Infrared sauna options vary considerably in safety and effectiveness. The reasons near infrared saunas are superior to far-infrared or “full spectrum” saunas is important to understand before buying.

My mention in a recent newsletter about our family’s near-infrared sauna from SaunaSpace generated dozens of excited emails into my inbox.
Apparently, many people are considering an infrared sauna for themselves to reap the myriad of health benefits bestowed by this traditional therapy.
Most of the questions I received in response indicated some confusion over the differences between near infrared (NIR) and far infrared (FIR) or “full spectrum” sauna models. Don’t be fooled by the marketing literature – these two types of infrared saunas are very, VERY different!
Let’s go over these important differences below which led to our decision to obtain a near infrared sauna and avoid the far infrared models. Most people are unaware that the passé far infrared saunas are not only less effective, but actually pose some very real health dangers. This is probably why they are now calling them “full spectrum” saunas instead!
Read on to get the full scoop. Warning: trying to explain aspects of the electromagnetic spectrum gets extremely complicated. I’m a bit of a physics nerd, so I love this stuff. I’ve tried to keep it as simple as possible. I hope I succeeded!
Infrared Sauna Spectrum
Solar radiation refers to the electromagnetic radiation that reaches the Earth from the Sun. Many people are surprised to learn that ultraviolet (UV) radiation makes up a very small part of the total energy content, roughly 8%- 9%. The visible light from the sun represents about 46%-47%. The remaining 45% of the total energy received from the sun is in the near infrared range (1).
The total infrared spectrum consists of near, mid, and far infrared waves. This represents a small fraction of the vast electromagnetic spectrum which includes visible light, UV light, microwaves, radio waves and gamma waves. Humans, animals, and plants absorb and utilize infrared light in various beneficial ways.
In humans, tiny receptors called chromophores absorb red light that is between 600 nanometers (nm) and 950 nm. As you can see from the chart below, this only includes the near infrared portion of the infrared spectrum. In other words, the far infrared portion of the infrared spectrum only produces thermal heating to the human body. Thermal heating and deeply penetrating, rejuventating light therapy is only provided by near infrared wavelengths.

Benefits of Near Infrared (NIR) Penetrating Wavelengths
NASA studies have shown that near infrared light penetrates up to 9 inches (23 cm) of body tissue. This results in rapid activation of all chromophores and metabolic pathways that come into contact (2).
For this reason, near infrared light is used in low level light research studies because the biological systems of our bodies that are affected by light do not absorb far infrared light. Not only are there no far infrared biologic receptors in our bodies, but far infrared waves don’t penetrate enough to reach deeper tissues anyway. Mitochondrial adenosine triphosphate (ATP) pathways, including Cytochrome-C-oxidase, and other critical cell processes involving ATP (energy) production and cell signaling only absorb NIR light.
The beneficial stimulating effects of NIR on body tissues cannot be overstated. Everything works better when oxidative phosphorylation (ATP production) improves. Mitochondria, the powerhouses of most living cells in the body, ramp up ATP production when positively stimulated with NIR light. Living animal cells generally contain an estimated 1,000 to 2,000 mitochondria!
This is why the benefits of near infrared sauna therapy literally enhance the entire body with some folks experiencing totally unexpected improvements. One example is the shocking disappearance of my lifelong eye floaters which I wrote about in my recent newsletter.
As it turns out, research suggests that red light is beneficial to eye health as well, especially in people over 40.
“Full Spectrum” Infrared Saunas?
In order to compensate for the fact that the far infrared spectrum does not provide any stimulative, penetrating light therapy, some manufacturers have added red LED lightbulbs in the ceiling of their sauna models. These are typically marketed as “full spectrum” infrared saunas.
This term may initially sound beneficial. Unfortunately, it is not. Here are the reasons why full spectrum (far) infrared saunas are not only inferior, but should be actively avoided (3).
- Rather than using natural incandescent infrared bulbs which combine light and heat into a single thermal light source (TLS), full spectrum saunas separate light from heat. This is accomplished by using far infrared emitters combined with artificial LED lights installed in the sauna ceiling.
- LEDs produce an inferior “digital” monochromatic light that selectively emits a fraction of the mitochondrial stimulating light band. Only the incandescent tungsten heat lamp provides all 600-950nm wavelengths as part of its “analog” full-spectrum emission.
- WARNING: Far infrared emitters in full spectrum saunas are typically very high EMF. The EMFs which are hundreds of times higher than we would encounter in everyday life, stresses body tissues and the sympathetic nervous system.
- LED bulbs are very unreliable in terms of the actual spectrum emitted and reported lifespan.
Why to Use Near Infrared Saunas or NOTHING ELSE
In summary, far infrared saunas provide exposure to less beneficial infrared wavelengths than near infrared saunas. Moreover, far infrared “full spectrum” saunas add the body burden of exposure to high EMFs with inferior, incomplete LED-based light therapy stimulation that fails to reach all the cells of the body.
