for consumers, which I definitely advocate. To my knowledge, any petition that will actually be looked at and considered must have 10,000 signatures. This one only has 1300 some, so there definitely needs to be more.
Thanks Sarah and Stanley for this important information.
Well, we do have the smart meter, given no choice in the matter. After it was installed, I had a heart episode. A-fib. Yeah, stress might have added to it. But there is no heart history for me or my family.
I avoided buying a house 26 yrs ago that were near those big sizzling power lines, there was an idea then that they were not good, had no idea why though.
Yeah, my afib was so far a lone thing, but it was scary to have my heart beat out of my chest. I worry of the little guy. He is 3. I wonder if it affects behavior, it seems to have gone downhill in this house with some of the adults. My 27 yr old gets heart palpitations sometimes.
So, I’ll want to get husband to put in some of the metal that is mentioned in your article. I do not know a lot of technical stuff, but we’ll figure it out. Also, as someone else mentioned, my bill is sky high.
Lyndsey: I have a smart meter and 2 bird feeders located just a few feet away from it and it has not deterred them. They pig out! I could use another income just to feed them. Also, I keep mason bee houses on my property and they do not seem to mind the meter. There is a flower bed nearby and it is full of bees, wasps, and other pollinators all spring and summer. Whatever harm it may do, the wildlife at my house are oblivious to it.
Is every digital meter a smart meter or is there something else to look for? I’ve never heard of this before and we just moved last year and upgraded to a 200 amp service so if they had to install a new meter they probably went ahead with a smart meter 🙁
Look for the letters “FCC” on it in small print. This means that it has the potential to emit a radiofrequency, whether or not your electric company is currently using it as a smart meter.
Those of you who believe in mainstream medicine should realize that even organizations of conventional doctors are opposed to the use of smart meters, and have warned about their dangers. The American Academy of Environmental Medicine sent a detailed letter, in January, 2012 to the head of the California Public Utilities Commission warning of the health dangers caused by smart meters, and calling for a moratorium on their installation. AAEM is as conventional an organization of mainstream doctors as you will find. Here is a link to their letter, which is well worth reading.
It’s my understanding that smart meter emit less than a cell phone. Do cell phones bother you as well? How about wi-fi? Microwave ovens?
I’m just curious as the debate is currently going on in our town and many say that the smart meters emit less than these other pieces of technology. We limit our use of cell phones but have had wifi for some time and have had no health problems whatsoever.
The power companies all say that, but it is heavily disputed by many organizations who have actually tested the meters. These organizations say the emissions are much more than that, with the problem being made even worse by the fact that smart meters constantly bounce signals between each other, which means that every house with a meter is getting radiation from many meters.
I suggest that you read the link I posted above, and share it with others in your town if you like. It exposes the dangers of smart meters, and is by a mainstream medical organization.
A smart meter was installed on my house right outside our living room without our knowledge. I am a very sensitive person and yes it does bother me, I have had problems sleeping and headaches, ringing in my ears and general discomfort. I went to see my applied kinesologist and had him test to see if it was bothering me or if it was something else. It turns out that all of my symptoms are from the smart meter and it is also disturbing my endocrine system.
I am also sensitive to cell phone (even though I use one for convenience and business/school) if I am to close to Microwaves and anything magnetic or emitting wi-fi.
The claim power companies tend to make is that a person receives more radiofrequency radiation from a cell phone at the head than from a smart meter at three feet away from the meter. The problems with this statement are two-fold. The first is the issue of duration. I do not know anyone who holds their cell phone to their head, engaged in a call, 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, 365 days per year. However, smart meters, according to industry data, transmit up to two times per second, 24-7, 365.
The second issue is the issue of distance and the fact that radiation exposure works on a logarithmic scale and not a linear one. Thus, the radiation that one is exposed to at 2 feet from the meter is not a linear increase, but rather an exponential increase from that at 3 feet. Similarly, the radiation exposure at 1 foot from the meter is yet another exponential increase from the exposure at 2 feet from the meter. Closer than 3 feet from the smart meter, the radiation put out by a smart meter is far more than that put out by a cell phone at the head. It is no coincidence that the power industry always says, “3 feet.” They are intentionally trying to mislead people.
Comparing a cell phone to a smart meter is like comparing an orange to a poison apple. The power industry knows that you have heard of oranges, knows that you know people with oranges, and knows that you may even have an orange yourself. They assume that you are somewhat comfortable with oranges. So they are trying to convince you that their poison apple is really a lot like your orange . . . even though it is not.
Given that walls in places like California can be as thin as 4″, and drywall and 2×4’s do not stop radiofrequency radiation, it is highly likely that many folks will be within a foot of the smart meter quite regularly (let alone within less than 3 feet). Having the head of one’s bed on the other side of a wall to which a smart meter is attached is a recipe for utter disaster. Especially for a child. Children are better conductors because their bodies have a higher percentage of water. Children also have thinner skull bones and other bones. Therefore, their brains and bone marrow are more susceptible to radiofrequency radiation than are adults.
