Table of Contents[Hide][Show]
- Why The Body Needs Free Electrons
- Neutralizing Excess Positive Charges
- The Science of Reducing Inflammation with Free Electrons
- Many Ways to Harness Free Electrons!
- Walking Barefoot on the Earth
- Swimming in Natural Waters
- Grounding Inside Your Home
- Gardening Without Gloves
- Hugging a Tree
- Touching and Petting Animals
- Hugging Other People
- Conclusion
The many ways to harness the power of free electrons to dramatically and rapidly reduce “silent” or painful systemic bodily inflammation.

Inflammation is arguably one of the most if not the most common reasons for the epidemic of chronic disease today.
Hence, keeping body tissues free of inflammation is of paramount importance and a key reason for pursuing a healthy lifestyle and traditional diet in the first place.
The trouble is, unless a person is keenly in tune with the body, an under-the-radar issue with inflammation is rarely noticed until a health crisis emerges.
Perhaps the easiest way to ensure that inflammation is kept to a minimum is by regularly harnessing free electrons which short circuits inflammation wherever it may be present in the body.
There are a number of ways to use the power of free electrons to reduce inflammation, which I go over below.
But first, let’s talk about why these free electrons are needed in the first place.
Why The Body Needs Free Electrons
The basic science behind the need for free electrons is that the earth’s surface contains a negative charge. This is in contrast to our bodies, which tend to accumulate an excess of positive charges.
Having too much positive charge in our bodies can trigger disrupted cellular function leading to increased oxidative stress from excessive free radicals, aka a cascade of inflammatory response.
Harnessing free electrons allows the body to pair these excess positive charges with a corresponding negative charge and instantaneously negate the inflammatory effects.
It happens so fast that scientists cannot even measure it!
Neutralizing Excess Positive Charges
The easiest and fastest way to neutralize an excess of positive charge in the body is by walking barefoot on clean, unsprayed ground. This direct contact with the earth is called earthing or grounding.
Below is a thermographic photo of the inflammation in a person’s body before and after earthing.
Notice how the warm/hot colors indicating inflammation are noticeably muted to cooler colors after a short period of earthing occurs.
In essence, harnessing the power of free electrons rapidly promotes a more favorable internal environment within the body. Besides lowered inflammation, the benefits include improved mood and energy levels, deeper more restful sleep, and reduction or elimination of pain.
As a personal testimonial, I had a mysterious pain in my left foot a few months ago. I didn’t have an injury and there was no diagnosed issue such as plantar fasciitis.
I thought earthing might help it even though I am grounded most of the day in my home. So, I started making an effort to walk barefoot outside for at least 10 minutes per day. Alternatively, I would sit in a chair on the lawn with my bare feet touching the ground while reading.
Within a few days, the pain was dramatically less, and within a couple of weeks it completely disappeared and has not returned (I am still earthing).

The Science of Reducing Inflammation with Free Electrons
The science of how free electrons neutralize inflammation in a hurry is covered best in the documentary The Earthing Movie. You can watch it here for free courtesy of the Solari Report. (1)
The fabulous explanation of the science behind free electrons reducing inflammation begins at 27:20, but I highly recommend watching the entire docu from the beginning.
Many Ways to Harness Free Electrons!
Walking on the bare earth, aka “earthing”, is perhaps the easiest and most accessible way to get a massive infusion of free electrons to short-circuit the inflammatory response in the body.
However, there are a number of other ways to access free electrons with a negative charge to pair with and neutralize excess positive charges in the body.
All of the methods I know of are listed below. My recommendation is to do as many of them as you can, as often as you can!
Walking Barefoot on the Earth
Walking barefoot on the ground is the most basic and essential way to harness free electrons for reducing inflammation.
If you live in an area or climate where this is difficult, then at least invest in shoes that have leather soles. This will ensure that you will at least be grounded when you are walking around outside.
Rubber and synthetic soled shoes are very bad for our health if we never take the time for earthing as a critical countermeasure.
Swimming in Natural Waters
Swimming in clean, natural waters such as rivers, springs, lakes and the ocean is a fantastic way to ground and absorb free electrons into the body.
