Breastfeeding is Beautiful.
It is the ultimate expression of femininity and being a woman. It is a magnificent, selfless act of love that nourishes one’s newborn with perfect physical nourishment and strong emotional bonds that will last a lifetime.
You can imagine my surprise when I learned about a couple of military Moms who caught some serious flack when tasteful, professional photos of themselves breastfeeding in uniform on an Air Force base began circulating online.
Washington Air National Guard spokesman Capt. Keith Kosik said that a formal military response to the photos which have gone viral since being posted at was necessary as they were a violation of regulations against using the uniform to promote a civilian cause.
I beg your pardon, Captain, but breastfeeding is not a civilian “cause”. It is the simple act of feeding your baby, something that has been performed by Mothers far longer than armies have roamed the earth in fact!
Would pictures of women feeding their babies with bottles while in uniform have gotten a “formal response” from the military if these photos had been posted online?
Ahem. I don’t think so!
What’s really surprising is that some breastfeeding Moms were also critical of the photos with one commentor on posting the following:
“I would never nurse in uniform. I took my child to the bathroom or a private office when her nanny brought her to me …. Not because I was ashamed of nursing, nor of being a mother. All the guys knew I pumped. The military is not a civilian job. We go to combat and we make life or death decisions, and not just for ourselves but for those we lead. The same reason I would never nurse in uniform is the same reason I do not chew gum, or walk and talk on my cell phone, or even run into the store in my utility uniform. … We are warfighting professionals. Women before us have worked too hard to earn and retain the respect of their male peers. I don’t want my Marines to look at me any other way than as a Marine. When I am asking them to fly into combat with me and do a dangerous mission, I do not want them to have the mental image of a babe at my breast. I want them to only see me as a Marine. Let’s be a realistic folks. We give up many freedoms being in the military…Breastfeeding in front of my fellow Marines was one of them.”
With all due respect, but would you like to eat in the bathroom?
Nursing is not akin to going to the bathroom and therefore should not be relegated to this type of atmosphere where airborne germs and other potential threats to a nursing baby may abound.
We clearly have a long way to go in this country when it comes to understanding the role of Mom as both protector and nurturer.
A Mom nursing in uniform is a proud display of both in action and the military would be well advised to support this activity rather than reprimanding it.
What do you think? Should a Mom be able to breastfeed anywhere at any time even when on duty keeping our country safe?
Sarah, The Healthy Home Economist
Sources: Military Mom Proud of Breastfeeding in Uniform Despite Criticism
Breastfeeding Moms in Uniform Photos Were out of Line: Military
Can women eat in uniform? Can women console a crying baby in uniform? Can a woman bottle feed her baby in uniform? If yes, then she can breastfeed in uniform.
And seriously, we need to stop worshipping fabric.
I breast fed all 3 of my kids, and my husband has been in the military for about 10 years now, so I have a good understanding of military life and expectations on soldiers. I don’t think the photo would have been a big deal if it had been done differently. The woman nursing the twins has two giant boobs busting out the front of her uniform. Breast feeding is beautiful, but in this photo all anyone is focusing is that. Had she been feeding one baby and shown less skin I think it would have been more appropriate. Imagine a woman in uniform with that much showing without the breast feeding going on. That woman would have been severely disciplined for such inappropriate behavior. The only reason she wasn’t was because of the breast feeding. Let’s learn to be appropriate around people regardless of our preferences.
Ok for all the women who are complaining there is nothing wrong with this picture, you really need to get a grip. First off these two women swore to follow the rules of the military when they joined. Nothing in the oath said anything about “following the rules till they decide they know better and the rules no longer apply to them.” If they dont want to follow the rules they agreed to, then they can just leave the service when their time is up. But they dont have to worry as according to the Air Force Times, BOTH were given a field grade Article 15 which means they will not be allowed to reenlist. They also were busted clear down to Sgt with a loss of pay and benefits. They were lucky, as I have seen men get a dishonorable discharge for failure to follow the UCMJ during my time in the Military (started with 101st Airborne 22nd combat and finished with the 160th SOAR-The Night Stalkers…look them up) Therefor if the men must follow these rules, then so do the females no matter if they have children or not. What all of you non military women MUST understand is the US military is NOT a social program that you can change to fit your needs for that day. We are a highly trained set of people who kill others and break things when called upon to do so in defense of our country. We are the ones on the wall that make sure you can sleep safe and snug in your bed at night. We write checks for our bodies and our lives for your defense and we do it willingly for love of country. IN fact ask any wounded or disabled Vet if they would do it again knowing what would happen and damn near all of them would say yes, in fact if they could these Vets would reenlist and go overseas just so one of the others could come home.
