We are off to the races with the 7 day, free online health extravaganza Real Food Con! Â Today, four new presentations are on deck including mine on the importance of organ meats in the diet.
While organ meat is clearly not a topic that keeps folks listening on the edge of their seats, it is nonetheless a critical aspect of Traditional Diet which most people miss in my experience. I can’t tell you how many people I’ve talked to over the years who say they eat traditionally and yet never eat organ meats at all. Traditional Cultures, almost without exception, ate organ meats regularly and placed high importance on their ability to bequeath and maintain excellent health.
It is very important to figure out how to make that aspect of traditional eating work in your kitchen routine and I hope my talk today can help that process in some way for you.
I do hope you enjoy the presentation! Â To be honest, I am a little nervous about how it turned out (I haven’t heard it yet .. Sean Croxton and I taped the interview last month) because we had some internet phone connection difficulties during the session that couldn’t be helped and we just had to make due. At one point, we lost the connection and I continued talking for about 5-7 minutes on a key point only to discover – whoops – I’d been talking to the air! Needless to say, I had to redo that part of the interview. Knowing Sean who is such a pro at this type of thing, the editing process was able to take care of the unintended disruptions and produce a smooth sounding interview.
The other three speakers today include:  JJ Virgin of The Virgin Diet (isn’t she gorgeous?  Whatever she’s doing, give me some!), Jimmy Moore of LivinLaVidaLowCarb.com talking about saturated fat, cholesterol and vegetable oils and Bob and June of Notsofastfoodtruck.com who are teaching a cooking class on Eggplant Goat Cheese Caprese, Sweet Potato Gnochhis, & Offal Meatballs (sounds delish!).
Click here to join the fun!
Please do some more research on PORK! From what I have read it is very UNHEALTHY for you!
Maybe that’s why God has forbidden the flesh of SWINE in the original Bible??!!