When you are swimming, it’s not just your feet that are earthing…it’s your entire body! Thus, swimming in natural waters has the potential for an enhanced free electron benefit.
My favorite way to enjoy this is to swim in the many natural, cold springs here in Florida.
Note that swimming in chlorinated pools will not have the same effect as the chemicals in the pool are counterproductive to the process. This is the case even if the pool is in-ground.
Grounding Inside Your Home
If your home is one floor and directly contacts the foundational slab with no crawl space between, then you can actually ground inside your home.
Only certain types of flooring are appropriate for this purpose, however. Unsealed concrete, stone, unglazed tile, and 100% wool carpets are perhaps the best options. (2)
Sealed wood floors are not grounded despite being a natural material.
If you do not live on the ground floor or have a home with a basement or crawl space underneath, you can compensate by using grounding sheets at night while you sleep.
I have vetted and recommend this brand of earthing products if you are in the market.
Note that the reduced inflammatory effect of grounding is less than earthing. In other words, you won’t be getting as many free electrons simply by grounding as you will when your bare feet directly contact the earth.
Hence, grounding inside your home is wonderful, but not a complete substitute for earthing.
Gardening Without Gloves
Gardening without gloves (or gloves made of leather) is what I call “reverse earthing”.
You are receiving the free electrons via your bare hands instead of the soles of the feet.
If you absolutely must garden with gloves, beware of “microfiber leather” as it is actually a form of synthetic leather!
Hugging a Tree
While “tree-hugging” is a bit of a pejorative term in modern language, in reality, it offers each of us an easy way to absorb lots of electrons from many parts of our body at once.
Thus, if you are unable to swim in natural waters or walk barefoot on the ground, consider “forest bathing” instead.
Trees generate a steady stream of voltage which can even be harnessed for their electrical output. (3)
For the parts of your body that are in contact with the tree, make sure the clothing is made of 100% natural materials such as cotton, wool, or bamboo. Preferably touch the tree with as much bare skin as possible.
Touching and Petting Animals
Ever wondered why petting animals is so therapeutic?
Could it be that we are receiving many free electrons through our hands into our body, which short circuits the inflammatory process?
If your pet is lying on the ground outside while you are petting them, so much the better! This way, their body serves as an electrical conduit to yours and is an indirect way to “earth”.
Hugging Other People
Similar to tree-hugging and petting animals, simply embracing loved ones is also a source of inflammation-reducing free electrons.
Hugging on the beach while you are both earthing would be the most effective time to cuddle, but even if not grounded, you can still share free electrons between yourselves.
This is one of the reasons why massage and other hands-on therapy is so beneficial.
In particular, if a person is ill, hugging them or simply holding their hands can donate your free electrons to their body to literally help them get well!
I’ve written before about how when my children were babies and toddlers, I would hold them for as long as needed to provide comfort and absorb some of the heat with my body to cool them off. Remarkably, time and again, this would serve to break childhood fevers quite quickly.
It is my view that my body donating free electrons to theirs was at least in part why this was so therapeutic.
In summary, finding ways to harness the power of free electrons in our natural environment is essential to health.
Regular earthing by walking barefoot on the ground is perhaps the easiest and most effective way to do this. (4)
However, there are a number of other ways to absorb free electrons to negate an excess of positive charge in the body which are as simple as petting animals and hugging loved ones.
Thus, before spending a lot of money on alternative therapies or supplements that purport to reduce inflammation, try a few of these free electron harvesting strategies above that don’t cost a thing and are proven scientifically to be enormously effective.
(1) The Earthing Movie
(2) Best Flooring Materials for Indoor Grounding
(3) Electricity Harvested from Trees
(4) Earthing
Hi Sarah,
I ordered sheets from Grounding Well before I read your article. Do you know anything about that company? I’m hoping it’s reputable. Thank you!
