I’ve written before on the highly effective use of fertility herbs in women. I myself used herbs to encourage fertility with my first pregnancy as my husband and I did not attempt to start a family until I was well into my 30’s.
Once we discovered the wonders of Traditional Diet, however, I no longer needed any herbal assistance with later pregnancies. Herbs are also highly effective at dampening fertility in order to naturally and safely prevent pregnancy. When would such use of natural birth control be beneficial?
For one, herbal birth control would be helpful to use between pregnancies in order to space children 3-4 years apart. This allows Mom to adequately replenish her nutritional stores so that later children are just as healthy, smart and capable as the first. Spacing children a minimum of 3 years apart (birthday to birthday) was rigorously practiced in ancestral cultures. It preserves Mom’s health and prevents exhaustion and nutritional deficiency for her too.
Natural methods of birth control are always preferable to chemically based agents such as spermicides, contraceptive patches, and IUDs which emit synthetic hormones, or the contraceptive pill which decimates the balance of gut flora and can lead to autoimmune disease in the mother and any children born later.
Even IUDs that emit only copper instead of hormones to prevent pregnancy should be avoided as copper toxicity is a very real and dangerous side effect of using these devices. According to Theresa Vernon, LAc author of the article Metals and the Mind:
If adrenal function becomes impaired, the copper builds up in the liver, brain, joints, and lungs. When this happens, you see very specific problems, including mental problems, liver problems, and detoxification problems. Phase II liver impairment is often made worse by copper toxicity, if not actually caused by it.
You also see a lot of copper toxicity with asthma and breathing problems, including emphysema. Copper also tends to build up in the joints, leading to arthritis. Chronic skin problems are also an indication of copper toxicity.
Low adrenal function is an epidemic in our modern society. If you doubt this, just walk into any convenience store and notice the enormous display of energy shots and drinks that are available for sale. Not to mention that a Starbucks or other coffee shop is virtually on every corner of most major cities. Americans have serious adrenal health problems. As a result, many are addicted to caffeine and sugar as a way to make it through the day. This makes any excess copper in the system a huge health problem!
Artificial contraception may be tempting in the short term. However, it is clearly not a great idea if preserving your long term hormone and gut health is important to you.
Herbs for Natural Birth Control
The use of anti-fertility herbs along with a simple barrier method such as the female or male condom that is not treated with chemicals (such as natural lambskin) works very effectively for preventing pregnancy. This option is especially attractive for health-conscious women who are not particularly turned on by the thought of charting their cycles, taking their basal metabolic temperature every morning, checking the stretchiness of their vaginal secretions and practicing selective abstinence a la Natural Family Planning which for some ladies over analyzes and saps the spontaneity out of what should be a very natural, uncomplicated and enjoyable event.
So if herbal birth control appeals to you, here are the different types and how they work as outlined in the very helpful book Wise Woman Herbal for the Childbearing Year. Please note that if sourcing your own herbs is new to you, a well-respected herbalist or acupuncturist in your area can put together a bag of herbs to assist you with natural birth control for an extremely reasonable cost. These professionally sourced herbs mixed in the proper proportions can then be used to prepare a cold or a hot herbal infusion that you drink periodically to keep fertility in check and under your control.
Sterility Promoting Herbs
Stoneseed Root. Women of the Dakota Indian tribes used this extremely powerful herb as a root infusion steeped in cold water for several hours. They then drank a cup every day for 6 months. The Dakota women also practiced breathing in the smoke of the plant as it burned to induce permanent sterility.
The Shoshone tribes concentrated in Idaho, Wyoming, Utah, Colorado, and Montana also used this root for permanent sterility purposes.
Jack in the Pulpit Root. This root is less powerful than stoneseed root and is prepared by mixing one tsp of the dried powdered root in a half cup of cold water. The liquid is then strained and was consumed by women of the Hopi Tribe. Conception was prevented for one week by doing this.
Thistles. The Quinault Indians used thistles to induce temporary sterility by placing the entire plant in boiling water. The very bitter, strong tasting liquid was then consumed.
