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Shortly after my husband and I got engaged, the large, global company we both worked for at the time assigned him to a long term consulting project in Wellington, New Zealand.
Our phone conversations and his handwritten letters (no email then!) were filled with amazement and praise about the plethora of small local farms where he was able to obtain fresh, delicious food for very reasonable cost pretty much anywhere at any time.
He loved to tell me stories about where exactly he had obtained his food and the farmers and small local businesses where he had procured a recent meal.
My husband has always been into local food, long before I got the bug. His mother was actually an early pioneer of locally produced food co-ops in none other than Uganda, where he was born and spent the first few years of his life before the entire family was forced to flee for their lives when their friends started mysteriously disappearing after Idi Amin, the infamous and bloodthirsty dictator, rose to power in the early 1970’s.
My husband’s year spent in Wellington left him with fond memories of this country’s small farm bounty which is some of the most varied in the world. Could it be that New Zealand’s golden reputation as a haven for local food and farms offering fresh, quality food is coming to an end?
The WorldWide Power Grab for Control of the Food Supply
A new 400 page, “food safety” bill introduced by the New Zealand Parliament in May 2010 has been stealthily making its way through the approval process and may become the law of the land in the near future. The bill is crafted to be in line with obligations to the World Trade Organization with regard to the international scam Codex Alimenatrius, also known as the “Food Book”.
This bill would seriously undermine efforts of families to be self sufficient by growing their own food. Shockingly, under the language of the bill, growing one’s own food is considered a privilege that can be revoked by the government at any time with non-Codex complying producers the most vulnerable to enforcement action.
Those “registering” to grow food (can you imagine such a thing?) would not be able to receive authorization if they do not comply with food production rules as outlined by Codex.
Distributing food – even for free – is not permitted and the definition of “food” is extremely broad encompassing nutrients, seeds, natural medicines, essential minerals, and even water!
By controlling even seeds, the power to grow food is handed to global seed companies like Monsanto. Seed sharing banks and networks could be shut down if they are not able to obtain government authorization. This would frighteningly and very quickly result in a loss of seed variety and be of clear financial benefit to the global seed companies.
Home-grown food and some or all seeds could not be bartered on a scale to feed people of a community even in the event of economic collapse where commercially grown food has become unavailable or unaffordable.
Let me repeat that: This bill would force people to starve in the face of economic hardship rather than grow their own food to survive.
What does this sound like to you? To me, it sound eerily like the former Soviet Union with its complete and utter control of the economic factors of production which disallowed peasants from producing food for anyone except the State.
Police to Act as “Food Safety” Officers
Under this NZ Bill, local police can act as Food Safety Officers, raiding a home or business without a warrant using all necessary equipment such as firearms.
Even worse, members of the private sector, such as Monsanto employees, can act as Food Safety Officers and raid a targeted location without a warrant backed up by armed police.
The bill goes even further by providing these “Food Safety Officers” immunity from criminal and civil prosecution!
The language of this bill allows the creation of no less than a Food Gestapo which terrorizes the citizenry with warrantless searches, seizures, and arrests with no accountability or repercussions for their actions in a court of law.
Control of the Seeds the Ultimate Goal
The ultimate bottom line of this bill is control of the seeds in New Zealand which boasts an extremely wide variety due to the bounty of its small, local farms.
If the seeds are controlled, growing food is automatically controlled so enforcement of people growing their own food becomes basically a non-issue.
No good seeds = No good food
What Can Be Done to Stop This?
Unfortunately, this problem is not just occurring in New Zealand. It’s happening all over the world.
New Zealanders, however, have a secret weapon in their back pocket with which to fight these global food terrorists who are pushing their self serving corporate agenda in their beautiful and bountiful homeland.
New Zealand citizens can individually or in larger groups, opt out from under this legislation by revoking their consent to parliamentary representation.
To do this requires them to serve a Claim of Right which will revoke any requirement to adhere to the legislation since they are no longer represented by it.
Citizens and communities opting out of the legislation simply serve copies of their Claim of Right to affected governmental agencies thereby notifying them of their lack of jurisdiction on their private affairs. The Claim must be filed via a Notary Public.
In the meantime, it would be wise for activist-minded New Zealanders to notify their elected officials of their outrage over this treasonous bill to ensure its defeat. It would no doubt be best to never have to get to the point where a Claim of Right is necessary!
Oh, and it might be a good idea to save a few seeds in a secure location as well!
