I’ve written before on the highly effective use of fertility herbs in women. I myself used herbs to encourage fertility with my first pregnancy as my husband and I did not attempt to start a family until I was well into my 30’s.
Once we discovered the wonders of Traditional Diet, however, I no longer needed any herbal assistance with later pregnancies. Herbs are also highly effective at dampening fertility in order to naturally and safely prevent pregnancy. When would such use of natural birth control be beneficial?
For one, herbal birth control would be helpful to use between pregnancies in order to space children 3-4 years apart. This allows Mom to adequately replenish her nutritional stores so that later children are just as healthy, smart and capable as the first. Spacing children a minimum of 3 years apart (birthday to birthday) was rigorously practiced in ancestral cultures. It preserves Mom’s health and prevents exhaustion and nutritional deficiency for her too.
Natural methods of birth control are always preferable to chemically based agents such as spermicides, contraceptive patches, and IUDs which emit synthetic hormones, or the contraceptive pill which decimates the balance of gut flora and can lead to autoimmune disease in the mother and any children born later.
Even IUDs that emit only copper instead of hormones to prevent pregnancy should be avoided as copper toxicity is a very real and dangerous side effect of using these devices.  According to Theresa Vernon, LAc author of the article Metals and the Mind:
If adrenal function becomes impaired, the copper builds up in the liver, brain, joints, and lungs. When this happens, you see very specific problems, including mental problems, liver problems, and detoxification problems. Phase II liver impairment is often made worse by copper toxicity, if not actually caused by it.
You also see a lot of copper toxicity with asthma and breathing problems, including emphysema. Copper also tends to build up in the joints, leading to arthritis. Chronic skin problems are also an indication of copper toxicity.
Low adrenal function is an epidemic in our modern society. Â If you doubt this, just walk into any convenience store and notice the enormous display of energy shots and drinks that are available for sale. Not to mention that a Starbucks or other coffee shop is virtually on every corner of most major cities. Americans have serious adrenal health problems. As a result, many are addicted to caffeine and sugar as a way to make it through the day. This makes any excess copper in the system a huge health problem!
Artificial contraception may be tempting in the short term. However, it is clearly not a great idea if preserving your long term hormone and gut health is important to you.
Herbs for Natural Birth Control
The use of anti-fertility herbs along with a simple barrier method such as the female or male condom that is not treated with chemicals (such as natural lambskin) works very effectively for preventing pregnancy. Â This option is especially attractive for health-conscious women who are not particularly turned on by the thought of charting their cycles, taking their basal metabolic temperature every morning, checking the stretchiness of their vaginal secretions and practicing selective abstinence a la Natural Family Planning which for some ladies over analyzes and saps the spontaneity out of what should be a very natural, uncomplicated and enjoyable event.
So if herbal birth control appeals to you, here are the different types and how they work as outlined in the very helpful book Wise Woman Herbal for the Childbearing Year. Â Please note that if sourcing your own herbs is new to you, a well-respected herbalist or acupuncturist in your area can put together a bag of herbs to assist you with natural birth control for an extremely reasonable cost. Â These professionally sourced herbs mixed in the proper proportions can then be used to prepare a cold or a hot herbal infusion that you drink periodically to keep fertility in check and under your control.
Sterility Promoting Herbs
Stoneseed Root. Â Women of the Dakota Indian tribes used this extremely powerful herb as a root infusion steeped in cold water for several hours. Â They then drank a cup every day for 6 months. The Dakota women also practiced breathing in the smoke of the plant as it burned to induce permanent sterility.
The Shoshone tribes concentrated in Idaho, Wyoming, Utah, Colorado, and Montana also used this root for permanent sterility purposes.
Jack in the Pulpit Root. Â This root is less powerful than stoneseed root and is prepared by mixing one tsp of the dried powdered root in a half cup of cold water. Â The liquid is then strained and was consumed by women of the Hopi Tribe. Â Â Conception was prevented for one week by doing this.
Thistles. Â The Quinault Indians used thistles to induce temporary sterility by placing the entire plant in boiling water. Â The very bitter, strong tasting liquid was then consumed.
Herbs that Prevent Pregnancy
Wild Carrot Seed (Queen Anne’s Lace). Â This oily and strong tasting but not unpleasant herb is particularly useful if an “oops” occurs and unprotected relations take place during the fertile time. One teaspoon of carrot seeds is taken immediately and continued each day for another 7 days.
