Home remedy for hives that works fast and is completely nontoxic. Appropriate for both children and adults.

One of my teenage children once came down with a pretty bad case of hives out of the blue. He had never had a hives attack before so it was a very unexpected situation!
The raised, itchy rash started on his legs and within a day or two, covered his whole body except for his face, neck, hands, and feet.
As you can imagine, he was miserable!
Being a bit of an analyst in this area, I sat down with him and thoroughly reviewed what he had been eating and drinking over the past few days. Â
We came up with nothing unusual that could have triggered the event. This included any exposures to possible environmental allergens.
Since he has no allergies or sensitivities of any kind, I found the situation completely baffling!
Not wanting to resort to any meds, even over-the-counter diphenhydramine (Benadryl) which can have side effects, I consulted a professional I trusted.
She advised that the hives probably occurred from a sudden burst of testosterone from puberty.
Thankfully, she thought that it was likely nothing to worry about as a long-term issue.
She advised the homeopathic remedy “Skin” to quickly take care of the uncomfortable symptoms as his body adjusted to the changes.
The standard dosage is 1-2 tablets dissolved on the tongue before swallowing. She told him to take a dose whenever he started to feel itchy or uncomfortable.
Ideally, it is best to not eat or drink anything 15 minutes before or after taking a dose.
This completely natural remedy for hives worked wonderfully well.
It works for eczema as well, although I have never used it for that specific purpose in our family.
He took the remedy 1-3 times a day for about a week.
He even took the bottle of “Skin” to school to use as needed and was able to function normally the entire time.
Slowly, the raised, itchy rash gradually faded away never to return!
If anyone in your family is prone to hives every now and again, having homeopathic Skin in the medicine cabinet is a great alternative to Benadryl.
I will ask as well, is skin the actual name of the homeopathic remedy? Is it like the little pills you dissolve under your tongue that the health food store should have? It seems this question is being ignored and I’m not sure why.
my 12 yr old son has had acute , transient hives for a week now, flares up after 6pm every day, all over except hands, feet and , thankfully, throat. I give him his hay fever tablet daily now which helps immensly but today we forgot and ,wow, this evening hives in all the creases including groin. Before i gave him an oatmeal bath , i noticed his first strong smell of body odour. silly question, could he be allergic to his own testosterone?
Can someone please answer the question: where do you find “skin” and what is it exactly?
I think mothers and everyone in general need to be very careful when it comes to hives. If they are serious, and they can be, it can lead to hospitalization. I am all in regarding treating conditions with natural remedies when possible, but there are times when modern-day meds are life savers. A couple years ago I broke out in a serious, serious case of hives. Had never had them before and never had them since, thank goodness. Have no idea what caused them although an endocrinologist had switched my thryoid meds two days before, that might have had something to do with it. In any case, my entire body exploded with huge angry red welts everywhere. It was agony, I have never been so miserable in my life. My doctor is a holistic doctor, but when he saw me, he immediately said I would need to do the super-strength steroid treatment, 6 pills first day, 5 pills second day, etc. Plus I was taking benadryl and other meds and saw very little improvement. After a week I went back and they had improved but still not gone away. At that point he started acupuncture every other day and they went away after another week. I just have to say that if your child has hives, seriously full blown all over the body, I wouldn’t try to “help” with remedies like honey or herbs, etc. To me that would be cruel, making the child suffer in absolute agony, when there are modern meds that can help alleviate the pain. If anyone had tried telling me to take tea or whatever, instead of these powerful steroids, I would have told them to go you know where, as I probably would have had to go the hospital. I’m just sayin’, in cases of extreme sickness, modern meds do have a place.
About a year ago my son got hives (he was 20 months old at the time), and I used avocado oil on the rash. He had it all over his legs, butt, and belly and I just massaged it in. Within a day it had significantly reduced, and by the end of the second day it was completely gone. Avocado oil is great for inflammation and redness. Raw unprocessed avocado oil would be most effective, but I couldn’t find any at my health food store at the time so we used an organic processed version, and it still worked great.
Homeopathic Apis Mellifica is good if the hives are hot to the touch and homeopathic histamine is also very helpful for hives.
I have struggled with hives since July and I am going nuts! I have changed my detergent, bath soap, makeup, body lotion and the water temperature in my shower. I stopped eating rice, potatoes and bread to no avail. I began taking herbal medicine in hopes it would detox my system. I’ve used Hydrocortisone, Eucerin, Gold Bond and Aloe Vera, the latter working best. Nothing reduces the outbreaks, only Aloe Vera helps me breathe easy for a few minutes before the burning sensation comes back. I thought it was my birth control since that is the newest thing in my life but going on a week without them and it seems to be worse.
