Exploration of how and when to optimally take probiotics to maximize the gut healing and digestive benefits.

Our digestive system is home to at least 500 different bacterial strains.
Ideally, 85% of the bacteria in our gut are the “good guys”, in other words, beneficial to our health.
When the vast majority of gut flora is of the friendly variety, the remaining 15% which are pathogenic bacterial strains and yeasts are easily handled and kept under control.
In fact, in a well-balanced gut, the friendly bacterial strains can actually harness some of the pathogenic strains to perform helpful functions!
The problem is that most people today have this proportion reversed with the majority of gut flora of the unfriendly variety.
This tipping of the balance in favor of pathogens occurs due to antibiotic use, the birth control pill and other meds that negatively affect the gut flora.
In addition, the consumption of processed foods and high amounts of sugar feed pathogens and candida.
The health consequences of a pathogen-dominated gut are many.
Diarrhea, constipation, excessive gas, bloating, allergies, eczema, irritable bowel, inflammatory bowel, kidney stones, ear infections, strep throat, colds, vaginal yeast infections, Crohn’s disease, lactose intolerance, thrush, athlete’s foot, cancer, and the list goes on and on.
The good news is that proactive steps can be taken to rectify the situation to tip the balance back in favor of the friendly bacteria and beneficial yeasts.
Homemade fermented foods are one very smart practice, but for many people, the first baby step back to intestinal health involves taking a daily probiotic.
The Benefits of Probiotics
What are probiotics?
They are friendly bacteria, literally thousands of strains, that prevent the overgrowth of pathogenic bacteria, yeast, and fungus in the gut.
Here is a laundry list of some of the beneficial functions performed by probiotics in the gut.
- Produce substances that normalize cholesterol
- Enhance the protective barrier of the digestive tract to prevent leaking of gut contents into the bloodstream (which produces an unpredictable mix of autoimmune symptoms).
- Produce Vitamin K1
- Lower blood pressure
- Aid in the digestion of lactose
- Prevent cavities
- Neutralize pre-cancerous compounds
- Lower the pH of the intestines
- Utilize oxalates in foods like spinach to prevent kidney stones
- Detoxify carcinogens that are consumed
- Produce beneficial compounds which inhibit the growth of tumors
- Much much more!
No wonder Hippocrates, the Father of Modern Medicine, famously said:
“All disease begins in the gut”.
The Brand You Choose Matters!
Once the decision to repair the gut is made, the selection of the appropriate probiotic is a must.
This article on the best probiotics outlines the selection process in detail and how to ensure you get all the basic types that perform different functions in the gut.
Note that the probiotic industry has done a bait and switch on consumers in recent years, favoring patented, lab-created strains in their products instead of natural versions.
Buyer beware!
Here is a list of top-quality, vetted brands with only natural strains to consider. This can make the selection task easier given the dozens of brands on the market with many containing undesirable synthetic strains:
- Seed
- Gut Restore (SBOs and candida-busting strains)
- Ultimate SBO (high dose candida busting strains)
- Pure Encapsulations
- Prescript-Assist
- Trenev Trio
- Yeastbiotic (take with antibiotics and for a few weeks after)
- Baby Probiotic Powder (both lactobacillus and bifidobacteria)
- Infant Probiotic Powder (bifidobacteria only for making homemade formula)
- Pediatric Probiotic
Optimal Method for Taking Probiotics
Once you have your chosen brand in hand, how to take the probiotic for maximum effect?
Morning or night?
On an empty stomach or with food?
These are very common questions!
The answer depends on the probiotic manufacturer, according to the staff at Biodynamic Wellness, which specializes in helping people recover their gut health.
Some probiotic brands (such as this one) are packaged in time-release capsules and others are not.
Finding out this information may require a phone call to the manufacturer. When in doubt, assume that they are not time-release.
Since it is possible that the high acid environment of the stomach could destroy some of the probiotic bacteria:
<< It is recommended to take probiotics at the END of a meal >>
Does this mean that it isn’t beneficial to take a probiotic on an empty stomach?
It just means to play it safe to ensure the probiotics are protected from any reduction in potency due to stomach acid by taking them after eating.
If you are using a time-release probiotic, then feel free to take it whenever is most convenient.
