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4 ways to easily and inexpensively reduce the amount of dirty electricity in your home or business for better health and improved sleep.
Electricity was originally intended as a “clean” and safe source of power for homes and businesses through standard usage of the steady electrical frequency of 60 oscillations per second, or 60 Hertz (Hz).
Modern energy-efficient devices, electronics, and other reasons such as earth currents can cause significant deviance from the 60 Hz frequency, however, and this pulsed exposure to spiking and unsafe frequencies of electromagnetic radiation (EMFs) on overloaded wires is what has become known as “dirty electricity”.
Exposure to dirty electricity has the potential to cause and exacerbate existing health problems in some people. It is not something that can be smelled, touched, seen, or felt, and yet it is very real and very problematic for those who experience it on a daily basis.
The health effects of dirty electricity were first identified as early as the 1950s in rural areas when the behavior and feeding patterns of animals were negatively affected by stray voltage caused by poor grounding and lack of utility infrastructure.
In humans, symptoms of exposure to dirty electricity can include:
- Headaches
- Difficulty sleeping
- Body aches and pains
- Ringing in the ears (tinnitus)
- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
- Worsening of symptoms from multiple sclerosis or ALS (Lou Gehrig’s Disease)
In Sweden, sensitivity to dirty electricity is a recognized disability affecting approximately 3% of the population. In Switzerland, a survey of doctors concluded that 5% of symptoms in patients could be traced to dirty electricity exposure.
How to Reduce Dirty Electricity Exposure Immediately
While the concept of dirty electricity is a complex one that practically requires a degree in Physics to fully understand, ways to reduce your exposure are simple and easy to implement.
- Get rid of all the fluorescent and LED light bulbs. Compact fluorescent light bulbs and LEDs have a very large EMF field compared with simple incandescent light bulbs. These bulbs also produce a lot of dirty electricity. Getting rid of them within your home and business will reduce your exposure to dirty electricity immediately.
- Replace all dimmer switches with simple on/off switches. Dimmer switches produce a lot of dirty electricity! Replace them with simple on/off switches or if that is not in the budget, just leave them off all the time.
- Turn off your wireless router at night. While getting rid of exposure to all wireless communications is futile in this day and age when it is literally everywhere, you can at least give your body a rest at night while you sleep by turning them off in your home.
- Make sure your home does not use a Smart Meter. Power companies all over the United States are installing smart meters to simplify the meter reading process. Call your local power company and find out if you have already gotten one and if so, make sure to opt-out and go back to the analog meters.
I initially thought our home had a Smart Meter, but after investigating, discovered to my great relief that the automated meters in our area were not Smart Meters and were one-way communication devices that allowed meter readers to drive down our street and pick up a weak radio signal and thereby read the meter without entering a person’s property. They were not two-way Smart Meters constantly pulsing and sending information to the power company about our electrical usage.
The American Academy of Environmental Medicine adopted a resolution that formally opposes the installation of Smart Meters in homes and schools “based on a scientific assessment of the current medical literature. Chronic exposure to wireless radiofrequency radiation is a preventable environmental hazard that is sufficiently well documented to warrant immediate preventative public health action.“
Dirty electricity was identified as a possible carcinogen in 1999 by the US National Toxicology Program. What’s more, the existing safety limit for pulsing radiofrequency is insufficient to maintain public health according to the Radiofrequency Interagency Working Group.
More Ways to Protect Yourself
This list of 25 ways to reduce EMFs in your home can help with additional suggestions.
If you feel that dirty electricity is seriously impacting your health and want to know more, please click here to investigate information on a line of Earthing products that can protect you in your home or business.
Wise Traditions Conference, Dirty Electricity, Jules Klapper
Swiss EMF Study
What Causes Dirty Electricity?
More Information
Harvard Medical Doctor Warns Against Smart Meters
The Health Hazards of Wireless Baby Monitors
Fitbit Health Dangers
Are AMR Devices Safer than Smart Meters?
How to Protect Yourself from a Smart Meter
Thanks for writing this! I began to think Dr Mercola was a little off his rocker on the electricity thing…but this makes sense. Also, you list practical ways to reduce exposure, whereas Mercola’s seem, in my opinion, a lot less convenient.
I have been wanting to avoid CFL’s just because I’ve read that they also off-gas.
I’m curious…how will you avoid CFL’s once the incandescent bulbs are phased out in the next few years?
I have stash of incandescents that should last quite awhile 🙂 I suggest you stock up now.
Stephanie, I was wondering the same thing about when incandescents are phased out. I don’t know how anyone can store enough (not all of us can). I’ve read that LED lighting is an option to think about. Not too thrilled thinking about if one of those suckers (CFLs) break and mercury dust is dispersed :/
Cara – the bulbs leach out mercury anyway….and if they ‘pop’ on their own, it transforms your room in a toxic waste dump. The state of Vermont tells people to CUT OUT THE CARPET if one breaks.
