The insidious, little-discussed reasons why the elitist agenda for globalism promotes plant-based diets and avoiding meat, dairy and eggs to “improve your health” and “save the planet”. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Most people think that globalism is a political ideology to be duked out at the ballot box. But, the truth is that it is much more than that! It is an all-encompassing worldview so personal that it seeks to convince you how to “best” feed yourself too. And, when it comes to food philosophies, the globalists are very much in favor of a plant-based diet.
In the paragraphs below, I briefly outline why plant-based eating is being pushed so heavily from every possible digital channel we encounter on a daily basis.
We and most alarmingly, our children, are being super-saturated with plant-based diet messaging packaged as indisputably true and scientific and astroturfed online by paid social media trolls or bots to intimidate real people into mental submission.
Be very careful about how this plant-based diet craze is affecting you. The truth about this food philosophy has nothing whatsoever to do with your health and everything to do with the promotion of a control-freak globalist agenda.
Plant-Based Eating Reduces Fertility
The globalist worldview believes that humans are destroying planet Earth. While I don’t necessarily disagree with this assessment, the globalist solution to this problem is rather brutal in approach…reduce the population.
Search online for quotations from globalists like Emmanuel Macron as one of many examples. Mr. Macron has, on more than one occasion, criticized large families, particularly those from Africa.
At the Gates Foundation’s Goalkeepers Summit (aka, globalist slumber party), Macron said:
Please present me the lady who decided, being perfectly educated, to have seven, eight, nine children. (1)
Actually, I know quite a few, Mr. Macron. In fact, I am one of seven children myself, and my mother was a college graduate who enjoyed a very successful career as a school teacher before choosing to start a very large family.
Let’s examine how plant-based eating segues quite nicely with the globalist goal for the drastic reduction of female fertility rates.
You see, a plant-based diet is really veganism repackaged with more palatable (pun intended) semantics.
Nowhere do plant-based diet proselytizers reveal to would-be vegans that a plants-only diet is new in human history.
Why? For the simple reason that ancestral societies observed that such manner of eating did not successfully promote the survival of their culture.
Except for a few scattered, tiny enclaves of religious cults over the centuries, veganism as an extended lifestyle has never been done before!
No worries, because guinea pig-dom is the favored state of globalists.
More Plants, Less Libido
What we do know is that avoiding animal products in the diet will reduce libido and ultimately fertility.
No coincidence that subsisting on plants was, incidentally, the dietary prescription of the puritanical, anti-sex John Henry Kellogg, who believed humankind would be far better off with no libido for either men or women. (2, 3)
One guess what you don’t have without much libido? Right. Children!
Projections are that reducing the fertility of women to one child each would approximately halve the world population to 3.4 billion by 2075. This would be a very good thing according to the UN. (4)
By eating that plant-based diet, you are (perhaps unwittingly) supporting this very sinister global agenda. Think about that as you sit in the drive-thru burning fumes to grab an Impossible Whopper.
You’d be doing your health and the planet a lot more good grilling a real grassfed burger at home that you bought from a local pastured farm.
Plant-Based Diets Increase Female Births
Modern science is well aware that vegetarians have significantly more girls than boys.
For example, the national average in Britain is 106 boys born to every 100 girls. However, for vegetarian mothers, the ratio is drastically reversed with just 85 boys born for every 100 girls. (5)
This is significant people! Eating vegetarian, a woman reduces her chances of having a boy by nearly 20%!
A vegan diet, which excludes all animal products, not just meat, would no doubt result in even fewer boys per 100 girl births.
Why does this happen?
The likely reason is that boy fetuses are known to be less robust than female fetuses and, as such, require a higher level of maternal nutrition to remain viable.
While there’s nothing inherently problematic with more female births, throwing off the natural statistical balance between male and female births most definitely is a problem.
First of all, it indirectly will reduce fertility further as these women have fewer available partners.
Secondly, globalists like to blame men for everything, so increasing female births is a good strategy to save the planet, right?
Note what former President Barack Obama said at a December 2019 talk in Singapore.
Now women, I just want you to know; you are not perfect, but what I can say pretty indisputably is that you’re better than us [men].
I’m absolutely confident that for two years if every nation on earth was run by women, you would see a significant improvement across the board on just about everything… living standards and outcomes. (6)
I don’t agree Barry.
While more women world leaders would be awesome, having every nation on earth run by women would be just as unbalanced and undesirable as having them all run by men. All women leaders would just result in different, seemingly intractable problems, not the elimination of them.
Plant Eating Supports a Globalist Corporatocracy
Plant-based eating is synonymous with anti-family farms.
This is because a properly run, family farm essentially integrates both agriculture and livestock in a balanced, naturally biodiverse manner. Foods from these types of farms are the most nutrient-dense and healthful for humans to consume. (7)
Guess what you need for a successful family farm?