The women of Rajasthan, India use carrot seed for this exact purpose. While wild carrot seed is not commercially available, cultivated carrot seeds can be substituted but be sure to check that they haven’t been treated with chemicals or other toxic substances.
Research in mice has proven the effectiveness of carrot seed to prevent implantation.
Smartweed Leaves. Â A common weed that grows all over the world, smartweed contains rutin, quercetin, and gallic acid. All of these substances interfere with the initiation of pregnancy.
An infusion of one ounce of dried leaves (or 4 ounces of fresh leaves) in a quart of boiling water is consumed liberally until menstruation begins.
Like carrot seed, smartweed may also be used after relations occur on fertile days or to bring on menstruation if the period is late.
Rutin.  This phenolic compound can be purchased in tablet form. A minimum of 500 mg should be taken daily for several days before and following ovulation. Another option is to consume rutin after sexual relations and continue each day until menstruation begins.
Herbs Which Initiate Menstruation
Ginger root. Â Ginger is perhaps the fastest acting menstruation initiating herb you can use. Put 1 tsp of powdered organic ginger root into a cup and pour boiling water over it. Drink when the water cools to a temperature which is still hot but comfortable. Drink up to 4 cups per day for no more than 5 days.
Vitamin C. While plain ascorbic acid is not the natural form of Vitamin C, it can be used therapeutically on occasion to bring on menstruation if necessary. Take 500 mg every hour for 12 hours each day for up to 6 days maximum. The use of ascorbic acid in this high dosage may also produce loose bowels as a side effect.
“Anti-fertility” and “Sterility” are conditions of an unhealthy person. Why would I not want to embrace fertility and just abstain if I felt that there needed to be adequate spacing or if there were other health issues? I am sorry, I don’t want to be unhealthy. That is why I read your blog to begin with. I also don’t want any child conceived to miss their chance of implantation because of something I did to deliberately cut short that life. No religion here. Just being a mom that wants to give herself and her family the very best I can with every choice. I think fertility is an awesome gift in every way. I hope I get the chance to be fertile as long as possible!
You guys! Come on! Whose blog is this?
Some of these comments are incredible in their judgment (condemnation) of Sarah. This is not a blog with your own personal and correct point of view. It is Sarah’s blog, to be about whatever she wishes it to be about. Just as she is free to post her own topics, you are free to read them or not. And comment or not. Or to use your judgment (discernment), to take in the information which is helpful to you, and ignore the rest. It does not have to be a black and white, dealbreaker type of thing — unless you want it to be.
As I posted previously, I should think that someone who supports natural fertility and believes that any union of sperm and egg that results in an embryo is sacred and must be protected — then this is very USEFUL information! A lot of people take herbs without realizing what they can do — and if you don’t want to inadvertently abort your embryo, then Sarah just told you want to AVOID, for heaven’s sake.
Telling other people what they *should* think about something truly interferes with and squelches their development of wisdom. Sarah did NOT do that, but plenty of people commenting here ARE. It is actually possible to consider the ideas of others in an open-minded way, without judging the person if their views are different from your own.
I am also here to tell you that people can and do evolve in their views, if you allow them the freedom to do so. But harsh, condemning criticism never helps to develop that, in others or in yourself. This can be complicated for some people to get.
Yes, Eliza…couldn’t have said it better myself!!! People are always quick to rush in and condemn a point of view different from their own. Period. Sarah is offering natural options to EXPLORE here…not an Rx!!
A natural option to taking life? Lots of people have points of view, but if they use it in a way that can be harmful to others (like unborn babies) they should be questioned vehemently!
What God wants us to do with regard to how we view embryos (as life, as people, as potential people) really is not *known.* And anyone who thinks they know — please tell me where you are getting your information on this.
Anyone who wants to prevent pregnancy deserves to know the truth about how all forms of birth control, including herbs, work. Informed choices help so you do not inadvertently do something against your beliefs. Too many of us don’t bother to really learn how birth control pills work, how IUDs work, and yes we should know how herbs work, too, because they are potent.
This includes sex. Some people believe that sex outside of marriage is a sin. Some people believe that sex is only for procreation. Some people believe that abortion in the case of rape and incest and for the life/health of the mother is OK. Some people believe that elective abortion is OK. Some believe that abortion is NEVER OK. But back to sex.
People do it. People enjoy it. A lot of people do it with their spouses. And a lot of people do it with someone they are not married to. A lot of people would love to be married but aren’t. Maybe they are widowed. Maybe they never met the right person. Some people do it after menopause so if it is only for procreation, then I guess that woman is sinning.