Probiotics for Oral Health
The above recommendation does not pertain to the use of probiotics before bed (typically on an empty stomach) to assist with the balancing of probiotics in the ear, nose, and throat.
This is commonly referred to as the oral microbiome.
Beneficial flora seeks to dominate and protect every tissue of your body, not just your gut!
There are plenty of beneficial bacteria in your mouth, throat, nasal passages, and ears too!
When they are dominant over pathogens, healthy gums, teeth, fluid-free/non-itchy ears, and congestion-free sinuses are the result.
To this end, Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride MD recommends emptying a probiotic capsule into the mouth and swishing it around before swallowing.
Be sure the chosen brand contains strains that thrive in the ear, nose, and throat such as L. salivarius.
Nothing should be consumed (even water) after you do this.
This article on a natural sinus remedy using probiotics explains more about this procedure.
In conclusion, when consuming a probiotic to improve gut health, it is best to take them after a meal. This minimizes the effects of stomach acid.
If you are using a time-release probiotic (brand I use), feel free to take it on an empty stomach as well.
Whether you take a probiotic in the morning or evening does not really matter.
Emptying a probiotic capsule in the mouth before bed that contains strains found in the oral microbiome can be helpful for improving the health of the teeth, gums, ears, sinuses, and throat.
Traveling soon? This article on how to take probiotics while away from home provides additional insights for keeping you well on the road.
More Information
How to Repair Your Gut During and After a Round of Antibiotics
Are Antibiotics Always Necessary for Strep Throat?
Why Fermented Foods are Not Enough to Heal the Gut (and the Probiotic Boost they Need)
The Benefits of Prebiotic Foods
How to Choose the Best Probiotic for Your Family
Why Antibiotics Today Could Threaten Your Life Tomorrow
How the Pill Can Harm Your Future Child’s Health
How to Kick Strep Throat Fast
Sarah, thank you for your research…Have a great Day!
Sarah, Your info indicated “take at end of meal.” Matt asked about that and you responded with “take before meal.” Which is correct since they contradict each other!!!
Take at the end of a meal as recommended in the post. Sorry for the confusion!
Is it OK for me to wash down my Lipitor and Pantoprazole tablets with probiotic drink such as Actimel, at night just before going to bed?
Is it ok to take a probiotic with statins
I always thought that it is useless to take a probiotic on an empty stomach if it is prescribed to take them after a meal! That prevented me from buying and taking them as my schedule is unstable, and I cannot guarantee that I can take them on time. Now I see that I can adjust taking them a bit which means I can start using them! This is a good news considering that the winter is coming, and my organism is exhausted.
According to various sources, the best time to take a probiotic is BEFORE a meal.
When taken after a meal, although the stomach pH higher (dilution), the delayed gastric emptying time would cause a loss in potency. This is the logic I ran with for several months, which unfortunately lead me to not getting the results I wanted.
After recently trying the method outlined in this article, I finally seemed to make some progress. I’m still wary to continue with this based on what I’ve previously been told.
To get some peace of mind and further guidance, question for Sarah:
Even though the acid is diluted, wouldn’t the probiotic spend too long in the stomach after a meal – Which sources brought you to the conclusion that taking it after a meal was best?
Best regards,
Hi Matt, the recommendation to take a probiotic before a meal is based on the advice of Biodynamicwellness.com, a clinic which specializes in helping people heal their guts using traditional foods and special supplements like probiotics.
Detoxifies carcinogens? That’s great… I’ve been hearing of probiotics for a while now and no one has been able to break it down like you’ve just did. Great work Ma.
I have an ileostomy. Would taking a probiotic still be beneficial for me?
Hello Sarah. Great article! I am a little confused by one thing . I understood that it is vitamin K2 that is made by bacteria rather than K1. Can you clear that up for me. ? Sorry , I am a niggler for details
MK-7 is a type of K2 and is indeed made by bacteria. MK-4 is the animal form of K2 found in animal foods like deep yellow pastured butter.
Here’s more info on that: https://www.thehealthyhomeeconomist.com/which-vitamin-k2-supplement-is-best-mk-4-or-mk-7/
Alkaline water is perfect with probiotics.
Bad microbes like oxygen and good micobes hate oxygen, alkaline water deprives bad microbes of oxygen:) also try drinking alkaline water on an empty stomach in the morning and continue taking sips throughout the day.