In the latest example of government gone amok, Jill Bass of Oak Park, Michigan faces up to 93 days in jail for planting a beautifully maintained vegetable garden in her front yard. Ms. Bass has already been issued a ticket and now faces misdemeanor charges for her industriousness.
The cash strapped Oak Park, which should arguably spend its dwindling financial resources and efforts on more serious municipal matters, contends that Ms. Bass’ garden violates city code which requires front yards to consist of “suitable live plant material”.
Last time I checked, vegetables growing in a garden are indeed alive! With regards to “suitable”, a plant that can be consumed by the people tending it does seem to qualify, don’t you think?
It seems the City of Oak Park considers pesticide and chemically fertilized grass to be more “suitable” front yard greenery than a humble vegetable garden.
Such foolishness reminds me of the stories I used to hear back in my Cold War school days when our Civics teacher would tell a roomful of wide-eyed and incredulous children about Russian peasants being hauled off to jail for growing their own food!  In Communist societies, no one “owns” anything .. any vegetables that were grown had to be commissioned and approved by the State.
Nothing like that could ever happen in the good ‘ole US of A, right?
One can only hope that Ms. Bass’ neighbors and the community of Oak Park will flood the city phone lines with complaints about such over the top harassment. Imagine that tax dollars are actually being used to pay for this outrage.
Take a look at a picture of Ms. Bass’ vegetable garden and how beautifully it is maintained by clicking here.
She can come and plant a garden in my front yard anytime! Fortunately, my community allows it!
Control the food and you control the people.
Crap like this is passed by rich sons of mothers who have small families and free insurance paid with by your money. That think their way of living is the only way. What happened to the ‘land of the free?’ growing food? Really?
I just signed. Stories like these not only make me angry but also scared for the future of my own family. We should have the right to sustain ourselves on our own property. What is this country coming to?
I signed too!
Hi Barbara, thanks for sharing the petition. I signed it. They are almost to their goal of 10,000 signatures!
Seriously? I mean, the woman has 6 kids. She is doing what is necessary to sustain her family – and has a very community oriented attitude about it, I might add. If I were an Oak Park resident, I think I’d be requesting a refund of my tax dollars. Ridiculous!
Do as I say..not as I do..
That is ridiculous. Seriously, the neighbors were just jealous that they didn’t get any of the produce!
Michelle Obama grew a garden on the White House lawn…
Wasn’t it the lovely Michelle Obama who said we should ALL plant gardens? Maybe her garden is not suitable at the White House. This is sooooo stupid. She is getting exercise and doing something good and they pull this. If she didn’t plant the garden they would probably get her for her grass not growing.