How to determine if iodine supplementation might be is right for you by assessing key criteria used by holistic practitioners.
Far from the newcomer on the block, iodine is a traditional remedy that doctors in centuries past relied upon as an antiseptic and natural antibiotic.
As far back as 2700 B.C., records show that Emperor Shen Nung used seaweed for the treatment of goiters. Pliny, Vitruvius, and Juvenal describe the prevalence of goiter in the Alps and the use of burnt seaweed for treatment in 40 B.C.
Dr. Weston A. Price reported in 1939 that certain primitive cultures used iodine to successfully treat goiters.
Why Did Iodine Fall Out of Favor?
It was during World War II that patented pharmaceuticals like penicillin and sulfa drugs began to replace iodine. In 1969, Drs. Drs. Jan Wolff and Israel Lyon Chaikoff erroneously theorized that large amounts of iodine were harmful.
Unfortunately, a large portion of the medical community bought their theory, and recommended dosages of iodine in the United States dropped to a low of 150 mcg daily. This stands in sharp contrast to the average Japanese intake of 12 mg or more daily.
Indisputable Benefits
Iodine is present in every organ and tissue in the body. It is key to intelligence, proper fetal development, the health of salivary glands, endometrium, prostate, ovaries, and skin.
Research has shown that women with good iodine status bear smarter children. Researchers at Bristol and Surrey universities in England studied 1,040 pregnant women and discovered that children born to mothers with even mild iodine deficiencies had lower IQs and reading levels. (1)
Scientists conducting a meta-analysis of studies on iodine in China concluded: “The level of iodine nutrition plays a crucial role in the intellectual development of children.” (2)
Role in Detoxification
Iodine assists in many bodily functions including detoxification of radiation and toxic metals, especially mercury; thins excess phlegm and mucous; improves water metabolism and relieves water retention; cleanses the lymphatic system and blood; and supports thyroid function.
Iodine is necessary in order for the thyroid gland to produce adequate amounts of thyroid hormones, in particular T4. Additionally, iodine helps alleviate liver stagnation. This plays a significant role in the liver’s ability to convert T4 to the more biologically active thyroid hormone, T3.
Breast Health
Part of iodine’s vital role in both thyroid and liver health contributes to protecting the breasts from abnormalities. Practitioners use iodine therapeutically to assist the body in resolving breast cysts, as well as uterine fibroids and ovarian cysts.
Deficiency is a common finding in cases of fibrocystic breast disease, breast cancer, and other hormone-driven cancers such as prostate, ovarian and uterine cancers. Hence, iodine supplementation may prove beneficial for this condition.
Essential to breast development and protective against cysts, iodine desensitizes estrogen in the receptors in the breasts. Iodine reduces estrogen production in overactive ovaries, making it therapeutic for those suffering from estrogen dominance, premenstrual syndrome, and polycystic ovarian syndrome.
In my clinical experience, iodine is one of the best support minerals for acne and eczema. Iodine is also an important antioxidant as well as an inducer of apoptosis in cancerous tumors. Iodine has anti-sclerotic properties making it beneficial for use in persons with atherosclerosis. Historically, iodine supplementation facilitated the treatment of syphilis, malaria, scarlet fever, obesity, depression, pneumonia, uterine fibroids, and prostatic hypertrophy.
Food Sources
The best food sources of iodine are wild ocean fish and seafood. Avoid “sustainable” salmon as this is labeling semantics for GMO farm-raised.
Seaweed (marine algae) products such as kelp, nori, dulse, hijiki, arame, and wakame are also good sources. Try adding some to homemade fish broth for an especially therapeutic combination.
In addition, pastured butter especially from cows grazing on spring grass contains significant amounts.
Caution should be used in choosing seaweed products since the Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster. Products from Japanese waters should be tested for purity.
Skin Patch Test
Several laboratories now are able to determine whole-body iodine sufficiency through the use of a 24-hour collection test. This is a very simple and cost-effective test and is available through my office.
We also offer iodine patch testing in our clinic. It requires a 2” square patch of iodine to be painted on the arm or thigh. The length of time it takes for the patch to fade is assessed. The faster the body absorbs the iodine, the greater the need for iodine.