How DARE ANY of you non military make a slight against the ones that have done their duty by demanding something so stupid as for us to change the rules that these women agreed to, just to make you happy. men are already put upon because of women like you. We have to register at 18, you dont. We get the tougher tours because even though women are soldiers, the Generals are too scared to place them in a front line unit so we men die while women are safe. Now if a woman can go through the training the same as a man and pass it the same as a man, I have no problem with her being in the same foxhole as I was in. That means pulling a 200 pound man with 80 pounds of gear if he gets shot. But if I have to hump my gear and protect you at the same time, then get to the rear and stay there.
In short you non military ladies….huff and puff all you want but get over yourselves as this is NOT going to change in your lifetime and I see no reason for it to change as I take pride in my uniform up to and including my Silver Star medal. And I know I cannot use my uniform to promote a cause because that would be a slap in the face of the brave men AND women who served before me. These ladies knowingly broke the rules and now they have been punished. Even Ms Scott (the head of this breastfeeding group) was fired because she clocked in and then stole company time as well as a company auto to go do personal things dealing with this group instead of doing her work, and then not only lying to the boss but tried to take a sick day when she was using a company auto to speak to reporters according to the GPS in the auto she had.
These three women got what they deserved.
How dare us non military women have opinions? I thought you fought for us to have the right to have them? Also if us civilians can’t have a say about a military issue, then you as a man should have no say on breast feeding. Fair is fair. Thank you for serving, but remember , the military is something made up by humans, as important as it may be, breast feeding is natural and instinctual.
Once again we women are pitted against each other over an issue the should in many ways unify us. I’m a former US Marine (well, once a Marine, Always a Marine)….the issue is that Yes! These service we should be in an uproar over any service woman relegated to breast feed in a restroom; but, when a man or woman signs up for service he or she enlists into the last form of indentured services in this country (and as a woman of African descent I do NOT use this ideal/term lightly)….& I counted the cost with every enlistment and reenlistment. I gave up certain rights in order to wear a uniform and defend my country (these women wer NOT drafted). I agreed that the good of the whole would over ride my individual rights. This is what is required for a combat ready force and unless you have a military background (spouse, service member or former, etc) you have a limited understanding of what this truly requires. This women not only put that in jeapordy, but that usurped their command by not requesting authorization to participate in this campaign. What of the rights of the service member who wants to wear his uniform to participate in a anti-Semite protest or a KKK parade? Is THAT right protected? Under the constitution for each of you, YES! But a service member abdicates that PERSONAL right in order to protect that right for the whole nation (& YES to possible die for a right that they protect but have WILLINGLY abdicated!). This is the heart of the principal of sacrifice….it’s what be a mother is about….isn’t it?
My point is not to sway your thinking but to expand your concept of how dedicated a man or woman IS who commits to a life of service to country that extends beyond themselves and YES…beyond their children at times. I gave up my beloved Corp to embrace (with JUST as much dedication) my role as mother. I am NOT intimating in any way that these woman must choose as I did! But I AM saying this, they must choose to be women of integrity to THEIR pledge of service to country OR hold on to their individual rights as civilians.
You as an individual might not believe in these standards, ideals, and symbols……that is not required for you to enjoy the benefits of the shed blood and lost lives of the men and women who have gone before and continue to embrace them, live for them, are wounded for them, abdicate personal rights for them, and some die for them. But it is required, yes…necessary for those who choose to wear that uniform! It is the reason WHY there is NO higher form of service! They do not just lay down their life for a friend…..they do it for the men and women who would easily grasp their personal right and spit in their uniformed face as they return from war whether it be because of the color of their skin or the uniform they are wearing. That service member abdicates his right to even retaliate.