I have been in the ER twice due to my lips, tongue and throat swelling up. It’s really scary. It’s bad enough to fee this burning sensation on my feet, ankles, knees, thighs, stomach, breasts, armpits, neck, scalp and inside my ears to have to worry about suffucating too!
Finally in the last two weeks we’ve come to the conclusion that it might be the water in our apt. When I’ve had hives in my wrists and I do so much as rinse the fingertips, my hives flare up. So we’re looking into getting a filter, but it was not until I read Renee’s message up there that I felt I could filter my shower head. Thank you so much for that, I will research that as well.
On thursday, if I can go five days without any allergy medication, I will undergo the skin test. Here’s hoping I don’t get an adverse reaction.
Thanks for all your wonderful tips.
It probably is your water. Im allergic to ours. Its been going on since last february when we moved in. We have afilter and helps a little but I have to be careful when i go to take a shower bc if i dont test it on my wrist first it sends me right to the er. Throat swelling, hives the size of a baseball etc its tye chemicals in it.
Google Histamine Intolerance and the Low Histamine Chef – opened my eyes to my lifelong condition!
Probably the chlorine in your water unless you have well water. Don’t cook or drink it. We use a berkey filter and filters on the showers. Keep us posted.
I looked at the Bulk Herb Store and I could not find it either. Maybe you wanted to say Mountain Rose Herbs. I checked there and found Restorative Skin Oil and Powerful Skin Compound. My son has eczema and we are trying GAPS but any products to help him would be great.
I agree about a healthy diet working well for skin, but also it’s important to take care of our skin externally too so that we can ward off some outbreaks or at least lessen the intensity. I have dermagraphic urticaria, excema and just very sensitive skin in general and there’s some things I am adamant about doing because they can help tremendously. First off, I have to be very careful to keep my skin hydrated. Most lotions are irritating to my skin but I’ve found that Eucerin and Vasiline’s intensive care(perfume and dye free) work very well. Immediately upon getting out of the shower I apply the lotion over my entire body. If I don’t, then later on I’m taking my chances of coming into contact with something that will upset my skin, and I’ll get very itchy or break out into hives.
When my skin is dry I’m very susceptible to outbreaks. These can be caused by foods, toxins, clothing or even just sweating from a workout or going from hot to cold without giving my body time to adapt to temperature changes slowly. Winter is the worst time for this. Basically if you have sensitive skin, too much of the wrong thing can cause a reaction.
Another key thing was I realized I was showering TOO much. A shower in the morning before work and then exercising in the evening with a shower afterward, was harming my skin. Pay attention to your teenage sons, they tend to shower more than once a day and they turn the heat of the water way up. These are no-no’s for anyone with sensitive skin. You may not have a reaction in that moment but it’s contributing to the effect a few hours later. If you break down your skins natural defenses then your outbreaks will be more severe and more often.
I’ve found with some preventative steps in place my outbreaks are now very seldom and less severe when they do occur.
Another very important thing to consider is getting a filter for your shower head. Last year I moved into a new home and noticed that by the end of my shower I was getting allergy symptoms and sneezing. Someone told me, oh the steam is breaking up mucus and that’s what is going on. Well then why had it never happened in any other home? No, I knew it must be in the water. My skin was more irritated and my hives were getting worse. I got a shower head filter to filter out the chlorine and it worked immediately. No more sneezing in the shower. Don’t drink tap water without filtering out the chlorine and don’t bathe your skin in it either. Since I stopped washing my face with unfiltered water, I have not had to use lotion on my face. It’s awesome!
So take some precautionary steps to improve your skin’s own defenses so that these outbreaks become less frequent.
Lowering your stress is an obvious helper but easier said than done sometimes, so take note of what else worked for me:
Don’t shower more than once in 24 hours.
Don’t turn the heat way up in the shower.
Put a sensitive skin lotion all over your body immediately upon getting out of the shower. (be careful with some of the ones out there, they may be wrong for you)
Drink enough water.
Filter out the chlorine that’s drying out your skin and aging it.
And do not ingest too much vitamin E. Really. Even though it’s promoted as giving you healthier skin, I’ve seen some recent studies that taking the high doses is now shown to be harmful.
And if you go from hot to cold, do it gradually so your skin can adapt. Wearing lotion helps with the cold wind blowing hard on your skin. Don’t let it dry out. Hydrate your skin, It’s a great barrier.
These things work wonders for me!
A healing crisis it is. I was able to see my ND today and we have a plan in place. Just so wild that your body can react that badly. Just confirms that the gaps diet was needed!!! My ND suspects it was a huge reaction to the huge die off!