There is a real need for knowledge about fertility — promoting and protecting it, and avoiding pregnancy — yes, if that is “inconvenient.” I would not want to be born to parents who find me “inconvenient.”
There really is not enough truthful and factual information that is systematically given to girls and boys when they reach puberty, about how people get pregnant and if you want to prevent it, what you can do.
Natural family planning/FAM works pretty well, but it is imperfect as are all methods of birth control. What then? Is it always wise to bring that baby into the world? Is it murder if you don’t (and the egg doesn’t implant)? That really is a matter of opinion.
Is a fertilized egg “life?” Yes, but so is the “pork” and “beef” you ate for dinner. Is a fertilized human egg a person? I think that is the question that no one actually knows, though a lot of people believe that they know. How does the soul get in? What does God think of birth control? Again, if you think you know the answer, then please tell me where you got your information.
Christians ought to know that the New Testament is where the new commandment that supersedes the others, the one about “Love” comes in. Time for a re-read?
Eliza, I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt, on my own life… that zygote or embryo or “fertilized human egg” is definitely a person! It is not a chicken or a cow or a dog. It is definitely a human being. Unless someone is doing genetic modification and these days you never know.
While you have your Bible out, you might want to check out Jeremiah 1:5 “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you…” just in case you actually really did want to know if God actually thinks embryos are human beings. that seems like a pretty clear answer to me. Unless of course you were being sarcastic. Jesus does tend to shock his critics. You may actually want to do that re-read now. Just to be sure us crazy Christians arent trying to pull the wool…
Elizabeth, I think this Bible verse means much more than you are attributing to it. I think it means God knows even before the union of sperm & egg. And why wouldn’t God know this??
I realize this is a health blog and not a religious blog. But protecting our health cannot be used as an excuse for destroying another life. Even if we do it “healthfully”. One life does not have more value than another. I am so surprised that the brightest minds cannot see the truth of the beginning of a life. So many worship at the altar of Science but will not see what is clearly there. Life is complete at conception. To ignore that is to make your own truth. We make our own truths to justify our actions. To justify destroying a life by saying it did not exsist in this case is ridiculous. If you want to destroy a human life, at least call it what it is.
I am extremely disappointed in both your post and your responses, Sarah. Whatever lingo you choose to use, when the egg and the sperm unite, that is life. Life is precious whether you believe in God or not.
Some Christians identify the beginning of life at the sperm and the egg. The definition of life beginning at the union of the sperm and the egg is far from the gold standard amongst Christians.
Christianna, I am thankful to have learned to live my life in freedom and in love! I do not judge, for not to be judged myself. I respect other people’s experiences and beliefs, because I like to be heard and respected myself. I have been in your shoes and left a bad and bitter savor all over me. I have changed because I understood that nobody is perfect. Only God is. And He gave us the freedom to choose. Learning that I am in pece with myself and got rid of hatred, and quit using my accusatory finger on others. Now I just use it for myself. At the end of the day, I will give account of my life, not other people’s lives. Think about it! There is only one redeemer. He already died for the ones who want to embrace His grace. And by the way, Sarah wants to help, she does not deserve being treated badly. Shame on you!
Sorry Gloria, but I need to point out: YOU just made a judgment on someone. You need to re-evaluate the way you look at things–right now it’s sadly inconsistent. I hope you can see that.
wow, how very tragic and deeply disappointing to read directions for ‘naturally’ aborting children on this blog. i sincerely hope, sarah, that you haven’t chosen to post this just because such a controversial topic will increase your blog traffic. i know you enjoy increasing your blog traffic by posting controversial things, but this is a bit too far. i am really, really sad about this…
I posted this information as I have found it personally helpful over the years myself and wanted to share with others who are trying to avoid synthetic contraception as I have managed to do for over 20 years and still space my children as I wanted to and maintain my hormone and gut health. That is all.
I certainly was not intending or wanting to offend anyone or make some sort of statement with this post. If there are some parts that you don’t like or don’t agree with, that is of course always fine. Just ignore what you don’t like and use what you find useful. We don’t have to insult each other and denigrate each other’s beliefs do we? Let’s just accept each other and enjoy what we each have to share!
Sarah, I get what you’re saying here. But why then didn’t you consider that when posting about such a sensitive topic, you should handle disagreeing commenters with more grace and kindness? Of course you know that when bloggers write about controversial subjects, there will be those that debate in the comments. Anticipate it, and respond with some maturity! It is such a turnoff when you are rude and snappy to your readers.