Excellent report on toxic lightbulbs:
LED is very bad for eyes, and not recommended for children to read by.
Can still get incandescent thanks to THIS LOOPHOLE!!!
Well, the incandescent globes have been phased out in Australia for a few years now, and it is illegal to buy any from overseas!! Smart meters are compulsory here too…no opt out options. Brain tumors will be drastically on the increase :/ Not to mention all the other health problems they cause.
I’ve heard about the problem of dirt electricity (EMF radiation) before, but didn’t really know what to make of it or if it was true at all. Afterall, like you said it practically takes a physics degree to figure out how this dirt electricity works and affects us. But the dangers are real still.
Reducing Exposure to Dirty Electricity
Thanks for writing about this important topic. As a Swede I grew up hearing about several people that were “allergic” to electricity and had to move out in the middle of nowhere and be off the grid. I think there is a case going on back home about a local government cutting the cell phone reception in a small village due to one person being sick. Unfortunately the neighbors have no understanding so it is a struggle about it now..
I’m sorry but if it is only one person involved then that one person needs to move a bit farther out. The rest of the people who are not affected shouldn’t have to pay the price of no cell reception just because of one person.
Sarah: How about static electricity? Do you know any safer ways to reduce it? I do notice when I wear certain clothes/fabrics I’m prone to get more shocks. Any advice?
Hi everyone,
Thanks for this Sarah. I was wondering when you were going to talk electricity actually.
I have just deactivated our wifi and bought these plugs where the internet passes through our electricity circuit instead and is accessible by plugging in a special plug. Of course it isn’t as practical but I thought I should do it for my kids too.
Does anyone have any info on this? Is it better than wifi? Are we honestly being less “blasted”?
Thanks a lot if anyone does have some knowledge on the matter.
I have never heard of this. Could you give some more info about it and maybe some links.
Helen – can you put up links for what you’re using? thank you.
We put a lock on our analog meter, sent a certified formal “denial of consent” letter to our power provider to refuse a smart meter, and taped a laminated copy of that letter to the meter. In response to our efforts, the company cut our lock off and installed the smart meter anyway. Sitting in our living room places us anywhere from 4 to 10 feet from the meter. I’ve called the company and the Public Utilities Commission, all to no avail. They said if we want to purchase electricity in Texas, we HAVE to use their smart meter. I’ve had ringing/throbbing in my ears since it was installed, and it’s interfering with my sleep. I don’t know what else to do! I have 3 kids, also (ages 8, 6, and 4), and we homeschool, so we are home almost all the time compared to other families.
You need to call your US Representative or the local media and get some attention onto this. Your ability to opt out cannot be denied from what I’ve learned about this very troubling situation across the country. Please keep me posted on your progress.
We were told that the public’s opportunity to protest it was back in 2008 — BEFORE any smart meters were installed and people realized how bad they were. How convenient. They told us that if we attempt to change our meter, they will cut off our electricity.
I’m wondering if an Earthing mat during the day and Earthing sheet at night would help you Angela?
I’m not familiar with “earthing”, but I’ll look into it. Another solution might be painting the living room wall with an emf-blocking paint, which I’ve read about recently. We’ll see. It’s not only the health effects of these meters I worry about. As I understand it, these meters will allow the powers that be to turn off your power remotely, even specific appliances. How “big brother” is that?!
Earthing can be done with a simple device you can make with a few dollars’ worth of parts from a hardware store. I’ve been using this device for the past four years, with amazing results.
Yes, we all need to do more to speak up and influence policy change. Perhaps knowledgeable readers could comment on effective steps to take to bring this to the attention of legislators and media. I think sharing copies of the letter (referenced in the post above) from the American Academy of Environment Medicine and other sources listed is a great idea, along with your own personal reasons for change.
Thanks for posting this, Sarah! : )
Er, make that Environmental Medicine.
Whether you have success in opting out or not, you might want to look into Earthing. I read a book review on another WAPF blog last week about it and took some more time to read and research the topic. I think the American website is (I am Canadian). Earthing is basically utilizing the earth’s abundance of negative electrons to counteract all of the positive charge that “dirty” electricity gives off and then collects in our own electrical field, thus neutralizing all of the effects of EMF’s.
Clint Ober, the man who discovered this, has created some technologies that can make it so that we can experience the earth’s energies even when indoors. I decided to try some of them out and they arrived last week. I can’t praise my experience enough thus far with using them (I feel so much better and have so much more energy!). I can’t decided which I like better, earthing or fermented cod liver oil…
Good luck with it all.
