October is one of my favorite months of the year.
The cool breezes, the changing leaves, the crisp blue skies …
But recent years has brought a new message our way which is permeating every media outlet imaginable and is anything but enjoyable.
October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month in America and with it comes an annual pinkwashing of the grandest proportions.
Pink gloves and cleats on NFL players, pink sweat bands and referee flags, and pink ribbons worn by TV commentators. Even the National Anthem has been pinkwashed with a giant pink flag in the shape of a ribbon replacing the American flag during the singing of this patriotic song prior to professional sporting events!
To me, this is not only extremely unpatriotic, but downright insulting to our men and women in uniform.
What are these people thinking? Is it so incredibly much to ask for people to actually think before they pink?
Even for those of us who see through the pink propaganda and ignore the media stupidity can’t seem to get away from the zombie like hypnosis that comes over people with regard to supporting the marketing bonanza that is “Breast Cancer Industry Month”.
I was shocked last week when the team manager for one of my children’s sporting teams pushed to have the children wear pink ribbon socks during games for the month of October.
I politely declined. There’s no way my child will be used as a pawn to support the message of pink hypocrisy that the Susan B. Komen Foundation represents – the organization primarily behind October pink ribbon madness.
“Komen for the Cure”?
Fat chance.
More like “Komen for the Cause”.
A story in Mother Jones explains how Komen continues to insist that bisphenol-A (BPA) exposure via plastics is safe despite more than 130 scientific studies demonstrating a clear connection between bisphenol-A (BPA) exposure and breast cancer. In addition, early exposure to BPA promotes early puberty which is a strong risk factor for breast cancer later in life.
Moreoever, Komen aggressively mobilizes businesses to display the pink ribbon or color a product pink as a message of “hope” for the “cure”.
This completely unethical raising of funds enlists these businesses to donate portions of their sales revenues to Komen even though many of these products contain carcinogenic, GMO and highly toxic ingredients.
Where does all the millions upon millions of dollars go that the Komen Foundation rakes in every year?
For fiscal year 2009/2010, Komen contributions included: $141 million for education, $47 million for health screening, and $75 million for research. Fundraising costs and affiliate expenses were approximately $60 million and general administrative costs at $37 million.
- Not one
pinkred cent went into education about how diet greatly affects the development of cancer, particularly how cancer thrives on sugar and other toxic foods. No mention of avoiding junk food and eating whole, organic foods. - Komen refuses to acknowledge nontoxic screening alternatives to mammograms. These include thermography and even better, breast ultrasounds which are zero radiation, no compression alternatives that find breast cancer far earlier than mammograms! It is well known that mammograms cause cancer and result in misdiagnosis and unnecessary treatment of thousands of women every single year. In addition, there is zero evidence that mammograms save lives in the majority of cases.
- The “research” funded by Komen is for the pharmaceutical industry only. Not a dime for Dr. Burzynski in Houston or Dr. Gonzalez in New York (a recent recipient of the Integrity in Science Award from the Weston A. Price Foundation) who are both practicing safe, holistic and highly effective cancer treatments as compared to the living death that is conventional chemo/radiation. Even though Suzanne Somers beat her breast cancer with mistletoe extract injections and wrote a bestseller about it, Komen hasn’t even consulted with her.
Here’s the bitter truth. Komen doesn’t want a cure. Pinkwashing is far too lucrative.
How are you opting out of the pinkwashing madness this month?
Sarah, The Healthy Home Economist
Sources and More Information
Where does all the Komen for the Cure money really go?
The Dangers of Estrogenic Foods, Herbs and Supplements to Breast Health
Susan B. Komen Financial Statements, 2009/2010
Excellent comments. So wrong in so many ways the Pink/Komen lies. I just flew U.S. Airways and even their napkins were PINK AND PROMOTING the lies! When I have been asked at the sales checkout for stores and grocery stores – I tell them ‘NO THANKS…CANCER IS NOT A DEFICIENCY OF CHEMO AND RADIATION”. The clerks get so mad and defensive. I then tell the store manager I am insulted at the harassment when trying to checkout and will not return.
Great article! Keep up the good work and keep speaking truth!
What about the breast cancer link with the contraceptive pill? The World Health authority list the pill as a carcinogen in the same ranking as asbestos, and HRT. Why doesn’t Komen warn women of the long term harmful effects of these contraceptives.
Also there is an increased risk of breast cancer after abortion and these truths are withheld from the public by foundations that are all about looking good in the public arena. See the research of the Polycarp Institute!
Funny- I just was in for my annual yesterday and got the whole lecture about the need to get a mammogram. I am 51 and have had just one, and swore I wouldn’t have another. A complete waste of time, basically was told that because my breast tissue is so dense they can’t really read the films. Even so, my physician said I still need to have one. Doesn’t make sense to me. I think I will see if my naturopath will order a ultrastound. Thanks Sara for the continued info on this subject. It’s a difficult situation for us as women. I live in a small town and know 4 ladies personally who have been diagnosed with breast cancer this last year.
There ARE CURES! Have been for decades!
The ominous part is that this isn’t the first time scientists have discovered that THC shrinks tumors. In 1974 researchers at the Medical College of Virginia, who had been funded by the National Institute of Health to find evidence that marijuana damages the immune system, found instead that THC slowed the growth of three kinds of cancer – lung and breast cancer, and virus-induced leukemia.
They found there was a disruption in the growth of tumors cells…………Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/040046_medical_marijuana_cancer_treatment.html##ixzz2hCATLPDh
“Cancer: Forbidden Cures” exposes the corruption of the cancer industry and the extreme measures used to prohibit physicians to treat the disease naturally.
There are a number of Natural Cures for Cancer……
Just because your doctor didn’t tell you about it doesn’t mean there isn’t a natural cure for cancer.
NATURAL CURES FOR COLDS TO CANCER – a comprehensive guide on how to live naturally, without doctors and drugs.
Vitamin C and Baking Soda – Alternative Cancer Treatments
Alternative Cancer Treatments: This article is on a treatment for cancer which uses Vitamin C and Baking Soda.
Transforming Cancer: Hydrogen Peroxide and Baking Soda
Hydrogen Peroxide and Baking Soda … to offer me intravenous H2O2 treatments, … author of a book on treating cancer with baking soda called ‘Cancer …
transformingcancer.blogspot.com/2013/05/hydrogen-peroxide-and… – Cached
My employer lets us buy pink accessories to wear with our uniforms in October, and the company website is pink-colored all month. Right now, I have the t.v. on and am seeing a commercial repeatedly telling me I can help cure breast cancer by eating more pizza. Every year, this drives me crazy and I’m ostracized for not buying a pink scarf.
Andrea Rader…how about a good faith offering; pay Dr. Burzynski’s legal bills that he incurred fighting for the right to practice a safe alternative to traditional cancer treatments. Then a good faith measure of promoting the truth regarding healthy alternative cancer treatments along side your promotion of traditional chemical treatment giving women the opportunity to choose.
Jennifer, I agree. When Koman pays Dr. Burzynski’s legal bills that he incurred fighting for the right to practice a safe alternative to traditional cancer treatments, I’ll start wearing pink. Until then, it is just pink washing of the Koman Foundation to regain its credibility.
Thanks, Sarah!
This is the pic I created for my blog….
Please click above. (Sarah, feell free to change it to the real pic)
I agree 1000% !!! And I feel deeply sorry for the families who have lost their cherished women at the hands of big pharma!!! I appreciate your public statement.
October is also Dysautonomia Awareness month & October 7th was the first International Trigeminal Neuralgia day! I would love to see a little awareness & research money go to both of these in curable, life altering illnesses. Women, men & children are affected.