Almost a year ago, I wrote about the longevity secrets of the world’s oldest man. Not surprisingly, this man’s favorite food is liver, long considered a sacred food by some of the world’s healthiest cultures.
I came across another article recently about 112-year-old Teresa Hu and was again fascinated by some of the aspects of her incredible longevity.
No Root Canals
The first thing that struck me is that she has no teeth!
You may think this is a negative thing, but to me, it is clearly one of the reasons she has lived so long. Anyone her age who still had all their teeth would very likely have a bunch of root canals holding the dead teeth in place.
There is little chance that Ms. Hu would still be alive if she had even one root canal.
Dr. Weston A. Price DDS found decades ago the extreme health risk of having ANY root canals and even wrote a 1000+ page book about it. His only son died of a root canal he himself put in which is what spurred him on to investigate the dangers of this health robbing dental procedure.
Bottom line? Root canals are ALWAYS a source of constant infection in the body. They are NEVER sterile no matter what conventional dentists may have told you. You must find a holistic dentist in your community to explore alternative approaches such as ceramic dental implants.
Ms. Hu has, perhaps even unknowingly, helped her own longevity significantly by just having her teeth pulled instead of resorting to root canals over the years.
No Rice in Her Diet
Another interesting thing about Ms. Hu is that she does not eat any rice. She explains that she cannot chew as she has no teeth, so rice is not on the menu.
At her age, digestion would be quite weak and rice is one of the most difficult to digest foods on the planet (along with all other grains). Skipping this food no doubt has contributed to adequate, albeit weak, digestion even at her advanced age!
She Eats One Raw Egg Every Morning
Ms. Hu suggested that perhaps part of the secret to her longevity lies with her habit of eating one raw egg for breakfast every morning.
Given how easily digestible and full of balanced nutrition a good quality egg can be, there is no doubt that this dietary practice helped encourage Ms. Hu’s health through the years.
She is Happy and Laughs Frequently
The title of the article about Ms. Hu is The Power of Laughter. Ms. Hu herself suggests that to live long, “Make sure your heart is always happy”. She also shared that she did not console her friends grieving from the loss of loved ones and instead encouraged them to laugh and sing.
We can all take away some great advice from Teresa Hu!
Gosh. I have several root canals because years ago didn’t know any better. I always feel like I’m just sentenced to death now.
Why don’t you just get them removed? My dentist does it for many of his patients.
It's really amazing to me – she looks only about 80 or 90. And you can tell just how simply happy she is. I also believe this is due to her healthy diet – so many people are depressed or stressed out because of poor diet.
You know, I really need to add that if you are going to get your root canals removed, go to a holistic dentist and don't let just any old dentist have at it. There is a certain way to remove them so a cavitation isn't left behind which can also lead to latent infection/immune suppression.
Why are root canals bad for you? Are cavities also bad?
If you are under 40 and in good health (no autoimmune disorders), you might be able to get away with leaving them in for a few years. After age 40, they need to come out – teeth pulled and replaced with implants or nesbit teeth which are removable at night. If it were me, I would have them out immediately. I have seen a number of folks have their health transformed for the better after having root canals removed.
So, what's a person to do if they've had several root canals?