Anisa, I’m in Canada too. Where did you order your earthing products from?
I ordered them from Earthing Canada ( in Calgary. It seems to be a one person business–Kurt was the man I spoke with. He was great, really helpful and was ready to answer all of my questions and very flexible when I needed to make a change to my order. My package came much faster than I expected and it was all super easy.
Have you considered making a “Faraday cage” for your meter? Here’s a link about it: (Look near the bottom of the page). The idea is to wrap the meter with aluminum foil or metal screen and “ground” the foil/screen with a wire to the ground (or to a pipe that goes into the ground). This blocks the radio waves. But I’m not sure whether it would be a good solution for you because it would probably prevent the Smart Meter from communicating with the electric company altogether.
I don’t know if this is a solution but many companies are selling solar systems. We are considering that in a year or so. You can buy it right out or pay monthly service charges which are said to be much lower than electric companies. I don’t know if they allow you to “remove” your smart meter when you have solar. Worth looking into.
Keep in mind that solar panels are not environmentally beneficial. The manufacturing process produces way more toxic waste than what you save over the life of the panel.
I figured there was a catch with solar panels…
It’s true. My husband has a friend who works in a company which manufactures solar panels. They have a rule whereby you need a minimum of 3 persons to enter the manufacturing line. The reason is, in case one, or two persons fainted due to accidental inhalation of toxic fumes, you got the 3rd as a backup.
Angela, there is one way to thwart the smart meter’s RF (Radio Frequency) waves. If you wrap the glass in metal and ground it. The steel box the meter is mounted to is already grounded, so attaching the metal, (aluminum foil would work), to the case would disrupt the RF signal. Cut a small window in it so the display can be seen. Lets see if they will just come and tear it off.
Would it matter which way the foil is facing? Would love to see a photo of this.
I’ve heard of lining the wall on the side of the meter with metal (I guess under the sheet rock?). I read of one person who was remodeling and was going to line several of the bedroom walls to block out EMFs as much as possible.
Orgonite. This will turn the DOR into POR (Deadly Orgone Energy into Positive Orgone Energy); DOR is created by just about everything that runs on electricity thus producing EMF) Dr. Wilhelm Reich was where it all started. You can make it yourself or purchase it already made. My plants LOVE the POR, and I have a small piece of Orgone on top of my WIFI router, one in the living room by the TV, Computer, ect…I have read that one every 15 feet is sufficient. They can also be placed onto the Smart Meters to deter the effect, and should be placed onto the neighbor’s Smart Meter as well if it is facing your home. There are small pendants as well, which can protect someone 24/7 from the harmful effects of EMF. Also, a book called Blinded by Science talks in great deal about dimmer switches, EMF, ect – I highly recommend it (for what that’s worth…lol)
Joe – I love to know more about this. I’m going to google it today. Thanks! PS – can you provide any links that would be helpful?
hi Tin – sure – check out these sites:
and this site i love for the effects on plants:
if you have any questions feel free to ask away. i started reading about the stuff a year or so ago and making the stuff about 6 months ago. i have made 2 batches since and will be making another one this weekend. also, i am not sure if it is the same for everyone, but i experience a HUGE increase in my own personal energy when i’m making Orgone – the energy buzz usually lasts 1 -2 days as well.
Hey Joe– this sounds really neat! Do you sell? I would love to try, but I am not so interested in trying to make myself.
You also said one about every 15 feet? How big would a piece of the stuff have to be?
Are dimmer switches in individual lamps as bad as dimmer switches installed in the wall? Those Himalayan salt lamps that are supposed to be healthy often come with dinner switches.
Be careful: Orgonite turns toxic. Orgonium does not is and is not toxic.
Exposure to dirty electricity has the potential to cause and exacerbate existing health problems in some people
I always thought I was crazy when I could hear fluorescent bulbs sometimes, but lately it’s come to make sense…fluorescent bulbs do transmit a vast EMF spectrum and sometimes you can physically hear it.
Another thing to think about – if you don’t believe that dimmer switches are a problem, let me regale you with this story. My old church had dimmer switches for the lights. If the lights weren’t in the full on or full off position, the speakers for the sound system would buzz. The dimmer switch’s stray voltage was being picked up by a poorly-insulated wire in the sound system. That voltage is all over for everything to be felt by!
Also, Smart Meters were recently linked to pacemakers failing. Just a thought!
Yes dimmer switches are a problem. The filters did not help fact one makes a high pitch buzz sometimes……. I guess it all depends. We have something really wrong since uverse was installed – just a fyi – they mess with grounds – we do not have it (or anything wireless) and I get fried every night. Neighbors uverse made it skyrocket. More and more are adding uverse – we get ground and the same buzz on our phone comes out of our portable electric heater.