Men and women of character, conviction, who are loyal, principled and deserving of honor…..this is not antiquated or out-dated….at leat NOT in the minds of those who follow in the traditions of what this country was built upon.
Rhonda Whitney
Mom to 7 of the most wonderfully people I’ve ever met….
Yes you do have a say in what the government does with your tax money, but unfortunately for you we live in a democracy where majority rules. Therefore, what the majority wants is what we have. I get that you don’t want me in the military because I’m a woman, but I still can’t wrap my head around why…you haven’t given any reasons that apply to me and you certainly haven’t provided any fact based evidence. Did you know military members also pay taxes? So, I too had a say in how our military was run.
Something I hope you can clarify, because I think you’re having a hard time being clear which is causing my ‘reading comprehension’ issues, is whether or not you think women should do anything outside of raising babies. In paragraph four of your last post you state, “There are obvious reasons why I, and many other men and women, think women should focus on having babies and RAISING those babies.” Then in paragraph six you state, “I didn’t say that all women could do is have babies.” Those two statements contradict each other, because what are women to do besides focus on having & raising babies according to you?
The only reason you give for why women should ‘focus on having babies and staying at home to raise those babies’ is because otherwise strangers & the government will raise them.
In my experience in the military, not my child or any of the children of my female counterparts (there were six of us on active duty w/children) were raised by strangers or the government. I didn’t end up needing childcare for my son, but the other women in the unit paid our male co-worker’s stay at home wives (who became some of our close friends) to watch their child while they were at work. In this sharing of care scenario, people that are like family were caring for our children…people with the same beliefs and values. Also, stay at home military spouses were able to earn a small income instead of that money going to a day care. See the military is like a big family, with traditional family values and I think it’s a great place to raise kids into responsible adults.
Now in paragraph six of your last post you say, “I think everyone has the right to make any choice the wish. ” Then why are we even having this conversation in which my place as a woman in the military is in question?
I agree that some of our personal choices affect our society as a whole, but I’m not seeing how my role in the military has had any negative effects on my family or society. I am homeschooling my son, so you can rest assured that the ‘public school system’ isn’t going to influence his opinions. I feel I have been able to give back to society through my military service, and I think many people agree based on the thanks I receive.
So, is the only reason you think women shouldn’t be in the military because you feel it impacts their ability to have babies? The average military family seems to have more children than the average non-military family. Most of the active duty women I know have had several children, and they are great kids with values very similar to what you seem to desire for your two children.
Your statement that ‘a majority of today’s women have bee programmed to flail their hands and gnash their teeth when anyone brings of the idea of proper gender roles and the positive effect of proper gender roles on society’. Can you elaborate on what ‘proper gender roles’ are to you? It sounds like you’re a man of faith due to several of your references, so I did a search on gender roles in the church and I came across an interesting blog post. It’s by a Christian man with a BS in Biblical Studies. According to him I can be a helicopter pilot and still be biblically feminine…how appropriate : ) Does that meet your criteria?
As far as women getting killed in combat, what is better for society as a whole. A father drafted into the military and getting killed in combat, or a young single woman who volunteered to be in the military losing her life? Maybe one day it will come down to that, and having been a young single woman in the military I would not have hesitated to take a bullet for a man that I knew had a family. I love children, and I could not bear the thought of a child losing their Daddy. Good luck finding pictures of pregnant women getting killed in combat; a pregnant woman is not even allowed to deploy, let alone go near a combat zone.
You know, maybe we will see an all woman SEAL team and it might actually be pretty sweet. They would certainly have the advantage of shock over the enemy, the enemy would be dead before they realized they were facing a SEAL team.
Lastly, I did not challenge your ‘manhood’, I questioned your confidence as a person, because your strong opposition to females doing what you consider a man’s job makes me wonder what underlying insecurities might be causing these fears. And no, that’s not ‘all I got’…why don’t you meet me at the playground, at noon. Hahah, wow…I’m still in my 20’s and I feel old responding to that last spat of yours kiddo!