We actually lived in Wellington, New Zealand for three months last year. What a lovely city on the water with all the houses built up on the hills surrounding it with views. We thought we might actually live there………as in to stay. Technically we were trying to leave the USA because we see a economic crash coming and are unhappy with the government here. But the New World Order has it’s fingers all over the world………even in beautiful New Zealand. The people there have a very laid back attitude so I wonder if they even realize what is going on? We ended up not staying but have a fond place in my heart for New Zealand.
Yes, they are very laid back there. They will need to wake up as their beautiful country is being infiltrated and targeted for takeover by the Corporate Food Lords aka Monsanto and the like.
I’m curious when you say
Technically we were trying to leave the USA because we see a economic crash coming and are unhappy with the government here. But the New World Order has it’s fingers all over the world………even in beautiful New Zealand
What did you see? I would love to leave the US but the question is where is safe if anywhere?
Obama legalized the human consumption of house meat last week. Is this a good thing?
Horse meat.
I think it’s a good thing. Living out in the country where sometimes people can’t afford to feed their horses because of the cost of hay (which is very high this year) let them starve or they set them free since they can’t take them to a locker plant to have them processed. That’s the main reason we will never have horses here. If we can’t eat it or it doesn’t have a job, then there’s no place for it here. It is a huge problem right now. I’m not aware of this new law of being able to consume horse meat. If this is so, then Obama has finally done something right for a change.
Being able to consume horse meat would be a good thing. It would actually be more humane to have them processed than to endure a long death and crummy conditions. Horses have come into abundance, kinda like cats, where they are everywhere, there’s no money in having them anymore, and they are very expensive to keep, and touchy to keep healthy. Plus they destroy the pastures due to not enough land for them to roam. Don’t get me wrong, I love horses . I think they are beautiful and fun to ride. I would have a couple if and only if they were work horses. I could go on all day on this subject. We have a homestead and have been witnessing the neglect of horses since we moved here. As long as a blade of grass can be found, there is no neglect and they cannot be taken away. Then they are taken away to where? Like I said, there are many horses in dire need of a good home and with a poor economy, there aren’t too many of those. Yes, processing horses would be a good thing.
WTF. Seriously. This is getting absurd. In Colorado, I cant legally collect rainwater. Lowes and Home Depot cannot sell water collecting barrel systems in the state of Colorado. There’s a law being voted on that may take away our right to supplements. Do you like your fermented cod liver oil? Well, the right to buy it without a prescription may be gone soon. I love my fulvic acid and magnesium oil but I may not be able to buy it unless I go to a doctor and get a prescription.
It WILL go underground, either that or an all out revolution!
Well they grow cannabis in abandoned houses here in the US. Guess food is the new “drug.”
Amen to that, Jason & Lisa! Well said! I encourage everyone to see the new documentary, Thrive. Search for it on YouTube or go to for more info. Just remember that once you know the information, act on it when necessary, share with everyone you know and then shift your focus from fear (and anger) to the absolution that this will NOT become our reality.
For positivity, change, enlightenment, etc to be present, we all have to raise our vibrational level by feeling love, gratitude, joy, peace, abundance and not stay in a state of fear. If we see these atrocities presented to us as imminent and expect them, then we actually help to co-create them. So, let us see what it is we do not want (this tyranny) and then shift our focus, use our minds, hearts, bodies and souls to create the reality we DO want- a fair, just, moral and enlightened society where people are respected and have freedom- by envisioning it, creating it and walking towards it as a collective.
You can watch the movie free if you google watch thrive movie,
Everyone needs to watch it!
“Positivity,” “vibrational levels,” “walking…as a collective,” “shift our focus [from these atrocities].”
It is well-documented that power encourages and finances such vague, nebulous, feel-good, mind-is-reality New Age thinking: it is effective in neutralizing dissent while keeping the populace marching “as one.”
It is one thing not to be a worldling, it is another not to recognize a material problem as a material problem. Amy Love has much to learn about psychological warfare.
How awful that the global corporate profiteers are destroying our food supply with their artificial, nutritionally-worthless garbage. Codex Alimenatrius is the same tyrannical law banning natural medicine in Europe, which has long been the battleground for such things.
We all need to come together to save our food and ultimately ourselves from the pseudo-science of chemical-pushing corporations. Only then can be manage to save the environment that we all depend on. Most people don’t even believe this is happening but is sadly is.
Arionna, I think she means horse meat.
Scary mixed-up world we are living in.
I suspect there is no middle ground for gov handling of HEW.