Home remedy for hives that works fast and is completely nontoxic. Appropriate for both children and adults.
One of my teenage children once came down with a pretty bad case of hives out of the blue. He had never had a hives attack before so it was a very unexpected situation!
The raised, itchy rash started on his legs and within a day or two, covered his whole body except for his face, neck, hands, and feet.
As you can imagine, he was miserable!
Being a bit of an analyst in this area, I sat down with him and thoroughly reviewed what he had been eating and drinking over the past few days. Â
We came up with nothing unusual that could have triggered the event. This included any exposures to possible environmental allergens.
Since he has no allergies or sensitivities of any kind, I found the situation completely baffling!
Not wanting to resort to any meds, even over-the-counter diphenhydramine (Benadryl) which can have side effects, I consulted a professional I trusted.
She advised that the hives probably occurred from a sudden burst of testosterone from puberty.
Thankfully, she thought that it was likely nothing to worry about as a long-term issue.
She advised the homeopathic remedy “Skin” to quickly take care of the uncomfortable symptoms as his body adjusted to the changes.
The standard dosage is 1-2 tablets dissolved on the tongue before swallowing. She told him to take a dose whenever he started to feel itchy or uncomfortable.
Ideally, it is best to not eat or drink anything 15 minutes before or after taking a dose.
This completely natural remedy for hives worked wonderfully well.
It works for eczema as well, although I have never used it for that specific purpose in our family.
He took the remedy 1-3 times a day for about a week.
He even took the bottle of “Skin” to school to use as needed and was able to function normally the entire time.
Slowly, the raised, itchy rash gradually faded away never to return!
If anyone in your family is prone to hives every now and again, having homeopathic Skin in the medicine cabinet is a great alternative to Benadryl.
I have chronic hives. It came during puberty, age 12. I had it for two years and had to take antihistamines daily. Eventually it seemed like I grew out of it, but it came back for 1-2 years here and there. I seem to have dormant periods and active periods. I’m almost 40 now, and I’ve had hives daily for the last 6 years with brief exceptions of time during pregnancy. I’ve grown immune to most antihistamines, but Xyzal works right now. I will try “Skin” if I can find it. My doctor recommends that I eliminate all processed foods from my diet (no sugar, eat all organic, etc.) and to detox. This method has worked for one of her patients. My level of hives is considered an autoimmune disease and now it’s progressed to my thyroid. We’ll see if changing eating habits works or not. Luckily most people’s hives are just an allergic reaction, but for some of us, that’s not the case.
It may benefit you to look into having your hormone levels tested, especially since you noticed a decrease in the hives during pregnancy, when progesterone levels are at their highest. You may be low in progesterone, a hormone which begins to decrease in many women as soon as, if not earlier, our early 30’s. I am 41 and had also experienced skin conditions, mostly on my face, for years and recently discovered my progesterone levels were very low. Since using an over the counter, natural, wild yam based progesterone cream, the skin issues are virtually non-existent as well as a host of other more minor conditions that I would never have realized were due to low progesterone.
Kelp may be worth your time looking into?
Look into histamine intolerance. That is what I suffer with and can induce hives. A product that helps is called Histame.
Well, my 2 1/2 yr old son, broke out in hives just this last week or so. I could find no reason for it. We gave him some raw honey and they immediately began to clear up and by the next day were virtually gone, and the third day completely gone. I also use it when I’m having allergic reaction to cats or other mild allergic reactions with success.
Hives is something we treat frequently in our clinic.
The reasons for an outbreak can vary person to person, although winter weather seems to bring in the most cases. Acupuncture can help immediately with the itching and help speed up recovery, but in my clinical experience Chinese herbal medicine, used internally or as a soak/bath works the best.
The previous poster is right though… 50% seem to resolve on it their own.
could you be more specific as to which chinese herbs could help hives/rashes? Thanks!
Interesting, although after a week hives generally clear up anyway – so whether the homeopathic treatment worked or not is a bit debatable! : )
Sarah, TheHealthyHomeEconomist
It worked. It relieved the itching so he could handle it. It relieved the itching and swelling within minutes of taking the remedy.
Aloe gel – internally and externally. Even for babies. Works pretty fast, too.
I think the homeopathic silicon would be great for this too, as it is for skin conditions.
Adrienne @ Whole New Mom
Thanks, Sarah! I like some of the commenter’s tips too. I stumbled it. Take care
Oops – I commented this in the wrong place somehow above ?? Sorry!
We’ve treated hives topically before with a mix of coconut oil, lavendar, silver, and MSM. Works wonderfully! We’ve used this to treat bee stings, bug bites, diaper rash, we keep it mixed up continually.
joy sparrow
My 15 month old son broke out in hives last month. I concluded that they were an allergic reaction to some diapers I had been using that someone gave me. The diapers had dry max in them. When I took him to the doctor’s, at first glance that thought it was chicken pox. I applied aloe to his skin. He wasn’t itchy, so I’m thankful for that. The hives gradually went away over a week.
First I want to say that I love, love, love your site. Thank you!
Second when I see changes in my or my families skin we do a liver tincture cleanse for about four to six weeks (sometimes longer). Great stuff and it works :o)
What is the liver tincture you use?
You can find it at the Bulk Herb Store…..http://www.bulkherbstore.com/ look under herbal mixtures.
LOVE bulk herb store! Good info and great, quality products.
Thanks for the post- my youngest son had hives a month ago. We just did a topical treatment, but I’ll have to look into the homeopaths…
I love their stuff, too. I just got the liver tincture “cooking” in my cabinet.
my son has had “skin” (peau, in French, if there are any other French speakers out there!) for his eczema.
We can get 30 phials from the chemist for about 5€, from Boiron (homepathic manufacturer).
I think liquids are meant to be even more effective for homeopathy (something to do with the energy, I’m quoting Michel Dogna here, love his books!)