As a soldier myself, an army wife, and mother I would just like to say that this is whole “controversy” is being twisted. It’s not even about whether it is a “cause” or not. The fact is they are in the military, period. Whether you think the uniform is sacred or not, I guess is now a matter of personal opinion. However, maybe some people in this country don’t realize the difference between being a civilian and being in the military. Let me just give you a few examples regarding the uniform along: I cannot walk and chew gum, I cannot walk and talk on the phone, I cannot hold my husband’s hand (or technically any sort of public display of affection to ANYONE), I cannot step outside my car even to walk to my front door without putting my cover on (for those not in the military a cover is our beret, patrol cap etc), this list could go on and on. When you decide to join the military (since as of now its now a forced occupation) you join it knowing you are sacrificing freedoms that everyone else has. Can you go to a political rally straight from work without having to change? Can you drive 100 miles away from your home without filling out paperwork, asking and then receiving the government’s permission? No one has anything against breastfeeding (especially not me, I breastfeed my children).
You don’t have to graduate in a field to know something about it, but I DO think that people have to hold a specific degree, or have life experiences to know enough to make a credible statement about something. You obviously don’t know ‘plenty’ about it to make a statement like ‘Anybody can pull a trigger’…that’s not true, I’ve seen it. As far as our blog host, I do feel she should get a degree in Nutrition or atleast spend some more time researching. This isn’t the first blog post she’s written that makes sensational claims about a topic that she’s failed to provide facts for. Go read her ‘Green Smoothies Will Kill You’ post, I’m confident most college students could provide more fact based research to support their claims. I think it’s completely irresponsible to take personal opinions and throw them out there as though they are fact.
I have to say, you jump to some bizarre conclusions. I am not saying that children should be in the military. I’m saying that anyone of age who wishes to and meets requirements by law should not be limited from being in the military just because some people think they should. Imposing your personal opinions and beliefs on others is incredibly immature, and makes you nothing short of a fanatic. What do you care what I want to do with my life as a woman? Do I tell you what you can and can’t do with yours? I’m a SAHM right now too…this isn’t about attacking a particular lifestyle. I’m defending my right, and other’s rights to make choices for their own lives and families.
Just because ‘women are 100% better at having babies’ doesn’t mean that’s all they can do with their lives. Some women have physical limitations that prevent them from being able to have children, do they have no worth in your world? What are they to do, you’ve still avoided this question. You also haven’t elaborated on why women can’t have babies AND do other jobs of their choosing.
You say “The feminist movement has corrupted the minds of millions of men and women”, really? How is that? You need to re-read my post, I did not call you an ‘oppressive evil man’, I called you an ‘oppressive person’. See you’ve got this idea in your head that I’m some raging feminist, which could not be further from the truth. Let me try and be clear again, this is not you ‘The Traditional Man’ vs. ‘Me the Raging Feminist’. Really, you’re being incredibly immature and emotional. I do find you oppressive, because anyone who tries to limit another human’s free will and tell them how they must live their life is to me highly oppressive. Like I said, I am also now a SAHM, my husband is still in the military, we live on a small farm where we grow some of our own food, and we eat a ‘Traditional diet’. I probably lead a very similar life right now to your wife, which is in fact a good life…..IF that’s what the individual wants. Again, here’s what I said: If either your wife or daughter want the freedoms this country has to offer, and you are barring them from those freedoms then I think you’re an oppressive person. I didn’t call you evil actually, that’s just you hung up on the idea that I’m a ‘feminist’ who thinks all men are evil again.
Speaking of, you really need to crack open your history book and read about what the feminist movement actually was about. I don’t consider myself a feminist, just a passionate defender of freedom for everyone regardless of gender, race, & religion. I do remember my history though, and you seem to have a very irrational hatred for the feminist movement. Hatred, which stems from fear….so what are you afraid of? Would it totally irk you if a woman did your job better than you? You also haven’t answered me, does your wife vote? If she does wouldn’t that make your wife a feminist? I agree that there are some extremists out there in any movement, but I feel the extreme of feminism would border more along the lines of placing a woman in a position she is not qualified for just because she’s a woman. What I think everyone is entitled to is equal opportunity, and freedom over their life choices.
