4 Recipes
Many popular vegetable smoothie recipes today utilize large amounts of leafy greens such as handfuls of raw spinach. The problem with this approach is that these types of vegetables contain anti-nutrients that can cause health problems. Over time, issues can develop such as chronic kidney stones.
You may feel better initially drinking these types of veggie smoothies as they do induce a powerful cleansing reaction. However, over the long term a very stark downside emerges as consumption of so many anti-nutrients on a daily basis catches up with you.
A truly healthy green smoothie recipes will contain cooked greens (cooking water tossed) combined with safe raw veggie and fresh fruit choices that add sweetness and enzymes. This is how to consume veggie smoothies without any downside.
Or, simply make your vegetable smoothies with produce that does not contain anti-nutrients and is safe to consume raw. Healthy fruits to combine include lemon, mango, blueberries and bananas.