2% iodine tincture is the type used for the skin patch test and is readily available at any pharmacy costing just a few dollars.
While not perfect, this easy, inexpensive, and noninvasive test can quickly assess a patient’s relative status and whether there might be a need for further testing.
Iodine Supplementation: How Much is Enough?
Experts such as Guy Abraham, M.D., David Brownstein, M.D., and many others recommend 100-400 times the USRDA of iodine.
Vetted supplemental sources that I recommend include:
According to Dr. Guy Abraham, a researcher and an authority on the safe use of iodine, the daily dose of iodine should be 12.5 mg. to 37.5 mg. daily. The Japanese live longer and have lower rates of breast and thyroid cancer than any other population. And as we all know, they generally have very high levels of intelligence. Could it be the iodine?
The information in this post is not intended for the diagnosis or treatment of any disease or disorder. Always consult with your health care practitioner. Iodine dosing is best done under the guidance of a knowledgeable health care practitioner.
More Information
I have been using Iodoral in earnest since 2016. I have a health background and chose to start with a half tablet and observe my body’s reactions. I had little reactions. I use 4/day and have done so for several years. I take a Standard Process Cataplex E for the selenium. I can take those 4 tablets before bed and go right to sleep. I have some physical issues; the 4 tablet level seems to be beneficial for me. I am aware of the whole body’s need for this crucial substance. Dr. David Brownstein and others have written and made very good videos for one’s education in this area.
Have you seen Dr. Alan Christianson’s book -The Thyroid Reset Diet? It talks about how Iodine is the goldilocks mineral and it is really easy to get to much, especially if you already have hashimotos, etc. It gives a different perspective.
note that all iodine supplements are now only sold as a 2% solution, not 5% as in the original Lugol’s type. I would think that, whilst better than nothing, 2% is pretty useless?
Great article! As a pregnant woman, iodine supplementation is very important to me. It is important to have iodine for fetal brain development and many prenatal pills do not contain iodine, only about half do. There are no extreme studies shown that it is absolutely necessary but it is better safe to take iodine, of course after consulting with a doctor to make sure you get the right amount. On average most woman do not get enough iodine while pregnant. Having levels over 150micrograms is the healthy amount. I get my iodine supplements from Cedar Bear. They also have other herbal supplementation to help with overall health with different organs. Completely natural and vegan.
My apology, Sarah, I assumed that the post was written by you.
I read your article yesterday during my consideration to supplement iodine (in the form of kelp). I must say I have lost a lot of respect for your work. (I’m a WAPF follower and have read your blog from time to time.) I’m glad that I happened to come across a comment in a Ray Peat forum that warned about iodine aggravating thyroid antibodies and the Japanese, who consume much seaweed, having high instances of Hashimoto’s before purchasing iodine pills of 1000 mcg, a decision I would have made thanks to your casual comment about the “average Japanese intake of 12 mg a day.” You should seriously consider the impact your words can have upon people. It could save someone from developing a disease.
Even the WAPF article that references you states this: “Based on the reported values in seaweed, some have claimed levels of 12 mg (12,000 mcg) in Japanese diets, although a published analysis of iodine intake in Japan found a range of 45-1921 mcg per day (J Nutr Sci Vitaminol (Tokyo).”
Given that the author of this article is the current VP of the WAPF, I would suggest contacting her clinic directly with your concerns. Her clientele frequently present with thyroid issues.
Interesting thing, I did a patch test of 10% providone iodine from the local store and more than 24 hours it was still there. After learning about Lugol’s solution iodine (potassium iodide plus elemental iodine) I repeated the patch test and the patch consistently disappears on 8-12 hiurs. So the quality of iodine matters. (10% Providone iodine says it’s only 1% iodine availability, so maybe that played a role).
Are you taking all of the necessary cofactors with iodine? Supplementing iodine without the cofactors will definitely screw things up.
Since I started using daily lugols iodine solution, my liver enzymes tripled. What is the source study showing that Iodine helps the liver?
If you have hashimotos you still need iodine you judt need the cofactors that go with it to prevent harm