Sarah, I wonder if you have heard of Spencer Feldman’s Electron Charger? He invented it for people who are so run down that, like a car battery, they “can’t take a charge.” It generates electrons and “feeds” them into the meridians of your feet by way of a metal mesh upon which you rest your feet. He had a 30-year parasite problem, and when he started using it consistently, the parasites began to leave of their own accord, alive. It works on the same premise as the old trick of putting a charged car battery in the ground to make worms for fishing come up to the surface. What can’t your body manage with a little trickle charge?! Electricity is life.
I have not heard of this, but it might be related to parasite zappers?
Might be helpful for people who live in very urban areas, but it really only takes about 15 minutes of earthing walking around on bare ground to recharge the internal battery, so I would prefer this method since it is natural. Overloading the body with a firehose of electrons might be very stressing.
Only wish to share with folks not to buy grounding pads as they actually ground you to the EMF field. You can also ground by harnessing reiki energy and pulling the cosmic ether through you to the ground.
That is VERY interesting, as I have a friend who is highly sensitive to EMFs, and she said that actual earthing on the ground outside with bare feet helps her tremendously, but earthing sheets actually can make her symptoms worse. I wonder if she had the outlets checked before she plugged the sheets in?
Sarah, I appreciate this article so much. Do you have a link to recommended grounding sheets? Thank you!
I do not have a brand of earthing sheets to recommend right now (in the process of vetting some).
One thing to be aware of … if you do buy earthing sheets, it is NOT a substitute for earthing with your bare feet directly on the ground outside. Many people make this mistake and wonder why they don’t get the benefits.
All earthing sheets do is ground you while sleeping. In other words, grounding and earthing are not really the same thing even though the terms are commonly used interchangeably.
Also, before you install earthing sheets, you really should call an electrician to be sure the grounding prong in the outlet where you are going to plug the sheets in is correctly installed. Outlets can frequently have a grounding prong, but in fact, the outlet is not grounded properly at all.
My children were grounding before I knew what is was! My two oldest both had significant health issues. They both craved nature and were so much better when we spent large chunks of time at the beach, at a creek, or climbing trees. They discarded shoes constantly and their need to be barefoot was so intense that I only enforced shoe-wearing when needed for health and safety. After observing them and other kids, I concluded that children intuitively seek grounding until social pressure causes them to abandon the practice. I believe children sense the health-giving effects of nature—most kids even love to collect little bits of nature, like rocks, sticks, and shells, to keep in their pockets. It deeply saddens me to experience many adults’ angry refusal to allow children to participate in their instinctive, health-giving connection with nature. When my own children were experiencing nature with joy, I had to act as a shield against random adults trying to stop them. “Put your shoes on! You might step on a rock!” “Don’t climb that tree, you might fall.” “Put down those leaves.” “Don’t touch that dirt.” “Stay out of the water, you’ll get wet.” I have heard countless adults browbeat their own children in this way, but it is shocking to see adults go out of their way to stop children they don’t know from (safe) grounding!! It truly shows how disconnected we have become as a culture. As an experiment, I started sweetly asking “Did you ever play barefoot as a child?” Interestingly, the scolding adult would often immediately get a far off look, smile, relax, and exclaim “I was always barefoot when I was a kid!” The experience was obviously so pleasurable that when they remembered, it brought an immediate gush of positive feelings, like recalling grandma’s apple pie or a childhood best friend. Isn’t that telling?
My kids always went barefoot outside at our house too!
Does immersing in an in-ground saltwater pool provide earthing?
Saltwater pools still contain chlorine although lower amounts than standard chlorinated pools.
A saltwater pool gets cleaned using a filtering system called a salt chlorine generator. The system uses electricity to turn salt (sodium chloride) into chlorine, which cleans the pool.
This is really interesting. I had thought the whole grounding thing was pseudoscience and didn’t understand it. But the way you explain it makes sense. I’ve noticed a strong correlation with how much my kids play outside barefoot (in the fresh air and sunshine) and how little they get sick, despite possibly more sweets/sugar.
When I first came across earthing over a decade ago, that was my initial response too …. pseudoscience. Since then, there has been quite a bit of research done on it and nearly without exception, earthing significantly reduces inflammation. The more you do it, the better. Thermography before and after has really demonstrated the differences conclusively in a very dramatic and visual way.