Eating well while on the road is a serious challenge. In particular, I find getting a sufficient amount of quality fats to be really tricky given that most restaurants no longer even serve real butter!
Forget about decent milk and cream unless you happen to be traveling to a friend or relative’s home who also eats traditionally.
Adequate fat intake while traveling is absolutely essential as it calms frayed nerves and keeps the blood sugar steady so that you don’t succumb to all the cheap processed carbs and make yourself ill in the process – not to mention packing on a few unwanted pounds!
Coconut Milk Smoothie
Here’s a recipe for a quick nourishing smoothie that is loaded with good fats that can be made anywhere with ingredients that can be found even at a regular supermarket.
This is also a good recipe to use if fresh dairy from a small local farm is unavailable in your area or you have simply run out for a few days until the next farm pickup!

Coconut Milk Smoothie Recipe
Nourishing recipe for a coconut milk smoothie which is great for traveling as whole coconut milk is easy to source when on the road.
- 1 cup whole coconut milk
- 2 bananas ripe, preferably organic
- 2-4 Tbl maple syrup
- 4 egg yolks
- 2 tsp vanilla extract
- coconut water optional, preferably raw
Wash eggs in warm, soapy water and dry.
Crack eggs and separate out the yolks.
Puree bananas with egg yolks in a food processor or blender.
Add remaining ingredients except coconut water and blend again. Add additional coconut water if desired to obtain desired thickness.
Recipe Notes
Plain filtered water may be substituted for coconut water.
Substitute coconut milk kefir instead of plain coconut milk for an extra probiotic boost.
 More Smoothie Recipes to Try
Here are some other smoothies to try when you feel the need to mix things up:
- Peanut butter banana smoothie
- Banana and blueberry almond milk smoothie
- Kefir smoothie
- Clabbered raw milk smoothie
- Smoothie alternative
- Raspberry lassi recipe
Sarah, The Healthy Home Economist
Well I gave up a diet that used shakes, the company shall remain nameless, trying to loose weight and I have adopted the whole food, traditional diet and I have to say a BIG THANK YOU! I rely heavily on your videos, blogs and FB post. I made your shake today to change up my breakfast routine and LOVED it! I used to gag down the other shakes of the large diet company, guess my body was trying to tell me something :). Thank you again for sharing your vast knowledge! My family has been enjoying our switch to this healthier diet and they made it through winter perfectly healthy except a cold that was completely gone in less than 2 days! Now it’s time for this momma to step up to the plate and join my kids on this healthy diet I have been feeding them. It’s easy for us moms to neglect ourselves in the pursuit of our children’s health, it’s just as important for our kids that their parents are healthy too!
please forgive my ignorance, but would i really put a raw egg yolk in this smoothie? I don’t know of a reputable source for eggs, so mine would be from Publix! And did anyone answer about using canned coconut milk??
thanks so much!
when i make pie crust i wanted to use lard hoe do you make lard for deep frying and make for pie crust/