In the latest example of government gone amok, Jill Bass of Oak Park, Michigan faces up to 93 days in jail for planting a beautifully maintained vegetable garden in her front yard. Ms. Bass has already been issued a ticket and now faces misdemeanor charges for her industriousness.
The cash strapped Oak Park, which should arguably spend its dwindling financial resources and efforts on more serious municipal matters, contends that Ms. Bass’ garden violates city code which requires front yards to consist of “suitable live plant material”.
Last time I checked, vegetables growing in a garden are indeed alive! With regards to “suitable”, a plant that can be consumed by the people tending it does seem to qualify, don’t you think?
It seems the City of Oak Park considers pesticide and chemically fertilized grass to be more “suitable” front yard greenery than a humble vegetable garden.
Such foolishness reminds me of the stories I used to hear back in my Cold War school days when our Civics teacher would tell a roomful of wide-eyed and incredulous children about Russian peasants being hauled off to jail for growing their own food!  In Communist societies, no one “owns” anything .. any vegetables that were grown had to be commissioned and approved by the State.
Nothing like that could ever happen in the good ‘ole US of A, right?
One can only hope that Ms. Bass’ neighbors and the community of Oak Park will flood the city phone lines with complaints about such over the top harassment. Imagine that tax dollars are actually being used to pay for this outrage.
Take a look at a picture of Ms. Bass’ vegetable garden and how beautifully it is maintained by clicking here.
She can come and plant a garden in my front yard anytime! Fortunately, my community allows it!
Its a good idea from time to time to ask ourselves: “Does for government work for us or do we work for the government?” We never really have the luxury of not participating in government process. This cause seems like a good rallying point to clear the deck of bureaucratic knot heads.
Ciao, Pavil
To fine someone for growing vegetables in their front yard is the height tyranny. When we lose the ability to provide food for ourselves we are in serious trouble!
As ridiculous as this sounds to e and as excessive as jail is, some cities/communities have standing ordinances. My own development has covenants that restrict having a vegetable garden in view of the public rights of way. I hate it but it’s the way it is and I have to abide by it until I move. If this is the case where this woman lives she ought to have repect for the ordinances. Should those ordinances even exist? Personally I think it’s silly. you have to think she was probably aware, like her neighbors who are complaining are. If they moved into that community because of the ordinances, what about there rights?
Jail For Planting a Vegetable Garden? – The Healthy Home Economist
I signed. It is over 10,000 now. I live in an HOA neighborhood, unfortunately. You are suppose to get approval for anything you do that shows from the street, not that we have done that. It’s annoying. I would love to plant edibles in my front yard. Instead, people here have the mentality that our yards should look like we live at the country club. People have riding lawn mowers for their tiny yards. We have Chem Lawn in here. Of course every spring, summer we are out every week cutting the grass with our power mowers that have to have oil and gas. I’ve been wanting to get a push mower that at least doesn’t require that. I have admired some front yards in town that are filled with flowers. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to grow flowers and veggies all around the home?
In some foreign countries, NOTHING is planted which doesn’t produce something edible. Seriously. I don’t think it’s law, but it IS common sense at its best. My best friend was from Stuttgart, Germany and her family had front and back yard gardens of mixed flowers and veggies (those people know what plants love and help each other in the garden, i.e. Carrots Love Tomatoes) and their side yards had pear trees, walnut trees, etc. They don’t grow ornamental, fake looking, bright green Miracle-Gro lawns over there. Those people are smart because it’s the way things have been done for centuries. WHY doesn’t America take a page from their book and just TRY to learn something for once? Heavens no . . . that might make sense, it might be logical – – – and it won’t support Monsanto and their ilk.
Even in my own city people are against community gardens (like the Victory garden type thing) because we used manure. It was aged manure which is what is supposed to be used on gardens and trees and flowers and bushes because it’s natures answer to solving several problems at once. We use the animal product, which enriches the soil which encourages beautiful growth which stops the erosin and putrid run-off, etc. If manure is aged properly, it has no smell at all. For more good information on manure and how best to use it, read the book called Holy Shit by Gene Logsdon. He makes things pretty clear!
Our next choice will have to be figuring out how to plant indoor gardens for the year round production of our own produce, but then how long will it be before the gubment goons can tell us what we can do inside our homes? We’re not far from that scenario, I’m afraid. It’s getting scary out there. The first step in ending gubment control is getting rid of lobbyists – and even a revolution of sorts, if necessary. I think it’s got to happen.
Jail For Planting a Vegetable Garden? – The Healthy Home Economist
Jail For Planting a Vegetable Garden? – The Healthy Home Economist: via @addthis
We have a similar thing here with our Homeowners Association. They can fine me $50 a day for growing edibles “within view of the street.” As stupid as that is, I knew it before I bought here. A city taking action is crazy, though. I hope this gets a LOT of attention nationwide. Sarah, I remember those stories from school about the USSR too!
Good news! petition is over 11,000. Thank you for spreading the word on this. It’s just craziness to jail someone over a vegetable garden!
I saw on the Oak Park Hates Veggies FB page that the next Oak Park Council meeting is tomorrow night (July 11) and that folks are being encouraged to come in veggie costumes! LOL