The radiofrequency radiation exposure you get in a smart meter enabled neighborhood is not just coming from your own meter either. You are getting it from your neighbors meters too if you live in a typical neighborhood. Some homes also receive a type of smart meter that is known as “a collector meter.” If you are the unlucky home that gets the collector meter, your house will have an extra-powerful meter that sends and receives signals from the other homes in your neighborhood. I would say that a person whose bed was on the other side of a wall with a collector meter on it will be most unfortunate.
Furthermore, even if distance does mitigate some of the danger of radiofrequency radiation exposure, studies (cited on my blog) have shown that even low-level radiofrequency radiation has non-thermal effects on the body that can put the body into a pre-cancerous state by interfering with the function of DNA-repair proteins and letting the many mutations we all experience on a daily basis persist unchecked. Nevermind the fact that the industry plans to install radiotransmitter chips in ALL appliances in the future, right down to toasters and hairdryers, that will communicate back and forth with your smart meter via even more radiofrequency radiation waves (see my blog for more info). Thus, the smart meter will only be the first of MANY sources of radiofrequency radiation exposure for your household if you get a smart meter.
Yes, cell phones and WiFi are also bad news. As are DECT coordless phones and DECT baby monitors. WiFi, most DECT coordless phones, and most DECT baby monitors are much worse than cell phones, because they pulse radiofrequency radiation (in the microwave range) 24-7, 365. I had no idea how dangerous these devices were prior to my reading Sarah’s first post on smart meters and doing TONS of research on my own. Within hours of reading Sarah’s article, I had seen enough research done by highly-qualified PhD scientists to switch back to a wired internet connection and remove the DECT cordless phones and DECT baby monitor from our home. In Sweden, WiFi is being taken out of universities and schools. There are movements in the U.S. and Canada to take WiFi out of schools.
You may not have health issues now from WiFi etc., but exposure and damage are cumulative. It could take years, but your body will be affected on some level. The processes of our bodies, right down to a DNA level, depend upon electrical gradients for normal functioning. When the body is pulsed with electromagnetic waves from external sources, the body will not function as it normally would. Technology is so amazing and seemingly wonderful that it is easy for us to forget to think about how it might affect our own physiology. I know that I personally had forgotten to consider it.
I have written two articles for my blog as a result of the research I have done, and have actually connected with some organizations in the U.S. and Canada who are trying to get the word out. I have placed links to MANY organizations and experts at the end of the first article I wrote. I have also been updating the list as I learn of new evidence and organizations. Some of these links may help you spread the word in your town. You will find enough research cited on my blog to keep you busy for weeks.
I highly suggest you build or buy a cage for around your analog meter. Put a lock on it and post a water-proof sign that you do not give permission for any new meters to be placed on your home, nor do you give permission for your property/cage to be tampered with in any way. As long as they can read the meter through the cage, they have no right to destroy your lock or cage as far as I can tell (you would have to speak with a lawyer to be sure, but hopefully they would at least make a racket that you would hear if they tried to change it out). Take a photo with a date stamp of your caged analog meter, so that you have a record of what they destroyed if they do destroy it. I have also read about folks who installed a fence around their caged meter, so that the meter could only be accessed, even to be read, when they were home. This addresses the possibility that they would be willing to tamper with the cage around the smart meter. I speak from experience that having a smart meter removed from your home is not an easy task. My power company has threatened me with “service interruption” if I attempt to have the meter changed out on my own. Better to prevent one from being installed it seems. Good luck to you!
Totally brilliant insight Nicole. Thank you for taking the time to share this detail.
Nicole, how do we know that the smart meters are actually turned off if we opt out and choose to switch back to analog (and pay their monthly switch back fee!) ?? Do you have any info about this ?
If you opt out (in CA) you keep your old meter or they bring back an old style one if you already were given a smartmeter. I opted out. My smart meter was replaced within 2 weeks.
Can I really object to this when I have wifi in my house or don’t unplug everything or use a microwave or….
TerriAnn, I think we have a right and should object to a lot of un-safety-tested technology and eliminate as much as possible. We owe it to our kids because we didn’t have to deal with all of this when we were growing up. We have WiFi too and I plan on turning it off at least at night when my family is sleeping. I try to ignore my microwave and it ignores me back 😉
I lady on YouTube put a turkey pan on hers and checked to see how much radiation it was giving. It was so low. She had noticed bees had been leaving their hives when they put the meter in and birds were no longer visiting near her house.
Because of this, I have been reading up on how to make solar panels at home. Cost around $150 per panel, and you stop paying the electric company and they pay you instead. The new meters are making folks pay double to triple what they’d been paying before.
It’s quite disturbing how many things have been pushed at us that make us sick. Finally got rid of our CFLs and moved to LEDs. Don’t think we have this box yet, though.
Yes, Jess, I was just going to add that this is another good reason to “go off the grid,” so to speak. I’ve been reading Countryside magazine for YEARS, and that is my dream. Maybe we should look more into this option as the utility companies become more and more oppressive.
We had solar panels installed and learned, after the fact, that the Smart Meter is required to run the panels, so we have lost the option of going back to analog. Turning them on requires paperwork and a visit from the power company. We just had our first brown out and discovered that without the battery packs we cannot use our solar panels without the help of electricity. Ironic, all that money and we still lose power with the rest of the neighborhood. My advice–Get the back up battery packs, or don’t bother with solar… 🙁