In comparison, the incandescent (tungsten-only filament) lamps in a near infrared sauna are a thermal light source just like the sun itself. Light and heat are combined for optimal benefits with no health risks.
Our bodies are designed to experience the alliance of light and heat together, not separately as in a full spectrum sauna. Stimulating cell mitochondria within the near infrared spectrum of 600-950nm wavelengths of light induces cell regeneration, anti-aging, collagen production, human growth hormone, inflammation reduction, neuron repair, rapid wound and injury healing, and the list goes on. In addition, the incandescent heat lamp bulbs used in a near infrared sauna emit plenty of 1000-2000 nm infrared wavelengths (mid infrared) that are absorbed by water molecules in the body, which is how infrared light heats biological tissue.
Experience the Near Infrared Sauna Difference Risk Free
Because I personally use and recommend the SaunaSpace Pocket Sauna, I include this product on my healthy shopping list page with a 5% off coupon HEALTHYHOME
This sale is store-wide, which includes the Near Infrared Pocket Sauna (this is what I have), the Near Infrared Shower Converter Kit, both light panels (to upgrade your far infrared cabinet to a Near Infrared Lamp Sauna or for use in your custom built-in enclosures), as well as everything else on the site.
If you travel a lot, you may wish to consider the convenience of the portable sauna, which comes with a convenient carrying case.
And, as always, SaunaSpace gives you a free 100-day trial to experience the near infrared difference.
My bet is you’ll love it and experience enormous improvements in your health. But if not, you can return it for a refund with FREE RETURN SHIPPING within the USA.
If an infrared sauna is something you’ve been considering for a while, be sure to take advantage of the HEALTHYHOME coupon (entered at checkout).
Please feel free to add any comments or questions you may have regarding infrared sauna therapy in the comments section below. I will do my best to answer them and provide additional resources that can help you sort through the information and choices.
How far should your body be from these near infrared bulbs? Is it safe as long as you are not burning yourself from the heat of the bulb?
Hi Sarah,
Do you still feel this is the best sauna on the market? Dave Asprey suggests sunlight saunas but I see there are not just near infrared but all 3. I am in need a of one and want to make sure I am investing in the right one! I really trust your judgement. Thank you!
Yes, I’ve had this model for many years and would buy it again if I did it all over now. Dave is the guy who popularized MCT oil, which is the coconut oil dregs, so I don’t pay attention to his message.
I have a Joov infrared light, but I use my sauna to improve cardiovascular health and possibly sweat out toxins… I didn’t purchase it for mitochondrial health specifically so I’d imagine any sauna, even the old rock/steam saunas would do the trick in making one sweat.
Here’s a comparison of SaunaSpace and Joov if you are interested.
Hi Sarah,
I am very interested in purchasing a SaunaSpace sauna. After reading their website, I am a little confused. It says their lights are full spectrum. Near and far light. I thought you recommended only near? This is a big investment for me and I just want to be sure I fully understand.
I am currently going to a place where you pay to sit in the near infrared lights. However, they are LED lights. They say they are very low EMF, but it stills worries me to use them. I am looking for a good alternative.
Thank you,
The SaunaSpace lights are near infrared (incandescent). They’ve changed their wording to full spectrum for some reason, but the bulbs are exactly the same.
I was looking at the Richway Biomat, but it uses far infrared. Now, after reading this article, I am not comfortable investing in it. Do you know about this particular, original Biomat? I appreciate your website and knowledge.
I personally would not buy it.
I know a Naturopath who uses this lamp in their practice. It doesn’t state the type of bulb. Is it only harmful if LED lights are used internally or in the same room?
LED lights are a source of unsafe levels of EMFs. If you need a specific lamp vetted, please use the purple chatbox on any page of the blog.
Would there be any reason against sleeping in the Faraday (with it off) to take advantage of the EMF shielding? From the measurements, I’m guessing an average-sized adult could almost stretch out completely in it while lying diagonally. Depending on sleeping position, that might be comfortable.
If you have a lot of EMFs in your area and you can fit comfortably, that would be something to consider.
Thanks for the great review and the coupon. I am planning to purchase a sauna space. I’m trying to decide if it is worth the additional $2,500 to get the Faraday – which blocks out all ambient RF signals. Any thoughts?
If you live in a high density population area or apartment/condo, I would definitely get the Faraday. If you live in a rural area and your neighbors aren’t close by, then the regular saunaspace is fine.
I was wrong in assuming that because one can see the red glow of an electric bar fire, it must be as hot as an infrared incandescent lamp and produce a similar black body radiation spectrum. In fact, the steel on the electric bar fire melts at half the temperature of a near infrared incandescent lamp, so the peak wavelenth emitted will be much longer, probably over twice as long.
The reason I asked who produced the chart above is that the infrared lamps appear on the chart to share their ancestry with the Quechuas – human enough if you produced the chart (which is very informative actually, very well done), but not acceptable in a scientific journal.that’s supposed to be edited.