Herbs that Prevent Pregnancy
Wild Carrot Seed (Queen Anne’s Lace). This oily and strong tasting but not unpleasant herb is particularly useful if an “oops” occurs and unprotected relations take place during the fertile time. One teaspoon of carrot seeds is taken immediately and continued each day for another 7 days.
The women of Rajasthan, India use carrot seed for this exact purpose. While wild carrot seed is not commercially available, cultivated carrot seeds can be substituted but be sure to check that they haven’t been treated with chemicals or other toxic substances.
Research in mice has proven the effectiveness of carrot seed to prevent implantation.
Smartweed Leaves. A common weed that grows all over the world, smartweed contains rutin, quercetin, and gallic acid. All of these substances interfere with the initiation of pregnancy.
An infusion of one ounce of dried leaves (or 4 ounces of fresh leaves) in a quart of boiling water is consumed liberally until menstruation begins.
Like carrot seed, smartweed may also be used after relations occur on fertile days or to bring on menstruation if the period is late.
Rutin. This phenolic compound can be purchased in tablet form. A minimum of 500 mg should be taken daily for several days before and following ovulation. Another option is to consume rutin after sexual relations and continue each day until menstruation begins.
Herbs Which Initiate Menstruation
Ginger root. Ginger is perhaps the fastest acting menstruation initiating herb you can use. Put 1 tsp of powdered organic ginger root into a cup and pour boiling water over it. Drink when the water cools to a temperature which is still hot but comfortable. Drink up to 4 cups per day for no more than 5 days.
Vitamin C. While plain ascorbic acid is not the natural form of Vitamin C, it can be used therapeutically on occasion to bring on menstruation if necessary. Take 500 mg every hour for 12 hours each day for up to 6 days maximum. The use of ascorbic acid in this high dosage may also produce loose bowels as a side effect.
I’ve enjoyed this blog and sent many to it in the past. This post just doesn’t fit the mold at all and leaves me sickened. Don’t damage your body with pharmaceuticals, damage it less with herbs? It’s not natural to curb fertility, and even less natural to halt implantation! I’m due in a few weeks, and the fact is, had I taken “herbs” or “medicines” to prevent implantation, I wouldn’t be. I would have killed my baby by intentionally depriving him of nutrients. How are the facts not clear?? At the least please clarify your article, as naive women won’t know what they’re doing taking your advice. And naive women are the ones searching for it.
Hi Sarah,
I’m engaged to be married and this post was very helpful because I’ve been struggeling to find a healthy form of birth control. But I’ve never even heard of these herbs before… Where can I find them?
My ex-wife (who loves me dearly) noticed semi-recently that her period was 2 weeks late – by this time it was 4 weeks after the fight with her boyfriend. “Uh-oh.” But she knew how to tell the entity that was going to take possession of the body to “go away” and massaged the acupuncture points that are forbidden during pregnancy. *poof*, period arrives.
We are more than our bodies, and the cancellation of a physical body does NOTHING to the immortal soul.
I would happily write a followup for you, Sarah. 🙂
You speak such evil and then you smile about it? Special.
I am fully against abortion. I am a christian. But this whole blog has got me wondering. How many untold pregnancies are “prevented” (say, by creating an environment in the body to prevent implantation OR to cause the embryo to be shed) without the woman ever knowing? In this case, couldn’t we look at processed foods, prescription drugs, sugar, etc. as ABORTAFACIENTS? Our lifestyle “intervenes” with God’s design for our bodies. Our hormones and nutrients are thrown off balance. And infertility and miscarriages result. We are still responsible for this… Ugh. Just wanted to throw this out there to see if anyone has ever thought about pro-life in this sense? Not trying to start more debate to an already hot thread. Just curious.