So that is the freedom I have been referring to….getting to make your own choices in life and for your family, not being told by the government or ‘Joshua’ what you can and can’t do with your life. How would you feel if the government came in and told your wife that she must now feed your children pre-packaged government manufactured meals, because the FDA can’t quality check her cooking? We, as Americans have to band together to protect individual rights and you aren’t helping that by expecting others to live by your ideals.
I think you only value who women are in relation to one application, bearing children. If you could really value their ‘compassion, their loyalty, their tenderness, their beauty, their ferocious willingness to protect their children and family’ you could see how those character traits could make one incredible military member. The military has actually conducted studies on how typical female traits have highly benefitted their leadership and their organization. I’m sure you already knew that though, you’re an expert through friends & family right? It’s very interesting, like I said before, our human differences (including between two men) are our strengths in an organization.
What really disappoints me about people with your mentality Joshua, is that it’s a ‘my way or the highway’ mentality. That is exactly the mentality that the first Americans were trying to escape when they set sail from England.
I don’t care what you do with your life as a women. But the issue here isn’t solely about what you choose to do with your life.
This is a common mistake. You speak as though we’re all just free people going about our business choosing what we want to do with our lives. Except, we’re not. We’re tax payers, who have to fund the military (Well I am at least.) The government takes a portion of my income away from me and my wife and daughter and son, and gives it to you. Sure I get to vote about it, but the vote doesn’t change anything.
Now, I actually do support a strong military that defends our country. And since I’m paying for it, I imagine I should have some say in how it’s run, don’t you? Or, do you think the military should just get my money and spend it however they/government wish?
“You also haven’t elaborated on why women can’t have babies AND do other jobs of their choosing.” There are obvious reasons why I, and many other men and women, think women should focus on having babies and RAISING those babies. When you have a baby and then try to have the “job of your choosing,” you rely on strangers and the government to raise your children.
But, here are a few elaborations:
1. Strangers working in daycare don’t love your children.
2. Children get sick in daycare, all the time.
3. Daycare workers abuse children
4. Public School teachers are constantly getting charged with crimes against children.
5. Children in public school commit crimes against other children.
6. Public School teaches your child what the government wants your child to believe about God, Mom, Dad, family, etc.
Like most people, Vanessa, you seem to have a reading comprehension issue. I didn’t say that all women could do is have babies. I also never said I would, or even could, force my wife and daughter to do anything. I think everyone has the right to make any choice the wish.
Of course, our choices have consequences. The decisions we make as individuals and as a society impact us all. The decision by many women to use birth control and stop having babies is going have an impact on my children and your children. The decision our government leaders are making to continue killing people in foreign lands are going to impact my children, and your children. The decision to let the State form the opinions of children via the public school system is already having a major impact on this country.
Of course, most people don’t pay enough attention or consider the long term consequences of any of their decisions because the are very focused on themselves and getting that job of their choosing.
So, I say again, we should limit the role of women in the military, and encourage young men and women to create traditional, strong families, and start making some babies. Who else do you think is going to grow this food, and take care of us all as we get older? The government? The nursing home staff, who is doing such a fine job? The Chinese?
More than likely, we’d agree on a whole host of issues. But, a majority of today’s women have bee programmed to flail their hands and gnash their teeth when anyone brings of the idea of proper gender roles and the positive effect of proper gender roles on society. But, no matter. Reality will assert itself, and people will once again realize that, hey, there are really good reasons for women to have babies, stay and home and strengthen their families.
A few more wars, and a lot more women getting killed in combat will help people see the error of our ways (getting killed alongside men mind you, because we’re all equal). Maybe we’ll get to see some videos of pregnant women getting killed in combat. Or maybe, we’ll get to see an all women SEAL team in action! That would be sweet.
(Oh, and your female challenges to my “manhood” are about as effective as saying “Your ugly!” “….so what are you afraid of? Would it totally irk you if a woman did your job better than you?” ” incredibly immature, and makes you nothing short of a fanatic.” Really? Is that all you got?)
“As far as our blog host, I do feel she should get a degree in Nutrition or atleast spend some more time researching. This isn’t the first blog post she’s written that makes sensational claims about a topic that she’s failed to provide facts for.” — Then stop reading it. Please, I beg you.
“I think it’s completely irresponsible to take personal opinions and throw them out there as though they are fact. ” — You really should take your own advice.
