Now you know.
78 United States Senators have gone on the record as being in support of the power crazed FDA arresting small farmers without a warrant, many times decked out with guns and other high powered firearms.
The vote yesterday was in response to an amendment to S. 3187 submitted by Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky which would have stopped this egregious practice.  The good news is that another amendment to the same bill submitted by FDA crony, Senator Dick Durbin (D) of Illinois was also voted down which would have greatly limited Americans’ access to nutritional supplements.
I was particularly surprised that one of my Senators, Mark Rubio (R) of Florida, did not vote for the amendment given that he is a so called “Tea Party” Senator who is for limiting government power and influence over people’s lives. Perhaps the rumors that he is the likely VP candidate for Mitt Romney are true and part of his establishment hazing is to break his campaign promises to the citizens of Florida.
Here is the list of the brave Senators who took a stand against warrantless arrests by an out of control FDA:
Kelly Ayotte (R-NH)
John Boozman (R-AR)
Jim Coburn (R-OK)
John Cornyn (R-TX)
Mike Crapo (R-ID)
Jim DeMint (R-SC)
Mike Johanns (R-NE)
Ron Johnson (R-WI)
Mike Lee (R-UT)
Rand Paul (R-KY)
Jim Risch (R-ID)
John Thune (R-SD)
Pat Toomey (R-PA)
David Vitter (R-LA)
Roger Wicker (R-MS)
Surprising to me that not a single one is a Democrat. Keep this information in mind come November my friends!
Great letter AH. I just sent mine in to Kay Hagan-NC. If you look at her video, you may see what recent FDA issues are about. She is passionate about the topic.
To All-
I encourage us to be more savvy and keep working this. And maybe our prayers need to change. Instead of ‘why won’t they listen? I want my rights” I suggest praying ‘AS IF’.
Pray that we already have the right to healthy raw milk and give thanksgiving and gratitude each day for it.
If we keep needing to fight(any topic), then we will get the opportunity to fight. I am not saying we quit doing what we are doing – We need to change the energy of it.
I agree, prayers are needed now more than ever, on many more issues than just these. I do also want to mention how trapped I feel in the two party system. I agree with much of Job’s reply below (second half of it), such a complex system of greed in which I am complicit, so many times unknowingly and unwittingly and other times clearly not. (“I’ve lived enough to know, I am complicit in the evil that, alas, prevails over the world and the evil that will smite me blindly.”–Frère Christian) I am deeply concerned about social justice as a person of Christian faith, but wish to and must extend that justice to those not yet born, wish for true health and respect for women, and so forth. Enough. Yet I do send up my prayers for us all and especially the weakest among us (the poor of the world, etc.).
Yay for Pat Toomey (PA)!!! I wrote to him too and was worried we sent it too late. I would think that the food freedom issue is something Republicans, Democrats and Independents could all agree on.
here’s what I wrote to our senator, Kay Bailey Hutchison…
I don’t think I can adequately express my frustration at the fact that you voted “No” on the amendment to S.3187.
Really? It’s okay for the FDA to exercise unlimited power over small farmers, with unwarranted arrests, with firearms? It’s okay for the most corrupted, bought department of the federal government to make guerrilla warfare on small business? And make health choices for me? Am I so uneducated and ill fit to make my own choices that I need a paramilitary armed force to protect me from a farmer? How about focusing some of these increasingly precious resources on fighting some real health hazards and wars on drug lords from the border… in your own state! Are we going to have to have hidden, underground farms where we can get a decent gallon of milk? Is that where this is going?
As Republicans, we generally vote for smaller government and less intrusion into our private lives, not more. This amendment was trying to correct an instance of our government’s abuse of power. I could go on, but I don’t have time. Perhaps, instead of me explaining it to you, I should put the onus back on you to explain it me. Here’s your opportunity. Please tell me why you voted the way that you did.
Thanks AH, I am also going to demand an explanation of such horrific governing by Sen. Hutchison! Texans unite and write, call or otherwise make known your outrage! I am going to email right now!!
Sorry Kelly, my mistake. THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT.
Isn’t the real issue that we all want legal raw milk access? If we step back, could this amendment have also done something good? (like support illegal drugs raids)
I do agree we need to be focusing on this and now we have a federal topic of discussion.
Now I will go back to my senators and start pressing raw milk choices. Now the senators know that we have innocent farmers having their animals slaughtered along with our freedom of choice being questioned.
It’s about liberty, not just raw milk.
Amen, Lisa!
Absolutely disgusting. The senate is a disgrace, and I am ashamed of them. It is clear who they really represent, and it is not the American people.
Sarah, I notice none of those supporting the ammendment were women. Only the Republican MEN are supporting your right to healthy natural products.
No shock that both IL Senators voted no. As stated above, this shouldn’t even be an issue. We’re already supposed to be protected from arrest without a warrant.
yeah for PA!!!!! Just e mailed him to say a big THANK YOU!!! HIGHLY RECOMMEND letting your senators know how you are voting in response to this, either way. Thank you also, Sarah, for letting us know.
Sarah, I’m not surprised that no Democrats voted no…party line vote and it is one more way to assert control over us from the cradle to the grave.
Tina…other than the right to get married and claim the marriage tax on taxes (which isn’t that great), there are not many rights that gays don’t have in this nation. And women? Exactly what rights do we not have? And if you are going to pull out that old argument of equal pay for equal work….take a look at the stats of women in the workplace, time out for maternity leave, etc. Majority of working women in this nation are mothers and unless you are willing to put in the time at a job as a man will to the detriment of your family….then, yeah, equal pay. And you might have a chat with your president about the fact that he doesn’t pay women in his administration the same as he pays men. And for diversity, he’s got a VERY white campaign staff.
Sarah, sorry to turn this political but it already is…the Durbin’s amendment was voted straight down party lines..the grasping of this administration to control every single aspect of our lives, including what we eat and put in and on our bodies. We started all this by demanding that the government interfere with everything that we didn’t like that someone else did. Yes, there are times when we need their protection, but that doesn’t mean that we want them overseeing every little thing that we do. The free market and our personal freedoms trump that. There was a reason that the Founding Fathers wrote our Constitution…it allocates to the government VERY basic duties…the rest is to the states’ authority. I see this as the feds overstepping their authority (again and as usual). I’m not saying that no other administrations have done that, but this one has gone further and faster than any previous ones. I know that my Congresscritters from here in CO have absolutely no interest in doing what their constituents want. Bob Bennett has to have your zip code before he will receive your comments…good or bad. Where is the right in that? And what business is it of his?
Susan, you nailed it. Thanks for bringing it to the front!
Well said, Susan!
Sarah, thanks for this post. More dialog needs to take place regarding our liberties being eaten away.
Very well said.