Lots of children per family…the antithesis of the globalists’ agenda.
To feed the world a plant-based diet, multi-national corporations step into the void created by a lack of family farms producing sustainable pastured meat, milk and eggs that restore the soil and the environment.
Instead, scientists synthesize our food in a lab (aka plant-based meat and milk), adding synthetic nutrients that have low to no bioavailability.
People nourished by lab-created foods are less healthy and robust than those consuming natural, nutrient-dense foods. This further supports the globalist corporatocracy by shuttling people down the cradle to grave medical path, making it nearly impossible to function without a pharmaceutical dependency of one kind or another.
It also concentrates the wealth in the hands of the few instead of the many…but that is another discussion for another day.
I’ve only touched on three reasons why the heated push for plant-based eating clearly aligns with the globalist/elitist agenda.
Just keep this in mind the next time you see an astroturfed message that plant-based diets are the healthiest way to eat. Watch out for the latest term “flexitarian” to lure more omnivores into the sticky web of false plant-based nirvana.
Do you still think this line of thinking is a stretch? Consider that the menu for the 2020 Golden Globes will be 100% plant-based to satisfy the virtue-signaling needs of all the overpaid, bubble dwelling Hollywood elitists who will attend.
The sad truth is that most people just believe whatever they are told. They will embrace a plant-based diet to the detriment of their health, which sadly, won’t begin an inevitable decline for a few years until serious issues crop up from nutritional deficiencies.
Don’t let that be you. Think for yourself, be critical and extremely skeptical of the plant-based mania. Beware of “health” books promoting a plant-based diet. They have an underlying agenda and freely distort the evidence to manipulate the public such as the baloney in Blue Zones.
Look at history. Dead people don’t earn profits or seek to manipulate and control. See what the anthropological evidence from over a dozen cultures around the world has to tell you about plant-based diet utopias.
Hint: they didn’t exist.
(1) Mothers of big families challenge Macron’s fertility stance
(2) 22 Reasons to Not Go Vegetarian
(3) The Surprising Reason Kellogg Invented Corn Flakes
(4) An Inconvenient Truth: Too Many People
(5) More Girl Babies for Vegetarians
(6) Women Make Better Leaders than Men
(7) Restoring Family Farms
Hi Sarah,
That was a politically charged post! Where do I start? I liked the post because it brought up the important issue of globalism. There really is a masterminded web of deceit to help bring globalism forth isn’t there? Food is just one way and I know that is the subject of your blog. There have been globalist now for centuries trying to plan this big scheme out. One group even made their own universal language. I think they were called the Fabians. Food is something that can be used to control, manipulate, and also be used as a source of reward or punishment like some parents used to do long long ago. I would say the biggest competition to a huge government, like a global government, is family though. Governments have been pushing to make both spouses in a marriage independent entities for quite sometime now, making marriage obsolete. They are not only using food but a divide and conquer approach. I’m going to stop there and not explain because I am sure you want this to be the topic of conversation on another blog. That is the main topic on my blog. A serving of a prepared vegan tv dinner for each person in their own independent studio apartment is on the globalist menu. Being unhealthy helps the takeover of our minds go faster. It will be all “to save the climate”.
I’m a long-time reader of your blog, and I admire you for tackling big, complex, controversial topics like the globalist agenda. Among the various aspects of this deeply malign development, I would highlight the desire by elites to impose a system of governance wholly lacking in any kind of democratic accountability, a kind of heavily militarized technocracy insulated from public influence which favors free-market economics above anything and everything. And that means, among a great many other things, forcing us to eat GMOs.
Matthew Ehret at Strategic Culture (just do a websearch) has been exploring these topics in depth, and I highly recommend his stuff.
I definitely agree that many in power want to depopulate the earth, but I wanted to mention that I’ve been a vegetarian for 30 years (12 years before having my first child), and I gave birth to five children over 14 years, all boys! 🙂
Yes, of course, many vegetarians have boys. Note that the chance of having a boy is 20% LESS for vegetarians. It is not zero.
In the past few years I have only begun to learn about globalism and their desire to control us and destroy most of the population through abortion, immunization, chemical additives, chemtrails and prescription drugs that essentially do not heal us and generally lead to more problems. So your article makes total sense to me, and it only adds to the list of ways to control societies and people.
I checked the book (anthropological evidence) summary on Amazon. It indicated a comparison between modernized processed foods and traditional foods. No mention of vegetarianism. But I have not read the book. I noted that this book is written by Weston A price also. I like some of his ideas but surely he is not the only source of credible nutrition information. Again I suggest maybe to look outside of that box. ??