“You need to re-read my post..” — Seriously? Who has the time? It clearly states “Leave a Comment”, not a rough draft of your novel.
“What really disappoints me about people with your mentality Joshua, is that it’s a ‘my way or the highway’ mentality. That is exactly the mentality that the first Americans were trying to escape when they set sail from England.” — That is exactly what I will be escaping when I close this page.
In case you weren’t aware, people are allowed to have their own unique opinions. You don’t have to agree with them. However, it would be nice if we were allowed to state them on here without you, Vanessa, jumping down our throats each time we said something you happen to disagree with.
I have stopped reading it, I’m over on Mommypotamus’ blog now; she’s quite the researcher, I’m very impressed. Everything is fact based and professional. I’m still receiving e-mail alerts for this post though, so don’t worry when those stop I’ll go away.
I do take my own advice, I’ve provided first hand experience and facts to back up my statements. Something you still haven’t learned considering you are asking me to take my own advice, without providing references to what statements I’ve failed to support with evidence.
Here’s the definition of novel: a fictitious prose narrative of considerable length and complexity, portraying characters and usually presenting a sequential organization of action and scenes.
Here’s the definition of comment: a note in explanation, expansion, or criticism of a passage in a book, article, or the like; annotation; explanatory or critical matter added to a text.
Given those two definitions, it’s pretty clear I’m complying with the requests of this page.
If you shut this page you escape the close minded ‘my way or the highway’ mentality? Isn’t this page your blog? You must have replied in a hurry, I won’t probe too far on that one. (I did get a good chuckle though.)
People should absolutely have their own opinions, I just really feel that it’s best for all if they form them consciously with some research and by looking at all sides of the topic.
Instead of hastily posting a knee jerk reaction to a media article, experts could have been consulted, regulations could have been referenced, etc. all for the sake of getting a factual piece out there and maintaining your credibility.
A wise person will take criticism well and embrace an opportunity to grow. Instead of taking offense to the things I’ve pointed out, maybe you can reflect on how you can improve your blog. Your blog has great intent and potential, but without supporting evidence to back claims it can be detrimental to folks.
I wrote her off as a troll a long time ago. Let her have the last word. You have class and it shows in stark contrast to her transparency.
Keep up the good work!
Friends and family don’t give you first hand experience. You have no idea what you’re talking about…does my sister being a CPA qualify me to make statements about filing tax returns?
Of course our military got by just fine before; it has always gotten by with only a small percentage of the population. I’m not saying that by limiting ‘female’ participation we are limiting our resources, again I’m saying that limiting ANYONE’s participation is limiting our resources. The more people we have competing for a position in the military, the better skill sets we’ll have in that position.
I can illustrate this with my own experiences. When I was active duty I could outrun all but a handful of a 100+ person unit (about 99% male), my shooting score was the highest in my class, and I was considered one of the most reliable flyers because I never had down days. In fact, I spent far more days deployed and doing my job during my time in (including the time I was off for my pregnancy) than many of my male counterparts. Some of them spent over a year out of the cockpit with stature-related spinal injuries, which I didn’t suffer due to my petite 5’6″ frame. Some were dealing with DUIs, and other issues that kept them from their job. So who was the ‘massive handicap and liability’?? 3 of my deployments were extended to cover a male counterpart having to go home early. On one deployment, I had to quick turn to fly a mission with my crew that two other aircrew members refused to fly (they so happened to be male).
The point of all this, is that some people are a better fit than others and can better perform their job regardless of race, gender, or religion. I can guarantee you that not a single one of the men I worked with would question my participation in the military because of my gender; they considered me one of them, an equal, which reflected in the way they would talk to me. I’m still in touch with many of them, they will always be my brothers.
What I find truly sad, is your close-minded discriminatory attitude. I feel sorry for the women in your family. Your wife must not be allowed to vote since that’s a freedom that the ‘feminist movement’ deceived the country into giving her. What breaks my heart most of all is your young daughter…will she even be allowed to go to school since her true value is just to make babies? If she tells you one day that she’d like to be a doctor, an astronaut, or the president…what will you say to her? “No dear, your only purpose in life is to raise babies”? What if by circumstances she is unable to have children, what sort of identity crisis will she then suffer because of what you’ve told her?
