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Demonstration of how raw milk vending machines work in Europe, where there are over a thousand of these across Italy alone and many more across the EU.

Raw, unpasteurized milk directly from the cow is considered a dangerous food in the United States and Canada.
Yet, all across Europe, this probiotic and enzyme-rich traditional beverage that has nourished humans for millennia is available via….wait for it…vending machines!
Below is a short video my son filmed while I was loading up at one of the 17 raw milk machines serving the small city of Modena, Italy alone.
The picture above shows me filling a glass bottle with raw milk at Waalheimer Farm just outside Valkenburg, Netherlands.
One of the machines I used during our EU travels was right next to a school!
The farmers fill the raw milk vending machine every morning at 6 am so the children have easy access to the freshest and most healthful of beverages every day.
All of this available with the push of a button…the harnessing of modern innovation and traditional diet at its finest.
By comparison, consider the vending machines available in American schools. These machines dispense obesity-promoting sodas and processed fruit juices.
Industrialized beverages contain GMO sugar or high fructose corn syrup plus many unhealthy additives.
Even supposedly healthier options are not much better!
Pasteurized milk cartons from GMO-fed, confined cows are so devoid of nutrition that synthetic vitamins are added to pad the nutrition label.
What’s worse, the pasteurized milk for children in vending machines is skim or lowfat. The fat is replaced with GMO sugar, fake flavors or even aspartame!
Ironically, studies have shown that children who drink whole milk are much slimmer and have far less weight issues in general.
Over 1000 Raw Milk Machines in Italy Alone
According to the “milk maps” website designed by Andrea Verlicchi, hundreds of small family farms currently supply around 1,300 raw milk vending machines in Italy alone. (1)
These machines have been dispensing raw milk for years!
If raw milk was truly as dangerous as the United States and Canadian authorities claim, wouldn’t serious outbreaks of foodborne illness occur regularly in Europe? These machines are literally everywhere!
The truth is that Big Dairy doesn’t want the public to have easy access to raw milk.
This would require local delivery networks that would keep revenue within the community. The result would be a decline in the massive and highly profitable corporate distribution channels.
Hence, an army of highly paid dairy lobbyists twists the arms of government bureaucrats and legislators to demonize this healthful food. Ironically, the reason is under the guise of “protecting” public health.
The truth is that statistics provided by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) prove raw milk safety.
Ted Beals MD examined CDC figures for foodborne illness for the entire population of the United States. He found that a person is about 35,000 times more likely to get sick from other foods than raw milk. (2)
“It is irresponsible for senior national government officials to oppose raw milk, claiming that it is inherently hazardous,” says Dr. Beals.
He continues, “There is no justification for opposing the sale of raw milk or warning against its inclusion in the diets of children and adults.”
How to Use a Raw Milk Vending Machine
Clearly, the entire continent of Europe sides with Dr. Beals!
If raw milk is good enough for Queen Elizabeth who had bottles delivered to her grandsons William and Harry at Eton boarding school, isn’t it good enough for your family too? (3)
Click here for a raw milk finder to locate a grass-based dairy farm near you. (4)
While not as convenient as in Europe, raw milk is legal to obtain in nearly all states in America. You will probably have to go out of your way to get it though (hint: it is worth the effort!).
Below is a demonstration of the simple process of buying a liter of raw milk in Modena, Italy.
(1) Milk Maps
(2) Those Pathogens, What You Should Know
(3) Raw-milk fans are getting a raw deal
(4) Raw Milk Finder
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