76 Recipes
While cutting out sweets at restaurants is a good idea to prevent weight gain, it is best to incorporate a few healthy dessert recipes at home that you make from time to time to prevent feeling deprived. This helps with avoiding periodic sugar splurges when a dietary regimen is too strict to follow on a long term basis. Our tongue has receptors that detect the sweet taste, after all!
It is also important for households with children to teach them moderation and enjoyment of sweet things without going overboard. Raising children in a sugar free bubble has the very real potential to backfire later.
The dessert recipes on this blog always use whole sweeteners and never artificial anything. In addition, plenty of healthy fats are included in these dishes which mitigates the blood sugar spike from the sweetener and helps prevent overeating. This is a very important feature because the brain has a satiation mechanism for fat but not carbs!