Where does one begin with this? Firstly, the funniest comment by far is from Sarah herself, telling her readers to stop overreacting. Ha! From the queen of sensationalism, selective, cherry picked information that is always, always incomplete. Even funnier than the reader who suggested going to the restroom as a method of contraception. Doh. At least there are comments such as: just because it’s natural doesn’t mean it’s safe, that restore my faith in humanity. Question everything. Even from your doctor, but especially from those whose only source to their ill-informed and intentionally controversial blog posts is an affiliate marketing link to the book she’s promoting. I can ignore the pro-life and the religious debate quite easily but I cannot ignore the complete failure to address the how and why this method ‘works’, and complete failure to address the potential immediate and long term heath risks that can result from something we know so dangerously little about. I used to think that your intentions were good though your research was severely lacking, but your true colors, your agenda and your arrogance keep creeping through with every post, and sadly I don’t think you’ll ever learn. A slow clap for your Sarah.
Yeah, I felt the same. One diminishes their integrity when they boast about how they “piss people off” just to increase their blog traffic. This blog can have good info but I ALWAYS filter it as coming from someone who desires to be sensationalist and controversial (and thus stretches, leaves out or even makes up a little truth here and there). I am bummed that such a well respected blog in the real food media world is ultimately about the bottom line. Also, I would be surprised if the negative comments from this post are that bothersome to her; she is getting exactly her stated goal: lots of increased traffic from the controversy! I am sad to have contributed, but couldn’t help but say something.
This posting of Sarah’s didn’t have the least bit of shock value to me. Some of us don’t have absolutists views on this subject.
But you’re right: often what Sarah puts out IS SHOCKING: how nearly everything you buy from the grocery store is bad for your health. I find that over the top shocking because once you realize how adulterated and deadly our food supply is, you are shocked. So where do you turn? To the internet and thankfully someone like Sarah who is working FOR US to find things out. You call it sensationalist, in fact she is far in advance in awareness over most other health bloggers. Case in point: questioning the safety of ultrasound scanning in the womb. NOBODY touches this subject. For me Sarah is the gold standard and she deserves your respect.
Admittedly, your country’s food system is way more messed up than mine, but that fact doesn’t shock me one bit, and it’s not what this is about. Regardless, for the fan club members, is deliberately omitting half the story here (and in most posts for that matter) for the sake of sensationalism, controversy and invoking fear (ironically in this case putting others’ health and wellbeing at risk) any better than downright lying, and any better than the fear-invoking tactics of big pharma? That, my friend, most certainly does not deserve my respect.
I’m so happy you’ve been spared being harmed by big ag and big pharma. That’s not the case for many of us. Sarah’s blog is a shout in the wilderness. I’m a person that wants to hear it.
Plus who paid you to write this? Disgusting accusations. Go off to another blog and spread your misinfo there.
She admits she writes just to piss people off. Sorry, but that makes what a person says less valid and their writing sensationalist. More traffic, more money, less truth. Bummer.
Here it is, right from Cheeseslave: “According to Sarah, “If you aren’t pissing people off, your blog won’t grow.””
The voice in the wilderness is laughing her way to the bank on this one.
Yep. That’s why I stopped reading a similar blog after a few really over the top, made to annoy posts. They were both clearly written to get a long list of comments. Such a shame both blogs are connected to WAPF. It is a disservice to fragment our fragile whole foods group when we need to be united and strong right now to truly make a difference.
Helen T, it’s the blatant, obvious truth. Your worshipping of this blog is blinding you from the reality here, and is frankly a little worrisome. No one paid me to comment here, I’m just too frustrated and more than anything, disappointed, not to call it out. It really is a shame, as there is plenty this blog is good for without all the truth bending crossing the lines. All I can do is hopefully bring it to light for some readers (and T.R. thanks for finding the link). EC is right. United and strong, not using the same misguided tactics of the enemy. Enough of contributing to this bottom line. A slow clap for you too, Helen.
You are so right the marketing is like big pharma and big ag here. Hurt your customers to make a buck.
If I lived in Sarah’s area, was new to WAPF and read this, I would never want to contact her to learn more about the foundation. I feel very fortunate to know a local leader who is a medical professional and advises women how to keep their hormones in balance when they are young BEFORE the damage really sets in.
You say your piece and leave instead of continuing to bludgeon its writer and readers – that’s normal civil discourse if you don’t like a blog.
That’s why I think you are either an industry plant or someone who needs their SSRIs adjusted.
