Misguided dietitians and nutritionists frequently advise against salad dressings unless they are lowfat or nonfat. This is due to widespread confusion about fats – which ones are healthy and which are not. In some cases, lemon juice is recommended to dress a salad. Talk about tasteless and unappetizing fare!
The problem is that lowfat commercial dressings contain loads of neurotoxic MSG in the form of hydrolyzed vegetable protein or hidden away under “natural flavors”.
On the other hand, regular versions of bottled, commercial dressings are made with cheap, low quality oils that have been made rancid with high temperature processing. Stabilizers, preservatives, artificial flavors, colors and belly-bulging corn syrup add further insult to injury.
Even organic healthfood store dressings made with canola oil should be avoided. Canola oil is touted as healthy as it is high in brain boosting omega-3 fats. However, these fats are usually genetically modified (GMO) if not organic. It also goes rancid very easily, requiring manufacturers to deodorize the oil to hide the off smell.
If that isn’t bad enough, the deodorizing process required to manufacture canola oil forms a dangerous form of transfat. Labels fail to list this frankenfat, so consumers are usually completely unaware.
The solution to the many problems with store bought dressings is to make your own, of course!
Excellent homemade salad dressing takes very little time to make and requires no other equipment than a fork and a bowl. Homemade dressing should include extra virgin olive oil plus raw vinegar or lemon juice in proportions that suit your personal taste.
Salad Dressing Made with Kombucha?
While a high quality extra virgin olive oil from a vendor you trust for 100% authenticity is a must, the vinegar portion of the recipe can be changed up for variety. Some folks like to use beet kvass as the base for dressing.
I typically use rice wine or raw apple cider vinegar for my salad dressings. I also enjoy the flavor of homemade kombucha, a traditional fermented Russian beverage, in its place from time to time. Kombucha can be brewed very inexpensively yourself or purchased at the healthfood store. Be sure to get plain, as the flavored commercial kombucha is usually loaded with sugar.
Kombucha History
Kombucha has been consumed for hundreds of years and has been found via analysis by Russian scientists to be an effective overall body detoxifier through the binding of the organic acids in the kombucha tea to all manner of toxins present in the body. Once tightly bound to the organic acids, the toxins are then rushed to the kidneys for excretion.
Lore dating back before the fall of the Iron Curtain suggests that the Soviet Union used kombucha as one of its secret weapons in the training of Olympic athletes. Drinking up to 1 quart per day while training helped prevent lactic acid from accumulating in the muscles (lactic acid = sore muscles). So, athletes drinking this brew would be able to train harder and longer than athletes who did not drink kombucha.
For weekend warriors and other mere mortals, kombucha is a delicious, hydrating, enzyme and probiotic rich beverage. When fermented for 2 weeks or more, it becomes very strong, taking on a decided vinegary taste which is perfect for use in homemade salad dressings.
Do you have some kombucha sitting in the back of the refrigerator that is too strong for drinking? If so, don’t throw it out! Use it to make kombucha salad dressing rather than let it go to waste.
Prefer a vinaigrette dressing? This recipe for raspberry vinaigrette is a delicious one to try too! Or, add some probiotics to your salad or sandwich with this fermented thousand island salad dressing.

Maple Kombucha Salad Dressing
Delicious salad dressing with simple ingredients that uses kombucha as the base instead of vinegar blended with extra virgin olive oil.
- 1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil
- 1/3 cup kombucha unflavored
- 2-3 Tbl maple syrup dark
- 1 Tbl dijon mustard preferably organic
- 1 clove garlic crushed
- 1/8 tsp black pepper finely ground
- 1 tsp walnut oil optional
Dip a fork into the jar of dijon mustard, scoop out about a tablespoon and place in a small bowl. Add the kombucha (best if brewed for at least 2 weeks), maple syrup, pepper and crushed garlic clove and mix with a fork.
Add the olive oil in a thin stream stirring constantly with the fork until the oil is emulsified. Mix in 1 tsp walnut oil and use immediately.
An easy variation is to make a creamy dressing. Add ¼ cup of cultured cream or creme fraiche to ¾ cup of this basic dressing and blend with a fork.
This enzyme and probiotic rich kombucha salad dressing will last for weeks in the refrigerator.
Sarah, The Healthy Home Economist
The problem with not having dressing with your salad is that vitamins A, D, E, and K are FAT SOLUBLE! How are you going to absorb the vitamins without FAT!
Just made this but a little different. I subbed hemp oil for the walnut oil and added about 1/8 c acv to make it a little more vinegarry. Also, threw it all in my vitamix and blended til creamy. Turned out wonderful!! Thanks!
I’m just getting started making Kombucha; wondering what bottles you recommend for storing the fermented Kombucha (after 7-10 days) Can dark glass bottles be used? Or do you prefer clear glass bottles? Thank you so much for great articles!
I make my own kombucha here at home, as well as my own salad dressings so I will have to try this very soon!
I’m on Gaps. Is it as good with honey? Thanks!
Let us know if you try it!
I make my own Kombucha and don’t use any sugar, this looks like a nice change of pace, thanks for posting!
What do you think of the Haine safflower oil salad dressing? It’s not canola or soy oil. Do you think it’s okay for when I don’t have time to make my own?
Safflower oil is a vegetable oil (over 70% polyunsaturated … far too much omega 6 fats) and would also be highly processed, rancid, and deodorized to cover the smell just like canola.