Time to move–biking, running, rowing, swimming, speed skating, cross-country skiing and other machine-based modalities are collectively known as “metabolic conditioning.” In the common vernacular they are referred to as “cardio.” If your goal is to be as lean and muscular as possible you need to perform your “cardio” CrossFit style.
Sarah, that's EXACTLY how you're supposed to train. Much more efficient; you have a greater fat burning effect because of the residual metabolic response and it takes less time, it's a win/win.
Went on a 3.5 mile bike ride yesterday and implemented what Paula talks about. Rode as hard as I could to the point of near exhaustion and then backed off to catch my breath and then repeated the process. Amazing how such a short bike ride that only took a few minutes gave me such an amazing workout. Without this technique, I would have had to ride many many more miles to get the same effect and the benefits probably wouldn't have been as fat burning.