If you will notice, my dear, she is not begging for mercy or a cease fire. She said just enough to get the ball rolling and has moved on to other posts. She is letting you fight it out and keep the fires of sensation and controversy burning for her… Brilliant!
They will prepare a herbal mixture that suits your needs and your beliefs.
@Elizabeth I would consult with a local herbalist or acupuncturist (who are usually also herbalists).
There is a great video on youtube regarding this issue called 180 movie.
Yes! Definitely worth the 30 minute watch.
Oh. My. God!! I was so excited to see, after reading this informative post, that there were almost 200 comments. I enthusiatically read on to see what people had to say and if anyone else had first hand experience on this topic. Instead I have been preached to and indoctrinated. What is this need for everyone to be heard about their religious beliefs? Do you go on blogs and discuss your marital problems? Your favorite sexual positions? No?? Because that is too personal? Well your religious beliefs should be too.
If you don’t like Sara’s post, then move on. Unsubscribe if you need to. But please spare us all of your personal opinions. I don’t think it was in God’s plan for any of us to be so judgmental. That’s His job.
I would say that the over-200-comments = pretty important topic that people really care about. I am actually surprised and delighted at how many many awesome pro-life moms and women are on here! That really means that women who are pro-life are very much about life from conception until natural death– not just life-when-it-comes-conveniently-at-the-right-time. And this is evidenced by them all following Sarah’s blog and wanting to know what is best to put into theirs and their children’s bodies. It’s sad that so many of us will be unsubscribing. There will certainly be less diversity for sure. And that is never a good thing.
And I would say that the “awesome pro-life moms” need to get over themselves. Clearly, they have no need for contraception since they are “awesome pro-life moms,” but some of us out there do want/need contraception. And it’s nice to hear about possible other methods of birth control (or rather birth control-lite, IMO) compared to taking the standard birth control pills or IUD. The comments on other people’s experiences with either herbs or other forms of natural forms of birth control are the most helpful ones to this post. To the contrary, the “OMG!?! DO YOU REALIZE YOU’RE POTENTIALLY, ALLEGEDLY, POSSIBLY… DEPENDING ON HOW YOU VIEW THE BEGINNING OF LIFE … ABORTING THE BABY YOU WERE TRYING NOT TO HAVE?!?!?” comments aren’t really contributing much to the CONTRAception conversation….
Oh janel, I am so sorry I offended you. Your comment was so filled with hate. I hope you have a wonderful life and that you find happiness. God bless you.
@ Elizabeth – Not hate, annoyance. I just read the post and all the comments. Just calling it as I see it.
Janel –
Do you realize that “how you view the beginning of life” is completely irrelevant? There is no “allegedly” there is no “possibly” there is no “depending”. It either IS or IS NOT.
So let me ask you (again, since you’ve neglected to answer): what IS the zygote, if it is not alive?
The potential for life. Easy peasy. Because if that zygote fails to implant, the resulting mess would be extraordinarily difficult to categorize as living.
I wonder how you “awesome pro-life moms feel about the death penalty? And since you are pro-life & believe in a high quality of life, how do you feel about each “awesome pro-life mom” adopting a child whose birth mother cannot or will not care for the child??
I’m against the death penalty as most prolife people are, and is there any question about supporting adoption?
Pam – That’s a terrible strawman argument. I’d encourage you to steer clear if you really want to have any credibility on the issue. Asking pro-life moms how they stand on the death penalty and whether they’ve adopted any of those “unwanted” children is akin to telling the American Cancer Society to spend equal time, money and energy on curing heart disease and diabetes, not just cancer. Or me telling you that you don’t care about homelessness unless you spend 40 hours a week serving at a soup kitchen and host at least one homeless family inside your home. Or that you don’t care about starving children unless you grow a garden to increase the amount of available food, and eat fewer meals to allow the surplus to go to other hungry people.
Aww, what a sweet compliment. I’ve never been called an “awesome pro-life mom” before. Nice to know that our selflessness is appreciated instead of interpreted as self-righteousness by other women who are jealous that we can put other’s lives before our own. Oh, oh wait, maybe that was sarcasm…