I’m sad that your wife and daughter won’t be able to enjoy the full freedoms of our country. Maybe it’s your wife’s choice, and if so I fully respect her choice…but what if that’s not what your daughter wants? If either your wife or daughter want the freedoms this country has to offer, and you are barring them from those freedoms then I think you’re an oppressive person. I wonder what life experiences you have had to lead you to have such a controlling nature.
I believe and love in the freedom this country stands for so much that I would have gladly died in a foreign land defending them, for anyone….even you. I’m proud of my service, and I’m even more proud of being a mother. I feel that my time in the military has given me leadership and life experiences that make me a stronger mom, and I’m so proud of my son and the compassion and strength he is already showing. He has a bright future, with NO limits.
“Friends and family don’t give you first hand experience. You have no idea what you’re talking about…does my sister being a CPA qualify me to make statements about filing tax returns?”
Oh please. I have plenty of an idea. Do you think everyone has to graduate with a college degree in some specific field to know anything about it? Does our blog host here, or the many families who are switching to a traditional, healthy diet, need to get a degree in nutrition, or agricultural sciences?
“I’m saying that limiting ANYONE’s participation is limiting our resources.” So I guess you’re OK with children serving in the military then?
“The point of all this, is that some people are a better fit than others and can better perform their job regardless of race, gender, or religion.” I totally agree. Women, in fact, are 100% better and superior in every way to have babies and be mothers than men are.
The problem here, is that the feminist movement has corrupted the minds of millions of men and women. Your knee jerk reaction is that I’m oppressive. Yeah, that’s it. I’m an oppressive evil man. I’m sure my SAHM wife thinks I’m oppressive. How intolerable her life must be! She gets to stay at home, raise our two wonderful children (two so far), prepare healthy food for us, read about nutrition and healthy living and provide tremendous benefit to our family. We’re a young couple. We have to young, healthy and beautiful children. We have a roof over our head, food on the table and love in our hearts.
How terrible! I’m glad you feel sorrow for my beloved and cared for wife, daughter and son. How cruel of me to encourage my daughter to marry and raise and healthy family.
“I’m sad that your wife and daughter won’t be able to enjoy the full freedoms of our country.” What are these freedoms you’re talking about? Voting? Military service? We’ve had 200+ years to vote this country into the ground, and military service has killed a lot Americans and foreigners since 1776. Is that the freedom you’re talking about?
Unlike you, I actually value women. I value who they are and what they are exceptionally created to do. I value their compassion, their loyalty, their tenderness, their beauty, their ferocious willingness to protect their children and family.
Anybody can vote. Anybody can pull a trigger. Only a woman can create another person.
There is no reason to limit someone based on their race or gender, capabilities should be the only qualifying factor. Some women in the armed forces are more capable at their jobs than their male counterparts, to limit them would be to limit our military’s resources. Since you make a broad statement about the ‘armed forces’, and then refer to just ‘the Army’ it’s clear that you haven’t been in the military and have no idea what you’re talking about. You probably made this general and therefore ignorant comment just to ruffle feathers and garner attention.
There is a lot more value to traditional living that just traditional healthy foods. I have not served in the military; however, I have plenty of friends and family who have.
The idea that limiting female participation would “limit” our military resources is ridiculous. The US Military got by well and fine from the birth of this nation all the way through WW2 before the feminist movement started deceiving men and women into believing that men and women are the “same.” Obviously, men and women aren’t the same; women can have babies, and men can’t.
A pregnant women, while a blessing to her family and society, is a massive handicap and liability to any military operation.
I don’t need any attention. I’m happily married with two children, a 3-year-old girl and a baby boy. My wife enjoys this blog and shared this post. The sooner that more women understand and appreciate the value of gender specific roles, the better off our society will be.
I simply cannot imagine ever encouraging my little girl to join the military and go fight and die in some foreign land; and sacrifice her true value on a battlefield. How sad.
This is another excellent reminder of why women should have very limited roles in the armed forces in our country. When a woman isn’t in the Army, she can breast feed her baby anywhere, anytime in any attire.