The book is 527 pages…not sure how you can conclude anything from looking it up on Amazon?
I truly am not interested in debating you. I make it a point not to try and convince anyone bought into the gospel of plant based diets. No offense, but it’s basically a waste of time. I am trying to warn others who are open minded on the subject.
You’ve made your point, so please move along now 🙂
Does that mean you are not going to look into Blue Zones?
I’ve looked into the Blue Zones! It is exaggerated propaganda/globalist-speak similar to the China Study. My counter to that is to examine the link to the anthropological evidence I suggested above … from early in the last century before publishing poorly researched books with an agenda to manipulate the public’s behavior or simply make a lot of money became commonplace.
The author of this book COULD NOT FIND a SINGLE indigenous vegetarian or vegan population that compared in health to the omnivore cultures. This was a shock to him as he believed when he set out that the vegetarians would be the healthiest, but being an HONEST scientist who was OPEN to being WRONG and to new information, he realized his error and wrote the truth about what he found on his travels around the world documented with his testing of food from his lab as well as astonishing photographs of healthy vs unhealthy cultures he encountered.
I have been an avid follower of your articles, probably for the last decade. In all that time, including now, I have been a vegetarian (not vegan). Your articles are typically my first go to when I have a question about food. Why? Because you typically back up what you say with good scientific evidence irrespective of whether it conforms to status quo. I admire that. This is the first article I have seen from you, based largely on social commentary and opinion. The most scientific evidence in the piece is that vegetarians have more girls than boys. But let’s go back to where I agree with you. I agree that traditional peoples had better ways of preparing foods for optimal nutrition and they got more nutrition from eating a much wider variety of foods. I agree that good fats are critical to a healthy diet. I agree that B12 is hard to get on a vegetarian diet. I agree that you don’t accept what the mainstream says just because everyone says it. But I ask you to consider; how is it that in all the “Blue Zones” people live the longest by eating a mostly (not exclusively) plant-based diet. How is it that I just read an article on your site by John Moody saying wild rice “is a nutrient dense, traditional food equal to pastured meats”. Can we not get a robust nutrient profile by eating a wider variety of ancient grains, fruits and vegetables, along with milk-based products and seafood, thereby minimizing the pain caused to sentient animals? Or did God place animals on the earth just for us to eat? Do we disregard the suffering of animals because it is easier to get a wide nutrient profile from one dead animal than using multiple, varied, plant based sources? I challenge you to do your own, objective research on the scientific evidence of plant-based eating, including Blue Zones, and to be cautious of blindly accepting what the Weston A. Price Foundation suggests. I know you don’t blindly accept from anyone else. As mentioned before, I have been following you for something like a decade, all the while loving my vegetarian lifestyle, but have NEVER written a negative comment to you. I am, however, very disappointed in your approach to this article. The agenda of the Global Elite is questionable yes, but not necessarily related to vegetarianism. I do consider you a kindred spirit for your belief in traditional eating and bravery in going against the mainstream when necessary. That is why I took the time to write this and I urge you to objectively consider what I have said above.
I am glad you are enjoying your vegetarian lifestyle and find it beneficial!
If you agreed with everything I wrote on this blog, then it would truly be a worthless website, wouldn’t it? I don’t seek to agree with everyone nor do I seek to offend, but I DO WRITE what I believe and research to be factual.
You can always rely on me to tell you EXACTLY what I think, whether you find it comfortable or not. Consider me to be that friend who will always give you a straight story. If it helps you, then great, if not then feel free to ignore it 🙂
This is SPOT ON, Sarah! Thank you for being brave enough to write about it. It’s so frustrating to me how seemingly rational friends keep deciding to go “plant based”, especially after experiencing great health on a whole food/nourishing omnivorous diet. It is a combination of eating disorder and sucker disorder to fall into it, but I see it happen more often than not.
Wow. I am Vegan. I am NOT a globalist. Nor was I influenced to be vegan by globalism. I find it hard to believe no other vegan has stood up here to defend our choice. I actually love this site and the many things Sarah has to say. But this viewpoint of veganism is very small a one sided. After two years of trying it I have never been healthier. I could write a book about it! And I just had an extremely healthy baby boy! So put that in your pipe lol.
Glad to hear it’s going well for you … but the operative words here are SO FAR. I’ll give you some free advice. When you start having serious dental issues, take it as a sign that your honeymoon with plant-based eating is over.
Plenty of vegans have boys, but did you read the article? They have boys at a 20%+ lower rate than the general population. One vegan having a boy doesn’t bust this plant-based reality.
Sarah, great article! Yes, the globalists are attacking Western Society using every vector that they have available. Their efforts attempt to destroy morality and religion, customs, traditions, and sovereign nations among others.
Thanks for pointing out this aspect of their assault on us.