Now you know.
78 United States Senators have gone on the record as being in support of the power crazed FDA arresting small farmers without a warrant, many times decked out with guns and other high powered firearms.
The vote yesterday was in response to an amendment to S. 3187 submitted by Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky which would have stopped this egregious practice.  The good news is that another amendment to the same bill submitted by FDA crony, Senator Dick Durbin (D) of Illinois was also voted down which would have greatly limited Americans’ access to nutritional supplements.
I was particularly surprised that one of my Senators, Mark Rubio (R) of Florida, did not vote for the amendment given that he is a so called “Tea Party” Senator who is for limiting government power and influence over people’s lives. Perhaps the rumors that he is the likely VP candidate for Mitt Romney are true and part of his establishment hazing is to break his campaign promises to the citizens of Florida.
Here is the list of the brave Senators who took a stand against warrantless arrests by an out of control FDA:
Kelly Ayotte (R-NH)
John Boozman (R-AR)
Jim Coburn (R-OK)
John Cornyn (R-TX)
Mike Crapo (R-ID)
Jim DeMint (R-SC)
Mike Johanns (R-NE)
Ron Johnson (R-WI)
Mike Lee (R-UT)
Rand Paul (R-KY)
Jim Risch (R-ID)
John Thune (R-SD)
Pat Toomey (R-PA)
David Vitter (R-LA)
Roger Wicker (R-MS)
Surprising to me that not a single one is a Democrat. Keep this information in mind come November my friends!
Why would no Dems surprise you? They want the government in every aspect of our lives. Everything.
Just shared on FB. Thanks.
I can’t believe this.
I do think Coburn’s first name (OK) is Tom.
Why not vote for Ron Paul? I’m going to write him in if I have to.
I agree that this is outrageous, and I will be asking my senators why they didn’t vote for this ammendment. However, for reasons too many to count, I will be voting Democrat in November!
This has all become nonsense…
We need to support our divine constitution and keep government OUT of our lives. I’m also fed up with the Gay/lesbian thing…. sexual preference is PERSONAL. I don’t give a hoot what you chose to do sexually, Stop shoving it in our faces. same sex marriage is all about money. How about cultivating some discretion about your personal choices and strive to evolve to a higher standard. This is a democracy… we all have rights, but are losing them rapidly.. The Republicans are not bad people; please compliment the ones who stood their ground on this issue.
Greater personal liberty means lowered equality. Greater equality means lowered personal liberty. Republicans generally vote for limited government when it comes to poor people and the social safety net. Here, they overwhelmingly voted for greater government involvement as they do when it comes to women’s wombs, contraceptive choices, and abortion – and our consensual sexual lives. Democrats tend to vote for greater government involvement when it comes to the social safety net, not when it comes to controlling women’s health choices and consensual sexual choices. Democrats tend to vote for education for young people regarding sex education because it is best for the society as a whole while many feel it is an invasion of people’s personal liberty. The broken-ness of our food system and the reality of commodity crops being produced in epic proportions while we have children hungry and without even minimal nutrition – except for the school breakfast and lunch such as it is – means that we need to all take a deep breath and begin to practice a both/and way of thinking and acting. I want access to raw milk, and I am ashamed that we live in such a wealthy country where so many go hungry and homeless. As Michael Pollan has pointed out, we have developed a food system where wealthy farmers create bad food for poor people and poor farmers create healthy food for the relatively wealthy. This is not a Democratic vs Republican issue – and screaming about one’s liberty only will not fix the issue. Am I the only one who follows this blog and WAP ppinciples who also contiributes to Bread for the World, buys fairly traded products through Equal Exchange, contributes to emergency food banks or gleans with Society of St Andrew’s etc etc etc.???????????????? People of faith, people who care, we need to all see that this issue is simply one – important and yet small part – of a broken food system that pollutes our land, water, and soil AND limits our liberty AND keeps poor people from accessing the foods that will help them move out of that poverty AND creates devastating situations of poverty in Third World countries by flooding markets with cheap, GMO comoddity crops selling at less than it cost to grow them because yours and my taxes susbsidized them. All of these issues ARE connected, are complex, and require that we all look beyond ourselves and our personal liberties ONLY to ALSO connect with others who are working on related hunger, liberty, fair trade, GMO, organic, reform, etc issues.
Like my husband says, do you want your government to make all the decisions on who to help and how to help, or do you want your communities to do it? Our community is already doing it and I bet yours is too! Government never does anything well… name a program… it isn’t efficient, cost-effective, etc., etc. Now look at outreaches, ministries, community nonprofits… THEY are the ones with the true safety nets! And believe it or not, I bet many more people give to these organizations than you give them credit for Job! I do!! Yes– everything that goes wrong pretty much comes down to greed. But the government is the worst abuser of being greedy! Get these terribly run programs off of our tax role so we can fund the programs that are actually working! And start teaching your children the difference between “wants” and “needs”… that includes food too (non-nutritious food is only a “want”). I hate to tell you this fact, but life will never be fair. I wish it was badly, but that’s not realistic. It is fair to work hard and get paid for that work. It’s not fair to have the government decide to take a huge chunk of it when I can do better things with it, like support my CSA farmer and the girl we support in the Philippines who lives in the dump and the many community outreach programs that feed and cloth and give shelter to the people who are in need!!! I don’t need the government telling me I have to fund abortions and birth control!!! Ridiculous!!!! I want to help people who really need it, not girls with questionable morals… that’s their parents’ fault for not teaching them the consequences of their actions. Why should I pay for their indecent behavior and kill babies????
HI Job,
You are not the only WAP follower who cares about social justice and sees the link between all these issues. See my long-winded comment above!
Are we (people here on this site and similar ones) in the minority or are more people starting to pay attention to what is happening in Congress? I hope it’s the latter. I think the more people start to pay attention and contact their representatives, the more our voices will have to be heard and represented! I am frustrated by the lack of a good candidate for this upcoming election too! I’m for smaller, fiscally responsible government but also against corporate favors and giant loopholes and representation in government by former Monsanto employees (not sure how to stop that!). Sometimes the social issues cause too big of a distraction (unless it’s about taking away our constitutional rights which we already have). We have a healthcare crisis (though my solution would definitely be to change insurance and include coverage of alternative medicine modalities) and forget about whether or not you are married, as to whether or not you can even buy insurance! The whole insurance linked to your job and the unaccountability of the hospitals and doctors for crazy high prices got us into this mess. I believe in a free private healthcare system but not anything like what we have today. Is gay rights such an issue because of healthcare? I think so. Flat tax, affordable variety of healthcare, less gov’t intrusion into my food choices, and fiscal responsibility… where’s my candidate??? (Oh, and no fracking!!!!!)
I am so frustrated with the way things are going in this country right now, but the problems we are having started way before most of us were born. I’m a Republican from Utah and I can’t tell you how frustrated I am with our choices for this coming election. I agree with the ideas of either no party’s or a third one. One of my Senators Mike Lee voted for the bill, the other (gag) Warren (needs to be canned) Hatch who is also Republican voted with the majority. It seriously makes me wonder what side he’s really on, like was said before, he isn’t for the people. I hope he’s on his way out.
I will be sending a ty to Lee and a copy of your letter AH (or one like it) to Hatch.
I can’t believe neither of my AZ Senators supported it. Grrrrr!