When I first discovered this blog a few months ago, I noticed a short/rude comeback to one of your commenters, and thought, “That was weird. I guess there is an inner circle in these food/health blogs in which they can respond like that…” Then it kept happening! I was shocked! I have since learned to just skip the comments so I could still learn from you. Of course, with this topic, I had to read them. I too feel strongly that this is offensive.
One more thing. Those that believe that implantation preventers are not abortifacients are using ‘exact words’ or technicalities. If we removed those terms, and said “The willful use of a substance or action of preventing a fertilized embryo, which is a life, from implanting to continue its young life, is choosing to end that life.” … How would you answer that?
Sarah is right, this blog is not about religions which are most of the times fanatisms. This is a blog about health. And health is about all that makes us whole and happy, not something that makes us be bound with concepts and precepts that in the long run will make us feel bad.
Come on people! Be free, be happy! Do not defend something you do not understand. Sarah is right, that is not an abortion! And abortion is not completely bad at all! Think about it! God is not going to condemn you, but society is? What an imperfect world we live in! I thank the just and merciful God I beleieve in! Search for Him. He is there!
Another humanist response. Do what is completely convenient to you. Do your morals change every time you’re in a difficult situation? I think many of these women who commented are smarter than Sarah!
Funny how you’ve used humanist as an insult.
Not as an insult… just calling it what it is after you described people talking about their religious beliefs as “fanaticism”(mine is correct spelling). You are quick to think of anyone who practices and speaks about those beliefs as fanatical so I think that’s an insult given that most of these comments were full of good information and personal experiences. I’m not sure what God you believe in, if you do, but I’m pretty sure that most Christian, Jewish and Muslim women don’t believe that abortions are God-sanctioned. Not to mention the science behind what happens can’t be changed to fit what you morally think is not abortion. I think that there are a lot of blog readers that do know a lot more about herbs and many have stated stronger cautions about using them… that is wise.
Sorry then I misread your intent! So glad you admit that humanists have morals, too!
I too would be interested in learning what the stoneseed, jack in the pulpit, and thistle do to your hormones and body in general. I’ve always had the thought that anything that interferes with your hormones is probably not healthy, so I would like to know how this is better (that is, with all the chemical and autoimmune side effects of the pills aside). Just talking hormones and the reproductive cycle here.
I have been trying to conceive for quite sometime so I read this blog in hopes you would mention something to help fertility at the end. Thank you for always posting information. I look forward to the email of a new blog!
We were all created with a moral right and wrong. Years have taught me that our own ambitions in life will suppress our very moral code. Scientifically everyone is going back and forth with the definition of the moment of conception. All of us can decipher between right and wrong. It’s great to point out your convictions to help inform another. As long as we stand for something then we are still standing!
There is an old proverb that says “He who corrects a scoffer gets shame for himself, and he who rebukes a wicked man only harms himself. Do not correct a scoffer lest he hate you; Rebuke a wise man, and he will love you. Give instruction to a wise man, and he will be still wiser: teach a just man, and he will increase in learning.” If indeed the intended ears are willing to become wiser, they will listen and benefit. I am sure everyone’s comments have assisted someone who was on the fence about this issue.
I don’t think you need to fear herbs and herbal medicine. Just be aware that it is serious medicine for your body. It is interesting that a lot of people take OTC ibuprofen, etc. without a thought, and yes I was one of those people. I was unaware of the harmful damage which can be done over time to my body.
My view is that those of us who are interested in being as healthy as possible, look into natural and healthy alternatives for yourself, and do not be afraid. The more you learn, the more confident you will be in taking care of yourself and your family without resorting to harmful pharmaceuticals.
As for herbs which affect female reproductive health and fertility, this is important stuff to know! I should think for those of us who do not wish to interfere with a pregnancy, knowing which herbs can cause miscarriages is very valuable info — then you will know what to AVOID!
Sometimes a woman has been advised by her doctor not to have any more children. This happened to me after I had my twins (#2 and #3). I would have loved to have had more children but was told it would be unsafe for me (I could die). I was just 34 years old at the time with many years of fertility left in me.
So yes, I chose birth control, though I DID NOT WANT TO. It is not easy to find the right one. Your husband has to be supportive of the method, too. It is true that some birth control methods work by preventing implantation of a fertilized egg. I think it is important for women to know how the different birth control methods “work” in order to be able to choose one which aligns with her conscience, sensitivity, health and needs.
These things are not taught in a complete or effective way to young girls (and boys), and it is a shame.